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    BIO: I’m a YouTuber teaching crypto, content creation, recovery, music production, health, spirituality, lifestyle design, and personal development! I was born in 1984, sober since 2014, married since 2012, parenting since 2015, and an entrepreneur online since 2011 with a master’s degree in criminology from the University of South Florida.

    My videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. NOT financial advice!

    Jerry Banfield in Saint Petersburg, Florida, USA
    ⁠#jerrybanfield #jerrybanfieldcrypto #internetcomputer

    My friends imagine your kids as a crypto millionaire while you’re still alive if you want to give your kids a crypto inheritance as I know from talking to many of you from one-on-one calls scheduled on Jerry you do then this video will give you an original idea nobody’s ever said before

    And if you’re wondering what’s going to happen to my crypto after I die and you’re telling yourself that you’re building this wealth for someone else this is a video you’ll want to watch because it’s just plain stupid to be going around trying to build your wealth in crypto and then thinking about who

    You’re going to pass that on to what is a much better strategy is to ensure that whenever you do pass you’ve given everything away already and you’ve got to watch people enjoy what you’ve given them it’s just stupid to be piling up all this crypto and thinking someday

    Your kids can enjoy it when you may be building all these these worthless cryptos in your portfolio that will go to Zero by the time you go to pass and in the meantime you went around being broke and stressed out and gave your kids nothing so here’s how you can make

    Your kids a crypto millionaire with internet computer protocol and the number one reason that you want to choose internet computer protocol based on my research is for picking an inheritance you must pick a crypto that will go up indefinitely over time and an ideally that is drastically undervalued now based on the

    Technology and that provides staking rewards so you don’t have to touch the principle all of these properties are essential because many of you that want to give out an inheritance to your kids if you’re fooling around things like Bitcoin and ethereum those only go up if the price appreciates you can’t really

    Give those to your kids now because in many cases they would just sell it immediately internet computer protocol is the only crypto that makes a perfect inheritance because it has all the Key Properties you need to set up an inheritance even if your kids are 10

    Years old you can set this up now and it’ll be ready for them when they’re 18 even if they’re a little bit younger you theoretically could get this set up right now for 8 years in advance so if you want to make your kids a crypto millionaire it’s as simple as setting up

    An account in the network nervous system on ICP that has a th000 ICP that’s locked up for 8 years and when I believe the price will be way over a th000 for ICP in 8 years from now your children will be millionaires and the best part is the wallet will actually either

    Compound the interest paying about 16% APR right now all the way up there and that can simply be compounded and left in there or your children could begin living off of this as soon as now immediately so if you want a crypto inheritance for your kids the first key

    Step is to thoroughly research internet computer protocol because I think Bitcoin and ethereum are going to make for terrible inheritances in 8 years the Returns on those are probably going to be terrible I’d be shocked if the Bitcoin price did anything more than like a 20x in the next 8 years because

    The technology is already way behind and uh while Bitcoin might get be kind of like a souvenir in the future I don’t see Bitcoin as being a real store value in digital gold 8 years from now it’s just too slow and newer technology is coming up that will make it irrelevant

    Just like I wouldn’t have encouraged investing in AOL stock when you saw that dialup internet was going to yield to fiber optic crypto is going to yield to all-in-one chains that can build and you can do everything as you can on internet computer fully onchain with ICP and that

    Gives it massive utility and uh before deciding on a crypto inheritance program you need to figure out what’s the one crypto that is in the best position to build wealth in the long term and that’s grossly undervalued now I’ve thoroughly researched this for 100 hours but you

    Really need to do it yourself so if you’ve already done that process and you’ve already see the value of Internet computer then I’ll tell you how to set things up for your children so that you can have an inheritance that they can see now that you don’t ever feel any

    Pressure to give them anything else ever again if you don’t want to and that maybe one day you could watch your kids be millionaires off of what you gave them now so the first key step I think you want at least 1,000 IC P for this

    Which today is uh like10 $15,000 or so I don’t check the ICP price every day believe it or not because I’m locked for eight years it doesn’t matter what it is on a daily basis it matters is this where the future is heading and there’s no better technology in crypto and it

    Looks like a great way to rebuild the whole internet so looks like it’s going that way to me then to create an account for your kids the strategy I’m taking is I once they have a device a phone an iPad I’m then creating an account for my children on their device that therefore

    Their device is authorized and they can interact with it and they can see it and then immediately I’m setting up a recovery phrase for that account in case they lose access to the device that then I have that recovery phrase in a safe place and they have that recovery phrase

    In a safe place too and then I’m locking the recover phrase if you want to see how to do this search Jerry Banfield internet identity tutorial and I’ll show you how to do all that stuff but I already filmed a video so we don’t need to go over that again right here that’s

    The basic strategy you set this up on their own device then fund their account with a th000 ICP and I think a th000 is a great number if you some of you have lots of money for your kids a thousand is enough that that should make them a

    Millionaire within 8 years and if you don’t have that much I think a solid minimum would be about 300 or so ICP If the price hits 3,000 one day then they’ll be in millionaire territory and because of how icp’s voting rewards work if your child becomes a Millionaire on

    ICP they will be getting paid assuming the price stays at wherever it became a millionaire they would be getting over $100,000 a year in voting rewards so imagine watching your child in 8 years get 100,000 a year in passive income if you’re divorced you now become the

    Favorite parent of the two perhaps and if you’re not well then you get to enjoy that with your spouse so if I think and obviously anything you can put in there you could put in consistently a little bit over time but the key thing to do is

    Put it in one single neuron lock that neuron for eight years do not start unlocking it just leave that neuron locked indefinitely and then the key thing you need to do is make sure you’re following at definity at a minimum and or you can go follow my neuron which is listed in

    My open chat linked on Jerry I make sure my NE neuron votes on everything if if you follow definity you’ll get about 89 or 90% of the voting rewards so if it’s a 16% APR maximum you should get at least 14 just simply following definity on your

    Voting and then if you follow me or somebody else that is voting 100% of the time you should get the maximum rewards and you can ask questions about this in open chat or schedule a call on Jerry or take like 30 minutes to search Jerry Banfield Network and

    Nervous system tutorial and watch How I set all this up in my own account now another thing you can do is decide whether you want to compound the rewards on your child’s account so if you want to for example if you feel like I can only give them 100 ICP some crypto user

    On Twitch as I’m filming this live asked or or actually is SK 7R asked what’s the minimum you can lock up I think you can lock as little little as one ICP up I uh if so even if you could only lock a little bit of ICP 10 20 50 100 if you

    Select in the network nervous system you go in and select automatically restake new maturity you can set that up for compounding the rewards into a bigger and bigger principal amount now the pr the rewards will then be locked with the principal and not be able to be pulled

    Out until the dissolve delay is started but for your child’s account that could be perfect as long as the ICP price is at a low Point anything to me under $100 you definitely just compound the rewards and keep building your principal up then perhaps when it goes over $100 you could

    Have your child uncheck that in their account and then they could start actually getting income out of the uh ICP immediately if you locked up about 3,000 ICP in your child’s account and the price went over $100 for ICP your child would be able to get about $100 a

    Day in true passive income assuming you are following either definity or my neuron or another neuron that votes 100% of the time your child will be able to get $100 a day on average in voting rewards indefinitely as long as the price is over 100 and then if you lock

    Up over 3,000 IC whatever the ICP price is your child would get that much ICP a day every day indefinitely and the beauty is then you could watch them enjoy that so I talked to a parent today in a one-on-one call saying that they want to do crypto and

    An inheritance I’m like set up a ICP account take some of your Bitcoin convert that into ICP create an account for your child and explain all of this this is a good father son mother daughter father daughter mother son and whatever other combinations there are this is a good activity that you could

    Do to help teach your child about money teach your child about investing and I of course would recommend whatever you want to lock up for your loved ones make sure you’ve at least got that much cuz I’m laughing at thinking about parents locking up like a th000 ICP each of

    Their kids and then they’re gambling the rest of their own portfolio away and lose everything then they watch their kids become millionaires earning hundreds of thousands of dollars in voting rewards a year while they’re broke that’s hilarious that is utterly hilarious to me so make sure you hold

    Your own bag and enjoy your bag the same as you can enjoy your kids now of course this is not Financial advice this is educational and entertaining material this an idea to spark your own research and your own thinking I’ve researched ICP hundreds of hours I’ve reviewed

    Hundreds of altcoins on YouTube just in the last year I have done a lot of this to find the best thing for myself and for my family and I’m sharing that here with you but it is up to you to do your own research and to think of all these

    Things as well some further considerations with doing this as an inheritance one reason I love ICP for an inherit is because of the Locking feature there’s almost nothing there is absolutely nothing else in crypto I would want to lock up for 8 years and bet my inheritance for my kids on

    Besides ICP and you’re like okay well what if this goes to zero what if I give my kids this ICP and it goes to zero well at least you tried at least you made an effort and don’t worry because according to the book everyday millionaires most kids that get

    An inheritance from their parents just piss it away anyway and the parents are dead and the parents don’t even get to really see the kid with the inheritance so the way most people are doing it is so crappy and pointless that at least if you make an effort and go through this

    Educational process if it doesn’t work out that and in itself could be interesting and a good way to connect with your kid and at least you made an effort that is better than the effort most other people make right now most people are hardly even talking about inheritance or estate planning they just

    Die the stuff just gets thrown to the kids you got the spouse and the kids hunting for crypto after the parents have passed and it’s just a mess so this to me is a way to do it really nicely and to enjoy being alive together now the last point of resistance I’ll talk

    About is some of you you you might think you want to give your kidss an inheritance you might think you’re doing crypto for them but the idea of giving setting up a real account for your children with real money into it starts to make you feel like you don’t have

    Enough for that yet and that you need to build more and you need to gamble more with your crypto and you need to get your portfolio bigger and here’s the thing if you don’t have enough to give a little bit today and set something up for your kids then you’re probably going

    To feel that same way in the future and you feeling that way now is more than likely going to result in you never even making or having anything worthwhile to give the kids in the future sometimes we say we’re doing things for what you would think of as

    Selfless motives like oh I’m just trying to build this crypto portfolio for my kids but really that’s a motive you’ve given publicly that’s on top of a selfish motive that you’re trying to make all this money because you’re scared and you don’t have enough money and you’re that you’re really doing this

    For you but you’re putting it out publicly and that’s something you’ve got to look at and face inside so if you have some resistance to doing it it doesn’t have to be done this exact way either and you could the problem is with all these other cryptos you can’t really

    Do the eight-year locking to make this a long-term thing and it if you just give your kids a lump a Bitcoin they’re probably going to dump that on the market and take that money right away so I love that ICP has this unique functionality and this is one reason I

    Think ICP is prepared to succeed where most other cryptos are going to fail if you really want to boil it down to like which crypto would make the best inheritance to me nothing is would I rather give than ICP that said I’ve been wrong before I gave my cousins for their

    Graduation I gave them steam in 2017 the hundreds of dollars of steam I gave them is basically worthless now and that was a good lesson to learn like if if you’re going to set up an inheritance you need to I that steam they also could have

    Sold it I hope they did they also could have sold it and it’s kind of pointless to give an inheritance today that can easily just be instantly sold and dumped so this is a good example of why ICP is far superior to anything else in the market but it’s very important you come

    To this conclusion based off of your own research and using the technology yourself so this is what I’m doing this is the inheritance plan I have for my children once my ICP bag I have 2,900 ICP locked for 8 years and it’s not unlocking which means it’s locked

    Indefinitely at this point and uh my plan is once I get up to 6,660 6 6.66 in voting power yes that is 6 sixes then I’m going to stop building my own ICP pile and then I’m going to focus on building my kids pile and I’m off the

    Hook indefinitely like kids this is your inheritance if this doesn’t this is this is it this is what I’m giving you anything above and beyond this it’s up to you to work your way in the world and the rest of that money your mother and I

    Are just going to spend and give away and try and die with nothing so if you found this helpful go to Jerry for the full experience all my crypto channels I film this live on Twitch my open chat my Discord are there if you have questions my one-on-one

    Calls there and uh I will get on with filming another video for to publish on my crypto reviews Channel tomorrow


    1. Jerry, I followed your advise and staked some ICP. I just did 1 year. Do I need to start dissolving now? Or wait? I have voted a bunch of times but I don’t notice any rewards or anything yet. I started 12/26/23

    2. As 2024 unfolds, the financial landscape is characterized by a complex interaction of forces affecting equities, bonds, gold, and Bitcoin, with looming economic downturns and a potential Bitcoin bull run influenced by fiscal and monetary policies. In this environment, the significance of technical analysis in formulating adaptable investment strategies becomes paramount. Central to navigating these turbulent waters is Tobias Hawke, whose extensive expertise in both cryptocurrency and traditional trading, combined with his holistic investment approach and dedication to staying current with market trends, makes him an essential resource in mastering the challenges of this new era in cryptocurrency investment.

    3. Appreciate your video Jerry! Thanks for your straightforward info and opinions on Crypto. This is the first year that I'm really in Crpto and although I'm not in a position to even think about giving an inheritance, from what I see you are probably on to something with ICP as a long term hold and I will be looking to lock a little up for myself since I may have about a 10yr retirement horizon.
      God Bless!

    4. Jerry please buy your motoko nft !! Don’t miss out . In 2 days they will release the coins for holders. Its only around 5000 meaning the market cap will be low . Even if it does the same as ghost the other. Meme coin. Ur motoko coin easily will give you 10k and knowing that is the best nft of the blockchain this could go parabolic.

    5. This is a great Video! I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post, I learn a lot watching your videos from last and am super excited about how my stock investment of $5,350 is going so far, making over 22k weekly is an amazing gain.😍

    6. Thanks Jerry for keeping us financially Educated! Regardless of how bad it gets on the economy, I still made over $65000 last month while trading and is gonna be enough for my kids and I.

    7. Your explanation is concise and practical. However, the market can be manipulated in many ways. I had an early understanding of trading crypto assets but was limited by my technical analysis skills. That changed when I discovered John Grayson strategy. Day trading should be given more attention as it is less affected by the market's unpredictable nature.

    8. Talkin bout sponsored youtubers… click the link and what you see??? Powered BY ICP… yes ofc your all hones man and you dont make any money of this 😂😂😂😂 your the youtube fraud of wich you warned them for.😂😂

    9. Big ups and big love for the awesome daily content.
      Because inflation devalues your savings, it compels everyone to be an investor. Meaning you need to preoccupy yourself or offload your time/energy to the study of investment opportunities both of which are very costly. Thanks to Christopher Alexander Walter for showing me the appropriate way to get into bitcoin investing and trading with his trade signal and investing guidelines. Investing and trading are more than just having TA skills. There is a big component of discipline and emotional maturity, that one has to work on! Time in the market vs. timing the market. If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm! Within some months I was making a lot more money and have continued on that same path with Christopher Alexander Walter

    10. I'm celebrating a $30k stock portfolio today, started this journey with 6k. I have invested on time and also with the right terms now I have time for my family and the life ahead of me

    11. I watch your video, am subscribed and am invested rather heavily in ICP.
      I am curious about one specific conundrum.
      While looking on Debank I am curious as to why when you look at 'whale wallets' not one of them I could find holds ICP?
      Understandable for plenty of Bitcoin and Ethereum but all kinds other then ICP.

    12. I thought not to start dissolving after watching a few videos. Does Jerry or does anyone know of a group for ICP for holders to talk and assist – we’d have to keep our scammers. They are everywhere!

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