What is RNDR? The use case for the Render (RNDR) is laid out. It is the brainchild of one of our private holdings, Otoy. Otoy enables complex photorealistic design projects by outsourcing GPU usage and then paying through the RNDR token.

    At Taylor Frigon Capital Management, we help people build wealth by investing in companies that adhere to the virtues and values inherent in those principles, and that have extraordinary vision for achieving their business goals.

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    #investing #crypto #rndr

    With many of these tokens now we’re seeing the ones that had real utility and we have experience Doug you mentioned earlier I think you mentioned something about our experience with this which is our in our private company holding otoy who built a render Network for rendering computer Graphics images

    Based on a distributed network of gpus you know responsible for building this network and we always said wow that’s a great use case for blockchain for artists and video video artist video artist video videographers video video what videographers videographers I guess yeah people creating content in 3D um CG computer Graphics imagery and

    Using OT toys render software to render their their Arc if you will um which but which requires extremely powerful Graphics processors units which are the the chips this that allow for graphics to happen for anybody watching this there’s millions and millions of pixels on your screen that are operating at the

    Same time it’s a what we call a massively parallel system um which is now because it’s so um you know valuable for for complex computation it’s being used for things like uh you know artificial intelligence machine learning um and so this network is really proving to be quite valuable and the render

    Token which was issued as the means to be able to transact on this Network and uh originally was built on the ethereum platform and they just are moving towards the salana platform this last fall um allows them allows for an in a distributed network of Graphics processors to exist and be accessed by

    People who want to do these various types of rendering or high performance Computing jobs it’s a it’s a phenomenal idea that oty came up with wait you but you said something important there because we’ve we stumbled across this originally started as a a rendering thing is the the is the high performance

    Computing that could be a lot of different things right and was that something that was just recently sort of stumbled upon or do you think that was an intended use all along it doesn’t really matter it’s all academic it’s just that the Serendipity effect you know I honestly don’t know if

    Otoy had that in the back of their mind ever originally it was originally meant for because they are a computer Graphics rendering streaming creating software company they built this to be able to have to to gain access to to build to build a network of gpus because gpus are

    Are a hot commodity they always knew it would be even I I don’t even think you know to the extent that it’s become a really hot commodity I don’t know that they even Envision that it is that that the demand for these gpus is as great as

    It has become or they they didn’t necessarily see it being as great as it has become but it’s making this network very valuable I mean the token itself is over two billion recently almost $3 billion value just in the just for the token itself for the network it’s so it’s a

    Good you know valuation and of course otoy owns a significant portion of that Network that those tokens so it’s a it’s an validation of the value of that Network and if you think about this is just scratching the surface I mean you know if these are and and to give some

    Scale I don’t know have the exact number but if say there’s a 100,000 gpus available on this network this is on its way to millions and tens of millions potentially of gpus because every theoretically at some point every GPU and this is a progression that’s happening but every GPU that’s out there

    Including one that’s on my you know my f iPhone here um is could be potentially for lack of a better term rented on the network and used and if I were to do that my iPhone GPU is earning me rent or I’m like a landlord or or

    It’s better than that it’s like uh Airbnb for gpus you I’m throw my G my GPU out on air the airb the render network is Airbnb for gpus and what investing show be complete without an Airbnb metaphor so okay so let’s say it’s a vvo metaphor either way totally different yeah

    Okay it makes the point though it makes the point so you know we’re super excited because just one little aspect of that our investment in that company is now you know showing a value trading regularly worth well over2 billion dollar you over two billion between two

    And three billion on any given day it’s volatile but it’s proen the point I’ll make with this and then we’ll end it because you know we’re not spend too much time on this but it’s proving value it’s proving utility it’s proving that there’s a reason for these blockchainbased tokens to

    Exist um I would argue that this is one of the best use cases I’ve seen and uh that’s what we always said was that there would be you know there would be real uses for this well here’s a here’s a live example and I think that if you have a

    A some you know some sort of digital currency and uh cryptocurrency if you will and it survived the the so-called crypto winter and it’s demonstrated an actual utility you have to be feel feeling pretty good about it long-term prospects as the case with this one so

    Absolutely I mean as as much as the these chips are required and and someday there will probably be other things that could be able other forms of of of Chip if you will to be available on a network like this it’s proving the point and and there’s way more to this

    Than I could possibly ever explain it does some of this gets very complicated it’s the the Geniuses at otoy that put this together truly are that um the you know they’ve thought about things like why it’s important for an artist to have digital Rights Management and and smart

    Contracts that are attached to so when a when there’s an entry on the blockchain it’s not just that transaction took place oh it’s that transaction and there’s a contract associated with that transaction that proves that that work is that artists um so it’s interesting stuff it’s worth noting that this has been an

    Investment we could be guilty of talking own book so be aware we are invested in this and uh and this but this is something we’ve been invested in for a while and it’s also worth noting that it took a fair amount of foresight because the gpus have only started to become

    Ubiquitous in the last few years this is something they’ve been ramping up for well part problem is is that they aren’t ubiquitous they they’re they’re in great demand and you know they’re still they’re still pretty expensive they haven’t gone quite by Moore’s Law and that they’ve the the cost of them has

    Cut in half every 18 months it’s that they’re still expensive and and you know the reasons for that are Myriad and we could spend hours talking about it but the fact is is that um it looks like you’re always going to want more and more of these things just like you

    Wanted more and more CPUs the central processor units which are you know what traditionally silicon is built upon or I should say the the CPU is built upon silicon you when you traditionally talk about silicon you’re thinking CPUs this is this is the graphics processor component of that

    Um but nonetheless it seems fitting that in this day and age no one’s even listening to Morris law even that Law’s being broken so post 2020 America Mak That


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