It’s 2024 – lets dive into the top crypto coins and where they stack up

    0:00 – Introduction
    1:15 – Tiers Criteria
    5:38 – Bitcoin
    7:12 – Ethereum
    9:32 – Binance Chain
    11:16 – Solana
    14:14 – XRP
    15:30 – Cardano
    20:24 – Avalanche
    22:10 – Dogecoin
    24:15 – Polkadot
    25:58 – Tron
    27:50 – Polygon
    29:56 – Chainlink
    31:28 – ICP
    31:45 – Shiba Inu
    32:29 – Litecoin
    33:42 – Uniswap
    35:47 – Bitcoin Cash
    36:22 – Ethereum Classic
    37:55 – Cosmos Hub
    40:56 – Near
    41:47 – Stellar XLM
    42:01 – Injective
    43:30 – Celestia
    45:55 – Monero
    48:50 – Arbitrum
    50:38 – Optimism
    51:50 – Hedera
    53:57 – MultiversX
    59:17 – Z Cash
    1:01:55 – Algorand
    1:03:45 – Kujira
    1:10:35 – Tezos
    1:13:24 – Sandbox
    1:15:00 – Filecoin
    1:17:47 – Theta
    1:19:25 – Vechain
    1:20:30 – Akash
    1:22:00 – How to get more people to learn about crypto

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    Welcome everyone to the uh first episode of just crypto in 2024 um so this is a whole new year a whole lot of stuff happening in crypto we’re going to dive into my tier list for the top cryptos uh coming up through 2024 I will say some

    Things and uh you may disagree with them uh you may uh love what I’m saying and fully support me either way uh please uh let me know this is going to be a conversation between all the folks who here are joining me live either on

    Twitter or X or on YouTube so if you’re in either of those places um I believe now I can see your uh Twitter comments as well so if you comment on the video uh you should show up and if you are here I would love to actually know who’s

    Here um so just drop a high let me know that you’re here that you’re watching along it’s always fun to know kind of who’s participating um so we can get a sense of you know who the audience is and how spicy I need to be in some of my

    Takes uh want to say hi first to ciran it’s always great to have you here on the show show um and yeah there will be a few hot takes here um as I go through my my teer list of the different cryptos want to say hi to Daniel as well welcome

    Great to have you on the show um and basically the format that I’m going to use is the tried and true te list format where we rank things from uh s tier to dog and so that those are the rankings that you’ll have for the various different cryptos you can see

    Here I’ve got a number of different tiers uh basically as I think about it you know s tier is the GU tier it is a crypto that I think uh everyone should consider having in their portfolio and I say consider because you know like none of us here on YouTube actually know

    Anything about finances and if we do we’re not allowed to give Financial advice so please take that in mind right this is your portfolio uh you’re going to get wrecked or your portfolio is going to Moon based on your decisions so make some good ones um I’m going to uh

    You know basically rank the cryptos that I know I will say that I don’t know every crypto but I’ve done a decent amount of research into some of them so I’ll I’ll share some of my thoughts if I miss anything please jump in let me know because uh Missing things again is

    Something that I’m very good at as well I want to say hi to kryptus chain just a shout out if you haven’t checked out his channel he’s got some awesome content as well he’s on YouTube I think he’s on on Twitter as well so you can find him there um Daniel’s already complaining

    About the the list I do apologize about Casa I don’t know enough about Casper to actually have an informed opinion uh so some of this will be hot takes but I try and make at least something that i’ I’ve learned something about so Daniel maybe

    You can teach me after the show a little bit about Casper and why you like it or don’t like it either way you didn’t really specify which direction um South Padre Tony welcome uh great to have you on the show and what are the criteria for the tiers yeah so let’s let’s kind

    Of get into what the different criteria are uh so basically my S tier is coins that I think are something that you know are solid for everyone to be able to own uh things that I I think are within the crypto eth ethos that have some degree

    Of uh value and utility it may not just be price that we’re talking about it might be other factors that it’s valuable in uh but something that I could see enduring over the next decade at least and so these are ones where you could almost call them the Blue Chips of

    Of crypto but we don’t really have that Concept in crypto but that’s the idea behind the S tier it’s not necessarily going to be the tier that gets you the highest gains uh because we all know we can find that mcoin that’s number 10,000 on the list of tokens by market cap and

    That coin’s going to moon so like let’s uh let’s not put that one up here is something that we have any certainty about there’s a lot of lack involved uh in those kind of things but you know s Blue Chip think of it as Blue Chip uh through some Dimension whether it’s

    Price or utility or longevity um the atra projects that I think have something very special to them and that I think as you look over the next five years could really break out they’ve got either a lot of momentum or I have uh an opinion that they have something in

    Their technology that’s different or unique um in the way that they’re working and uh you know it’s it’s something where I think it bears taking a look at right and it’s it’s you may not all agree with it and I’m trying not to put everything into a tier because

    That’s very easy uh B tier are the ones where either they used to be a strong Contender but some of the shine is worn off maybe people aren’t as interested in them anymore or they haven’t achieved some of their promises or perhaps on the flip side uh they’re upand coming and

    Are doing fantastic but there’s still just a bunch of questions about them so they could be good but they haven’t quite broken out um C I’m going to say is kind of me it’s like yeah it’s a cryptocoin you could have it but I don’t have any special feeling that it will do

    Anything either useful or have any uh price appreciation any meaningful way that we get anyone excited uh it’s just there right it doesn’t doesn’t mean it will necessarily grow go away decentralized networks tend to be quite resilient I but it’s just there deair is

    Stuff that I know in my if I have it in my portfolio I’m going to be looking to get rid of it um and I think it’s you know really here looking at coins that I don’t think have fulfilled their value that um are going to get left behind

    Through the next cycle uh and then we’ve got the dog and the dog is stuff then uh is there because I think it’s just really really bad and maybe some of the coins will show up in there so with with that out of the way um I

    Hope you like the tiers all of these are fairly subjective so it’s not we have a measure for it and unfortunately any measure that we did have would very quickly be gamed because in crypto we’re good at gaming uh so let’s get started uh with the big hona uh Bitcoin

    Obviously we’ve got to drag it up here I’m kidding guys we get to bitcoin cash in a second uh I have a whole story on that as well that we’ll get to uh but of course we have to start with Bitcoin Bitcoin is um the largest crypto by

    Market cap it is one of the first cryptos the first crypto with a blockchain uh and recently got an ETF as well so a lot of things going in bitcoin’s favor um I think one of the concerns that people have raised is how much will the ETF uh effectively allow

    Traditional Finance to capture Bitcoin or at least manipulated in ways they haven’t been able to uh perhaps capture the momentum and the purpose of Bitcoin if everything’s on ETFs then what happened to this uh currency that you could use right it’s a store of value yes but is it really medium of exchange

    Maybe maybe not uh even with that potential concern I’m still going to put Bitcoin up in the S tier I think it would be Folly for me to do anything different at this point um I know that the utility of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange is perhaps less as we start to

    Look at some of the aspects around the fees involved or the Privacy involved uh or lack of privacy in the case of Bitcoin um but it still has captured the imagination of the entire world and when you say crypto many people interpret it as Bitcoin Co and so that’s one where I

    Think absolutely it’s going to be a rock and I think it’ll be here 10 years from now 20 years from now I feel very confident about that second one we’re going to look into is ethereum so ethereum as you know is a smart contract platform one of the OG smart contract

    Platforms um I think a lot of ethereum’s uh luster recently has been um superseded by the l2s so we’ll talk a bit about optimism and arbitrum coming up uh but I think ethereum largely has completed their transition to proof of stake that was very controversial in a

    Number of aspects so they moved away from proof of work and to me that makes ethereum slightly less durable as a system I I’m very open to being biased for proof of stake networks in terms of the durability the ability to have kind of decentralization the Le the um less

    Ability to quickly capture them you have to do kind of physical work instead of just economic work um and so you know I think these are a couple reasons why I tend to sway more to proof of work as the kind of foundation type networks uh

    Wanted to also pause here and say hi to uh herel welcome it’s great to have you here and Carol great to have you um on the show as well and so you know with with ethereum I think it’s got a lot going for it clearly it’s got a lot of

    Capital and it’s got the lead in the number of daps for sure um but I do think more so than any time in history it’s at a precipitous position um it’s attack from all sides where its value is being diluted into a lot of the l2s and

    I know the eth Maxes will talk about that as part of its value proposition you have all these l2s running around um Honestly though the value capture of eth and ethereum the token becomes less and less as you see some of these l2s grow and then the question I have in my mind

    Is well how many of these l2s ultimately will need to continue settling on ethereum and I don’t know um and it seems like that could definitely jeopardize the the the status of ethereum so I can’t put in good conscience ethereum as an tier I’m going to place it as an a

    Tier I I still think it’s you know very solid in the portfolio um yeah I I agree with you absolutely I wasn’t cheating with the comments here but Daniel I agree ATF for ethereum is definitely the way to go hi one also ATF for for ethereum um yeah that that’s what we can

    Say about ethereum I think the times ahead are going to be interesting for it uh let’s go on to BMB um and so this is this is a very centralized decentralized network uh I believe all the nodes are still run by binance binance of course falling out of favor

    Uh with Regulators CZ stepping down um I have personally experienced the um but the uh the binance um smart chain as a a store full of rugs it is very much the place that you go to scam people and so I think ultimately like the the the

    Level of durable Products that come from this are tied entirely to uh how well B&B it’s Finance itself can do uh and also how how they they tend to want to keep these validators up and running um and you’re really dependent on them so I

    Don’t see it as a crypto project in the same league as Bitcoin and ethereum in fact I see it fairly precariously as being propped up by by binance I’m going to put it into my kind of me here um I think it had a fantastic run um I I do

    Think there’s questions about how it engages with binance so I know that’s not going to make some people happy uh sorry my my C tier is a little lower than you had one for for BNB um but I think that’s that’s where I think it deserves to be I I don’t think it’s

    Going to have the impact of a lot of these other projects that we’re talking about let’s go on get on to yeah actually I’m curious about this Simon so you say Builders don’t want to build on BMB um I don’t have a lot of experience kind of building with or engaging with with

    Builders on BMB so if you have any kind of anecdotes or thoughts on that pop them below I’d love to know as well because that seems like something that uh is is definitely long-term detrimental to the health of of a chain um let’s dive into salana so I know

    Salana is very controversial it’s known as the chain that uh the chain of a thousand halts uh it seemed previously in the last few years every six months would have a halt or have something go wrong um have some bug uh it has build itself as being a high TPS uh blockchain

    And then people are questioning well how much of that is just consensus traffic going back and forth how much of it is real transactions so I do think there’s a question there but I got to say you know I had um Austin from the salana foundation on my show about six months

    Ago seven months ago and um I I do I do think the level of thoughtfulness and vision from some of the folks in salana is beyond what I’ve seen anywhere else and so I’ll just take the salana phone as well as one example of this uh the the

    Phone itself if you look today currently any experience you have on web 3 if your mobile first is gated by Apple and Google and they’ll take their 30% or however much it is these days of any of the sales that happened digitally through that uh that’s Aon starter for

    Anything that we do in crypto and Salon is the only one that’s really brought a product there to Market uh and I I feel like that level of vision of web 3 is not something that we should allow to be disintermediated is very very strong um

    And that that’s something I I give the salana team a lot of credit for there’s also some fantastic apps building on salana helium is one of them uh you’ve got Hive mapper as another so you can basically have cell phone service GPS all gatab about blockchain rewarded by

    Tokens for people participating um so I’m gonna uh before I choose where it’s going to be uh I’m going to say you know let’s go to the comments here Daniel saying salana is a b uh Jeff is saying not the chain of a thousand halts they’ve actually done pretty good I

    Don’t think it’s halted now in about eight months if I recall um and then one’s also saying B I think you’re kind of agreeing with me I’m gonna I’m gonna put salana at a b um no I’m G to put it as an a why is an a because I think that

    While there is an overhang of whatever is happening with f X the level of excitement from the Builder perspective in salana is one of the highest anywhere that’s out there um yeah so Gemini’s popping in saying no no no it’s a c uh Supply is unlimited H yes I I I do think

    The the thing here is that what they’re building toward is larger than a lot of the other networks I think their vision is larger than ethereum’s Vision honestly ethereum is getting right now I think Stuck In The Weeds of technical detail details and how they do all the various different upgrades to the

    Network and Salon is actually building for how people can use it and so I think yeah you could you could actually say well maybe it’s maybe it’s a B I could buy that totally uh for this video it’s going to be an A okay we have here the

    Invisible xrp um xrp is another kind of OG crypto and yeah they’ve done a lot of good for the industry I got to say the the court cases that they won um have been tremendous in setting precedent for us the the token itself and the network itself I’m honestly not sure why it

    Needs to exist they’ve build themselves as doing kind of crossb payments and making that really efficient uh but it’s unclear how much value even if they were successful as an Enterprise product would ever ACR to a token um it doesn’t seem like it does anything distinctly different or interesting compared to

    Other types of coins here um and it just seems like it’s holding on because it had a lot of really strong bag holders from back in the day and I don’t really see a reason for it to continue to exist so I’m really skeptical of this I know

    You know it works it does what it says it’s going to do it’s been around for a long time but I can’t see it doing anything more than a D um I’m going to say you know Daniel you’re absolutely correct I yeah you might be able to make

    Money but it doesn’t really have any purpose beyond anything else it’s not special in any way okay I know uh forgot to say hi to prospector welcome great to have you here um replay we’re still live so you know feel free to pop your comments down there as well cardano I

    Know we have at least one person from the cardano community watching and maybe a couple more um this is one where if you’ve been following along cardano you know it’s Charles hoskinson’s uh baby he has infused a lot of kind of research driven methodology into it and taken a

    Very distinct approach with cardano where he’s gone more on a research based he’s used the utxo framework instead of an account-based framework that’s more similar to ethereum or salana um but what that has resulted in honestly is a large amount of slowdown in terms of development developing on cardano is a

    Lot more difficult than other chains uh on the flip side it has actually offered uh and it’s you know over the years now been proven out a higher level of security the number of hacks that are happening on cardano is ORD is a magnitude lower in fact I can even think

    Of a recent one where there was actually a hack um on cardono and part of that may be because it’s too complicated even for the attackers to build uh part of it may be because it’s just not in the spotlight and people aren’t focusing on

    It but I’m sure the part of it is because of these research driven methods that actually allow uh people to have some level of confidence in what they’re building if they have that expertise um so I think cardana has a lot of things going for it

    Honestly I I wish um Charles would act more mature in the way he approaches things because I think he could be a leader like vitalic and he could really influence the community um but he hasn’t quite grown to that perspective um I want to pop a couple comments up here on

    Cardano so one is saying that cardano is slow uh yes my phrase a while back used to be slowo I even have one of their um domains slowo that’s me so if you if you go to the adaah handle slowo that’s where I’m at um Daniel’s saying it’s going for number

    One so that’s definitely you know Common refrain you’ll hear from cardana folks is going for number one um I would hate to think that any chain was going for number two that seems kind of depressing uh Conrad welcome he’s a cardano builder rahal’s also cardano is number one

    Um yeah Connor is talking about aen I don’t have a whole lot of um things on on Ain itself so I haven’t like dived into that yet uh whoops who cares about Charles uh yeah Charles seems to care a lot about Charles Simon saying that cardado is one

    Year behind other chains um but it’s not that bad to Devon anymore uh okay I’ve the the folks I’ve spoken to who are building on it have said it’s pretty complicated but maybe some of the new Pluto stuff has changed that um and siron saying that icon’s way more

    Performance and easier to build with so maybe it’s starting to turn a corner in terms of developer adoption I do think it’s still one or two years behind the rest of the ecosystem you know stuff that’s being done on ethereum maybe you know in a couple years will be done on

    Cardano I’ll use one example Indigo protocol which is a is a inspired by a protocol on ethereum uh it’s still very much in its works it’s it’s sort of like a V1 of what’s on ethereum um I do I do think the cardano has some struggles so

    The the core value prop there is around decentralization and security there’s very few VCH capitalists who are investing in cardano and I think longterm unfortunately that results in fewer Builders it results in fewer killer apps that are on cardano um yeah this is exactly it looking cardan is

    Looking to be the Bitcoin but proof of proof of stake decentralization first slow chain uh so I think the place card on our wins is slow and steady you look at two decades uh the place it could lose is just not keeping up with all the Innovations and having the cool things

    Move to another Network you know if you’ve been around long enough you you know that there were always better uh Technologies whether it was beta versus betamax versus VHS right the beta technology lost because the content was all on VHS or whether it was os2 versus um Windows which again lost because of

    All the support of developers on Windows and so just given that I think I’m going to put cardano in a B I could say it’s a high B because I think there’s a lot of um there’s a lot of passion in the community and they’ve done a lot of

    Things right from a decentralization core crypto perspective um and you know as Simon saying their staking is fantastic like the idea of effectively being liquid Stak without having to have liquid stake derivatives I haven’t seen that on any other chain and so that’s phenomenal um but I do think there’s a

    Couple headwinds uh that Cardon has that they have to overcome first so that’s why I’m giving it a b uh ask me in a year and I think we’ll know a little bit more about where it’s going to be heading there okay let’s go on to

    Avalanche so I know a little bit about Avalanche the one thing that I’m most impressed with for Avalanche is their subnet architecture very similar to Cosmos and cosmos’s app chains and zones uh and so I think ultimately that’s a great way to scale horizontally instead of scaling a blockchain vertically um

    They do have a very competent team of Builders working on Avalanche and yeah actually I want to pause here and say thank you Chris I know Chris is part of the cardana community um and I you know I appreciate that he thinks that that it be is faere I know oftentimes when you

    Uh give something that someone’s favorite coin grade they don’t like they get very upset so I appreciate that Chris um but let’s get back to to Avalanche excuse me um so I think Avalanche is a lot going for it it it is it does have a lot of venture capital

    That’s that’s slushing around the system as well so that could be good for it uh I just think that if you compare it to a salana which has its own set of benefits or even in ethereum that it’s not quite at the same level um yeah it also gets

    Expensive so you know Avalanche gas fees follow ethereum gas fees and arguably it has kind of less Trac traction less usage uh less developers on it um so I’m going to give it a B I think it’s slightly higher than than binance chain but I think it’s also lower than cardano

    I think cardano has a lot more things going for it than than Avalanche right now I think primarily because of the way that it’s built with the robustness in it yeah usdc would be nice to have on cardano um one day maybe if anyone ever wants it there let’s talk about Dogecoin elon’s

    Favorite coin uh so Dogecoin itself right it’s a mem coin but it is proof of work and it does have very low transaction fees so as a medium of exchange it’s actually pretty good one could argue that it’s it’s better than Bitcoin uh as a store of value not so

    Much it really depends on Elon and how much he’s tweeting lately about it um I personally tend not to like um meme coins as much um yeah that’s how I think of mem coins generally they’re shitcoins um and the reason is because there’s nothing fundamental in the value of the

    Coin itself it’s just based on culture it’s based on sentiment which you know arguably a lot of the pricing of everything is based on sentiment um but mem coins more so and they can fall out of fashion very quickly um so I’m going to give uh Dogecoin

    Kind of a low c i i put it behind binance chain and the reason I put it ahead of xrp is I think it actually does more for crypto adoption than xrp ever will because a lot of people will see Dogecoin and they’ll laugh at the memes and they’ll they’ll get involved and

    Everything and it’ll be fun and Elon will talk about it and so it’s a way to introduce people to the space and so I think there it has some value uh dc20 is not something I I knew about I guess we’re putting nfts everywhere right so um that that could definitely I could

    See nfts and Dogecoin going very well together it does get some use yeah and and I think one of the smart things they did was merge mine with Litecoin and so effectively they have a fairly secure network um and so I do think perhaps a

    Lowy is a harsh um evaluation of it if people are building on it I would definitely you know love to see where it is in a year um it’s not a network I potentially dislike in any fashion uh it’s just it’s getting a meme tax from me and and that’s why

    Um yes you bring people to to crypto with memes but then they think crypto is just memes um so that’s something we as a community do have to work on want to say hi to Wolf back street welcome yeah know it’s been good 2024 is off to a

    Good start so we’ve got a few of the cryptos up there let’s talk a little bit about polka dot so polka dot um they have the a par chain setup where you could you know previously I think they’re moving away to a setup more similar to Cosmos you could effectively

    Rent a par chain and you’d have good communication across the par chains um they are working through through governance right now and kind of building up a decentralized governance and so I think that’s all very positive Gavin who’s the the founder of polka dot obviously one of the ethereum ogs so

    There’s a lot of expertise kind of built into the team there um it is something that’s fairly robust has a large number of uh developers and a large community behind it one of the things I see as a challenge for polka dot is it just doesn’t seem to

    Captured the imagination like name me two apps on polka dot I can’t moon beam maybe um but it’s just very difficult to to um even being involved strongly in in the crypto Community to see polka dot as as a viable chain that’s continuing to build that has new scenarios on it honestly if

    You were trying to pick a chain that had effectively par chain like functionality I don’t see why you wouldn’t choose Avalanche or Cosmos at this point those off far superior ecosystems just in terms of the permissionless nature uh the amount of capital and energy that’s being pushed in there and the mind share

    Narrative that’s happening um one is saying polka dot is dead I I wouldn’t quite you know dig its Grave Just Yet but I guess I will put it I’m going to put it kind of a I’ll put it below Dogecoin and the reason it’s below Dogecoin is you know it’s proof a stake

    And they’ve made a number of missteps along the way and so that’s you know where it is uh let’s talk about Tron so everyone loves Justin sun and surprisingly this has a large user base across Asia um and so Tron itself is not something that I think you

    Can just disregard um I don’t know a whole lot about it though so it’s actually very difficult for me to make an informed um decision on where to place it I do know that Justin sun doesn’t have a good reputation among a lot of crypto folks however you know

    Tron is very widely used one is saying Tron is fake I don’t know if it’s fake necessarily given the amount of value that it’s moving back and forth um but it definitely I don’t see a lot of discussion about Tron among people that I trust um and so to me that’s a signal

    Of like okay what’s going on here could be because I’m in the US and maybe all the interesting discussions are actually happening you know over in Korea or other parts of Asia and I’m just missing out on that um you know Tron is fairly cheap from my understanding as a network

    Um and so just given that it’s vibrant and it’s active and it has a large community um I am going to push it just above pokka dot I think the one thing it has going for the polka dot doesn’t is usage um and it is very much used and I

    I believe it has a fairly modern um framework underpinning it so it can evolve as we go um yeah Daniel saying that uh cardono was will use polka dot substrate framework for their new partner chain project this is actually a very surprising decision at the time when I when I learned about

    It uh because it doesn’t feel like polka dot substrate is the state-ofthe-art um especially as you look at some of the interchain queries that are being built in the cosmos poka just seems far behind in all of that um and maybe it’s fitting that cardano being a little bit behind

    The rest of the world is also betting on technology that I think is a little bit behind the rest um but we’ll see uh polygon is kind of my Dark Horse here I think polygon has some fantastic things going for it over any team in crypto they probably have one of the best

    Business development teams ever they pivoted from effectively being a Leia one with a bridge to ethereum that they called a layer two at the time to convince everyone they were tied to ethereum into actually building ZK EVMS and just to kind of the level of NBL of the polygon team you know transactions

    Are super cheap uh they’re available in metamask and the places that you want it they have a decent set of um gaps being built on them um there was some I forget recently there was someone who announced they were building on polygon ah it slipped my mind if you know um then yeah

    Definitely let me know but there’s a lot of folks who are building on polygon it’s got a a vibrant nftc not quite as vibrant as salana but uh it has a lot of aspects to it that I think uh make it very very interesting and now you know I

    Think the downside to polygon is that it is fairly centralized right there is a multisig somewhere and you know small group of folks could get together and effectively rug the entire chain so that’s not good at all but if you look at most to the ethereum EVMS they are

    The exact same way I know arbitrum and others are moving to a more decentralized governance but that’s kind of where they’re at um right now so polygon I’m actually I was torn I wanted to put this as an a tier because I do believe that it could potentially have

    The usage and adoption um of a salana or an ethereum I think rather what I’m going to do is put it as a high B tier so you could you could definitely convince me it’s an a tier but I just think that centralization of the multisig right now

    Is a little bit too much for me to push it all the way to the a tier um and especially given that it’s inherited um I want say like a lot of the Jank of of ethereum right it’s you know evm etc etc so it has some of that

    That baggage that comes with it even though the team is just fantastic in the way that they’re pivoting to different things um link link is the Oracle of the blockchain effectively like yeah there’s a couple other Oracle projects but here you know link is the 800 pound gorilla

    Every single defi experience depends on an article some fashion some form or fashion um the downside to this is you know link is also fairly centralized chain link has a multisig to it as well um the upside is it’s pretty much dependent everyone needs to use it you

    Have to have some version an article um and so its value capture up until now has been fairly weak it hasn’t had a lot of folks uh a lot of way for the the chain itself to ACR value from all its usage um so that’s one concern I know

    They’re bringing um staking and they’ve got other different aspects to link that they’re working on um and it is vital across the ecosystem I would love to put this in a tier as well and I think that’s where it’s going to go just below salana um I think until there’s another Oracle that

    Can be a credible competitor to it across chain uh link will have a tremendous advantage in adoption um yeah so this is the challenge right the problem is everyone realiz on link the oracles aren’t decentralized enough so link could essentially break the entire world of defi uh that’s a problem from

    Our perspective it’s an opportunity from Link’s perspective for them to essentially own that um ICP I’m going to put down in dog the way they pump and dumped their initial launch and basically stall from retail not a big fan yeah they might have some interesting Tech but they’re

    Not going to get the time of day for me goodbye ICP uh shba enu this is one of those meme coins that I’m surprised it’s still around I know they’re working on some defi plans on on Sheba but it just seems like yesterday that’s like the

    Boomer mcoin and not Boomer in the the the cool Legacy Way like Dogecoin Boomer as in the next cycle is going to have more interesting meme coins so why would you own sh shib I think it sits with xrp it’s another shitcoin as one says yes absolutely and and this is one where

    I just have bad vibes about the whole way it was created and the number of people that were hurt retail folks uninformed folks that were hurt through all of this um and so that that gives me some some paes uh Litecoin Litecoin proofer work network uh build originally

    Is a silver to bitcoin’s gold um I think we’re seeing now that maybe at best it’s a copper to bitcoin’s Gold um I honestly don’t see why anyone would use Litecoin I know they’re working on privacy improvements to increase the level of privacy there the fees are relatively

    Cheap for transfer compared to bitcoin um but it doesn’t seem to be gaining a lot of traction and its status is really just hanging on as an OG that used to be around U without actually making any inroads I think there’s probably room for a handful of proof of work coins and

    That’s it like the we’re not going to get enough hash rate to have 20 proof of work coins all prove you know reasonably secure against whoever would attack it so Litecoin is a copy it has some good things to it but I’m going to put it

    Just above xrp I don’t think it has a reason to continue to exist much and yeah I I I can see eventually it Fading Into irrelevance I think the price action on Litecoin has reinforced that as well but it’s not just about price it’s about what technology does it

    Bring uh we’ve got unop here we’ve got the unop Unicorn uh unop obviously being the most used decks across multiple different chains I think the big challenge that unisoft is going to have is from a regulatory perspective um they they do have um you know they’re trying to play Both

    Sides essentially they’re trying to play nice with Gary and Co and they’re also trying to be this decentralized network so they’ll they’ll do things like shut off the UI for certain coins or make it difficult in certain locals to do things um and so I think uh you

    Know I think they will be very successful how much of that value accurs to the Token holders is unclear and how quickly a new a new upstart will come in and take over what they’re doing because that new upstart will be a little bit looser with particular regulations maybe

    Fully decentralized uh possibly um I I think unisoft is in a tenuous position as the leader uh but they are still developing they do have a team they do have great technology unisoft V4 is in the works and so I think that’s that’s reason enough for me to give them at

    Least a high CER uh you know it it is an app that everyone use it does have use right so it’s it’s not something that’s um we could totally disregard yeah there’s an Alon logo but we’ll we’ll get to Multiverse X it’s also Multiverse X logo sorry about that

    Yeah unisoft loyalty is a governance token um I haven’t been following along I know they were planning to to flip the fee switch at some point um but I’m not sure Chris is saying that ICP was basically ruined by FDX um I’m not sure I think they ruined

    Themselves even when FDX was doing fine um as a former ICP holder I’m remember being completely wrecked by the way they pump and dumped it while all the while selling technology that was extremely centralized so ICP is dog in my opinion it doesn’t doesn’t deserve anything else uh let’s talk about

    Bitcoin cash um so Bitcoin cash the the faster numbl Bitcoin that can be used as a medium of exchange that is not caught on uh and that I think will fade into irrelevance it’s there I think there was some interesting ideas I think it was good as a vehicle to explore those ideas

    Clearly they didn’t work didn’t catch on didn’t get adoption um I’m going to give it a low D I think it’s eventually going to fade into irrelevance um again it’s another proof of work Network that has no reason to exist it doesn’t do anything that’s special or different

    That we can’t get some other way uh ethereum classic the OG ethereum still chugging along on proof of work with a fraction of the number of daps that I’ll call it real ethereum or the forked ethereum has um I think Cod is law is an interesting philosophy uh in practice no

    One is actually at least for ethereum Classic this is proved to not be interesting at all uh no one cares about a chain that doesn’t have any daps on it especially a smart contract platform um and so I think ethereum classic I’m also going to put it in the

    Dog shed category above I CP not because the tech is necessarily bad but I just don’t see any future for it I think very quickly it will disappear I don’t know why it has such a high market cap it’s it’s not doing anything for anyone

    Um yeah and so for those who aren’t uh familiar with the history here the history is basically that the original ethereum there was a dow hack at some point and they effectively voted to Fork the chain and take the those coins away from the hacker on the new chain and

    Everyone just agreed that the new chain was the chain um I’m not sure how I feel about that you could look at the times and say well maybe etherum would have died if they hadn’t done that but it sets a terrible precedent uh you know the’s history effectively has someone’s

    Coins getting stolen even though they stole them originally right the chain is not an immutable blockchain um they they they forked it for that so that’s unfortunate and and it’s unfortunate the ethereum classic lost but it is what it is uh Cosmos one of my well atom Cosmos

    Hub uh one of my my favorite kind of narratives over the next couple years is this idea of kind of building interconnected app chains that all have high TPS that have a a very solid purpose and can interconnect with each other through the IBC which is kind of a

    Lower layer bridge between all Cosmos chains that make it very easy to move between injective or cajera or osmosis or various other different chains that are out there and so I think that’s a level of Technology that’s fantastic Cosmos tends to be fast uh the cosmos

    Hub itself doesn’t have a lot of value acral to it but it’s they’re working on it they’re bringing um the ability for other chains to leverage the security of Cosmos um interchange security and what that does effectively is it means you can use the size of the the economic

    Size of Cosmos to secure your chain but also the same set of validators that Cosmos Hub has and so that makes it very easy for someone to launch an a new chain on Cosmos it hasn’t proven to be you know tremendously effective just yet but there are some chains like noble which

    Does the native usdc on Cosmos that are starting to move in that direction starting to build it so I I do think there’s um potential promise to Cosmos that it can capture some of the value acral coming to the entire ecosystem um but it is not the strongest value acrel

    Token in all of it I’m very bearish on the way governance is being conducted in Cosmos they have fantastic systems in place people are voting so decentralized government is working but some of these proposals are just asinine and I sometimes I view the cosmos Hub treasury as something that’s being pillaged by

    Everyone and so I’m a little bit nervous there it’s for a couple of those reasons why I can’t give it an AER I think it’s it doesn’t have enough going for it the cosmos Hub itself doesn’t have Smart contracts uh that’s being forever debated as Chris is bringing up um Adam

    One so um jquan no relation to do was one of the founders of Cosmos and there’s a very much of schism in the cosmos Community about what should Cosmos even be what should Adam even be and I guess a recent vote was lost and Jay decided to take his toys and go home

    And he wants to Fork into a chain called Adam 1 whether that’ll happen how that’ll work we’re still yet to discover but that’s something else that’s overhanging on what’s going on with Cosmos uh so I’m going to give it a high B I’m going to place it above cardano

    And the reasons placing it above cardono is I think they’ve walked further along the path of decentralized governance and they’re a very modern chain that has a lot of other modern chains building on them and we’ll talk a little bit about you know injective and and cajera coming

    Up here um and and so I think Cosmos as an ecosystem will continue to thrive and the cosmos Hub will continue to ACR some of that value to itself even though it’s not the most value accre part of the overall Cosmos uh near is a a chain that’s very

    Similar to multivers X in terms of uh you know the way it’s a multi- sharded chain at very high TPS um I haven’t dug into as much of all the details of N I know it’s got very heavy VC funding so it’s less of kind of a fair launch that’s happening there

    Um that’s all I can say about it from from my knowledge if you have any more opinions here uh but from what I’ve seen what I’ve used of near I’ve used a little bit of near not not too much um it it doesn’t feel like it’s revolutionary to me there’s nothing that

    I used on N that said okay this is a reason for me to move away from polygon or Cosmos or salana um it seems sort of me so I’m going to put it in in the C here um a little bit below Unis swap because I do think Unis swap is still a

    Strong product Stellar xrm why is that thing even still around dog um you know its whole idea was also you know just transferring money okay great every single crypto transfers money what do you do differently nothing um so I think that’s not really useful injective if you’re

    Not aware is a kind of evm type chain that’s connected to the cosmos and has a lot of VC backing and so they’ve got a lot of apps that have moved over astroport has moved over it’s got a lot of attention recently I believe even back in its initial

    Founding in 2021 marck cubin threw some money in so it’s very much uh the the ding of the VCS you can see in its price action there’s been a lot of strong upward movement um if you’d bought recently you’re sitting on a 25 30X um

    And so it has a lot of momentum behind it but as I’ve tried to use some of the daps that they point to outside of astroport which is fantastic um it’s very lacking and there’s a you know a lot of limitations from a regional perspective that are there as well I I I

    Feel like this is um all smoke and no fire um and maybe they’re they’re working on lighting the fire I mean these VC guys have a lot of money to buy gas and to buy you know matches and stuff but I didn’t see a lot there that

    Would make get me more excited apart from the price impact and I mean honestly I’m not in crypto just for the price right so I’m going to pop it down into CER as well I do think it’s a little ahead of near because uh there

    Seem to be a lot more things being built on it um and yeah so that’s that’s basically uh what what I think of injective um a lot of folks love injective uh you could make some good profits on in Ive but not for me so someone mentioned Celestia let’s get to

    Some interesting Concepts so what is Celestia Celestia is a chain that focuses on Sovereign rollups and so Sovereign rollups effectively uh publish transactions to another blockchain to allow kind of ordering and availability to happen um and leave its nodes to determine which is the correct chain U the main difference between a smart

    Contract rollup and a sovereign rollup is that on ethereum transactions are verified by smart contract and on the SN R they’re verified by nodes effectively um and this seems like a very interesting kind of technological Leap Forward in in terms of the type of ways that different blockchains

    Interact together um so it’s it’s a little bit different than how ethereum and its l2s work it’s it’s a little different way of creating that type of consensus I’m not going to go into all the the details about what is the Smart contract rollup and how does celestia

    Handle it but it’s got a lot going for it I do think it’s run too far too fast um so they did an airdrop and I think 4X very quickly right after the airdrop so its price movement has been fantastic its potential I think is fantastic but

    It needs to actually have some real world products that people are using so I think it’s it’s more promise right now than delivery but I do think it has a lot of Promise so I’m going to place it uh just behind cardano um because I think if they deliver what they want to

    Deliver it could be uh completely gamechanging for um for folks so we got a couple questions here let me just jump into them hi Adrian welcome we’re getting to multivers X very soon um someone doesn’t like Bitcoin in s if I didn’t put Bitcoin in s I’d have

    A thousand people also grumpy at me but I do believe it’s s tier right now um how do you buy Celestia um osmosis and I believe cajera are places that you can buy it um at the moment so tell me your thesis on bitcoin cash Yan because you seem to be a little

    Uh upset that it’s all the way down in deter I’m open to being proven wrong uh sorry not K speckle I think whatever’s Happening Here is I’m not getting your emojis correctly but it’s great to have you on the show uh let’s talk about what I think is perhaps the most pristine

    Crypto on the entire top 100 list of cryptos and that’s Monero if you’re unfamiliar with Monero it’s a proof of work chain it has variable block sizes it has effectively um full privacy you can have some discussion about which algorithms is use and um the statistical probability of the the the fact that

    There’s only kind of 16 decoys and and how that affects privacy but effectively in practice it is used when people want transactions to be private the doc web is moved away largely from Bitcoin they’re moving towards Monero Monero fulfills the promise of an anonymous peer-to-peer digital cash it’s something

    That uh the founders of Bitcoin even halin was talking about needing to add more privacy into Bitcoin Monera has that Monera has a path to add the the full privacy similar to zcash into it uh which would then remove the last concern about monero’s privacy but in practice

    It has been private no one has gone to jail for using Monero uh Monera has many techniques to continue to strengthen the privacy of the chain it’s very very well used you can buy real stuff with Monero so I’ve bought uh you know anything from um you know various different kinds of

    Meats from Farmers you can buy devices with Monero there is a burgeoning marketplace where Monero is used as a medium of exchange it’s fulfilling that promise and it does it privately they’ll they’ll often joke and say that uh when new folks bought Bitcoin uh what they thought they were getting was Monero

    They thought they were getting something that was private as we can see obviously bitcoin’s a public Ledger even with the best privacy practices on bitcoin you’re going to struggle to be even half as private as Monera and the reason is because on a public Ledger you just have

    To do enough transaction actions for people to start to learn a bit more about you if you tend to transact with people in certain geolocations because they kyc and even if you’re not ultimately over time you will start to leak data on chain and so that’s why I

    Think Monero is superior from a price performance perspective clearly right Bitcoin is the king uh but from a principles of crypto utility of crypto and I think something that will likely be around again in 10 years because there is a need to have private transaction Monera stands in the

    Bullwark against cbdcs and against the government overreach and against all the surveillance that’s happening uh Monera is my Top Choice so far I’ll put it above Bitcoin s tier it is the Pinnacle of crypto and um I’ll talk about zcash in a second once we get there let’s talk about

    Arbitrum so arbitrum is one of the al2s on ethereum uh it’s arguably one of the more popular TW it’s got a lot of daps that have very quickly come towards it um it’s growing in its governance even the OB token which was fairly widely air dropped uh you would think we’re just

    Dump to nothing uh because the utility is fairly limited right now to a governance token but it’s actually a crude value as the arbitrum foundation has started to see different deps like Camelot with uh grants to help bolster the activity on chain um I do personally enjoy using arbitrum it’s my kind of

    Ethereum go-to of choice um and I feel like you know if it’s impossible for any normal folks to interact on ethereum especially when it’s busy so if you want to do ethereum stuff uh an L2 is the place to do it arbitrum is one of the strongest l2s one

    Of kind of the early l2s and I think you know honestly I’m going to put it up there just above polygon because I think if you believe in the thesis of ethereum and you believe that ethereum is a settlement layer essentially a layer for other businesses to use and Trust rather than

    Consumers then you believe that some L2 will win out of the l2s that are out there you can look at arbitrum optimism and coinbase’s base as potential Alternatives I’ve excluded base from this list one because it’s entirely controlled by one corporation uh it doesn’t Hue to the ethers of any crypto

    Two because it doesn’t have a token so we couldn’t even talk about the token um but I do think L2 is a strong narrative and if you believe in ethereum and I do think ethereum has an opportunity to have a future right it’s up there in the

    A tier then the way ethereum succeeds is through the l2s uh similarly optimism I I think of as aum’s little brother even though I think optimism launched first I’ve seen a lot more decentralization type activities happening on arbitrum than on optimism uh could be because I’m

    Not as deep into the community there uh but it feels like with base effectively using optimism’s code to kind of build out their Network it it does make you wonder where optimism would differentiate so wouldn’t you if you were looking for a fully compliant chain

    Just use Bas and if you were looking for something that was was actually different you would use one of the other l2s so maybe we’ll see in the L2 walls I’m going to also place this into bti um I’m going to place it below polygon because I’ve seen a lot more from

    Polygon in terms of their um positive and and their approach but optimism is very strong and you can see here um just as you’re starting to look at my list come together it’s proof of work it’s ethereum and salana and the growth of al2s and then app chains that’s kind of

    The way I’m thinking about the world now it is also a very present day way of thinking about it right because who knows what’s going to exist and so you have things like Sovereign rollups in Celestia which which could just blow the doors off everything it could be the new

    Way to do everything and so that’s why that’s there uh let’s talk about hyera so hyera is the corporate chain um High transactions per second but very much owned by a conglomerate of Corporations I haven’t seen too many times where a conglomerate of Corporations has produced something that

    Is better than either a single Corporation or an open source effort across a lot of different communities I don’t see hadera having that kind of long-term impact that a lot of these other coins and and chains do have just because of that and I don’t see a lot of these organizations moving

    To blockchain when they could rather just use uh apis and uh other ways of interacting with each other so hyera seems to me like a solution in search of a problem and it’s Ned some of the best parts of blockchain while it is fast they’re very far behind in terms of the

    Number of adapts in terms of adoption I’m going to place it down here and D just above Litecoin and now this could change but you know if you look at big Tech right now Google’s laying off Microsoft’s laying off who are all the players involved in this you’ve got IBM

    You’ve got Google you’ve got Logitech for some reason I believe um and so it doesn’t seem like this will be high on their lists to continue to invest in uh let’s take a look at the comments here oh gosh so Ian’s mom bought Mana because she liked the color of the

    Coin I’ve done similar things before with similarly terrible results so don’t invest based on the color of the coin but you never know what’s going to Moon um yes not Ken speckle I think XMR is fantastic um and if you want to learn more about XMR I have had um Doug Truman

    On my show as well he’s fantastic representative for the XMR Community uh check that out he’ll he’ll talk about it Monera magazine and Monera talk are two other great places to find more information about XMR but this is not an XMR uh advertisement let’s talk about

    About Multiverse X so w of X Street getting in here just as we get into Multiverse X it’s his favorite crypto um Superior scalability and security let’s talk a bit about scalability it does have multi- shoted capabilities um I forget the exact number of TPS I believe

    It’s on the order of 100,000 TPS um I could be slightly wrong but they have made some improvements there 100,000 TPS per Shard so it’s not you know it’s effectively horizontally scalable which is fantastic they are also um pursuing an approach very similar to Cosmos where they can have kind of sovereign shards

    And people can run on their own Shard and get and take advantage of that um security they have some really interesting features they’ve effectively got a two-factor off that’s built into the blockchain which is not something I’ve seen anywhere else um which which allows um you to have a

    Little more confidence that even if your keys are compromised that there’s a second factor that you can you can take advantage of that will prevent that um they have a fantastic um app called xortal which is their their wallet um and if you’ve ever used crypto wallets

    They vary from you know really great to metamask and xortal is definitely closer to very great than it is to the metam side of things um they’re building out hubs to make it very easy to interact with a lot of the deps um I will say

    That they’ve had a slow growth over the last couple years so the volume of applications on them just isn’t there it’s not quite the same as an ethereum or even a cosmos where there’s that level of interest but they have built um some not the team itself but the

    Ecosystem have built apps like hatam which is working on a stable coin they have lending and borrowing and so they’re starting to get the D5 Primitives in place they’ve got an extremely active nft scene uh you know for a small chain every now and again

    They were popping up into the top 10 in terms of nft activity so there’s a lot to like about it I think the one draw draw back I have is that it’s very focused on Europe and Europe is not the biggest market for crypto Asia and

    America are um and I think you know potentially uh if they can expand out of Europe they’ll do fantastically well because the products they have are rock solid and the people involved them are smart technologists they just need to hire a couple marketing folks and actually kind of grow that out uh but

    They’re starting to put all the right pieces pieces in place so with multiv X um I do very very much like it um but I think it’s got a lot of challenges in differentiating differentiating itself salana has higher TPS we have you know Cosmos with the app chains that are

    Starting to get broad adoption um and I think it may find itself in need of a killer scenario to actually bring people to the chain it’s got a very strong community so like cardana very strong Community um I’m going to place it kind of below B tier just below Avalanche a

    Lot of this is on promise so you could just look at the adoption and kind of the number of daps and say well maybe it belongs in CER but I do think that the way they’ve built things gives them some Runway it it allows them to be in the

    Conversation of nextg blockchains um and how should they be built and the fact that it is multi- Shard and high TPS potentially even could start come knocking on Sal’s door and say hey there are types of scenarios where you don’t want your transactions to ever be interrupted no matter how many GPS you

    Have you can’t vertically build your way out of it so I think that’s just um you know fantastic upside for multipos sex uh it is something you know a lot of these coins here that I’ve been talking about I do have investments in to one degree or another because I’m in crypto

    And I enjoy all the crypto things um but yeah miva X I think has a future if they can break out of Europe that would be great I love this thought by prospecto would unemployed dares move to work on blockchain Technologies I I haven’t seen

    A lot of Google level salaries in web 3 um and maybe it’s just because we’re in the bare Market but I’m pretty sure they’re going to have a hard time finding a half million dollars to you know build something on the blockchain but who knows I mean a lot of the

    Original folks I believe from salana came from Big Tech um big Tech seed a lot of the other Technologies around here so it’s definitely it’s definitely a possibility great to hear that your mom made profit Ian that’s the way to do it buy the color coin and then take profit

    On the color all good um harell is also very excited about the future of Multiverse X um they have pivoted to adoption of Builders and that’s the exact right thing for them to do so I’m you know very happy to see them to see them do that and thank you for the

    Compliment um I you know I spend a lot of my time looking at crypto learning about crypto I feel like it’s a vast ocean and I’ve just taken a small cup out of it but every day I’ll drink another cup and hopefully at some point I’ll make some progress uh

    Oh and I guess I didn’t know Adrian’s jumping in here on Multiverse X saying they open to H in SE so if Multiverse X could could pick up Asia that would be phenomenal um we don’t call it aland anymore not Ken speckle even though Al

    Is a far superior name uh the folks from Lord of the Rings did not like that very much okay let’s on move on to the next one I do have a bunch of coins here I’m not going to talk about um largely because I don’t know a whole bunch about

    Them but if there is one in this list that you feel particularly passionate about uh I can tell you what I know so just let me know uh let’s talk about zcash uh so zcash is a privacy coin uh they have two modes of operation basically you can be fully private or

    You can be fully transparent like they have two separate sets and the reason for that is you know partly for compliance and so the idea behind zcash was that there would be compliant they’d be available on all exchanges they’d effectively have a compliance aspect to them and then if the user wanted they

    Could move into into the private aspect and I think that’s a great in theory terrible in practice and the reason it doesn’t work in practice is if you’re not private by default users will make mistakes privacy will leak there’s a reason that zcash isn’t primarily used

    On the do dark webs because it doesn’t have that level of privacy robustness and I guess long-term battle testing that’s something like Monero has um they also seem like they’re a little bit drifting in terms of focus so there was discussions about them moving to proof

    Of stake which upset a bunch of people um I know that they’ve laid off a bunch of people from their foundation and yeah it just doesn’t seem like it’s in a tremendously healthy place right now and the technology itself while they are ahead on kind of the the core

    Privacy algorithms and how they encrypt the data they’re a little bit ahead of Monera but that’s a theoretical being ahead because they’re an anonymity set I believe is a lot smaller than moneros even accounting for the ring signatures because there’s just not that many transactions being done on zcash so in

    Order to hide your transaction you need a bunch of other transactions to hide in otherwise metadata that’s outside of the blockchain would very quickly give you away and so zcash is lack of adoption um I think is something that’s also a little bit concerning to me um and the

    Fact that you know Zuko who was there I guess CEO um founder he um has stepped down in some capacity and so I think that’s you know another thing that it’s kind of going against them there uh they’ve definitely paved the way for some interesting Technologies I don’t think they’re the

    Future I’m going to place them just above Litecoin so I think they do have a use case there is a reason for them to exist um and yeah I just don’t think they’re doing very well at existing right now and getting adoption that’s all uh okay

    Let’s talk about uh algorand if that is the I’m trying to make sure I can recognize all of these things by okay algorand so I know a lot of people are very excited about the developers the algorand kind of focusing again kind of more on the research driven aspects of

    It algorand has got native usdc they’ve been very vocal um as a blockchain about leaning into Central Bank digital currencies and that’s got me a little bit conc concerned with it uh because anytime you basically say the purpose of my blockchain primarily is to go after big governments and allow them to

    Surveil people that’s that’s not cool it’s very much not cool they do have a high TPS their governance continues to confuse me and I think they’ve changed it up a couple times um I know they have some nft scen on algorand but but it’s one of those other

    Ones where I’m like why do you need to exist if it’s just to create a cbdc then there’s no reason that us as real retail investors should be considering it because the value is not going to ACR to us this is exactly how I feel about cbdc um I do think there’s a

    Lot of smart people who are involved in algorand and I know very much that the communities in cardano and algorand have a lot of respect for each other uh I still just don’t see it having a purpose to exist uh I’m going to place it in the

    Detail down below zcash um because I still believe zcash is giving valuable contributions to the ecosystem alaran seems just like another me too in the whole set of meos uh okay we’ll get to cajera so if you’ve been following me on Twitter or if you’ve been following me here you

    Know I love cajera cajera is one of my favorite projects right now um I served as a senator for the cajera team and just recently I stood up a validator so if you are in the Kera Community please uh you know throw some delegations my way we very much appreciate it you’ll

    Find technology poet as a validated on the network but why why am I so excited about it a couple reasons so what is cajera first and we’ll get into why I’m excited about it um cajera is a layer one blockchain built on the cosmos SDK and it’s a very def focused blockchain

    Looking to build a suite of defi applications that are accessible to anyone so a lot of these other chains they have defi applications but it’s difficult to get them to interoperate and so the composability doesn’t really happen unless you know what you’re doing uh Kera allows the composability to

    Happen even for novices even for people who just need a pretty UI to to work with um it’s got a mobile app that’s in the works that’s fairly far along that effectively gives you a mobile native experience for everything that you would need to do on the application um from

    Lending and borrowing so they have lending and borrowing markets with some very attractive yield right now on usdc often I see it upwards of 15% the other day the yield on bitcoin was 24% I guess you know folks were shorting Bitcoin and needed to borrow it or however that that

    Works um and they have lots of opportunities to earn they’ve got a fully onchain Autobook Dex which is unique there’s not a lot of fully onchain aut books dexes um which allows for limit orders to be processed in a fair fashion so it’s not first come first serves everyone at a given price

    Will get a portion of that price I could go on and on but basically it’s a a fully defi Suite focused on uh making it simple for the end user as well as fairness and fairness is inherent in all their products from the liquidation engine that’s resistant to bots to the

    Uh Fair order execution that I mentioned on the decentralized exchange um they did something that very few teams did they used to be AAP on terror we all know what happened with Luna it exploded rather than just run away and take the VC money and go and sit on a yacht

    Somewhere they spent the last year building to make their Community whole their token recently hit an all-time high after the terror crash so even the price before the crash of Terror they’ve cliped that because of the hard work and the focus that they’ve done so that’s

    Why I’m I’m passionate and I I talk with such passionate about it uh because it is a project that there seems to be a measure of Integrity in the people who are running it and that’s drawn me to it and the second reason is because it’s something that I can use without having

    To be a brain surgeon for it now it is a small chain it’s very much a micro cap on this list um it does have a lot of competitors so defi chains are a dime dozen even just in Cosmos you’ve got you know asort you’ve got Neutron with its

    Smart contract platform osmosis and Mars protocol um and so there’s a ton of different chains which are trying to do the same thing I would argue not as good as cajera but again as we talked about earlier it’s not always the best technology or the best user experience

    That wins uh there’s lots of different factors into it and so I think as a as a chain kind of in the marketplace it has a lot of competitiv it also has a lot of unique value propositions uh one is asking the interesting question is what

    Is the utility for koogi so koogi is the native token of kajira uh one it’s governance well we all have a governance token big deal uh two is it acrs yield from all the daps that are on it it’s real yield it’s not inflated so kajira is fully distributed there is no

    Inflation to it um all the yield comes from a percentage of the swap fees when you swap and you trade on fin or a percentage of the fees when someone’s liquidated uh and so basically if you’re staking Coogi is someone was saying it’s almost like you own a piece of the

    Exchange that’s like you own a piece of binance and every time there’s a transaction that’s done you get a little share of of what’s there and the yield is ranged uh you know anywhere from 1% to I think 20% right now sometimes it’s bolstered by uh aird drops the team does

    Well not the team but the ecosystem does a lot of fair aird drops where uh tokens are dropped entirely 100% of the supply to the community there’s been at least two of those um and so that’s a that’s a way where holders of of coji participate

    In the growth of the ecosystem in a fair way and in a way that’s sustainable so it’s not just oh they’re inflating the token away to nothing so that’s that’s the reason I think it’s got a lot of inherent value and you know honestly it’s the place where I spend most of my

    Time when I’m dejing because it’s easy and it’s fun and there’s a lot of tools that I could use so I’ve got a bunch of videos on this channel as well about cajera check them out if you’re interested um hit me up on Twitter I’m happy to talk about cajera all day

    However as we look at some of these s tier coins as much as I love it it’s definitely not s tier as much as I love it don’t think it comes close to where ethereum and salana are poised to have an impact I do however think that it has

    At least the opportunity to have the same level of impact as an avalanche potentially even Cosmos itself the problem here is this there’s definitely a risk skew Cosmos is large and while the chance I think of Cosmos itself going away is very very small the chance of Cosmos changing the world is

    Also very very small in my opinion uh but I would be hard pressed to place it above Cosmos in terms of the tier lists that we’ve talked about um so given that given that it has a working product uh I’m going to place it just above Celestia Celestia has tremendous promise

    As a technology that could revolutionize the entire way we do blockchains but doesn’t have a lot of products uh cajera has a ton of products and also the ability to revolutionize how end users on board into all of this so I I do feel like that’s a fair place for it right

    Now in my mind when I’m purchasing crypto uh it’s up here in reality for this the purpose of this video to be honest I think that’s where it is um roin speckle thank you for the compliment I I really appreciate it I I try I don’t always get everything right

    But when I’m wrong I try and admit I’m wrong um because this is crypto and it happens um and I say that is someone who invested in Luna and is very wrong but it it happens you can’t catch uh 100 X’s if you don’t catch some minus 100% um I

    Had a request here for tezos uh so tezos from my previous understanding was actually one of the first coins that I bought and I bought it because they lean very hard into decentralized governance uh they do have an active nft community and I believe at one point they were tied to the French

    Government to do something there for them so of going to be the blockchain that did something but I haven’t really heard a lot about tesos lately um it seems to be another one of these chains which had a unique Nique Valley proposition that wasn’t really that interesting in driving adoption

    Governance isn’t that sexy right it’s like we’re all here to do other stuff other than vote on propositions but it’s still going I see it as potentially like less valuable than polka dot less relevant uh because poka do does at least have mind share and is doing active

    Partnerships across chain we’ve got the cardana partnership that’s happening and even though you know earlier someone mentioned it was a dead chain there’s still activity there I’m not saying that tesos is dead but it’s definitely in terms of Mind share and adoption um streets behind polka do from what I’ve

    Seen um and so just given that I feel like it belongs somewhere in the D tier here um I’m going to pop it just below Litecoin uh because I think I’ve seen a lot more interest in Litecoin Litecoin and Dogecoin merge mind so there’s Litecoin will continue to possess I just

    Don’t see a lot of reason for tesas to continue to exist unless it’s propped up by the the French government or some other aspect there um that’s just about everything that I I’d prepared if there’s another coin you’d like me to talk about uh let me just scroll through and

    See but yeah there’s another coin I just pop it here and I’ll tell you what I can about it I’m not seeing anything else oh Gala I don’t know a ton about Gala sorry I believe it’s a metaverse thing um but I haven’t dug too deeply into it so I

    Think I I wouldn’t do it justice to have a conversation about it on on this particular show um that’s all I got folks uh oh okay we’ve got q&t uh that’s Quant is another one that I don’t have a ton of knowledge on so yeah I know

    There’s a there’s a lot of folks who know that oh gosh you guys are giving me coins I haven’t heard of ewt wait what’s that have I heard of thatt energy web yeah sorry not knowing a whole lot about these uh let’s talk about sand um yeah

    So I think there was this whole uh world where there was all these uh mediverse Virtual Worlds that were being created and a bunch of these coins there was native tokens on different blockchains there was things like sand I really don’t see a lot of the activity coming back there it always

    Felt a bit like it’s further out than nfts in terms of the uh level of it just I don’t see why someone would pay for a virtual plot of land when the virtual plot of lands are infinite and they aren’t integrated into an experience that end users actually use

    So yeah I don’t see them coming back uh Sai um I’ve seen Sai a lot in the news I haven’t actually dug too deeply into it my understanding is it’s got a lot of VC backing behind it um and so that feels like you know potential red flag uh but

    It’s done you know pretty well and I think it’s attracting a lot of daps to it so I wouldn’t necessarily count s out uh but I just don’t have enough to be able to kind of place it on the list um I guess you asked about sandbox I’m gonna put

    Sandbox on the list so yeah I don’t think sandbox is very good uh space what is that that’s a new one for me and apologies there are 20,000 tokens so I don’t have them all in my brain no I don’t know a whole lot about space ewt I don’t know about but

    Unfortunately um fcoin fcoin is interesting so I think one place we haven’t leaned uh far enough into is uh effectively deepen um so the the the idea behind tying some of these currencies into like physical infrastructure um it’s it’s I think going to be a big um narrative probably

    This year or next year so you’ve seen I’ve already talked about um apps like helium like hivemind um this whole idea of decentralized physical infrastructure networks which is what deep in stands for um I think is is very interesting because it gives a way for uh networks to organically in uh form and

    Incentivize participants in that Network another one that uh I didn’t mention was aach which is another Cosmos chain and they’re doing that effectively for GPU um being able to lease gpus and CPUs and so I think those things have a very very bright future I think something like

    Filecoin um the category that it’s in has a bright future I think R weave is another example of that whether filecoin has something to differentiate it from our weave and others I’m not 100% sure um I’m getting folks are asking a lot about Casper so I think I’m going to

    Have to do that as my next Deep dive I honestly don’t know enough about Casa to to have a comment here but it’s it’s been the most popular like people keep pinging me on Twitter and and here to talk about Casper so yeah I’ll definitely have to do a Casper overview

    Because now I’m very intrigued based on the number of comments Adrian’s asking uh would be interesting to do at the end how you want this list to look in 2025 okay let’s let’s cue that at the end Neil come on FDX 2.0 God I hope those guys just

    Get the Justice that’s coming for them and go away um I’m my biggest disappointment with the entire last two years of crypto is how centralized players lied to us lied to our faces boldface lies I mean it’s one thing to work at a business and fail for whatever

    Reason but these guys were just flat out lying and that’s unacceptable um you know I’ll say often that I’m I’m not mad about Luna because I knew what was happening and it was a an attempt and it failed and yeah it was a failed project but things like FTX and Voyager

    And all the other who were lying about risks that they were taking not acceptable not acceptable thank you an G is a gaming coin so correction for earlier uh thanks Saran uh glad to thanks for the teer list not too shabby yeah I’m pretty sure that maybe

    Uh you would find that cardono might bump up a little bit um so potentially uh Theta is interesting so let’s talk a little bit about Theta because um I was actually involved in a uh project uh um called cavari on multiplus X which I think is somewhat related to Theta if

    I’m if I’m understanding Theta correctly I belief that has got to do with kind of live video and effectively building up like a a a YouTube on a decentralized network um I really really want things like this to succeed uh because we’ve all seen the censorship that’s been

    Happening recently I mean the last few years ever since the lockdowns and probably before that as well uh where you aren’t able to talk about things people get Dem monetized removed from YouTube previously removed from Twitter I think technology like data are tremendously important the challenge is

    I don’t know how they get adoption and how they kind of break through to reach critical mass uh so in my heart I wanted to succeed um I just don’t know if actuality um it it will actually succeed ah someone wants me to redo ICP I’ll

    Tell you exactly what I said ICP is dog there we go it’s supposed to have some crazy Tech that that does things better but the fact that they did a VC pump and dump on all their retail users I will never say anything nice about it because it was

    Very clearly extractive um and not something that’s uh I’m going to support uh thank you conr yeah I appreciate that I I try and make it fair uh despite what some on Twitter might think I try and make all my comments fair I don’t know everything I have

    Blind spots but from what I know this is not what I share uh Momo wants to talk about vchain so I think you know supply chain tracking vchain is a a coin the whole idea behind the chain is to track Supply chains from Source through manufacturing through delivery I think

    That’s going to happen at some point in time uh that’s another part of crypto where we have a use case that’s really really important which is how do you trust the entire process of the good that you’ve got do you know whether it was grown in this region or is it

    Organic or whatever the things important to you uh can you trace it back to that and blockchain is one of the few Technologies we have uh that makes that immutable now there’s a lot of failure points along the way the people entering the data at each of these different spots for

    Example but I do think Technologies like vchain have promise uh vchain has an interesting setup I believe it’s got like a two token setup um but I don’t know a whole lot about that see I I can’t comment on vchain versus a bunch of other competitors unfortunately

    Uh act I’m a huge fan of act it’s one of the the the the two coins that I think are amazing two technologies that are amazing that I don’t actually own one is act the other one is ruin I think they’re both fantastic um Act is a cash

    Um this is what I was mentioning earlier where you can effectively lease gpus as we move further into the AI era where everyone needs to lease a GPU I think some of the Arbitrage around GPU time could be something that really comes to fruition so it’s going to be um

    Definitely an opportunity I don’t know if it’s overhyped right now given all the AI hype so that’s my one hesitation is are we writing thinking that every AI company is going to do chat GPT open Ai and be a you know1 billion doll company at launch I I think valuations are

    Probably a little bit too high I don’t know a lot about gaming sorry R IMX and beam I don’t know a ton about so I can’t comment too much on that um yeah R weave data storage definitely I think that’s that’s bulling as well why are fct and Link pumping who

    Knows this is crypto um link for those who don’t know is Luna classic FDT obviously the token from s bankman Freeds failed exchange um I think tokens pump for a number of reasons one of which is just people speculating on the token but they they think it’s going to

    Go up so they buy it and then people see the price moving and they think it’s going to go up so they buy it another one could be explicit pump and dumps for people to have exit events um um I could see potentially that happening for ftt

    We see a lot of these Shenanigans around some of these centralized exchange tokens um so that’s not something that uh yeah I’m not not sure that’ll continue I treat those basically meme coins uh full disclosure I do have some Luna classic because wck lunatics always have some Luna classic lying around but

    It’s not enough to to actually make a difference in my life I’m loving the questions guys thank you I’m really enjoying this conversation and and sharing here uh so Prospect has got a separate subject in the US how do we get more crypto holders and the public on learning and deciding

    On crypto regulations uh Bitcoin ETF I think is a fantastic step in this direction because it brings the visibility of our industry to a larger audience um I think yeah how do we get people to learn more about crypto is a huge Challenge and I’m sure coinbase has

    A ton of people like working on this very very topic specifically um but I think when you look at the price of Bitcoin and if Bitcoin continues to hold value and to grow by Nature humans all of us are greedy right we we look at

    That and think okay I would like some of that you know I want to get rich too and so unfortunately price appreciation is one of the best marketing tools the crypto industry has I think we need to do a better job of not having scams running around like

    We have far too many scams and scammers and we just basically shrug our shoulders and oh $400 million was lost on ethereum okay um you know it’s a it’s not the way regular people would ever like to work if you lose your money that’s a big deal and so you can’t you

    Can’t just shrug some of those things off so I think we need to clean up our our entire industry uh but we also need to you know build something that has utility um you know for example I talked a lot about cajera being able to go directly from your checking account to

    On chain that owns you 15% interest in usdc that’s real utility for someone right there’s additional risks but but ultimately that’s a utility what are some of the other utilities right having a mobile service with helium that can be fully paid for by you owning a node

    That’s real utility so those sorts of things the more we can build real real utility uh the more we have price events which are positive that get attention and then when we clean up our industry and just get rid of scammers um I think those are some good things Neil thank

    You it’s great to have you here I appreciate you very much um glad you could join us I know we’ve gone for almost an hour and a half I don’t want me talk this much uh Momo yes great great to have you here very much uh

    Trying to share as much as I can um let’s see what we have here vchain slide they’re doing things in the background yeah I think Logistics is definitely um something that’s important um I I’ll put a I guess I don’t have my list up here oops let me add it

    Uh yeah I’ll put vchain I’ll put vchain above herera because I think it’s actually got a use case yeah you could definitely make an argument that Celestia should be higher not kin speckle I think the reason it’s not higher is it’s all promise right now it’s not so much delivery of actual

    Scenarios cool yeah I agree with you you know if you if you work in logistics like you know you know the pain and you know how important Tech like this could be um rand’s another one I hear a lot about um I haven’t dug into rinder a whole lot

    My understanding is it’s very similar to a cache but maybe I’m missing something there um so I’ve got rer and Casper after this conversation to go and maybe do a deeper dive into maybe do a video on um there will definitely be a replay

    So the video that’s on X I think we will stay uh the video that’s on YouTube once we end the stream uh it should be saved then as just a regular video on on my channel so if you go to uh crypto that’s me you’ll find me there

    All my videos are there um and if you click on the live streams then you’ll be able to find this one unfortunately Chris I don’t think the loss of funds will stop people using ethereum uh it’s just not the way that that we’re we’re kind of made um coins

    Aside from from cooi cooi is my number one right now so I don’t tend to give um price predictions or any sort of recommendations like that but I think that what the team at kajer is doing is very very awesome um so that’s all I got

    For today I kind of my my voice is cutting out here a little bit so I want to say thank you everyone for your comments thank you for kind of being part of this um it’s been a few months since I’ve actually done one of these so

    I’m having a lot of fun one of the things I appreciate most was you kind of challenging me and the questions that you gave um second thing I’d appreciate is if you are watching on YouTube please pop a like you know share comment do all the good YouTube things um I think it’s

    Unfortunately we are beholden to the algorithm gods and you have to pray to the gods by liking and subscribing that’s the way it is H thank you everyone for for your time you can hit me up on Twitter always happy to have a chat and I will see you again later cheers


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