IT’S FINALLY HERE! Bitcoin ETF Approved (What This Means For You). The SEC has now approved 11 spot bitcoin ETFs. Let’s talk about exactly what bitcoin ETFs are and what this means for the average investor.

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    **Time Stamps**

    00:00 intro
    00:33 what is the SEC
    01:20 SEC’s recent ruling on bitcoin ETFs
    03:30 11 bitcoin ETFs that were approved last week
    04:00 What is an ETF?
    04:35 How to buy bitcoin bitcoin ETFs
    05:28 What are bitcoin ETFs?
    09:15 How are bitcoin ETFs doing so far?
    10:43 Big institutional investors role in bitcoin ETFs
    11:42 Why this bitcoin ETFs could be bad for bitcoin?
    13:49 My opinion of the long run on bitcoin ETFs

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    Guys the SEC has approved 11 Bitcoin ETFs just as of last week now on this quick video I want to talk about what that means for me and you as regular investors right and what it could mean for the future and I just want to give you some basic information about these

    Spot Bitcoin ETFs so you can begin to make informed decisions in terms of your own Investments and you can decide if you want to include these Bitcoin ETFs in your own Investment Portfolio you may want to do that now the US Securities Exchange Commission that’s the SEC the

    SEC was formed after the great stock market crash of 1929 here in America and basically the sec’s goal or their role is to protect investors right large institutional investors and us as the smaller right retail investors so to speak the whole purpose of the SEC is to help maintain sort of a fair

    And orderly efficient market where people aren’t taking advantage of so the SEC is sort of the regulatory arm of the United States to manage and regulate the investment world now after years of rejecting Bitcoin the SEC has finally given Bitcoin ETFs a green light and in

    My opinion guys it’s going to pave the way for mainstream investors like me and you to get exposure to bitcoin who would otherwise not want to get that exposure to bit Bitcoin because we look at Bitcoin most people look at Bitcoin as being highly unregulated and highly

    Unregulated is a red flags right so now you’re able because of these Bitcoin ETFs you’re able to buy Bitcoin in your brokerage accounts if you have a brokerage account with Fidelity or IB interact interactive brokers or you have a a brokerage account with on uh Robinhood or wherever you can actually

    Invest in Bitcoin now I don’t think it’s been extended to Vanguard just yet but a lot of other large brokerage companies have said hey we’re on board now listen guys full disclosure I’m no crypto expert uh I’m no Bitcoin expert I just do my research just like you should be

    Doing your research when it comes to these type of investment vehicles on this YouTube channel I try to help people manage their money maintain their money make more money invest their money grow their money so for me guys it’s important to talk about the El in the

    Room regarding money and in my opinion Bitcoin ETF is a new elephant in the room that I want to have a conversation about so let’s go a little deeper as I said the SEC has approved last week 11 Bitcoin ETFs um however it’s important to note guys I want to say this UPF

    Front that the SEC made it very very clear that their approval of these Bitcoin ETFs didn’t mean that the SEC was now endorsing Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency and they made it really clear that these markets still have the ability to be manipulated and there’s still a lot of volatility in this

    Bitcoin Market these cryptocurrency markets right so kind of like the SEC is saying hey invest at your own risk right now hey we told you that there’s going to be some problems some up and down some issues and there’s some vulnerabilities with Bitcoin and Bitcoin ETFs but invest if you want to right

    That’s basically what the SEC is saying so here’s the initial 11 Bitcoin ETFs that were approved I want to show them to you real quick so as you can see here guys on the screen there’s 11 of them bitwise all the way down to Fidelity wise and then you got of course Franklin

    Bitcoin you got some Invesco Galaxy uh grayscale is there as well and there’s their ticker symbols but that’s their fee you know what they cost some are more expensive than others these are the 11 Bitcoin ETFs that are available right now for you to purchase and go out and

    Add to your own portfolio so I wanted to bring those up guys so you could see them and understand what but they are and by the way just so we’re clear I want to make this clear an exchange traded fund or an ETF guys is a just a

    Type of investment that allows you the investor to buy and sell whatever assets on an exchange and now in this case The Exchange is the stock market ETFs basically are an easy way for all of us to invest in something or a group of things like it could be junk bonds or

    Gold or whatever without having to take actual possession of the asset right and ETFs trade uh just like stocks which means they’re going to to be bought and sold throughout the normal trading day on the stock exchange now these 11 ETFs right here since the beginning of Bitcoin anyone wanting to own Bitcoin

    Would have to go out and buy it and that means they would have to understand and learn and get a wallet a cold wallet right and open up an account on one of the crypto trading platforms like binance or the most popular one is coinbase or something like that so with

    These spot Bitcoin ETFs they’re going to open the door to all of us who were skeptical of doing doing all those things to get into the cryptocurrency space right and we didn’t want to go through those extra steps of having a a coinbase account and all that good stuff

    Um where often times binance coinbase people have seen that in the past as being more suspect and suspicious of that type of thing but now that we can buy Bitcoin ETFs through our own brokerage firm it kind of takes a veil of mystery off these uh off of Bitcoin

    Off of cryptocurrency in general so what are Bitcoin ETFs guys spot Bitcoin ETFs basically they hold they they hold Bitcoins in a secure digital Vault that’s going to be managed by a registered manager which is why you have management fees that we see here on the screen right these fees that we’re

    Looking at are typically going to be the management fees for them I’ll put them in order here as you can see by the largest gray scale grayscale having the largest fee all the way down of course there’s more to look at than just a fee when you’re going to buy or decide to

    Buy which ETF that you know one of these ETFs but the purpose guys just so we we’re clear the purpose of a spot Bitcoin ETF is to mirror the price of Bitcoins in the crypto market now we know with regular normal ETFs that we’re used to right they track the performance

    Of a bucket of stocks a 100 different stocks 500 different stocks right a whole bunch of them is tracked by one ETF now this new Bitcoin ETF it’s going to only track one thing and that is the price fluctuations or the price movements of Bitcoin itself which really

    Raises the question you might say well well why not just own Bitcoin right out right only own Bitcoin and and don’t worry about owning some type of ETF or something like that well here’s the issue with that guys the issue with only owning just a Bitcoin out out by

    Outright is that like I said for us retail folks guys us folks that don’t want to get all into having a coinbase account or having a binance account right for us regular folks it gives us as well as some institutional right investors the convenience of not having

    To hold a wallet but still at the same time being able to own a piece of Bitcoin so instead of going out to coinbase to buy sell trade now I go to my Vanguard or not my Vanguard but I go to my fidelity account and I buy sale or

    Trade or go to my Charles Schwab account and buy sale and trade in my own brokerage account so it it makes it more convenient to actually get in the space for us regular investors and for these institu U investors now there’s been Bitcoin ETFs out there there was there’s

    One called uh Bitcoin strategy or B bit is it ticker symbol it’s been out since about I think 2020 or 2021 but it really holds like Futures uh that are related to bitcoin it doesn’t really hold the Bitcoin itself so and then Futures are even more speculative than regular

    Bitcoin and those Futures don’t really track the the straightup Bitcoin itself like these ETF Bitcoin these these Bitcoin ETFs are going to do so the Bitcoin ETF it has its advantages over some of the other products that were put out there previously in terms of Bitcoin ETFs right the new Bitcoin ETFs are

    Going to sort of operate like similar to what we consider like spider ticker symbol GLD some of those when you’re investing in gold right when you invest in gold without having to hold the gold and store the bars of gold right same thing with ET with the Bitcoin ETFs

    Right similar like let me give you another example like a Reit with a Reit you kind of play in the real estate game but you don’t really own physical real estate same concept you’re playing in the Bitcoin space but you don’t have to really hold Bitcoin itself that’s the

    Same thing these Bitcoin ETFs are so now you can actually invest in Bitcoin but not hold any of the coin because you have the ETF itself so the SEC seems to really have become a little more comfortable a little more loose so to speak with the idea that bit coin is

    Going to be here to stay as an asset class for the most part right and as you you might be asking you know how’s it going so so far I mean it’s been about a week or so or 3 or four days since it’s actually been act actively trading so

    Let me just pull this up real quick guys let me show you this real quick so I wanted to pull up this article real quick for you guys this is just a few hours old spot in spot Bitcoin ETF volumes pass insane 10 billion dollar guys um so Bitcoin ETF leaves no doubt

    About the road forward right so spot Bitcoin exchange traded funds have seen eight figure trading volumes in the three days since their launch in the US right so that’s pretty huge guys bitcoin’s newest ETFs have caused controversy since their January 11 debut and I’ll go ahead and blow that up so

    You can see it a little bit bigger you know while some are wary as a result fellow Bloomberg analysts say that the raw figures speak fors $1 billion of trading volume in the first three days of these Bitcoin ETFs to put that in perspective he goes on and says there

    Were 500 ETFs launched in 2023 in America today they did a combined 450 million in trading volume right the best one did only 45 million here in the first three days of activity alone these Bitcoin ETFs are at $10 billion in trading volume in the first three days

    Huge guys in terms of you know what’s flowing out there right now in terms of these Bitcoin ETFs so just something to think about I just want to show you guys that because when you’re talking about okay how are they going so far what’s happening right now they’re big they’re

    Doing really really well right the volume is really high on these things right now so like before guys a lot of big institutional investors like big hedge funds Pension funds family offices if you don’t know what a family office is guys a family office is just a really

    Really rich person that has 10 million 20 million 30 million 100 million ion dollar they create sort of an office where all of their assets are managed under an office they call that a family office but you got family offices these Pension funds they they manag combin

    Trillions of dollars right and they for the most part they’ve steered clear of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies but now with the the acceptance of SEC accepting these Bitcoin ETFs a lot of these institutional investors are going to bring their institutional Capital into the Bitcoin in cryptocurrency space uh

    So you know you might have retirement funds Pension funds University endowments all those large players they can maybe now include some Bitcoin ETF in their portfolios right in my opinion guys here in lies the big problem with this whole thing that you really don’t hear a lot of people talk about but the

    Whole purpose the whole original purpose of Bitcoin was to sort of steer clear of all of these regulations right Bitcoin was created sort of as a peer-to-peer payment system as a way for people to create it across the blockchain technology for people to sort of send money through the internet and sort of

    Um bypass the middleman these financial institutions Bitcoin was created after 2008 the the financial crisis of 2008 where the world was relying on all these people in the these inter intermediaries these middleman Bankers uh of financial institutions right to kind of manage money as it flowed through the hands

    From people to people person to person so Bitcoin was created sort of to get rid of these restraints and these restrictions on the exchange of money in monetary transactions right but now we’re seeing Bitcoin sort of morph into um something that requires regulation by the middlemen so to speak

    So when you when you invite huge investors into your space like the approval of Bitcoin ETF has now done right when you invite them in guys the the the Pension funds the hedge funds the insurance companies the venture capitalist when you invite them in these people these institutions that manage

    Millions and trillions of dollars well guess what you’re going to have some regulation regulation is going to be here now front and center but again that’s what Bitcoin was invented to sort of get away from but the big boys they’re not going to listen the big boys these Pension funds venture capitals

    They’re not going to play in the game of Bitcoin without these regulations and protections over their Capital so sure they’ve let Bitcoin now SEC has let Bitcoin in the game slowly but surely with these Bitcoin ETFs but it’s at the cost of bitcoin losing some of its original luster its original purpose if

    That makes any sense so in the long run guys I expect these ETFs to funnel billions and billions of dollars into the Bitcoin space right the cryptocurrency space because other cryptocurrencies over the next several years are probably going to get into the game as well so the S and here’s another

    Thing the sec’s approval of Bitcoin ETF sort of in my mind kind of Lights a fire or intensifies this whole fomo thing right fear of missing out I think a lot of the large institutional investors they they felt like they were missing out on the whole crypto currency or

    Bitcoin thing that’s happening so to speak so um sort of irrational exuberance right they all wanted to get in and play the game when they saw what Bitcoin was doing that irrational exuberance has kind of been swirling around the crypto world for the last what 10 years or so you see all these

    Asset managers head fun hedge funds pension fund managers they now want to get into the Bitcoin game and now a lot of them are going to be probably reallocating a lot of their portfolios to include a portion of these Bitcoin ETFs and maybe even some other crypto

    And perhaps now some of your money that’s invested with that pension fund is going to lie in these Bitcoin ETFs something to think about now when you have huge fund managers like say a Kathy Wood who came out the other day ago she’s the investor and founder of Arc

    Invest invest when she came out and she sees Bitcoin skyrocketed right her words carry a lot of weight so now you see people jumping at the bit to get into it right to learn more about it it’s regulating Bitcoin is what it is in terms of what to buy guys you know you

    Have to do your research in terms of which Bitcoin ETFs that you want to purchase and perhaps maybe add to your uh portfolio your Investment Portfolio maybe you don’t want to add any of them to your Investment Portfolio but you need to do your own research regarding

    Fees because really fees at this point is the big separator between the different types of uh Bitcoin ETFs that are out there but again do your own research all right my final assessment is this guys invest at your own risk remember you want to understand whatever

    You decide to invest in no I would not lob 50% of my portfolio at Bitcoin ETFs I wouldn’t do it no if you want to lob 5% 6% 3% 1% of your portfolio into these Bitcoin ETFs totally your choice but again understand them first all right there’s no 20-year track record there’s

    No 10year real track record of Bitcoin at this level that it’s at right now it’s very speculative that alone makes it carry additional risk that you need to be aware of if you plan to invest in these Bitcoin ETFs and hey that’s what’s happening with Bitcoin ETFs right now

    They’ve been given the big stamp of approval by the SEC if you got anything at all out of this quick video do me a favor smash the like button share this information with as many people as you can guys and drop me a comment below guys let me know what you think about

    These new bit coin ETFs are you going to invest are you not going to invest are you waiting around you’re not quite sure sure and you want to do your research guys let me know that in the comments below hey the best person who’s going to

    Take care of the old you is the young you take good care of yourself and take care of other people until the next video peace


    1. I’ve been learning a little about this and the only issue with this is that you truly down own the Bitcoin. Just following the volatility of it with cash. I’m not too familiar with crypto but if I were to invest, I think I would want to trade the actual crypto coin

    2. Bitcoin is great I own a bunch for years now. The ETFs are not a threat to Bitcoin. Bitcoin keeps going no matter what and you can use it how it originally was intended for. The finality of its supply is the reason why the price keeps going up since people begin to understand it and demand it. The ETFs are just a way for people to be exposed to the best performing asset in the last 10 years without having to have the technical knowledge of self custody. I do recommend people just buy a little bit and begin to learn about it and its many use cases for different types of investors and people

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