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Perfect Gold Farm Investment for Phase 2 – Do this now! [WoW SoD]

In this video Im going to show you a great Gold making opportunity for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery for Phase 2, which you can do right now for some great results later on.

Hello and welcome to another gold making guide for World of Warcraft season of Discovery in this video I’m going to show you a great opportunity you can do right now in preparation for Phase 2 to make some great gold in the future what you have to do is by this recipe nature

Protection potion in strangled on whale taras or falas as allian and H right now you can buy it for example at this MPC in STV but but why should you do this the upcoming raid numer gun has a lot of lightning damage which counts as nature damage in World of

Warcraft in Phase One the demand for shadow protection portions was really high in Black fom deps because of the fifth boss Twilight Lord CIS with the upcoming rate and a probably high amount of fire and nature damage this potion will probably be used a lot the recipe

Is also un limited Supply so a lot of people will buy and need them in the future if you make an investment right now and stack them you can sell them probably for a high amount in the future so have fun playing and consider to like And subscribe for more World of Warcraft

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