

If you’re looking for REAL WORLD use case then IVENDPAY has it. Here’s why I invested in this crypto project.







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The last Launchpad project that we talked about was farana and it was a web three game and this was actually launched on tens set and it sold out in under three minutes and it’s not an exaggeration that the crypto Angel asset Market is picking up and I can tell you

Far’s probably new pretty well I’m glad we covered it but I think we’ve got something bigger today and one of the things that that led me to Ivan pay was there’s always this this Aura around crypto digal assets as being a cryptocurrency and used for payment and

I can just tell you that if this actually happens which I think it’s going to this could be a real game changer so when I was looking at Ivan pay is that it had uh already linked up with binance pay and this just happened in April and then they got together with

Gate pay and then C coin and they’ve just been building massively in the bar market and of course I always talk about if you’re building in the bear you’re going to crush in the bull and I hav’t pay has has been doing exactly that massive amount of Partnerships with

Coins and stable coins blockchains Fiat payment Media Partners e-commerce you name it it really comes down to about what this can do which it’s going to be saving businesses billions if not trillions of dollars let me explain there was a post and it struck me and it made a lot of

Sense to me because we always talk about how crypto can be a currency these states are the best on and off ramps for crypto stop relying on centralized exchanges start getting more of your family friends and business partners directly into the crypto economy by using cryptos for purchases and financial transactions by accepting

Crypto at your businesses or for your time and services you become the best on and off ramp the less we use Fiat the better off the world is and I thought to myself this is a very it’s a very eloquent way to say it and it sounds

Good but I wish we had something to bring us into the next step I think Ivan pay actually is so taking a look at this here we want to break this down for the Deep dive into the cut will it make the cut the community utility team and

Tokenomics so let’s just let’s just take a look at what it is when you order something and it’s very simple you say okay the check I’ll take the check let me bring that machine over here and I will give you my credit or debit card or

I’ll tap my phone put in the amount and then I’ll pay for my Mastercard or VISA or something like that so what’s happening behind the scenes for the business is I don’t know if you know this but every time you swipe your car it’s called a swipe fee and on average

And this is data from 2023 you’re looking at 2.24% which is being charged to the business itself Visa Mastercard Med Express discover uh stripe the one that I use for my online payments for my businesses it’s 2.99% plus 30 cents per transaction cost so uh these things tend

To add up but the question I had for everybody was well how much is it and do you know what it is so I actually pulled this on on X I just ask people go hey do you know your transaction fees and almost half of the people said I’m not

Sure I don’t know how much I’m paying in transaction fees and that to me was quite scary because okay let’s say you’re paying $100,000 we’ll just we’ll put there in that that third category so if you’re spending two and a half% that’s $2,500 that you have to actually

Spend on just transaction fees which go to MasterCard and visa and that’s only 100,000 imagine if you’re making a million dollars in trans and not just the revenue but the transaction fees now if you’re doing that it’s $20,000 or $25,000 what if you could do that and

Cut it in half what could you do with it well if you cut that in half you could probably lower some of your costs you could actually be a little more profitable you could you know the profit and losses would actually be quite favorable and that’s why I think that

Payments are in for quite a disruption so let’s take a look then at why this is important because with here with Ivan pay what they’re going to do is instead of you paying that 2.34% or whatever it was it’s only 0.2 to 1% for crypto processing fees you can decide how much

You pay we’ll talk about that and you’re going to use the token to reduce the fees all the while avoiding exchanging rates so let’s just take a look at what that would look like again using Ivan pay same situation and you’re say oh yeah check here we go they’re going to

Bring over the little device and they’re going to put in the actual bill for however much it is 167 the situation next and then they’re going to say what would you like to pay in and there’s going to be over 82 choices at current present and this is January 16 2024 for

What you have in your crypto wallet 82 different options on this situation we would use binance pay and they would put it in they click on next the person go okay great binance pay I’m going to not swipe my car but use the NFC and just

Kind of tap it for 4538 and voila I am done and I paid for my whatever they paid for so the next question probably is well Rob no one’s going to come in there and pay everything for crypto well obviously that’s the truth but you have to give your customers options some

People just like to pay cash but in normal places either cash or Visa or Mastercard and now of course we have the option of using crypto digital Assets Now look uh here in Puerto Rico there’s a couple places that I go to they only accept cash it’s quite annoying but I

Understand why they only accept cash is because they don’t like to pay for the transaction fees or whatever else they’re doing so when I take a look at this it’s just about giving people options and this is the best thing to do you can attract more people by saying

Hey we got cash we got debit we got credit we also got crypto it’s up to you what you want to do this attracts more people so I talk about 82 different cryptocurrencies or digital assets here they all are and there is a Nat a be a

Dead horse ton pun intended uh ton BNB eth Bitcoin and stuff I’ve never heard of Bree tat well e gold sure mm Pro chess P I mean you can we’ll take a look at in a bit and there’s just a ton of them and then of course I actually

Registered for an account just so you could see uh what we have here and yeah there’s a ton of different on on that you can you can turn on or turn off and again it’s only 0.2 to 1% for transaction fee now the thing that got

Me as I was thinking myself I’m like wait a second ethereum is on here and I know ethereum the gas fees are ridiculous here’s the thing with with ethereum or any other different crypto the transaction cost if you want to send me funds you still have to pay the gas

Fee for ethereum I am only paying the 0.2 to 1% for the transaction fee to transact in this crypto or digital app asset so it’s the transaction fee that you have to deal with as far as the gas that is on your side that’s why I don’t understand why people are using ethereum

Right now because the gas Fe are too high but Tron open network cardano near protocol Dogecoin polygon all those are super duper cheap to use and if I’m going to a place where I can use my crypto digal assets maybe it’s a little bit cheaper maybe they give me a

Discount because they don’t have to pay so much so there is that piece so we have that part and of course you can use it uh for Ivan pay this is you know the POS device which you’ve seen in in the video you can use it in e-commerce and

What I found interesting here was that they already have a partnership with woocommerce and woocommerce if you don’t know there’s over 4.4 million active stores on woocommerce that’s up from 1.77 million it’s used by 93.7% of all WordPress e-commerce sites and holds a 30 or 39% market share among the top one

Million sites using eCommerce Tech and they have actually integrated Ivan pay so people can actually use crypto payments and reduce their transaction cost and on top of that they also have a vending machine but I seriously don’t think people are going to use a lot of

That but I could be wrong we’ll see and again you can have this on your phone and you can use the payments but the question you probably have yourself is but Rob why would I even do this this doesn’t make any sense because I will just use lightning and everywhere I go

I’ll just use bit Bitcoin lightning or I’ll just use cardano or I’ll just use fil and tomato coin whatever else it is here’s the downfall if you are a merchant if you are a business and if if you working a B2B business to business a business to

Consumer B Toc you have to understand that different people use different things different C for different folks right some people are gonna walk in like me and say hey I’m gonna use Bitcoin lighting okay H well or I want to use Bitcoin lighting yeah you can do that um

But I only use cardano or someone comes in like I only use polygon I use a I only have the danen coin which doesn’t exist so don’t worry about that or a plethora of different ones out there and of course you as a merchant you just

Want people to come your store and spend that’s all you really care about you don’t want to debate with them and be like you know that’s a ghost chain I know why you’re using that it doesn’t matter all you really want people is to come in there spend their money and

Leave and give leave a good review that’s it done so that’s what Ivan pay solves as far as being able to use it but then people you might say to yourself well why don’t I just use a bunch of wallets okay if you want to mess around with having 82 different

Wallets and of course yes there are some wallets that have multiple different uh different cryptos and stuff there and you can use that but what if you get get something crazy like ghost token or a free token or or whatever tokens that are out there and they’re like I want to

Pay in that you’re like okay let me download this let me do that it’s a big hassle so you’re really paying it for convenience again 0.2 to 1% not so bad the last thing I think is the most important thing is that if you’re a business owner small business large

Business doesn’t really matter to do your taxes and to do profit and loss statements and have everything in there for Regulatory Compliance it’s important that you have these things if you don’t have this you just have a hobby you don’t have a business so with this

Allows you to do is to essentially Put Everything Under One Roof you know exactly what’s what’s being paid what’s being paid out the profits and losses they’re going to integrate uh also with H Tax Services so with this it’s everything that you need to run your actual business instead of screwing

Around with 30 different wallets and things like that so that is the whole point now having talked about that it’s like uh software is a service I don’t know why we need a token why do we need a token let’s take a look so again the token the crypto proc processing fees

You still got to pay 0.2 to 1% for that and you can use the IV pay token to reduce said fees and here’s what it all comes down to the IV pay token it’s a utility token there’s a loyalty program to stimulate the growth of the Ivan pay

Ecosystem mean of value transfer there is utility features such as us will be able to get up to 50% discount on all operations in the ecosystem both for business to business and busines to Consumer Solutions so this token to me and all honesty it really looks like

It’s more of a business oriented token and I think a lot of businesses will want this because the discounts that they can get instead of having to pay 1% for transaction fees now goes on to 0.5 or 0.2 depending on how much they actually have and that’s why I think

This project becomes so unique because it actually has real world utility and you can do real world stuff with it and of course stuff like people like us we can be right there in the middle so there’s also liquidity pool rewards you can do staking and this one was very

Interesting to me I think it’s going to be overlooked check this out Loyalty Rewards for Affiliates of Ivan pay wallet and resellers of B2B businesso business products introducers and resellers of B2B Services who hold IV pay token which will be me and you maybe

I don’t know I can’t tell you what to do not Financial advice this token will be able to get up to 20% of Lifetime commissions from resell Merchants what does this mean this means if you go out there and you sign up for this service

And it’s free to actually sign up for I and pay I’ve already done it myself you’ve seen it before they’re going to under the embassador program there’s a referral link you click on that link and you can go to these different business B2B type of uh companies and say hey

Would you like to reduce some your cost or you know somebody who knows somebody use my link you can sign up and it’s a it’s a seamless process and in that situation again you get up to 20% of Lifetime commissions from resell merchants I got tell you that doesn’t

Sound too bad also they have token burning but in this uh white paper or light paper it doesn’t uh give the actual mechanism that they say it’s burning so I can’t really talk too much on that now there’s two types of systems business to business and business to

Consumer business to business we some like you’re a tire manufacturer and you sell those tires to Ford or Tesla or kia whoever else it is that’s a business to business business to Consumer would be something like your local restaurant right they’re a business they sell to

You you’re the consumer so on and so forth so the business to business discount system goes like this if you have a 30-day volume of all operations of less than $50,000 this would be Revenue volume in all operations and that’s of course in crypto the discounts if feeds are paid

In IV pay 20% wouldn’t that be great you’re at 1% at the maximum then you get down 20% now you got to pay 0.8% I’ll take it and then of course it goes uh even higher up to 40% the more tokens that you hold which is why I think

Businesses will actually do this because the long run that’s the bottom line business and consumer almost the same thing a little bit higher higher rates and You Got U 20% to 50% and then of course if you’re staking you also get an additional so it kind of adds up all

Across the board here’s the tricky part tokenomics as it always is the token Supply is 1 billion the supply on tge of the token generation event which is happening in a couple days five days from now it’s 3.2% of the total Supply is going to be on the token generation

Event but you’ll see right here the token sale 55% is being sold gotcha but wait it’s not that great Marketing in green that gets 10% cash back and rewards 10% again the whole point of the whole thing 15% goes the team and of course they have to

Keep the lights on the deck and liquidity pools 5% that’s going to be very interesting when they do the initial deck offering or the centralized exchange offerings advisers get a sliver and the listings don’t get too much at all but they still get something here’s where it gets fun token distribution

So you have to be be aware of what’s happening and when I first saw this I was like this makes no sense because why would I talk to people about a public sale and the percentage is only 3.33% that’s the public sale they’re got to do 3% because remember up here you

Get a token sale of 55% where does that come from well the seed round VCS investors Angel Investors that’s 20% private same thing just probably not as Deep Pockets 20% private two 12% you’re looking right there at 52 percent roughly is in the hands of a very small amount of people then you

Have the public sale of us 3.3% that’s us that’s just the little people getting in then the deck decentralized exchange the TG is 5% the team gets we just talk about 15 22 10 10 so when I took a look at this I’m like why would people go into this and here’s

Why if you think about it and you think ah you know there’s so much up here and they could dump on me who they dumping on they’re dumping on 3% of people that know 3% of the token you get anything out of that and just look look at the

Valuations right now so the valuation for this will be a million doll they’ve already put in three four and two who are they gonna dump on you I mean I guess they could I think what’s really gonna happen is this and I could be wrong because remember I cannot give you

Financial advice and this is risky and we’ll talk about that but if you have something like this the people that got into it especially with all the Partnerships that they have and how much building they’ve actually been doing in the bare Market I’m gon to guess that a

Lot of these seed rounds private and private to they’re not interested in a couple of million dollars profit they don’t care about that they care about the 20x the 50x the 100x and I think they’re going to hold on to it so in all honesty you got 52 55% of people are

Like you know what I might sell a little bit but I can’t really sell too much because the seed round they got 0% on TG and they got a six-month clip they can’t even do anything for six months and they get a little bit every 12 months price

Private they get only 5% on the token generation event then a three-month clip they can’t touch it private too 10% on TG then a one month cliff and they get nine months and the public sell you guys or us we get 30% 30% gets released on TG

Then installments every day for only two months so if anybody’s gonna be dumping it’s gonna be the public and we’ll go from there but I don’t know if that’s the best situation or the best output that you want to do maybe you want to

Hold on to this one it’s up to you just saying what it actually could be so now let’s finish up and we’ll talk about uh the team and a little bit of the community as well so the team it is a young team booed by some experience this

Is Paul vski no anym and this is the two that we’re actually listed if you take a look at Ivan pay on LinkedIn here’s where they live and they’ve got over 55 people that actually work for the company most of them are Ukraine Portugal us great I don’t that’s fine

Where they studied great this is the thing that I always concerned with what do they do because if I got a lot of people who are just in marketing and sales like this isn’t going to look too good but if they’re in business development okay looks pretty good operations product manager

Entrepreneurship administrator what are they skilled at sales Business Development sales management marketing lead gen project management communication so on so forth I just look at this what do they do and what can they bring to the table so that would be Paul botski this is a young guy I have

To tell you and he is before this he was in the University of tartu I’m gonna guess that’s in Ukraine correct me in the comment section but he went from University to CEO now LinkedIn is not the perfect place to find the information so maybe there’s some kind

Of gaps in there but it’s interesting that he went from right that to CEO but he’s got the ace no anymore now Melanie has a lot of experience in different fintech companies and she’s been quite around for a little bit as far as like with yaa wam protocol decentralized

Protocols Advisory Board member for H2 Global leadersh never for digital Industries and Global Advisory Board and that’s in the UAB or United Emirates which is where all the different great crypto products are seem to be migrating to so there is that piece and then for the community part just so you know

Their X account is 54,000 viewers and Ivan pay over on telegram has roughly 19,000 subscribers and I’ve been in there there’s people answer and ask questions pretty frequently looks to be okay so the next final question is this all right well I’m ready to roll the dice how do I get

Into this well there’s only one place to do it right now that’s tens set so tenset is going to have their 7-Day claim back policy and this is why I like their Launchpad I’ve worked with them for now over two years now like I said the last one we did the farana did

Fantastic I expect this one to do no less but I could be wrong they got a 7-Day policy to come back the snapshot’s going to happen on January 21st there’s going to be a fair share on January 22nd and everything wraps up on the 23rd so

The question that you might have is what is this tglp and the claim back policy essentially it goes like this if you don’t like what’s going on after seven days if you think to yourself and you see it like man this thing didn’t go up

At all you can get your money back you can cancel your purchase up to seven days after the token listing and of course the reason why is because products are in the early stages of development although I think Ivan pay is a little bit farther along than that

Again they’ve got a lot of different Partnerships so it looks pretty good now if you don’t understand like how to use tet and how to sign up for it I did two videos I will link them in the description one is how to get access to

Tenset and then one is a deeper dive in the Tet itself and why I’m actually using it and the different products that we’ve actually worked together on so in conclusion pros and cons pros is this it’s got real world utility I like that it’ll save companies billions maybe

Trillions I don’t know real utility it’ll bring new customers in and maybe because if you think about it when I go to different places and I see like hey you guys take Bitcoin I get kind of excited you know so I’m like hey look at that I mean I I’m actually in that

Sector myself now some people say well I never use my crypto for payments that’s not the point crypto I mean people can say it all the all the time like well you know Bitcoin is just a gold 2.0 we shouldn’t never use it we should never

Spend it I’m like well that’s not what the white paper said but whatever so you can decide what you want to do I think crypto indel assets is used for payments and a medium of exchange and it fulfills the goal of making crypto a currency where is talked about again like what we

Said in the very beginning from the statement we it’s up to us to make this actually a currency to actually use it and not just be a speculative asset and actually turn it into utility so we can prove the SEC and Gary wrong this is

What we want to do uh number four there got some pretty massive partnership we talked about and there’s enormous backing uh investors educators and companies like I said about with farana I knew it was going to be a hit because uh there was a lot of people behind it a

Lot of people talking about it and that’s to me as a bell weather of what things to come here’s the cons the team’s young and like I said uh the CEO just got out of college again there could be some gaps in there LinkedIn is LinkedIn but it’s bullied by some

Experience I like to see that and again theyve done pretty well so far number two token toomics could be an issue like we talked about but again I think that for 3% that is us it’s not like you know the 40 50% and the team can just dump on us and extract

All that money because there’s not that much money to take them I think we’re in a in a good place to actually reap the rewards as uh people just hold on to it and just see what it can actually do there’s a very small Supply available

For the average Joe and Jane that’s a big thing because we only got 3% so I thought farana would sell out I didn’t think it was gonna sell out in three minutes I think this going to sell out even faster than that number four it’s risky everything is risky there’s an old

Joke and it goes on well how do you become a millionaire as an investor it’s very simple start with a billion so remember anything can go wrong at any time these are risky and just treat it as such and you know don’t spend everything and lastly one of the cons is

Competition and scale as I was talking about this I know you were thinking to yourself you know what this crypto does that or this platform does that and of course yes you have a point but it’s just the same thing is like well do I

Want to use Amazon to go grab my food and these different uh things that I need or do I just go down Walmart do I want to use Walmart I want to use Target there a lot of different things out there they actually do things I think

That Ivan pay is one of those that could do a whole heck of a lot for a lot of companies to help them out and then of course the scale can they actually bring things up and make this a profitable business and grow from here because

There’s a lot of growing to do but that’s it for today so look you like today’s video give it a thumbs up consider subscribing everything we talk about is time sensitive everything we just talked about there’s a link in the description so you can check it out from

There but that’s it for today thanks much for stopping by I appreciate you and I’ll see you on the next one


  1. Hey Rob, Big fan of your content here! Given that this is the DEGEN channel, perhaps you'll excuse a bit of shilling. Just wanted to drop a quick note about a really cool small-cap project – it's called PAWTHEREUM. Picture this: a cat memecoin (which the market urgently needs) with a twist of charity, all about helping animals. The same folks who brought us GRUMPY are behind it (whole team is doxxed), and they're super transparent about everything.
    Think it might be right up your alley, especially with how you love sharing intriguing finds with us. Could be a fun blend of crypto and charity usecases for you next video?


  2. Downloaded the white paper while watching this and the tokenomics have changed. Distribution is now 23.3% for token sale with public getting 5% of it.

  3. Id have a bet this doesnt take off. Good idea but lacks the marketing and conviction to gain traction.
    From an investor point of view, i dont see it providing the big gains.

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