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    Video Description:
    Bitcoin hit a key price level – this is what I think happens next.

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    Bitcoin has hit a key bull market resistance level now we’ve been following the entire bull market from the lows as I’ll show you in just a moment in case you are new here on the channel now this isn’t a video to make anyone fearful of what happens next

    However I think we should all be prepared when it comes to the emotions of the market especially with what we’ve seen in the last couple of weeks with the extreme excitement around ETFs yet the chart might be showing us something different now I want to cover the

    History of what has been happening so that we can look forward to what might come next and of course these are all ifs then buts and Mayes but at the end of the day the rest of us here the M Mortals do not have a crystal ball to

    The black side of the chart we are just trying to be detectives in terms of what goes on in the market right now so without further Ado you’ve hit your home of macro cycle analysis studying Bitcoins crypto stocks the real estate market you name it it is here so make

    Sure you do hit the Subscribe button and follow along with the journey because at key turning points we have been there throughout the last several years and typically at those turning points we hear the exact opposite of what goes on in the market now you might have been

    Here since 2022 and you’ve seen a lot of these videos where we were looking at the bottom of the market for the stock markets for Bitcoin and of course real estate as well but the signals go unheard because it is it’s the exact opposite to what the masses are wanting

    To hear at that time here’s a quick snippet from a video back in January of 2023 12 months ago so while everyone is still wondering whether this is a bare Market rally is this really going to continue and should we see some downside people start to flip out and sell their

    Positions because they’re expecting prices lower than $15,000 on bitcoin this particular signal does not let you down in the long term this particular signal has a huge hit rate now of course we’re not looking for anything that’s 100% that doesn’t exist in investing there is nothing that is 100% however

    This thing has a very very high hit rate and like we talked about this is based on G and woff Analysis so that was taken right back at the lows going all the way back to January of 2023 and we talked about it right at the bottom as well

    Even just before the Bottom now this clip is from March 30th 2023 we’ve been talking about this since these October lows since these June lows the strength for the S&P the area that most are not prepared for is if this Market gets back above 4200 points you can bet your

    Bottom dollar the Bears will be calling this another massive bull trap they’ll be calling it a bull trap all the way up to the double top and you’ll probably get rejected and they’ll say it’s back on but that’s just getting us prepared for what the media and what the Bears

    Are going to say at that point so if there’s one thing I’ve learned about the game it is mostly down to the mindset now we obviously look at charts because we need to remove the emotions from how we trade and invest in the markets but

    It gets the better of most of us most of the time so if we can try to prepare for what they’re going to do that being the media that being social media that being everyone out there at these extreme times then hopefully we can see through the nonsense that we tell ourselves at

    Those extremes and those extremes can be the tops or they can be the bottoms so we’ve been through a very significant low now this one that we’re potentially seeing at the moment and I say potentially because of course prices can rise a little more but I think it’s just

    An intermediate point it’s an intermediate point in the overall cycle now in terms of intermediate points well I think we’re back on the run here from the bottom heading into disbelief so we were talking about this many many months ago I know I keep repeating that but it

    Is really that important to understand where it comes from because at the lows is trying to discuss the possibility of us running into a disbelief stage you will see that it is met with extreme resistance now we’re seeing the flip side happen we’re met with extreme resistance at these levels for BTC we’re

    Met with extreme resistance when it comes to the mindset of the masses the ETF you’re calling for things around 100 Grand 200 Grand whatever it might be but there might need to be some sort of cooling off especially after the news event does that mean we can’t run to 50

    Or 52 of course not but we are starting to see some signs that the market wants to weaken and we’ve obviously talked about the wof distribution and I will cover that next week on the channel so stay tuned for that hit the like And subscribe so you can see that content

    Come up but in the short term we really well at least the Bulls really need to see this thing continue on if all of the hype is warranted as for the psychology of a market basically it’s the emotions of what people are feeling and thinking and how this thing works and this is

    Going to play a huge role coming into the Mania stage because when the Mania hits we see optimism we see belief we see thrill Euphoria and then complacency and this is where things get really bad for the majority of people if you’ve been through 2021 let me know in the

    Comments section down below but you will know about these feelings and emotions at the time and it’s pretty hard to pick at that stage as well the reason being is that you can’t believe that the market will just stop dead you can’t believe that the market is going to turn

    At that point and potentially come back down that’s where we are met with complacency so the complacency in the thought that well this Market’s just cooling off we’re going to see another rally the problem Lies when many Traders or investors haven’t seen the cycle through from the bottom this was one of

    The biggest things I talked about in early 20120 and 2021 where if you’re not following a market the best thing you can do if you even if you have no money is to continue to follow the market through the good times and the bad times I talked about it a lot through that

    Cycle because we know when the market breaks down most people leave they get bored and they don’t want to be here but they missed out on all of that opportunity to learn about what was going on in the Market at that time so that then you can reflect on where the

    Market has come from because if you come back at the Peaks then it always seems like the Market’s going to be good and that’s where things can get a little bit dicey the Wall Street cheat the psychology of a market it can happen across all time frames it’s not only

    Just the macro but it can happen across the shorter time frames as well so something around the intermediate the medium-term time frame like we’re potentially seeing now with the ETF and we go through these excitements but it’s just with less people at this point in

    Time this is a chart that I hope keeps you extremely safe in the markets and shows you what can happen next and how to protect your profits if in fact you’ve been lucky enough to get some profits this is what the masses do this is what happens every single time which is why

    We continue to get these cycles and they happen in every single market now if you’re able to adjust your emotions to the right hand side then potentially you’re going to make a lot more profits than the folks who remain in the leftand side so what is the left-and side

    Essentially we’re just watching the price chart run up into a peak and the emotions that come around Peaks and troughs as well essentially what you hear at the top and we will hear this even more so as we head into the greater longer stages of the bull market the

    Later stages uh the bull market is back load up don’t miss out this thing is going to go on a massive ride so essentially I’m going to to load up before I miss out that’s the feeling and potentially we’re seeing that feeling at this stage in an intermediate sense so

    At least this gives us an insight to what might happen next and as I showed you in these previous videos I really Di head deep whatever the saying is into the emotions of a market because at the end of the day that is essentially what most people do in these markets now

    Going head first into the emotions and how things work in the market is something that I’ve been doing forever you’ve seen it in in these videos over 12 months ago and of course they’re even earlier in the piece as well but it’s so important because this is what sets the

    Basis for your trading and investing now at the bottom like we saw this time around like we saw in 2022 and 2023 not sure if the bear is over I I said it in these videos I said it in this video here the Bears you know who they were

    Calling for further downside and this is the exact emotion they went through they’re not sure if the bear is over it could be a recession it could be anything I’ll maybe they’ll buy just a little bit just in case and what happens here with the red triangle is you start

    To Pyramid into the market the wrong way you start to buy a little bit here a little bit more here and then way too much at the top and so if the market Falls over just a little bit all of those gains are wiped out everything you bought at the bottom absolutely wiped

    Out now onto the right hand chart you should actually be increasing in fear as the market Rises hopefully trying to keep yourself in balance with what’s going on in the space when you start to see all of that greed come back this is essentially what happens to the majority

    The greed increases you can see this nice big fat triangle as well and in terms of how to invest the other way then we want the triangle flipped upside down we want to see the base being formed with the most amount of gains being made from the bottom and then you

    Invest a little less and a little less and a little less the longer the cycle goes on the fear should increase but the money that’s invested should be decreasing now that’s a massive insight into what I think happens next especially in the intermediate term with BTC now I think that’s going to happen

    Again as we start to pull out of whatever correction happens in the market and that’s what I want to look at next Corrections for BTC Corrections for eth as well and then we start to go back into that ridiculous greed stage of the market where we should be increasing our

    Fear when we start to see all of that greed come back now we have to remain with the trend but we have to be cautious with how much money we decide to keep putting into the market in terms of BTC we have now hit the next resistance level that 48k it’s something

    That we’ve been looking at between that 42 and 48k is this top over we have some early warning signs like we’ve had for the last several weeks with the possibility of a being a distribution so I’ll follow that up on the channel in uh next week’s videos because I want to see

    A little bit more action play out here but so far in the last 24 hours we’ve had huge volume come in on a reversal bar now you guys who love your candles you might know exactly what that particular candle is and when you see that signal come at the end of a very

    Long run especially on Extreme volume and this volume is Extreme we haven’t seen anything like that since the breakout in October only uh just slightly higher and then we haven’t seen it since the March bottom which was the banking crisis that’s the type of volume we’re looking at right now so does that

    Mean it’s 100% over not yet we do need to see a breakdown of the tops and then the swing bottoms but for now we’ve got some early warning signs the market is not pushing up as much as many are hoping it would now I’m all for a

    Massive bull market to come up but we potentially see a correction now if we are prepared for that and we do uh look to the downside for potential entry points well what we’ve seen in the past for BTC is roughly 20 to 22% Corrections in this current cycle so if we did come

    Back 20 to 22 2% from the current prices that would sit us out at roughly 38 39,000 down to roughly well 37 38 so somewhere between the mid to high 30 seems like a reasonable area now if it did continue on that little bit further and we corrected more than what we’ve

    Seen in the past so these uh two Corrections that lasted two months here back in 2023 you got it through the tops July to September and then April down to June if we went a little bit further than that we could potentially see something like say 25% goes down to 37

    Grand which takes us back to the significant 50% level which is basically the entire move up from September to the current top of uh January so we’re not saying that this is the final top but just being prepared in case this is we never want to try and call the top we

    Just want to be prepared for any potential downside and potential upside because at the end of the day the market is going to do what it does and what it does best is make a fool out of all of us and so we don’t want to be here

    Trying to call the Market we don’t want to try and continue to short a market as it’s rising that is just going to get people destroyed so until we see some breakdowns of the Swing chart so we got the swing lows here at 44k we’ve got

    Another swing low here at 43 and then a few more of these lows at roughly 40 and a half th000 well we have to remain with the trend and the trend is still up although there are some early warning signs they might only be enough to pause

    The market sideways now if this Market doesn’t pull back that far what would be the signs the signs would be holding above the previous tops and consolidating these previous tops come in at 45 and 46k and so if bitcoin’s able to hold above those tops consolidate then it gives it a much

    Better chance to break out of this particular resistance level and head to the next one which is about $52,000 that’s why I stress that it’s so important to get in closer to the bottoms because here is when the emotions get really wild back at the lows it’s much much easier so it’s no

    Point talking about that now the only thing we can do is just stay with the markets if you want to do this thing fulltime ethereum’s been the standout is pushed past a previous 50% level that’s from the top to zero so 50% of the alltime high that was roughly around the

    $24 $2500 level now if eth continues on we’ve got a a price point at$ 2900 so the 50% level of the entire bare Market range here so if it continues on we can see what there is to the upside you got 2900 then you’ve got the monthly lower

    Swing top that came in in 2022 that’s at roughly $3600 so two more areas for the upside for E $29 and $3600 in terms of pullbacks if this Top’s here so we could still head a little bit higher but let’s use the point from where we currently are uh at

    27 going down about 25% as you can see E’s done that in the past 25% sits us out about $2,000 if it is to go a little bit further than that do you do your 30 odd per say about $18 or $1,900 but to the upside if it does

    Happen to go that little bit further and come up and test 2900 well then we just measure those moves back down 25 takes us to about 21 30 takes us to about 2,000 again and if it was to get all the way up here to

    3600 well 20% only takes it back to 28 2900 25% a lot of numbers getting thrown out here but basically 26 2700 30% basically takes it back to where it is here at 25 and so with all of these numbers and all of these correction points from where it could go it seems

    Unlikely that eth is going to trade under $1,800 e had some resistance some support some more resistance before it broke out at that level of ,750 8 $1800 and so with where we currently see it seems unlikely that eth could get back to those levels and so this is now

    How you could position yourself as we looked at with the uh pyramiding for your investment plan uh how you can position yourself so that you’re not caught on the sidelines hoping for lower prices like those unfortunate fools in 2022 hoping for $3,000 or $9,000 Bitcoin it’s been a while since I brought the

    Numbers up in Aussie dollar so just for the Aussies here you can see where we sit on the swiftex exchange here they are a channel sponsor links are in the video description don’t have to use it but we are here looking at their charts with the Aussie dollar values sitting at

    4,000 Aussie doll is where the peak currently is to the downsides so those similar levels to what we looked at on the USD chart are roughly around 2800 Aussie dollars so eth has hit roughly four grand Aussie to the downside looking at about 28 as a previous resistance level which may become

    Support now throw a few more in there for yourself just so that you feel prepared prepared for any sort of Corrections or moves to the upside where this previous monthly swing top was at$ 4700 Aussie doll let’s take a look at Bitcoin against the Aussie dollar if you’re not Australian it’s just

    Interesting to see how ridiculous these prices can be outside of the US dollar for Bitcoin against AUD it’s getting very close to $74,000 currently sitting at $69,000 Aussie doll now if we look at this in terms of the correction similar to what we were doing with the US doar to the

    Downside about 20 to 22% would take us back under 60,000 Aussie dolls using Aussie dollars always does my heading is the numbers are so far out there but just looking at the corrections here something a little more extreme to 34 35% would take us out to about 48,000

    Aussie dollars so it seems unlikely but not impossible unlikely that Bitcoin would see underneath 50,000 Aussie dollars again just based on the chart and previous correction levels so set your position wisely look at the probabilities do what you need to do to get yourself set and

    Not fall into the Trap of the extreme greed to the upside and extreme fear to the downside and miss out on those opportunities I’ll see you back here at the next video so until then take care and peace out


    1. The 4vyr cycle, applied up until this week. Don't think the historical 4 yr cycle applies anymore.
      I'm looking at the gold etf chart so see where we may be going from here ..

    2. Thanks Jason, your insight, TA, and market psychology are on point as always, not a lot great people in this space, a lot con men, and sales men who market clicks and likes. Guys like you and your brother and Krown should be proud of all the help you have given.

    3. unfortunate fools hahahahahahahahahahahaha that made me laugh mate πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

    4. Markets climb a Wall of Worry. When rhe worry goes away. When you are confident. You and everyone else. That is what causes a bubble. A bubble that is fragile because quick sellers roll in, weak hands who bail in great numbers at the slightest drop…

    5. When does one buy bitcoin now?, if my avg is say 50k AUD, buying a full bitcoin now will increase my Avg to 56K. I know it goes against DCA-ing for a lower price however what happens if it never drops below 50K?

    6. I pretty sure us old time retail Bitcoin holders will never part with our Bitcoin. I might dabble in an EFT to make money, to be liquid? I’ve also got a bag of Solana and might do options with them, all upside now

    7. lol we are only at double the price we were at 6 years ago, and adoption is 100x then. You are fear mongering like we are all aping into Bitcoin at $1mil and you are the only sane one. No way you been thru many other cycles…

    8. watever happens im REALY glad i managed to held on to my bitcoin and have not sold at a loss now that there on the rise again and not falling down further (yet)
      have to see wat happens , off course im hoping for more gains the last peak shouldve gained me about 800 euro lets hope thats wasnt the top yet as the chart does ook like it toppling over with the lower lows and lower highs
      in hindsight i agree with jason and know that i sold too early and bought in bitcoin again too late in the charts and have too little headroom and have not gained mush in term of the amount of bitcoin i sold and bought back (think i lost about 0.002 btc actually) , i whont try to do that next time the chart is going to hit lows again and just going to ride the chart out to the end mqibe adding more euros on the way but keeping the innitial seed , should save me from some of the stress

    9. Hello Jason, thank you for your analysis. Do you think Btc can retrace to 20.000 k? (like mid 2019 -> march 2020) before the next bull run? Thank you. Have a nice day.

    10. I bought most of my btc at 30 k do u guys think its wise to take some profit because it will go down most likely before its getting up again ? Any advice thx

    11. Yeah I saw that potential reversal candle Jason…you’re right, we’re at a euphoria stage atm…which is definitely a bearish sign…inverse your emotions aye! The gann analysis is fascinating. Thanks again mate πŸ€™

    12. It would be best if you mentioned RESISTANCE in your heading. Everyone should be very cautious. Most likely, Blackrock will be manipulating the market to get the Bitcoin price wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy down for their investors. Get out before it's too late!!

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