
Cryptocurrency – Phemex Cryptocurrency Exchange – January 2024

Meet Richard, an experienced digital asset analyst specializing in Bitcoin, altcoins, blockchain, and NFTs. With a strategic focus, he crafts diverse strategies prioritizing equity and inclusion. Navigating the cryptocurrency space, Richard combines market insights with a commitment to diversity. Beyond numbers, he harnesses digital assets for transformative opportunities. From investment strategies to blockchain’s social impact, Richard leads initiatives promoting equity in the digital landscape. Join him on the journey to redefine success in the evolving world of cryptocurrency.

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Good afternoon welcome back to hello Rich SF digital media Productions today we’re going to look at some crypto I’m your host with the most and you’re going to look at uh what’s going down here in his cryptos in this app which is FX going to show you something which is a little bit Interesting so in this app there’s a lot of features so many and one of the features they have on this here is what they call the copy trade which you can basically look at what a Trader if you will sounds bad right a crypto Trader who wants to share their portfolio and everything

Um what you can do now what you need to look at here is of course the ROI so this this person here here um you could say according to the rest of them is pretty good look at their their uh return on investment is 226.24 on the money only has 369

Followers 18 people have copied them and it’s 50 bucks to execute that trade you can’t actually know what it is so yeah there that feature tell some people losing a lot of money here 66% on their you know it’s fine we’re not going to get into any trading things just letting you

Know what you could do on here since we’re not Trading it’s not necessary to check the wallet every day now when piece of advice you wouldn’t want to have all of your uh crypto in this exchange remember I have two I have two crypto uh applications one is the wallet

Exodus and this is the exchange FX you might ask yourself well why don’t you use binance why don’t you use coinbase well because of the fact that where I live and of my lifestyle that I have and I choose not to share all of my private information since I’m

Not in the United States at the moment so once I get to the United States I will set all of those things up but setting them up from overseas abroad is not as easy as one might think so that’s why soic is one of the ones that kind of allows you

To to partake they’re inclusive they’re diverse they’re Equitable and in this case in the crypto world it’s decentralized I guess you could say anyway nothing’s changed really in the wallet I’ve lost a little bit of sense here on the BTC usdt is never going to change well

It shouldn’t I mean some people think that it would but uh so this is why we have this usdt here because it is our it is kind of like our buffer it’s the we know that it’s not going to fluctuate not like so Lana or ethereum wood which

Is what we’re holding here as I told you we’re only holding four okay in a 60/40 allocation 60% Bitcoin 40% of the others as you can see uhhuh it’s about that kind of a breakdown and um yeah so one might ask to about the market and

Say what’s going on with the market I thought that the e ETF knew was going to make it blow up no I know some people fell for that I knew not to fall for it because I’ve already been through all this before with crypto and I saw that the best strategy

For now in these in these kind of un un unsure times times of the unknown um just stick with a strategy that’s going to give you some longevity in the game think of it as you wanting to stay in the game and uh this is what this strategy

Can do for you which is the the classic hoddle strategy um with a little bit of uh selloff and things like that profiteering from uh an increase in price which we will see eventually hopefully if it goes down then I can show you we can do to balance that out

To make sure that we don’t have that much of a loss that’s why you have the usdt so for example if this Bitcoin Falls to one say 190 I have the $112 here of usdt so I’ll top up the Bitcoin with the rest of the 12 to even

That out and it works it works as a as a double as a double um kind of Leverage bridge if you will because you’re buying it at the cheaper price so that if it does go up it will give you a little bit of profit now you say but what if it goes

Down so yes it’s it’s true it could very well possibly go down so if Bitcoin hits 190 okay Bitcoin hits 190 and I say okay I’m going to use my 112 of usdt I’m going to use 12 12 I’m going to top it up to get

It at 10 and sorry at 202 or something right good I think that’s a good strategy do you have to do that no yeah because what if it goes down to 180 I’m going to feel so dumb yeah I guess you can feel dumb I felt pretty dumb when I had money in

FTX and uh I tried to get it out and I received the emails from I’m guessing it was all those scammers like yeah your money is on the way got your request it was in the email and I never and I never received the it was Bitcoin it was

Ethereum never received it into my wallet and it was a good amount and it wasn’t like millions of dollars or anything like that but still anyway so that’s the strategy and I’ll let you know when things happen I do have uh kind of a another kind of way of going

About this which we can get into if you like but you got to let me know in the comments I’m not seeing any comments on our our videos and sad because we want to see people interact we want to see what you think what we can improve what

We can uh provide anyway that is our video for today have a lovely day this was the femx kind of uh overview of today once again this is a hella Rich SF media production 2004 All Rights Reserved have a lovely day


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