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Welcome back and now we’re hearing Jamie Diamond the CEO of JP Morgan Chase again stating that Bitcoin is a pet rock there’s a lot we got to discuss in today’s video among this story and many others including is cardano community reversing on the decision to move forward with usdc integration we’re

Going to be hearing updates about the ethereum den upgrade and more importantly meme coins are overtaking Airlines don’t forget to give this video an absolutely free thumbs up also hit that subscribe button that way you never miss a new video we upload every single day of the year since 2018 to bring you

The latest happening in the financial world now we’re going to be starting with this a few Snippets from what’s going on in the economy and in the crypto World unusual whales is reporting that Rich Dad Poor dads Robert kosaki is now saying he’s 1.2 billion ion Dollar

In debt he says because if he goes bust the bank goes bust not my problem and that’s a very interesting aspect to understanding where the debt is right just because somebody is you know these multi-millionaires or billionaires that are significantly in debt if they go bust the bank then goes also bust

So what is going on here $34 trillion in debt and again I I believe that there’s good types of debt and bad types of debt I would imagine Robert kosaki is probably in good types of debt like owning uh you know cash flowing rental income and so he’s paying a mortgage but

He’s probably making more on what the cash flow actually looks like than what that mortgage is we also on the day that I’m recording this video we’re hearing the SEC and coinbase argue their their uh whether you know coin I don’t even know what the the loss is about coinbase being an

Unregistered Securities Exchange and this and that well uh at least in the sec’s arguments it sounds like the judge is not really buying a lot of it the judge even asked uh when they were talking about staking does the fact that they don’t charge for it have anything

To do with it and they said the SEC said no the judge then stated staking seems to be the weakest argument the SEC has the SEC disagreed saying coinbase operates the nodes for the validators we disagree that it’s the weakest argument and basically from the arguments that

I’ve heard from this case it does not sound very good for the SEC the SEC was very wordy and complicated in their explanations but there was no clear guidance as to what what rules coinbase was violating how this is going to actually affect all in because guys if

You’re holding any of these cryptos that the SEC is going after which is every crypto then this could potentially be very negative for your in investment which is also like aren’t they supposed to protect investors but if the judge comes out and says yeah you know coinbase was uh you know running a

Unregistered Securities Exchange and most of these Securities that the SEC is claiming are securities I think 12 within the coinbase platform uh that could be really bad for the not just the investors but the whole crypto ecosystem and it sounded like the judge really understood that and underst understand

Understood the implications of this you know asking the SEC why they number one go and actually claim that each individual asset is a security prior to because keep in mind guys the has never won a crypto case that’s gone to trial granted there have been um you know agreements from some of these

Crypto companies where they pay a fine and they’ll stop issuing new coins or whatever the situation in their in their agreements with the SEC but when we look at these cases where the SEC goes through right Ripple grayscale now coinbase the SEC has lost every single

Case and so it seems like what they’re trying to do is skirt the fact that you know they they really haven’t proven in court in separate cases that each of these individual cryptos that they’re saying are securities are actually indeed Securities and so the judge is like shouldn’t that that be the route

That you guys take to to begin with but obviously the SEC disagrees right um they even the judge even asked the SEC she got a letter you know from Senator lumus basically telling the judge to kind of stay out of it because Congress is working on new legislation because

The 1934 Securities act no longer applies to crypto like it just doesn’t it’s just so old and uh the SEC said well uh they said respectfully Senator lumus is wrong I hope coinbase wins this uh case and in other news for the markets marijuana meets the criteria for

Reclassification as a lower risk drug according to the FDA scientific review according to CNN this is important in what we’ve been talking about uh for the most part of like the last year so is really watch this cannabis industry because there is a potential that they’re going to reclassify it out of a

Schedule one drug uh before the election and this could drive all of the cannabis stocks significantly higher and so it’s going to be very interesting to watch how this all plays out well are you guys surprised the Bon meme coin and now has a larger market cap than Spirit

Airlines inverse Kramer says he loves financial markets so if you guys are not aware Spirit Airlines just recently crashed fairly substantially from the5 to $16 range down to where we are now $6 right a 67 70% decline in just a few days a lot of this has to do with the

Fact that a judge has blocked the deal for Jet Blue to acquire Spirit Airlines and so yeah Spirit Airlines is now 600 50 million market cap and if we look at Bon’s market cap it’s $843 million and so that indicates bong has a about a 200 $200

Million uh Delta you know and they have a higher market cap than Spirit Airlines at this point uh listen there’s been people in my comments asking me you know is this a buy is it not a buy I don’t know I I typically I don’t really buy Airlines because their stocks rarely

Move and nothing really hugee comes out of these Airlines I mean oh we’re going to give you an extra an extra inch in your leg room or you know we’re going to you know we’re gonna give you free orange juice on the flight it’s like okay like is that really we’re going to

See you know hundreds of millions of dollars flowing into the stock probably not and so yeah I mean it could potentially be a go for the longer term but again right there’s so many other assets out here in crypto in stocks in the in the stock market that are

Investable in my view and are going to do much much better why would I take a chance with a possibility or a what if in an airline in an industry that really doesn’t make any money to begin with well they did before the pandemic 10 billion dollars in profit per year for

Most of these Airline or larger airlin I should say anyway moving right along don’t forget to give the video an absolutely free thumbs up because it’s free to do but crypto is not now talking about bankruptcies not just Spirit Airlines but we’ve been talking about core scientific for the

Last year year and a half core scientific now has reive the okay from the court to emerge from bankruptcy the company seeks to emerge from bankruptcy on January 23rd and relist their shares on the NASDAQ the following day so January 24 if I look at the calendar here is

Basically the like the one of the final Wednesdays the second to last Wednesday in January now uh obviously the core scientific stock has moved substantially up down sideways uh I I basically offloaded back in November because it just wasn’t worth the risk we didn’t have clear insight into how core

Scientific Uh current shareholders were going to be um made whole after the bankruptcy I still don’t fully understand it and I don’t understand what the valuation is going to look like so it just wasn’t worth the risk in my view it’s still not worth the risk you

Still buy core scientific shares on the OTC markets but I for me it’s not worth the risk right once they emerge from bankruptcy they’re emerging in January maybe February if it gets pushed a little bit that’s still potentially before or at the capitulation point before the Bitcoin having occurs that

I’ve been talking about and so that would potentially push the price of the the the newer stock down as well and there may be some people that are going to exit when once they get their new stock in their accounts I don’t know what’s going to happen but I’m going to monitor it

Because a lot of these Bitcoin mining companies guys there’s a lot of potential money to be made and some of them have come down in the beginning part of January some fairly substantially you can see here that Marathon digital was at $31 at the end of December and now

We’re basically half of that at $17 if we look at Riot platforms it’s a similar kind of uh conversation in the one month even if we pull up the six month you can see a nice uh little Cup right here this could be the but you can

See a big retracement from December 27th at n about $18.60 $19 down to $10.80 where we are today that’s a basically almost a 50% drop in just a few weeks and so again what do they always say when in doubt zoom out so when you zoom out and you look at this

Chart it does look like a an upward drift and uh you know this could potentially be the cup and this could potentially be the handle and then what happens after the handle is formed typically you see an uptrending market and so whether this is going to happen in the long term in the

Short term are we going to have that capitulation I don’t know I mean there’s so many things that we have to keep an eye out for number one is the E the government shutdown number two is what the Federal Reserve is going to do from a rate perspective number three is what

Inflation is going to look like I think that we’re going to start to see the Federal Reserve either cutting or talking about aggressively cutting in or around March or April it could happen in February but I don’t think that it will I think that we’re

The FED is not going to cut or state that they’re going to cut until we see massive draw Downs in the markets and we really haven’t seen that I mean even if we pull up the s& okay the S&P 500 is not pulling up there we go all right

We’ll pull up the NASDAQ oh it did pull up all right so if we pull up the uh S&P 500 you can see it’s gone straight up since uh basically the end of October early November we’ve had no retracement no correction back down and so is the market due for one well

The Market’s always due for basically whatever the Market’s going to do but is the Federal Reserve going to get involved you could see a potentially kind of double topish looking uh kind of chart here but that doesn’t mean that we’re not going higher in the shorter

Term we just have to keep our eye on all of these these metrics that are out here now talking about crypto and Bitcoin specifically Fidelity is now holding 9,750 Bitcoin for clients and black rock holds around1 ,000 this is effectively one week since the launch of the Bitcoin

ETFs this is Bitcoin according to this Chief uh CFA or that’s Certified Financial Analyst I guess or financial adviser he says this is Bitcoin that will never be sold again manipulating bitcoin’s price downward isn’t worth it to large financial institutions because pushing it up will be a lot more

Profitable why short Bitcoin make 10 to 20% face potentially unlimited losses in a case uh in case of a larger player starts buying and this is true right we’re still in the very early stages there is going to be volatility in these markets there’s going to be entry points

And exit points for everybody if you do want to trade it you know there there’s two sides to to every strategy right there there’s a lot of people who are saying you know the Ral Pals of the world this guy saying just hold uh there’s a lot of traders that I follow

That they tell their followers like all you got to do is be patient just buy the coins hold them and just be patient and then when it does you know a 5x a 10x yeah take profits off the table right I mean the these numbers that you’re going to see potentially

Are these are not seen in any other asset classes really and so um I do personally believe that we are we are coming to the end now that doesn’t mean immediately it could mean two more Cycles before we start to really really slow down with the the appreciation in

In price right because now we have the big the big Mega Money coming in and I was thinking about it the other day it’s like okay now black rock is involved all of these other financial advisers are involved what is next after that what can be bigger than

That well there’s only one really other thing that could be bigger than that well two really one is the central banks starting to acquire Bitcoin and two is countries adopting Bitcoin now we already have a few countries doing this but I’m talking about at a much much

Larger scale and so we’ll see if that actually does play out now just uh a few days after the gbtc conversion to an ETF we are now seeing more massive outflows from the grayscale Bitcoin ETF the gbdc trust that just had a 12,000 Bitcoin reduction in one day now I’ve been

Keeping uh follow on this on Twitter so if you’re not following me on Twitter thee cryptoviser or thee cryptoviser I’m tracking this pretty much every day maybe every other day you could see that uh just on January 16th from from the previous day there was a report of 617,000 Bitcoin in

The grayscale trust or in the ETF and one day later it’s now 605,000 now this is a significant reduction from the last bull market when we had about 650,000 Bitcoin in the gbdc fund now it’s uh definitely declined some of this decline is holders of gbdc may be converting to

Then move it into other Bitcoin ETFs whether it’s Black Rock whether it’s Arc invest or whatever because some of these other ETFs have significantly less expense fees you can see the expense fee in gbtc is 1.5 it’s historically been 2% and we’re seeing you know the bitwise uh Bitcoin ETF is only 0.

2% so significant differences and that’s why I think that we’re seeing a lot of outflow from the gbtc funds but it’s going to be very interesting to see how much of this number how much of the Bitcoin from grayscale ends up in these other ET ETFs

And what the total of all the ETFs are because it will be very interesting to see if we’re only in the 650 to 700,000 Bitcoin range that would tell me that all of the Bitcoin from an Institutional appetite so far has already been captured and was captured by gbtc and

Now it’s just being spread across all the ETFs now obviously this may change as time goes on you know we did we do know that you know Pension funds hedge funds teachers Pension funds they were investing in FTX they weren’t investing in coinbase they weren’t investing in cryptos or crypto related

Funds they were investing in FTX which is like mindboggling and they lost all that money for their you know the people who depend on that money and so we’ll see kind of how this all plays out uh some more observations is Arc invest sold the bitto uh product to buy its spot Bitcoin

ETF arcb in the Next Generation internet ETF so Arc invest is actually uh cannibalizing itself effectively by buying its own Bitcoin ETF in their other funds instead of using grayscale coinbase as proxies to the Bitcoin this is historically what we’ve seen in the arc invest funds you can just literally

Just type in uh Arc K or arcw we’ll just do Arc W Holdings you can actually see what they’re actually holding within the fund uh now this hasn’t updated just yet this is from uh a few days ago it looks like and also keep in mind mind it takes

A few days to settle but effectively they own coinbase Roku block or Square Zoom Tesla um P I don’t know what that is Bit O and Hood so you can see that they’re definitely significantly reducing their Bit O they have no more gbtc in this

Fund and so yeah we’ll see kind of how this all plays out as time goes on but let me know if you are actually buying any of these Bitcoin ETFs in your portfolio and if you are which ones are you buying now coinbase institution posted this they said 12 months in and

The Bitcoin Market looks a lot like the 2018 to 2022 Market cycle that cycle ended up with Bitcoin up 1,000% 24 months after the low where will this cycle take us now uh you can see here this is a basically a Bitcoin having tracker it shows you percentage of price

Performance from the cycle low and uh it basically clocks the cycle low now we have clock the cycle low at the FTX collapse $15,500 that is where the low is currently it’s typically one year after the the high okay so notice notice the trend notice the trend 24 months after

The low was the top right so two years after the bottom was the top so think about that so you go from the bottom to a little bit higher in one year and then a little bit higher in another year and then from the top of

The market to the bottom of the market is a year and then a year of nothing and then a year of uptrend and then a year of uptrend again right from that bottom and so that’s how these fouryear Cycles go we’ve talked about on this channel endless amount of times right you could

Go look at my other uh Bitcoin cycle videos where we discuss this now personally I do think that we are going to see less movement this cycle from the price perspective increasing and you can see historically from the Genesis to the 2011 cycle this is how high we went 40

50,000 60,000 per increase the 2011 to 2015 cycle 450 $60,000 in uh percent increase sorry um but then the cycle after that the 2015 to 2018 cycle only went up about 800% or 900% then the 2018 to 2022 cycle went up 2,000% again from the lows of the market

And so I believe believe this cycle will probably Trend around here but probably lower and then as we move forward the the more it really depends on the macro environment right how much is the the money being printed because right now we’re we’re pricing Bitcoin in dollars right so there’s exponentially more debt

Which is money printing which means that the price of Bitcoin because it’s anti- debt it’s right it’s the anti- uh Unlimited Supply it has a limited Supply where the dollar has Unlimited Supply uh so if you start to see other currencies forming you may see those currencies

Gaining more value than US dollar in terms of Bitcoin form because those dollars or those currencies those new ones if brics makes a currency or whatever that may gain more value especially if they are not printing and printing and inflating the the currency like currently what we’re going on in

The US and so that’s something to keep in mind as well but I think the percentage of gains is definitely going to be less and less and less as time goes on especially with all of these derivative type products like Bitcoin ETFs and then options and Futures and

Derivative trading on those ETFs this causes this kind of influx of stabilization in the market that’s why in the stock market you typically will only see two three four 5% moves and people are like freaking out and meanwhile crypto we go up and down 20 30

40% in an hour and nobody blinks right so we’re here we’re about one year after the bottom of the market right so one year approximately after now would put us when in the beginning of 2025 right and so if we look at how the market specifically Bitcoin but we could

Also look at altcoins okay if we look at how the market uh reacted in 2021 let’s go to coin market cap for this now on coin market cap if we look at the Bitcoin chart and we uh let’s Zoom this out to uh basically we’ll go to back to

2019 so 2019 effectively the beginning of 2019 no 2018 was the bottom of the market I’m pretty sure then 2019 we were kind of sideways then 2020 we capitulated in the middle of March right that was when they shut down the global economy one year after that right in

2022 in basically uh the beginning of the year right March you can see that was basically it right where that was the bottom of the market in 2020 that was the end of the top in 2021 uh sorry 2020 sorry I’m uh confusing this completely sorry you can see the top of

The market right here it was one year later right granted we did a blowoff top at the end of 2021 but I’m showing you the yearly cycle okay bottom of the market was here in March of 2020 and then in March of 2021 we we were effectively moving to the top of the

Market right the top happened in like April so give or take a month right these these These are trends that we’re looking for and Rhymes and rhythms in the market we’re not looking for exact most people they look for exact they’re like well cryptoviser you think there’s

Going to be uh another capitulation but you are you saying we’re GNA have another pandemic I’m like maybe but uh I’m looking at capitulation is anything right it could be a debt Market collapse Banks collapsing real estate market collapsing uh I mean there there’s so many different things that can cause the

Capitulation in 2020 it happened to be the pandemic this cycle maybe it’s going to be something completely different right but most people are going to keep thinking oh it’s the pandemic it’s the pandemic so we’re not going to have capitulation no we will we will definitely have capitulation and so

Looking at these rhythms and Rhymes in the market and trying to figure out like what is next this tells me by next year around the beginning of the year January February of 2025 we are going to be peing if thek Market follows this uh 24mon cycle from the low to the top

Right it doesn’t necessarily mean the tippy top of the market uh because you know the last burst at the end of the year that’s not a guarantee that is not a guarantee and most people they didn’t even sell at this burst because they thought it was going higher so when you

Get that first burst that’s it and that’s exactly what vitalic said in 2021 as well by June of 2021 when the market was basically dropped from that Peak vitalic said the bub Bulls already popped nobody listened to him and the market went up and faked everybody out

And that was the end of the bull market and most people never took profit out of that market and went into the negative as we went into the bare Market I hope you guys are not going to make those same mistakes in the future right pull profits when needed uh not

Financial advice do your own research next up ethereum’s Denon upgrade is now live but it failed to finalize on the test net well well what in the ethereums Gorly is going on here paratos on on X said this he said g Gorly Fork is finalized after the fix was patched in

The validators came back online and the chain started finalizing again the minimum extractable value or Mev circuit breaker automatically disables the Mev blocks and they’ve started flowing through as well yay to client diversity and so this is the the first step this is I think a one month roll out of the

Denon upgrade on all of the different test Nets and then once the test Nets are deployed by probably middle of February end of February we’re going to hear uh potentially of when they’re going to roll this out live on the main net I would guess it’s probably going to happen end of

2024 I don’t think it’s going to Happ maybe middle but probably towards the end of 2024 as we also will probably hear a conversation about the ethereum ETF JP Morgan doesn’t see more than a 50% chance of a spot ethereum ETF approval by May a lot of people have been talking

About May is the date we’re GNA have an ETF approval did y’all see how many years it took to get an ETF approved for Bitcoin literally the first Bitcoin ETF was put in in 2013 By The Winkle boss twins who owned the Gemini crypto exchange if you want to sign up use my

Link Down Below in the descript destion of this video If you trade I think $100 within the first 90 days you’ll get $15 in free crypto I’ll get free crypto we both win together Link in the description it is an affiliate link it helps support the channel make sure you

Guys understand the risks involved before you make investment choices uh but yeah Gemini the winkos twins put up the first Bitcoin ETF application 2013 we are literally quite literally uh 10 years later okay 11 years later really but 10 years later is since it’s approved okay 10 years it took to get

The Bitcoin ETF approved and the ethereum maximalists are saying oh who the ethereum is next ethereum is next it’s going to happen this year while I do think eventually we’re gonna have an ethereum ATF I don’t think the SEC is going to uh is going to move in that D

They’re GNA fight this to the end guys I’m telling you and so we need a a change whether it’s uh rulings on the SEC needs to stay out of it new regulations uh from Congress or a new SEC director I don’t know but it seems to me that it

Is becoming more and more likely that Vivic will potentially be the VP choice for Trump and if that does happen guys um that that is going to be probably we already know Trump is involved in nfts and he owned ethereum we know his his family knows what crypto is and seems

Somewhat neutral on the on the matter right and historically he’s been anti Vivic is Vivic is very crypto-friendly extensively like more than any other candidate that we’ve seen out here and so uh that would be very interesting and if that happens if Vivic is chosen as

The VP candidate for Trump and they win in November guys the market that and by the way this is in line with what we were just talking about one year from now we are going to know who the next president is one year from now from today the president is

Going to be getting sworn in and so whether that’s the incumbent whether that’s somebody completely different or whether that’s Trump I’m saying if it is that’s one year from where we are middle of January which is basically one year from the 24 months from the cycle

Low and so that tells me that there for this to play out there has to be something bullish for Bitcoin and because all of the the time frames are lining up that tells me it’s highly likely that we’re going to see Vivic get chosen and then them get

Elected into office and that that’s a prediction I’m making just based on the cycles and how these markets are going to move because I don’t see if the incumbent president stays how Bitcoin is going to go higher I actually think it would be uh n bearish for the for the

Asset ecosystem overall but we’ll have to wait and see it’s going to be very very interesting and I’m telling you guys the market is going to melt faces off melt faces because even if we just look at the last cycle 2018 to 2022 right it went up about 1,000% from the

Cycle low right uh I don’t know how that’s possible 100x from the cycle low the cycle low was $3,000 100x uh 1,000% is 10 10x sorry 10x yeah I guess that’s accurate um 10x no yeah that’s 10x I I’m trying to understand how they got to that number

Because it was actually from $3,000 I guess they’re they’re calling the cycle low $6,000 but the cycle low is 3,000 three or $4,000 but whatever it doesn’t even matter let’s say 15,500 okay 15,500 was the cycle low let’s say we add 1,000% to that okay that’s

$155,000 sorry I pressed the button uh I pressed the wrong button so $155,000 would be a 10x or 1,000% increase by next uh January guys you know my my thesis is that we are not going higher than $300,000 in the Bull Run guys uh the ETFs have already

Launched the money is already flowing in yes there’s going to be more money that’s flowing in in the future future but the money has already Flo in billions of dollars right some of it has moved from one asset like grayscale into other um other ETFs but a lot of the

Money has already entered the space and we haven’t really seen a movement in the price so how much more money is it going to actually take to move the price higher than 300,000 or even higher than 155,000 so I actually think that using this as a guide as a general guide could

Give you a lot of insight right 10x is not really that much and going from 15,500 to 55,000 over the course of the next year I think it’s very possible and if that’s if that goes into effect and Vivic either whether he becomes VP or he’s you know maybe he’ll become the SEC

Director maybe he’ll become the treasury secretary right I mean these are these would all be extremely very bullish things for the crypto market so we have to keep our eyes on that meanwhile as JP Morgan doesn’t see an ethereum ETF approval yet Jamie Diamond is going after cryptos yet again saying cryptos

Uh there are cryptos that do something that might have value and there’s ones that do nothing he calls it a pet rock yet again let’s listen to what Jamie Diamond says this is going to be playing at one and a half speed so if you’re already watching my video at speed this

Is going to sound much much faster let’s listen in and don’t forget to give the video a free thumbs up and then we’re going to get to the cardano news in just a minute let’s listen in we could we pivot to a topic that I know I know you

Find sort of laborious at this point uh which is Bitcoin um this ETF was approved just about a week ago now and I think a lot of people are trying to understand what it ultimately means JP Morgan I imagine if you’re C J Morgan you could call your broker and say uh

Get get me some of this ETF U what are you telling what are you telling your Brokers to tell them back when they make that call yeah so this is an important thing I would this is the last time I’ve ever talk about this in CNBC okay so

Help me God blockchain is real it’s a technology we use it it’s going to move money it’s going to move data it’s efficient we’ve been talking about that for 12 years too and it’s very small okay so I think we’ve wasted too many words in that cryptocurrencies there are

Two types there’s a cryptocurrency which might actually do something think of a cryptocurrency has an embedded smart contract in it and then we can use a b real estate move data that may have value tokenizing tokenizing things that that you do something with and then there’s one which does nothing I call

The pet rock the Bitcoin or something like that and so on the Bitcoin you know there’s first and I’m not trying to make a joke here there are use cases AML fraud anti-money laundering tax avoids sex trafficking those are real use cases and you see it being used for hundreds

Maybe 50 hundred billion dollar a year for that that is the end use case everything else is people train among themselves so yeah now okay now my last statement the last I ever talk about Bitcoin is I defend your right to do Bitcoin I think you know it’s okay I

Don’t want to tell you what to do so my personal advice was be don’t get involved but I don’t want to tell anyone of you what to do it’s a free country do do the other now I I like that that response because that’s a more honest

Response than what uh JP Morgan has historically said right Bitcoin is fraud all of this meanwhile JP Morgan is the bank for coinbase and Gemini links down below if you want to sign up uh JP Morgan is the authorized party for a lot of these Bitcoin ETFs as well so they’re

Involved guys they’re involved and they don’t want you you don’t you they don’t want you buying these assets right now because they want to buy the assets and they want to be they want you in debt that’s what the banks want they don’t want you in an anti- debt instrument

Anyway moving on to the cardano news as the uh ongoing drama continues are they re now reversing course on uh implementing usdc well we’ve been covering this recently and now big pay said usdc coming to cardano eventually he said he made a video that covers the stable coins that we currently have

Stable coins that are coming in the future of ADA now here’s the deal guys it does seem like are pulling back a lot I have seen from the when the conversation started from some of the other people in the cardano ecosystem that were going to potentially put a

Proposal forward now again they may still be working on this we we haven’t gotten any updates just yet but in the days after the amount of ridiculousness and trying to reframe the combo back to oh no no we don’t need usdc mien’s going to do it DEET is going

To do it was shocking it was honestly shocking to me and uh it seems like they’re stepping back it seems like they’re slowly stepping back the powers that be didn’t want it they don’t think it’s going to get funded they don’t want to spend their time on I

Don’t know what the issue is this is make or break for cardano though guys this is it this is it this cycle is make or break and we are entering this new cycle this new wave of asset engagement from institutional level from a Global Perspective from a financial perspective and the bottom line

Is the technology that we see deploying on all of these other blockchains some that aren’t even listed here because they don’t even have their own coins like coinbase far surpasses the capabilities that are currently available on cardano and far surpasses the liquidity that is available on usdc Far surpasses

The usage and the interest and and the engagement from using usdc none of that is going to be brought on by an internal siloed non-interoperable non– bridgeable asset or platform for cardano and I know there’s uh there’s engineers in cardano who get this but it may not be enough and that’s

Personally why I don’t think it’s investable at this point I’ve told you guys even when usdc we we we thought it was going to go through I told you guys we have to see if this actually happens and how quickly it happens because it may happen but maybe it’s going to be

2028 maybe it’s going to be 2032 maybe it’s going to be never but I believe that if cardano cannot or forget about cannot does not because they’re they’re like well we may not be able to do it because they freeze transa guys this is all hogwash because if cardano cannot get usdc the

Most interoperable the most widely used the most Reg regulated stable coin on the planet Earth if they cannot get it integrated I believe cardano is is going to not even be a conversation in this coming cycle that’s what I believe I believe it’s just going to be back

Holders the same thing that I really believe about xrp you know I don’t think that Ripple is pushing xrp I think Ripple is pushing their own company and their own crossb uh remittances and they don’t need to use xrp the fact that they continue to sell the xrp in their

Escrow and they have continued to do this for the last since they started the escrow account it it tells me that there’s a lot of bag holders this this is why I got rid of my xlm guys this is the same conversation because while I do believe

Stellar is an amazing blockchain I think Stellar development foundation is doing amazing things they’re highly integrated with usdc I mean a lot of usdc is transacted on stellar as well and Stellar has money gram Integrations they are doing amazing things but that doesn’t mean that xlm is investable right it doesn’t mean that

This is going to bring the price up because to date since I started going heavy in xlm probably 2018 we haven’t heard Stellar development foundation mention xlm once I haven’t seen any new developments about Stellar blockchain talk about or even allude to any usage of xlm at

All and after a lot of you know uh reflection in my own portfolio I had to make the decision after holding Stellar for years and literally not moving anywhere in the price I mean down sideways it was time for me to exit that position now maybe it’s going to go up

In in value right maybe it will but there’s so many other assets out here that are talking about how the price is going to be impacted are talking about how they’re going to integrate their coin with other blockchains are integrated using oracles using Bridges using cross uh cross chain transfer

Protocols like usdc has implemented but cardano sits here and says no no no we don’t we don’t need interoperability we don’t need usdc we could use it but why would we want to spend our money on that we 50 million Ada every six months going to projects that never deploy that’s a

Better usage and I I ju I don’t get it I don’t get it I really am at a loss because no other ecosystem is doing uh is doing this no other ecosystem is resisting probably the best thing that can be brought like usdc brings in so much technology

Instantly it brings in so much liquidity and users and transactions and volume instantly it’s Plug and Play but instead card no no no we don’t need we don’t need plug and play we need to create our own extra system on the side and then you have to figure out how that

System works and then then you can plug into guys that’s never going to work and it’s never going to happen and so yeah cardano is in this kind of weird spot right now I believe they can do it and I believe there’s developers that want to do it for some

Reason it doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen and I cannot figure out why hopefully it gets done that I mean I I I want cardano in my portfolio so bad but cardano doesn’t want my portfolio that bad I mean that that’s the way that I look at it it’s

Uninvestable at this point same way xrp is same way xlm is listen Ripple if they go if they IPO Ripple will be investable for sure but xrp name one person that you know who started investing after 2020 that owns xrp the answer is zero the answer is

Nobody or very very few I mean the percentage is going to be extremely low and so that whole cycle was lost for xrp and I believe this cycle it’s going to be even worse not just for xrp but for a lot of these coins that people are bag holders and

Thinking that things are just going to be exactly like the last cycle but as I explained in the Bitcoin chart these are these are uh Rhymes and rhythms to the Cycles but no cycle is going to be exact to the previous and with that hopefully you guys enjoyed today’s video don’t

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  1. say you have no skin in the game on Cardano but almost every one of your videos has it in the title…remove it for one month and see how much skin you really have in it. Just because you aren't invested doesn't mean you have no skin in the game

  2. Years until ETH ETF..on what grounds other than it took years for BTC..court rulings are now in place that SEC can't stall if the paperwork is done properly (following same path as BTC ETF)..what new obstacles are you basing you investment thesis or are you just talking to talk?

  3. I have rolled the dice on CORZQ and am hoping for the best. At 65 years old I have always been able to make money. Only….. to lose it through poor investing. Once more into the fray I go. It's the last great fight I will ever know, LOL!

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