This video focuses on the Internet Computer & General Crypto News Headlines of today. In this video, we also check out ICP price action and the crypto charts.
    Check out William Laurent here:

    Ladies and gents welcome to six figs I’m Kyle and in today’s video we’re talking about the one and only definity internet computer and crypto news and charts so let’s get into this this is a huge announcement folks for the internet computer currently folks the internet computer is able to store 96 gigabytes

    Of data in a single smart contract which costs about $450 per year to store on chain now definity wants to up that to about 400 uh gigabyte this is going to get wild to be able to store 400 gigs of data on chain for less than like $1,700 per year

    Is unheard of you can’t even store one gigabyte of data on salana for under 100,000 a year let alone ethereum that’s going to cost millions of dollars and it would cost billions of dollars to host this much data on ethereum for a single year hundreds of Millions on Sal this is

    Huge folks you guys have to check this out uh but uh this is going to be crazy to see this evolve I love absolutely love photoshopping everything Gary gendler and follow me folks on Twitter at real 6fig because I created this so who dropped the tweet on at

    Seov it was aliens but what I thought of immediately when I saw this picture of gendler was this guy I mean look at the hands look at this ah so hit me up there definity is really been announcing that they are getting into deploying their chain key technology on

    Erc20 tokens this is going to change the game this is going to bring stable coins erc20 stable coins to the internet computer and all erc20 coins to internet computer my guess is that definity has had their fun uh basically with the Bitcoin integration the eth integration but my guess is they’re

    Going to come out with all these other erc20 Integrations and they’re going to come out guns blazing it’s going to be hey here’s 50 of these things that you guys can now use so this I mean who knows we’ll see what they do uh but you

    Know it’s it go big or go home uh so very cool to see that definity is working on this folks and as you guys can see internet computer nodes talk to ethereum nodes no other blockchains are capable of talking to other blockchain nodes it doesn’t exist so this enables

    ICP to host uh basically ether twins Bitcoin twins whatever chain they integrate with twins uh so usdc CK usdt ckun in a swap all this stuff folks uh it’s going to be instant transfers and it’s going to be dang near uh Priceless dang near zero gas fees it’ll cost you a

    Fraction of a penny to interact with those coins I’ve had the pleasure of speaking uh with Paul Mis uh M excuse me on a panel for Yumi which we’ll discuss in a second about gold I found his take on economics and uh banking very interesting the fact that definity just

    Dropped that he will be at Davos 2024 and if you don’t know what’s happening in Davos folks the world economic forum is having like conferences there and definity is going there and they are going to be telling all these powerful uh financial institutions about internet computer this is huge uh this is

    Absolutely huge to say the least so they got the right guy going to this they got a bunch of definity people going uh you know Paul is going to do a bang up job I guarantee you that uh FTX sells seeks to sell luxury Bahamian properties amid bankruptcy proceedings so we’re starting

    To see a lot of these assets start to get sold off these will go to pay the lawyers these will go to pay uh investors back things like that uh but there is uh there is some some interesting things that happen whenever you see like a bankrupt companies start to sell off

    Their assets and things like that is that the market knows that they’re cornered so they’re I I I highly doubt they are going to get full retail price for anything and the way FTX is structured and all the people that have been involved with it it just seems

    They’re all crooked uh to say the least Yi folks the Yumi Marketplace has joined forces with shiku metaverse forming the yuku app and this is very cool because it’s got a Marketplace uh where you can buy and sell nfts but they’ve got these metaverses here and we’ll go over these

    In maybe a future video but this will basically allow you to enter into these worlds have meetings Hangouts uh things like that so I mean uh will go down the rabbit hole on yuku uh in just a a few days or so when I have time to make a

    Video but uh Yumi Marketplace you know a lot of people have beef with Yumi uh because they require kyc uh the yuku app is uh a no kyc alternative uh so that’s very interesting to say the least checking up on the ICP dashboard folks we’re humming along at just under 5,000

    Transactions per second we are seeing almost 3.6 ttes of data and that’s very close to a gigabyte uh or a terabyte excuse me it’s very close to a terabyte um and I might have misspoke a little earlier on this as well so gigabytes this is tbte which is closer to a uh uh

    A terabyte uh so there are almost 3.6 terabytes of data on the internet computer blockchain it’s the largest amount that I know of out of all the blockchains uh we’re seeing the internet computer identities all time I mean you can just see this thing is just been on an upward climb

    Just insane transactions you know we’re chilling at I’m not sure a 7day period it’s like about 9.7 Millie not bad uh we’re seeing the circulating Supply uh you know it’s just humming along 4 55 million tokens uh there are 177 Bitcoin under control of Internet computer uh we are seeing over

    375,000 smart contracts people are building on internet computer folks here’s the all-time chart it just goes up up only up only uh might I add so yeah this is looking really good uh right now there’s been a mysterious whale injecting 2.88 billion into crypto Market as the Bitcoin spot ETF looms

    Folks and according to crypto analytics firm look on chain the whales last move involved a transfer of 239 million usdt from tether with deposits into various exchanges this comes merely three days after another entity received 735 million from tether and deposited into other exchanges so uh you know this is

    Looming right on the the ETF approval folks it just is uh so nothing we can do let’s check out the markets real quick I haven’t really been paying attention today uh I’ve been pretty much reading and um just relaxing you know been one of those days top 100 I am

    Missing ICP here where is it it’s probably right in front of me uh not seeing it but where is this thing okay so we’re sitting at rank number 16 on Crypt Bubbles and this usually varies a little bit but at $5.59 billion market cap uh obviously uh this is going to

    Change once we switch over to coin Gecko and you can see that uh you know $5.6 billion market cap we’re chilling at $12.29 sense oh that’s very interesting what’s going on with ICP right now though uh let’s just check out the 4our chart and folks uh you can see that I’ve

    Been talking another reason to uh subscribe to this channel things I’ve been tracking folks uh really it’s coming down to this Rising wedge and also there is something else that’s very bullish that I’m seeing in the RSI because patterns guess what happen all over the place whether its candlesticks

    Are on the charts uh down to like the RSI so the relative strength index basically tells you you know what the what’s what’s the buying power looking like right now are people buying it is it in high demand is it overbought or oversold basically and we are seeing

    This falling wedge form with uh ICP so at this point in time we’ve got a very nice bullish setup pattern here and this thing isn’t too big you know it’s about 2 weeks old so uh expect some some move to the upside uh but with this Rising

    Wedge it’s very clear and again I I’ve been drawing this up all week and when when it comes down to it uh you can see how price action broke we saw a retracement price action has come up to retest the $13.7 uh2 level obviously this nice little pump up here I think wouldn’t

    Have happened uh to the extent that it did with that ETF stuff that went on yesterday but uh here we are uh so what’s going to happen now well I mean if we look at the grand scheme of things I’m seeing this Rising wedge so we know there’s a possibility of some bearish

    Momentum uh happening especially like if these ETFs do not give get approved uh but right now now there could be a possibility for this thing to execute and I do think that there could be a harmonic pattern possibly in play now we need to confirm a couple things before

    We proceed number one we like to see price action at point B come down to but go no lower than the 786 it Wicked down to below the 786 so I’m going to keep this in check so I do think that this could be valid and then what we’re

    Seeing here is we’ll go from a to X and basically what I’m looking for at the shoulder of C is that price action comes up to $13.60 so what this is telling me is that there is a possibility for a harmonic pattern to play out and when we

    Look at this thing on a grand scale uh ICP did have an a b c d e impulse wave to the upside and could this be an ABC or excuse me a 1 2 3 4 5 impulse wave and an ABC correction could be coming uh this might make sense but

    Uh when we look at these charts again what I would be doing now to figure out what’s happening with this gartley harmonic is I would be targeting literally the $8.7 level and that kind of coincides with previous support levels uh so I’m hoping it doesn’t if things get really

    Bad we might be on we might be see gearing enough to see this thing head down that way I’m hoping it doesn’t happen this isn’t a video about financial or trading advice but I like to look at the bearish possibilities and uh you know of course if you see this

    Thing really stumbling below $11.60 somewhere in there just know we could be in trouble so uh as far as a timeline on when something like this could execute I think it’s very important folks that we uh pay close attention to this news going on with this Bitcoin ETF because that is going to

    Discern what Market sentiment is going forward for quite a while and uh right now ICP is at uh $141 so if we get some really bullish news uh I would expect ICP to come back back up to this $16 make a stop at this 1389 uh then

    $16.30 level uh but when it comes down to the grand scheme of things folks for ICP you know I have been targeting and I’m hoping that price jams up right around this $22 level because that means that this Fibonacci extension could possibly be accurate and we might be

    Able to see some of these higher numbers for ICP later on in the Bull Run uh so I’m hoping that we see uh resistance around this $22.60 level uh it is what it is but we might be going live tonight so you guys are going to want to make sure you

    Subscribe and hit that Bell notification see you guys all in the next video also W Jack animator here that’s me check out the video here in the backdrop thanks to William Lauren baby for coming out with one of the best songs about ICP in the entire world so make sure you guys check

    Out his channel because he is absolute phenomenal peace Out every block you make we Love


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