Dryden Gold just started trading last week. Prior to going public they secured a large land package in Dryden, Ontario. Dryden is not far from Red Lake, Ontario with similar geology. Dryden Gold’s land package has seen past mining and drilling that hit extreme high-grade gold in orogenic gold systems.

    Allan Barry Laboucan is the CEO of Advance Lithium Corp.

    More info

    Hello everybody and thank you for joining me today it’s allenberry labuan with the rocks and stocks news show um we’ve got a h very interesting new story to talk about in dren Gold uh they’re a brand new publicly traded company and they’re coming out of the gates with a

    Very unique story um it’s not very often that uh especially in Canada that uh I I Junior can consolidate such a large land package in such a highly perspective area and uh dren is not very far from Red Lake Ontario and Red Lake is famous for their origin at gold deposits and um

    The same kind of rocks are in dren uh and uh these guys have been able to consolidate a big camp in under one umbrella and uh from a regional exploration perspective that is a very exciting uh Prospect so they’re coming out of the gate very strong and I

    Brought try Trey and Mora on to uh talk about the company thanks a lot for joining me today hey thanks Alan thanks for the opportunity yeah thanks for having us yeah well uh Trey why don’t we start out with um you know a little bit of background about how you got to the

    Point of Dryden being a publicly traded company well uh you know I I we sold elely gold royalties in 2021 and uh to Gold royalty Corp uh and my intention was to retire and moved to Tyler Texas and on the golf course and started playing golf and uh

    About two years ago some of the E guys called me and said they wanted to uh they wanted to put some some of their money into something new and they wanted to put in some flow through money and they needed somebody to be the corporate beard if you will uh because uh they

    Need they needed somebody to run the company that wasn’t putting the flow through in um so it’s kind of started out innocently like I was just you know but um you know we we fell into this property in looking for a property I called a old friend friend of mine

    Mike tremble who we worked with at elely uh who had they had uh originally discovered the Bardon lake property and we we had worked with them on the royalty there Mike is a great guy and uh and uh doesn’t get enough credit in the business and uh I’ve had the pleasure of

    Meeting with him and really uh strong uh prospector and science-based Guy right well he had staked a big piece of ground there in uh uh the northern part of the dren camp and uh and at the time he and his partner has uh Phil eer with

    Phil was working for manitu gold and uh they indicated to me that you know manitu had this property to the South and if we could put that together it’d be quite a quite a package and they kind of indicated to me this that you know they said well uh you know manatu had

    Had intercepted 3497 grams of gold over uh over eight and a half meters and within that was 53,000 uh grams over a little over by the way for anybody that wants to see that rock uh in their corporate presentation Dryden has a a image of that core and it’s quite incredible it

    It actually reminds me of the uh Rock samples that gold Corp used to bring to the pdac so if you want to see some core full of gold uh go to dryden’s website and uh check out their corporate presentation because you’ll see some spectacular uh some spectacular gold in the

    Core well yeah so anyway we put that deal together with Mana too it wasn’t the cheapest deal I’ve ever done but it made what I thought was a very very exciting package and and uh you know so we I I started putting some private money together and and uh to get that

    Bought and uh you know it it just really expanded from there called some of my close friends that had worked there Jason Jessup uh for Magna mining he had done some pilot mining for him there and he said you know he spoke very highly of

    It and the guys at orex had done some work there so talked to them and and then talked to uh my old friend Darren Wagner who had we sold our companies about the same time in 2021 and he again had looked at the camp

    He he knew Mike very well and said he he had actually considered buying that property for ER optioning that property for Mike at Balmoral right before they sold out to wallbridge so you know people just kind of started piling in and the more we told the story The more

    You know private investors uh was you know in a very tough Market we were able to raise private money as we went along and and then um you know successfully do this RTO and and uh attracted you know just some of the top names in the business as far as on the investment

    Side it’s um it’s always a nice situation in the mining business when smart people are gravitating towards a uh a certain area and uh it’s kind of surprising that Dryden is uh so close to Red Lake Ontario which you know phenomenal highgrade mines low costs uh

    High grade lots of margin and free cash flow uh it’s kind of surprising that uh it’s not more well known than it is in the investing world but as you said the the technical people are gravitating towards it well it’s just always been so fragmented

    You know even when it was mined in the at the uh turn of the century in the camp the Gold Rock camp where we’re working I think there was maybe 10 12 different mines all owned by different companies that you know uh built their own Mills and you know eventually uh

    Couldn’t make it because they just had the one they just had the one or two shafts and uh so so you know this is you compare to Red Lake and Morrow you know speak to the geology they’re a lot better than me but from an infrastructure standpoint uh you

    Probably better than Red Lake I mean the the Trans Canada Highway runs right through the northern part of our property uh uh Dryden is is really probably the closest town even to Red Lake that has uh you know Labor Force and and Technical people and um you know

    Mora lives and drives she can she can drive down highway 502 to the property in in about 30 minutes well I had been uh watching the evolution of you guys going public with some interviews that you had done and the big sense that I got for a for a significant step forward

    Was your ability to get Mora on the team um having a geologist with the experience that she has in the Red Lake Camp in orenic systems and living right there uh it that that sort of situation doesn’t come about very often in the in the exploration

    World had some real good luck yeah good point this is a good point time for Mo to jump in here and tell about her experience in the um at Red Lake and and in the camp there with treasury medals and uh you know why she why she wanton

    To join the team well Mora yeah I’m glad to bring you on because um we’ve never met before but um our experiences I I’ve I spent a lot of time in Red Lake Camp uh on the uh on the West Side um I worked with a company called Red Star

    Gold Corp and uh Scott weeks ran the the company and unfortunately he’s no longer with us and also worked closely with Bob Singh uh who went on to fame with Great Bear but together we had all drilled about aund and some holes in that uh on

    The west side of Red Lake and so it’s been a uh been an area I’ve followed very closely for a long time so I I love these orenic gold systems I I love the high grade and and uh they’re not easy to figure out but when you do they they

    Really are spectacular and uh so you left uh the Red Lake and and now you’re working close to home yeah yeah I I actually uh grew up in in Upstate New York but I came up here long long ago now and got into the orenic gold systems with my thesis and

    Ended up in Red Lake for about eight years working for the Red Lake mine um went from an exploration Geo replacing reserves to running the uh exploration team is the exploration manager there we uh we had a great team we had uh Paul Harbridge was at the the lead of the

    Helm there as the VP of exploration and he and Mike ski they really brought in this uh systematic approach and and drilled it into our heads as as young geologist that what you need to do is look at the big picture and put that together so it really helps you I mean

    You can get lucky in these systems and looks great but it can run out you want to improve your luck so it really helps if you are looking at the big of the geology and applying everything you learn from one area to the next um and keep testing those theories and and move

    On too so one of the things we learned was you know don’t keep being a dead horse so test your theories if it’s wrong move on quickly fail quickly and get to the next one and so with h with this project we’re really planning to do a similar

    Approach geology based first learn from that use that to to test big theories and you know make a new discovery is the the real goal here but red L is a fun place to work very challenging but I I kind of like that sort of thing if

    You’re not you know in it in it for the big game then then why do it at all right exactly you might uh takes just as much to put a small mine into production as it does a big one so look for the big ones and you know um sometimes these

    Projects are like a painting and and you have a big canvas there uh it must be very exciting and why you why you joined the dring team yeah you know I couldn’t help but notice as soon as uh Trey phoned that to me the Gold Rock Camp looks almost like

    A mirror image of the Red Lake in terms of the geology so the main fault the South Crosscut in in tre in in treasury sorry in Red Lake is very similar to our manit to Norwick Shear Zone and then it has a whole bunch of slays coming off of

    It which all the different deposits in Red Lake are off of and similarly we have that main Shear Zone in in the dry and camp in Gold Rock and then a whole bunch of cross cutting faults so to me that structure looked very very similar and then you also have

    The fold and that creates highgrade traps really good between the cross cutting faults and the folds coming in you create these high-grade shoots which you know the the most famous One in Red Lake is the high-grade Zone um so to me you have all of those right geometries

    The right ingredients in terms of the right Rock the right age so you know it was too good not to not to come sniff around and see what we could find and you already have evidence of highgrade I mean manatu did intercept some really exciting grades um you don’t expect

    Continuity on strike in these kind of systems so we’re looking at what controls the Hy plunges continuity is challenging from a drill perspective because you could be inches away from spectacular stuff and and you might find that that continuity is there when you start mining it but trying to

    Show that with the drill core is is challenging right um for the non- geologist out there uh I wanted to break it down a little bit for for you and and what Mora described there is these orogenic gold systems have very deep roots and you need these uh deep crustal

    Cracks in the Earth Earth if you will for the fluids from deeper to find their way up towards the surface and equally is important to those deep structures are your cross cutting structures that come off of it because as the gold makes it fluids make their way up they’re

    Looking for a path of least resistance and they find their way into these secondary fs and um and as Mor said the the the folding of the rocks can also uh impact the mineral the gold traps and um and the age of the Rocks is important as

    Well you need these really old rocks uh to have those deep cracks in them and um and then the final box is the highgrade gold mineralization and so they have this story um all put together into a large land package did I get it all right Mora

    Yeah perfect I like it you have the perfect hand motions too I’ll add to that too though one one thing alen is that those crosssections too uh in in the at least in the in the U dren area those crosssections carried a a mineralization as well and uh so you

    Really have two mineralized events the main system and then the Crosset cutting section and that as you said Mora that’s what made up the red L Camp uh in the mindes and you have that’s say that’s why I couldn’t pass it up it looks too similar with two

    Different um gold bearing events and and all these you know stars aligning it looks good to me okay so um you got this large land package it’s in the right age of rocks you got the right structural story you got mineralization you got a big canvas to

    Work with their uh to paint on Mora and uh H how are you going about that exploration why don’t you as you said systematic uh U progress is the way to go in these camps and and what is the system you’re employing well over the summer we we

    Spent the the you know non snow e season getting our boots on the ground and looking at the entire land package so I I got out to the entire 480 square kilometers down every Bush Road to to get a look at it and really sort to feel

    And touch and feel what the rocks look like so you want to do that kind of broad exploration program first so we’ve collected geem on all of that so that we can really understand the big Regional picture but we have a great opportunity here because there has been historic

    Mining in the Gold Rock Camp there is about 20 ,000 meters of drilling just in the Gold Rock Camp between uh Tech in the 80s St Joe’s and um then manatu did a bunch of work as well so that’s really our brownfields opportunity where we

    Know the most we were able to create a vein model a geologic model using the drilling using the mapping using the geophysics and from there we’ll learn in the Gold Rock Camp about what the controls on mineralization are we’ll take all the regional data that we’ve

    Put to that we’ve collected and and we have geophysics covering the whole thing we’ll look for similar settings where there could be other great targets that we’ll want to pursue and then we’ll Rank and rate them so what I usually do is create a pipeline and kind of put all

    The targets that we have at different levels how much we know about them where they kind of sit from you know a theory to something that’s been drill tested to something that’s like a resource Target level Target um so that we can show we have a big growth pipeline I think

    That’s something really important and Junior don’t always get the chance to do it but we have this land package with a lot of excellent targets so I want to show that potential and show the potential for future uh interested parties you know maybe a maybe a baric

    Maybe a maybe a numont somebody who would you know be looking for a camp that has big growth potential and a long future ahead of it so having worked in those bigger companies that’s the kind of system I’m I’m employing and and an and I um are very much of the same

    Mindset she’s a geochemist so she brings that background and my background is more structural geology so we’re making sure those pieces of the puzzles fit in there are a few different kinds of deposits in this camp that we know about so we want to get the geochemistry from

    The regional perspective and hone in on the ones most similar to The Gold Rock camp where we have highgrade free gold there’s been some metallurgical work done in a bulk sample in 2017 really clean stuff uh 88% recovery be with just gravity and then 99 9.4 once you add

    Cyanide so we want to look through that because that’s that’s the sweet stuff um but we certainly won’t ignore what’s all in the camp and then we can piece together you know a story of what potential is here well the two of you sound like a perfect team because the

    Structural story can sort of Lead You In One Direction and and the chemistry can help you hone in on the on the big picture and and where to focus as well but not only only that also important in these orogenic gold systems is following them to depth because they they that’s

    The in Red Lake you know it was a struggling mine for many years focused on that near surface stuff and then they went down to about a th000 meters hit the Bonanza grades and it just kept going because that’s the nature of these orogenic gold systems they have very

    Deep roots and a a deep um heat engine that pumps that fluids up towards the surface and a lot of times you can see evidence of what’s going on through the chemistry as well exactly so it’s nice to be able to tie both of those strengths together and

    Then for geophysics we’ve been working with mea geoscience and actually the Geo that’s working with us also worked with us in Red Lake so um it’s good we’ve got a got a great team around around this thing so far and um great boots on the ground because I’ve worked in

    Northwestern Ontario for so long I I know the different contractors I know the Drillers and so we’ve been able to really get great people and even some bargain prices which which is something we want to be able to put as much money into the ground as possible so really

    Key and that’s that’s no small feat in itself these days we we suffer in this business I I’m 59 and when I came into the business in 1993 it was called the Lost Generation there wasn’t many people younger than me and there wasn’t many people 10 years or

    Older uh so that that’s called The Lost Generation in the business and then a in 2001 to 2011 when gold did very well there was some relief to that that that Lost Generation but then 2012 and Beyond it’s kind of another Lost Generation and so when you don’t have enough people

    Coming into the business um people become a big issue and we’re there now I don’t think a lot of people really understand the the people challenge um but it sounds like you guys being so I mean where else would you want to work if you’re in the mining business you can

    Stay in your own bed and drive to the property so that that’s very attractive uh for the people as well it’s the you know the the opportunity here I mean it it’s just uh you know it’s just incredible because you we have in this Gold Rock Camp six seven kilometers of strike that

    Are on patented claims uh and with several historic Minds on that only the the two thou or the 20,000 meters of drilling that Mo was talking about was only done on about a kilometer and a half and most of it the modern stuff that manitu did only on one of the vein

    Systems so uh and and the you know in this market exploration money is so difficult to raise and so expensive you know that you blow up your capital structure if you if you’re spending too much money the big thing here is that that super high-grade hit

    That we talked about uh earlier is at 75 M depth uh and the mineralization here starts at surface literally you can track it along surface and so we are able to you know we have two opportunities here one a lot of strike length where we know there’s no gold

    Mineralization and historic mining a lot of it that has has been inaccessible over the years because of the dense forestry there and since d is also a mining town a lot of this property has been opened up uh both Access wise and clearing uh by the mining or the uh the

    Logging activity and uh so we have a real opportunity here in and and and both a long strike and at depth and and have the opportunity to build a resource uh in the shallower area that you know at at starting its surface and it is minable widths it’s it’s about uh runs

    Over with the Halo runs about 8 to 10 meters width and uh uh you know so with less money we can work on strike length and finding more opportunities in the high-grade near surface uh and not uh and and and put something together so that we’re not

    Just you know trying to raise a ton of money and and and sell a lot of shares to drill you know real deep Pooles now we can work our way we’re going to work our way out a strike at in the shallower depths and then where we see the real

    Opportunities start to and and as Mora and Anna understand this geology better uh uh to and the controls then start targeting the deeper hols you brought up two pro two important subjects there and one is for you and one is for Mora the one for you Trey is

    You you you brought in a pretty impressive group of investors uh that jumped on board prior to the uh to the public listing and then in in the process why don’t you talk a little bit about that because one of the one of the traps is a good friend of my

    Show uh Rob mchan uh who knows the Red Lake Camp very well uh but why don’t you give us a flavor feel for the the people you brought in well uh look having just come off uh uh the uh uh you IL gold royalty story you know and we we built

    That when we switched to the royalty model in 2016 the market cap was about $6 million and in 2021 we built that up and and uh purchased royalties and and uh uh consolidated property packages and generated royalties and sold that uh in 2021 to Gold royalties for 300 million

    Uh so I had the advantage of you know when you come off those winds you get at least one more try with those investors right they they’ll let you in the door when you knock on it it’s just one right you know so Eric Sprout was a big

    Investor El he was really our benefactor there and so you know we Eric Eric has been supportive uh since the very beginning uh and then we brought in a a really strong group of of strategic investors in that probably have investments from uh personal investments from Bankers and

    Brokers and analysts at six or seven different firms and so you know those those people were also very strategic and and then a after that uh you know we um um really once once we got Mora on board and got this property package put together I mean the story sells itself

    It’s hard to tell this story to somebody and especially now when you hear me get out of the way on a on a on a presentation and Anna and Mora start talking about the you the geology and the opportunity and the similarities and everything else it’s it’s it’s a pretty easy sale

    Uh and so you know for instance when we met with Rob in Toronto doing the RTO and we were kind of struggling to get a lead order even though we had all these people already involved you know we needed a a new lead order and and we uh

    You know so we met with Rob and you know again it was Rob knew the property because it what is an old gold Court property they had this at the same time they had Red Lake in fact I think this prop goes all the way back with Rob to

    His uh Dixson days when you know they put gold Corp together but gold Corp just never explored it and Rob said in the meeting you know he he was disappointed that they had sold the thing and never explored it but on top of that once he and Mora started talking

    Red Lake geology you Rob was pretty much sold it’s um well you know they kind of got busy there and read Lake and you kind of have to prioritize things but uh Rob has an excellent memory and uh um you know I I I’m not surprised that he was impressed with the

    Story very very good at understanding geology and uh and opportunity and value um Mora uh Trey brought up a subject there that’s quite interesting to me because I understand the zonation of grade in an orenic gold system and that’s that Bonanza stuff as he said was

    Very close to the surface whereas in Red Lake it’s quite deep a th000 meters and Below do you have any under idea as to why there there is that Bonanza grade um so close to surface well actually Alan um I think it is fair fairly similar to what you see

    In Red Lake do you you remember those who know Red Lake well remember that Campbell was the rich mine and Dickinson was the poor mine for years well the Campbell mine had these nice continuous veins and they’re similar to what we see at surface and they were close to

    Surface things like the azone um the lzone and they were able to mine those they were these vein structures that’s what we see near surface here as well um and they had high grade shoots with with crazy high grades in them but not the overall continuity didn’t grade that

    High so they were able to to um their historic mins were 10 gram per ton average grade but they had these great cherries these shoots that would be crazy grades so that part is similar I do think there’s a big opportunity at depth and you know we’ve started

    Drilling already um and we are seeing differences between as we get deeper in some of our drill holes the vein style is changing I’m not sure what that means yet but it does kind of hints to me that the system is going to look a certain

    Way close to surface and maybe change at depth simp similar to what you see in Red Lake but I I do think it’s a very similar story um and as these bolts as we get to understand the network of them better we’ll be able to figure out where

    A great opportunity for a big amazing high-grade shoot is but I I wouldn’t scoff at finding something like the Campbell mine either close to surface it certainly wouldn’t be a a problem so that transition is it transitioning into more quarts as you get deeper more shears Zone looking stuff instead of a

    Nice continuous vein which if if you look in Our Deck you can see a picture of the vein on Surface and it’s a very continuous vein and where we’re seeing our Theory right now is that there are high-grade shoes within it where some of these cross cutting fults are coming in

    We can kind of Trace them from the geophysics hard to see on Surface but that’s really where we see that chot forming and there’s a few others we’re going to be testing um so we think that’s what’s controlling those but yeah as you get deeper and we’ve drilled in our recent whole

    About 100 m a little 140 m in that range it’s starting to appear different less like a main like one thick vein and more sheared which you know means you’re deeper in the system that all kind of makes sense what it means right now I’m

    Not sure and I are analyzing that and as we get results back and figure that out I’ll have more to say but it certainly is not a surprise to see that and as you get deeper in the system you’re in the more ductail rocks and you know what the

    Zone do appear different so that all all okay that also has an impact on gold mineralization Cooling in those as you get deeper oh yeah absolutely um and you know having worked so long in the Red Lake mine there’s so many different styles of mineralization related to the

    Different rocks you’re in and in the different depths you’re in so I mean it’s going to be really fun to figure this one out and I hope hope she’s as uh as lovely um I I wouldn’t be sad to find a 30 million ounce deposit that’s for

    Sure no that would be nice we’ll take what we we can get five would be great too um something really interesting Trey did mention that is different than Red Lake is the halo mineralization around this vein so we’ve got a vein that’s about you know half a meter wide to you

    Know three of a meter that’s kind of its average uh size but around that is a Halo that runs between one and a half to two grams um it’s Al strong alteration which you don’t really see that in Red Lake you get crazy high grades typically

    But you don’t see much of a Halo so it’s nice to see that because it really helps to you get to those mining widths so the with the Halo this mineralization is about eight meters wide and that’s that’s something nice to see and something minable that’s that’s uh an important

    Part of the story folks because um when you’re poking holes looking for this this stuff often it’s the alteration because when these fluids come up and they interact with the c the rock around them they alter that rock chemically and when you can see that alteration in the

    Drill hole you know you’re near something and then if you look at that sort of in depth slices you can start to project where to look deeper um so it it’s got to be very helpful MOA and I I just want to give the non- geologist out

    There a little idea of how important alteration is hey I’m the non geologist here yeah there you go are you learning anything Trey I sure am every day yeah I’m not a geologist funny because when I do the when we get do the presentation uh you know we have I

    Always started out and have to go through the forward-looking statements and you know it’s not just forward looking statements but it’s uh uh in incorrect geological statements that I’ll make and more is responsible for correcting me well I’m not a geologist either Trey but I’ve been uh poken holes

    In the ground for about 30 years and worked with a lot of really smart geologists geochemists and geophysicists um so I I kind of learned by the School of Hard Knocks and luckily I had some great mentors and in Moa you have a great uh person to to learn from

    So I’m sure your your geology is going to improve uh having someone like Mor around yeah the uh you know one other thing that we when as we’re you know telling this story uh talk about you know earlier I was talking about the luck of uh you know finding this

    Property the the um the luck of finding more but also we were very lucky earlier early last year that our uh Mana 2 gold who we had optioned the property from and given some a bunch of stock to uh was bought out for their uh property up

    Near the island mind of Alamos gold so now uh on top of all these other strategic shareholders you mentioned we we’ve name dropped here uh Alamos gold is actually our largest shareholder so they’re kind of looking over our shoulder and you know I think the

    Between the two of us went I learned uh as I said is that uh major and mider companies producing companies companies with money uh they like to see uh large strategic land packages and that’s what we have here uh you know and and and by the way even though it’s large it just

    Doesn’t cover a a it’s very strategic exact our property package runs right up that manit toe to Norwick fault uh for 50 kilometers and we’re just focusing now on the 20 kilometers in the middle of the uh uh of the in the Gold Rock camp but there’s high-grade gold

    Occurrences all along all 50 kilometers uh either from ground samples or something else but so you know here I put this property package together that is what the majors and and and again producers that the companies with money and uh you know and is is responsible for putting together the

    Expiration program that they like to see and uh you know the uh look there there’s no question that uh and I think you’ve written about this Allan that uh you know very difficult for an expiration company to uh find a deposit move it all the way into production you

    Know it basically doesn’t happen anymore because the major mid tiers are looking for these kind of projects and they get soaked up um and so you know important when you’re talking to shareholders too that you know we have an exit strategy and it’s not to build a mind um so um

    You know we’re developing this company so that it’s attractive and uh to uh to the the companies with money you know it it something I’ve seen a transition over during my career 30 years and the businesses for many of those years when you would bring your project to a major mining company and

    I’ve done that a few times um you would uh if you were fortunate enough to get a deal done with them to jointly explore to advance the project um the deals were not exactly friendly to Juniors uh and I’ve seen a transition over the last couple years that is quite

    Surpris Ur rising and shocking to me because of my experience is that I’m seeing some very attractive Junior Friendly Deals done by majors and I I think that this is indicative of the the situation with the IND industry in that you know those majors are having a hard

    Time finding the gold that they need to replace what they mine every year and uh I think that this is a trend that’s going to continue uh and so yeah I I think that Junior Friendly Deals are going to become more in the future especially when you can

    Tie up a a big camp and and bring them big targets and and that’s exactly what you guys have done Trey yeah we uh you know we we when you talk about that it uh you know we we like to say that Dryden has the potential to be great

    Bear 2.0 and and U you know that’s uh uh that’s the model we’re really looking for is to uh sell to a major company for a billion and a half dollars without ever producing a resource Mora I see you you little shock there but it’s possible you know Bob

    Singh Bob Singh was the person who I worked with for about a decade and I actually when I’m the guy who brought I was Consulting for Great Bear and I’m the guy who brought Bob Singh to Great Bear and uh Bob called me up one day and

    Said hey Allan you know I’m I’m looking for some Consulting work I don’t like being a a CEO of a public company uh and um he knew that I I knew a lot of stories out there and I said well you should come to uh Great Bear because um

    I think the company needs to focus in Red Lake Ontario and because you have that relationship with Perry English I think you should go to Perry and look at all of his projects and find the best one and uh and and and put that into Great Bear which is exactly what happened and

    Um I bring out Bob because he and I spent a lot of time talking about orenic gold systems and our love for them because of the we’re junk for that high grade uh and um yeah I don’t think it’s a stretch to uh to to make that comment

    About Great Bear because I see a lot of the similarities to the early days of Great Bear uh and one of those important s similarities was Bob Singh was is a extremely talented geologist and uh this is the first time I’ve met Mora but I’ve always been a pretty good have

    A pretty good eye for smart geologists and uh Mora I uh I think they’re very fortunate to have someone like you and you sound a lot like Bob Singh to me hey alen I also mentioned that uh Perry English uh active in the Gold Rock

    Camp and uh actually you know he sold a lot of his his uh business to uh emx and uh so yeah there’s uh some some of the property there is uh is stuff that uh Perry was involved with that Perry yeah involved with exactly well you know I

    Could spend several hours uh talking to you guys about the project because you know my experience with Bob Singh and our experience in Red Lake Ontario and and uh but I uh I think we can use some some of our future interviews for that and before I we

    Close though Mora I’d like to um sort of give the audience a feel for the work that you’ve done and the work that’s sort of immediately in front of you and what information you’re waiting on um so I’ll hand it over to you on that front perfect thanks alen so I mentioned

    Earlier we had done some uh mapping and field sampling this summer so we’re starting to get that stuff back you can see you’ll see information coming out soon on that as Anna and I analyze and make sense of what it means and then we did we Trey mentioned we started

    Drilling in November um we decided to test in the area with the most brownfields opportunity we call it the Gold Rock Camp so we’ve done this in we’re doing it in four phases we have the opportunity um knowing the local contractors to kind of do this in what I

    Call like the the smartest way where you do a little bit we apply the learnings to it we do a little bit more apply the learnings to it and so on so each program is is being changed on the Fly based on what we’ve learned from the

    Last one so we’ve done two phases so far the first phase was focusing on some strike extension on the big Master System up to the north where it had never been drilled but there was surface uh outcrop showing the mineralization and the vein and surface sampling so

    That’s kind of an exciting one and then in December we went back into the heart of where the high grade Sho is to try to understand its orientation the control on it so we did a few holes I can’t remember if it’s six or so um seven

    Something like that on the high grade shoot itself so that we can under better understand those controls and apply that and then we just started up last week uh phase three which will be on the allora trend so there are two parallel vein Trends in the Gold Rock Camp um and this

    Is the other one which had the highest grade historic mine it ran .41 ounces per ton in the ition mine so we’re testing the south end of that historic vein Trend um now in the ‘ 80s and 90s that Trend was drilled by Tech and um St

    Joe has some really nice hits a lot over 10 grams so we weren’t able to um ground truth all of those holes the collar have been hard to find but we’ve got a a rough vein model on that one and then these holes will be on the south end

    Some of which will be kind of in the heart of where St Joe and tex and then we’ll do some extension to the south of that um and then we’ll do one more phase in February can results depending exactly what we’re going to test on that but there’s a few other

    Stepout targets that we may test and maybe a little bit more in the big Master vein system as well some highr shoot potential and have you done a like geological or GE geochemical work and geophysics as well to layer on for your drill holes yes so um part of the summer

    Program was we’ve got in 2022 we did geophysical coverage over the entire property then we did geochem sampling the summer so Anna’s busy interpreting what as the results are coming back in what that means for each area and kind of so we can decide which ones have most

    Similarities to the the clean gold that we want to go after that’s similar in the high the the Gold Rock Camp um and then you know there are other types of deposits in this belts so we kind of want to be able to bucket them and and

    Figure out where things sit in our resource Pipeline and and then we have been working with mea geoscience to do interpretations of the geophysics that we have so um what I do with them is we’ll create a 3D geologic model based on the Airborne geophysics the the

    Magnetics it is amazing what they can do and you you would drill so many holes to get this level of detail of a geologic model but with the geophysics with mapping with some structural measurements and a handful of holes you can get a geologic model for a big

    Region so that’s what we’ve done in the Gold Rock Camp so we already have a really nice geologic model so far from drilling it is holding well like it it’s great I I love working with these guys and then we’ve done that on another secondary Target called the turtle pond

    Um so we’re using everything we have kind of piece by piece as we see the targets that make the most sense that we can have the best shot at at our drill programs Moira you know it it just keep I mentioned it earlier and it keeps striking me the the way you’re

    Describing this is very similar to the conversations in fact I just recently had one with Bob Singh and you know he talked about in the same line of what you’re talking about you sort of you look at every structure possible and then you start overlaying well does it

    Stand up and because what people have to understand about these orogenic gold systems is they’re not big widely distributed gold systems they’re narrow super high grade and if you’re poking little holes into the ground to look for those it it could cost you a lot of money and you want to do it

    Intelligently and so by being able to you know look at the structures and then overlay that with the geophysics and the geochemistry and it’s really interesting the geochemistry you talked about because the chemistry can also help you Vector in in this Camp because you have that alteration Halo outside of the the vein

    So you you have a lot of tools that you’re using and and that’s what Bob and I talk a lot a lot about is you know to use all those tools to Vector in and let the drill hole tell you where to go from there yeah we’ve got to use everything at our

    Disposal so we’re we’re doing oriented cor it hasn’t been done before and in a structurally complex area we need to know exactly how those intersection lineations work so that we can follow them down um so trying to you know be detectives when I explain in my job to

    To other people I just basically I’m a detective but for rocks and that’s that’s what what we’re doing here and you know that’s the the early approach to to the go Great Bear story was Bob went in there and he looked at all the drill hole locations and started to use software

    And realized that some of those holes were not where they were on the map and the directions were off and by putting that story together it helped them to find what they did and uh an oriented core was a really important part of it because you want to know exactly where

    That hole is and exactly where it’s going to be able to put that underground story together um and uh so again I I’m really impressed with the the way you guys are going about doing the exploration on this project Mara thanks Alan well um so lots of work done lots

    Of work pending and folks pay attention to this this information as it comes out because as Morris said they’re doing the detective work to understand what’s happening underground and um you know the geophysics are not something to be ignored the geochemistry is not not something to be ignored it’s not just

    All about drill holes in these kind of counts it’s layering of the information that leads you to that success as you follow it a long strike and at death so I’ll just add two to that so so uh bottom line again for the we have 15

    Drill holes in the lab uh in in the assay Lab at this time and and looking for those to come out and and be released and uh you know with the RTO we we it was very successful we did uh uh in this tough Market we’re able to raise

    $5 million so and part of that Drilling and and and the geop physics and stuff were paid for with private money so you know we really have a good budget I mean we expect to finish this drill program and still have funds left to uh for for

    A second drill program this year so we’re pretty much set through this year with the and and and this definitely not a lifestyle company you know we’re keeping it using outside geologists and uh um um geochemists and and as well you know to to help with the fieldwork and stuff not

    Putting on a big staff so um you know we want to keep the GNA low and money in the ground High well I have a I’m I’m fairly good at recognizing stories early and I’ve done it a few times in the past more than a few times actually and uh it’s a

    It’s a rare opportunity that I’ve had where I I get into s a story prediscovery if you it’s not pre-discovery and that we know there’s gold there but pre your work and your Drilling and um getting one right out of the gate to start talking about from a

    Brand new company if you will as a public company anyways is quite an exciting opportunity and why I like to get involved in them early is because I like to watch the evolution of the project and keep my audience informed about that uh so I’m really thankful

    That you guys uh spent the time to come on the show well we really we we really appreciate the opportunity Alan and uh you know I’m a fan of your um your writing and I think you have a u you know a even your your macro picture on

    Gold and and and what’s causing gold to move and and the history and evolution and and of of the explor exporation and uh in gold and and Mining uh you do a very good job and you certainly explain it to the Layman uh in in excellent

    Terms well I have a few scars from my experience that that helped me with all of this but uh I uh I appreciate those kind words Trey and uh I think you guys are doing a heck of a good job and keep it up Mora and

    And Trey and uh I’m sure we’re going to have more of these because uh I know how these things evolve and uh one of my mentors uh that Bob sing and I worked a lot with um he often said to me that you know projects start out looking like

    This and then they get smaller and smaller and smaller but minds they tend to get bigger and bigger and bigger uh and uh I think that that’s the direction you guys are going in the future so uh I look forward to Future interviews as well great thanks alen I’m gonna close

    It off and then we can have a quick chat at the end there if you guys want to hang around right actually uh I’ll call get let let’s plan on talking later alen because I have another call I got to get on right away okay yeah we’ll do that

    Trey um okay folks so there you go um uh dren gold is a brand new outof thebox public company they’re coming out with a phenomenal project in the orenic gold system they have put together a a topnotch group of investors I think that will give them the money and the

    Patience to work through this project way it needs and in Mora they have a person that uh uh knows what what these rocks should look like because of her experience in in Red Lake and uh uh collectively I I think this is a story that’s going to grow into a much bigger

    One uh and uh I’m glad to bring them on board as a company I’m following early and uh I think it’ll be early in a a long string of success so as always my shows are for information purposes only do your homework speak with your financial advisors go to their website

    And uh and uh check them out and I think you’ll be impressed with what you see on that note have a great day and we’ll talk to you soon

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