TRT World’s Sourav Roy takes a closer look at the World Energy Congress.





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    As a world energy Congress draws to a close here in Istanbul the Turkish Energy Minister is due to meet his Israeli counterpart they expected to discuss the possibility of exporting gas from Israel to Turkey this is the first visit of an Israeli minister to Turkey in six years both countries agreed to

    Restore full diplomatic relations in June the proposed Israel turkey pipeline would run 500 kilometers beneath the Mediterranean passing through Turkey Cyprus and Lebanon the construction is expected to cost four billion dollars sera Froy joins us now live from the world energy Congress arrived what are we expecting from the Congress today

    Annelise we’re expecting a big announcement both by the Turkish as well as the Israeli energy ministers respectively on a pipeline that would bring Israeli gas into Turkey for the very first time and as you rightly said the two countries haven’t had any business deals for the last six years

    But if this deal happens then turkish gas comes as big a part in israeli gas comes into turkey through the eastern Mediterranean Basin all the way across the Mediterranean Sea lands into the chil’en port of Turkey and from there Israeli gas gets unprecedented access into other European markets as well in

    What are some of the main challenges that this proposed pipeline faces well one of the biggest challenges is the pipeline itself Turkey and Israel proposed the pipeline to pass through the Mediterranean Sea now that means that the pipeline has to pass through the Cypriot waters as well

    Or the Cyprus economic zone now Cyprus has outstanding issues with turkey and it insists that unless and until those issues are resolved the pipeline would not see the light of the day but turkey says that Israel and Cyprus have great relations and it is Israel’s responsibility to ensure that Cyprus

    Comes onboard all right Rob Roy thank you very much for that update


    1. If Israel can trust Turkey the big trouble maker of the neighbourhood is its right. I just hope not to wake up one day there in Tel Aviv and watch Erdogan and his Islamic party to rule the israeli gas pipelines..

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