
These Are The Reasons You WILL ACCEPT Central Bank Digital Currencies

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These are the reasons you will accept a central bank digital currency hi there crypto fans dick ALG here in the beautiful Hawaiian Islands yesterday I outlined the reasons that we will be seeing Central Bank digital currencies rolled out way before we would ever see a constitutionally sound gold-backed new

Currency put out by the United States government will the United States government finally ditch the US dollar come out with some new thing that is constitutional and backed by precious metals okay I’m going to tell you why human beings will accept cbdcs but first I’ve got to comment on something else

Because this is hilarious this made my day the people running the hunter the The Joe Biden White House the people running the White House have now apparently thrown in the towel and they’re just doing things in a farsal manner to amuse themselves that’s the only reason I can give for this this is

The kind of thing I would do if I was doing public relations or media management for somebody totally decrep who I had no respect for they decided to take first lady Jill Biden to a high school I think it was in Utah today and so they put her here’s the picture she

Appeared at Hunter high school and this was the setting Jill Biden Hunter High that’s a real picture you can’t make that up that was that was a good joke somebody was really a few guffa and turtles in the white house uh media management team they go and she didn’t

Even notice they don’t I mean Joe Biden of of course he didn’t notice but no one else noticed she just got up there and yeah yeah Hunter High okay so why are why are you going to accept the Central Bank digital currency and there are people that have been commenting here

And the fre Freedom lovers well we just won’t acques we won’t accept we’ll never comply the problem with that is you’re already complying if you think you’re not five steps down the road to a central bank digital currency and digital ID well think again do you own a

Smartphone have you ever used facial recognition on your smartphone if you have any digital currency and you have an account on a brokerage or a uh crypto exchange what’s the first thing you do before you can use the crypto exchange you give them a picture of your ID your

Driver’s license or state ID or passport and then they require you to take a selfie to compare that to your government issued ID so they make you take a picture of yourself like move closer move your head do this and you upload that a lot of you have to sign

Your name and say yes I’m dealing cryptocurrencies this is my picture this is the date that’s you’re already few steps down the road of compliance they’ve already got your face on record they already have it they already have the algorithm has been compiling your social credit score for years

They’ve already got it it’s just the final stages of the implementation it’s like if you tell somebody eat this ham in one bite you’re not going to eat a ham in one bite but if you say hey I’m going to make you a nice sandwich you just slice

That off put a little swiss cheese on it Grill it some Tomatoes some rye bread you’ll eat that and the next day we’re going to honey glaze this ham and we’re going to put that with some mashed potatoes you eat another slice and then few more slic and you’re just little by

Little pretty soon you’ve eaten the whole ham and that’s where we are with with digital ID and Central Bank digital currencies I covered a a significant news story in 2006 one day I woke up and the house was shaking I mean we had a significant earthquake I like whoa and

The power went out and I was a reporter and I covered that uh we were like 12 14 like 18 hours non-stop there’s no power the ATMs didn’t work the supermarkets were closed no resta restaurants were open the fast food restaurants were closed and one of the stories I did that day involved

Interviewing people who were totally helpless the people were lined up at closed fast food restaurants going we’re hungry I don’t have any money I don’t have any food in my house I can’t get a McDonald’s Burger King’s closed Taco Bell’s closed KFC they’re not even open what do I eat they were hungry

They were scared some of them were thirsty some of them didn’t even have water yeah I interviewed a lot of them we were L there people lined up there were people going in grocery stores if they had a little cash left over like oh I have a few dollars in my pocket they

Were going in the grocery store escorted one at a time with a flashlight like I need some baloney and some bread okay well sir we’ll escort you one at a time you may come in and they take you to aisle 3 for bread down to the back of the store for baloney

Check you out by hand take the cash write the receipt it was very tedious so some people got a baloney sandwich but a lot of people didn’t have anything to eat if you took that situation and let’s say the ATMs didn’t work the cash was no good the fast food restaurants the

Restaurants weren’t accepting cash or the credit card machines were down or any number of things put a little glitch in this by the next day by one day later those people were already getting frantic after about 18 hours the lights came back on but it was a good lesson

One day later if you would have told them come to this uh Refugee uh assistance center bring your phone we’re going to have you download an app take a picture of yourself and then we’ll upload some cbdc money to your account and you can go right over there and just show your just

Punch this in swipe a QR code whatever sh your face you’ll get a baloney sandwich or hamburger people would line up and do that that fast human beings act on two main points of stimulus Pleasure and Pain so why would these sheep like all of a

Sudden all decide and Mass to go from one pasture to the other or go into that Corral because the pathway has been created for them the path of least resistance and a little bit of pressure is applied by just a couple of sheep dogs and the

Sheep just get it in their mind to end Moss go where they need to go and do what they need to go and humans are not that much different than the Sheep you’ve been programmed you the pathway has been provided for you the pleasure aspect is your smartphone this gives you

Pleasure you enjoy using you look at people in public they don’t let go of these things they hold them you get in an elevator people pull it out and they’re going like this they’re sitting in a social engagement they’re not talking to each other they’re getting more pleasure from their smartphone so

That’s the pleasure that has been provided to this the pain will be when when the dollar fails when the banking system fails when any number of things fail where people won’t be able to get a fast food meal they won’t have any food in their house they won’t be able to get

Money out of the bank they will all like the Sheep go exactly where they need to go and do what they need to do and you will see Central Bank digital currencies rolled out those of you that say I’ll never comply do you only use cash have you never

Signed on to a crypto exchange have you done any number of things online where you have to authenticate yourself what more can I say that’s I’m getting long- winded here I love the hunter Biden Hunter high that was beautiful Hunter high that was a that was a good joke somebody pulled a fast

One on the White house good for Them


  1. Although I resent the truth it's clear our society is in the cusp of a major transformation. Fiat debt based currency is dying, so next will be CBDC..then the crypto era begins. I don't like it I don't trust the technocrats who seem to be leading this change but too few people are capable to go "full Amish" & stay off their control grid. Prepare, pray, and stay out of the fray. Once the smoke of next few years clears we can build something better for our children and grandchildren.

  2. Yes Dick we know there will be people naive enough to sign up for it, but our point is that there will also be a lot of people who will do the opposite. The war being waged against us is getting out of control and you are on the wrong side.

  3. what do the people who are barely surviving on SSDI? They're not able to work because they worked two jobs for 30 years paying into it while crippling themselves by 14 hour work days

  4. CBDCs will be an easy rollout, and people mostly deserve them.
    Principles are expensive.
    Those who won't use CBDCs will be those that dont need to.
    They saw this coming and bought the future private moneis they'll need, yesterday.
    Bring it on, it'll be funny to watch.

  5. Anyone know if when you join the Future Forecasting Group the subscription starts/ends are the beginning of the month like Patreon, or if it's really for one month even when joining middle of the month?

  6. When money is worth nothing, and you can’t buy food or anything, or pay bills, or go to the hospital or need antibiotics or some medicine to save your life, and your starving 99.9 % will do it! If you been through a city or got gas or used the highways or been in a store, you are already in the system, or have a social security number, yep, your in the system. They have EVERYONE. Sadly! However, if Trump somehow gets in he said he will not let it happen. But is Mr. Trumps, time short, I hope not. I think, for sure if he doesn’t come back, it’s going to be HELL FOR EVERYONE, and We will loose the COUNTRY FOR SURE!!!! So you are right, we are ALL in the system. So it’s just a matter of the powers playing their cards right to make the final push, which I think is going to be pretty terrible at first and then people will just want it desperately because they are starving and want hey need medicine and the basics. So while I hope you are wrong, not that I want to discredit you, by any means, but the likelihood of this to happen is VERY POSSIBLE, no doubt at all. And with your remote viewing record, it makes me think you’re probably right, but I hope somehow, we can avoid it somehow. Well, LIKE I ALWAYS SAY, “lets the cards fall where they may.” Take care and be well. You are a good man, and definitely trust worthy. It’s not actually the CBDC’s that I fear, it’s the event that leads up to it, to implement, that bothers me. The details matter. Ok take care, and be well. Good video, as always.

  7. The world is big enough and diverse enough for now for example good luck with this in some areas of eastern europe russia hungary central asia areas for example. Usa 100% unstoppable i agree.

  8. US senators Cruz and Emmer have both introduced bills opposing CBDCs
    Also Multiple U.S. Senate bills object to CBDC's definition as 'money'

    Bills against referring to CBDC as money have been filed in Utah, South Carolina, South Dakota and Tennessee. 🇺🇸 The filed bills in the different states would expressly exclude a CBDC from the definition of money in the state, creating potentially significant roadblocks to its use as such in the state.
    On top of these Trump just announced he will never allow a CBDC. That's 1 year that they have to implement a CBDC.
    Not sure this opinion is possible.

  9. I think you're right that CBCDs will be rolled out before any kind of sound money that is not a surveillance slave currency. People will have to experience first hand how fucked up CBCDs are before they wake up enough to demand or create something else.

  10. So with a power outage, atm's, lightning in stores and online banking won't work, but for whatever reason people would still be able to charge phones and download an id-app? And in stores no electronics would work except receiving payments via cbdc's? Come on man!
    Did You ever hunt an animal, kill it, cook it and then eat it?
    This kind of defeatism is actually a disguised encouragement to comply.

  11. The only way CBDC's will work is if the entire world uses it. It won't. Did you listen to Millei's speech at Davos? The deep state are done for and we are going back to a sound money system.

  12. Delusional.
    Digital was created so they could take your REAL cash in exchange for another belief system, of which they have control of and backdoor entrance, meaning they could pull the plug and steal everything. Another scam scheme that will fail.
    Remote viewing is taping into the informed field, intention might yield results searched for but interpretation can be manipulated.
    Not going to argue, you'll see before the end of this year it was another scam.

  13. When this happens, I think people will resort to bartering with Gold, silver, or Bitcoin for food or necessities until they fully implement it. Since CBDCs won't be an overnight thing but weeks or months of implementation. And when people trade with those 3 they won't use USD to determine the value of it. But the free market will determine how much gold is worth 1 bitcoin, how how much bitcoin is worth 1 gram. The value of those 3 will probably be 10 fold if this sort of thing happens though

  14. Yes, I totally agree. I was there during hurricane Katrina in the Navy & what I saw from humans reminded me of a 3rd world country. It was unsafe to go out without armed escorts, people were lined up waiting to be “taken care” of, other people raping & hurting others there. It was surreal to me on so many levels, other than the fact I was 10 feet from Bush jr & I couldn’t stand to listen to him in the galley so I left. I didn’t understand at the time I detested his presence so much I had to leave. He’s really short & his voice is annoying 🥵.
    We r already many steps into this world, unless you’re in a cult like the Amish & r for the most part removed from the system u r already there. I can’t get any of my government benefits that I worked for me or my children unless I verify my identity. If there isn’t any system to verify identity then don’t you think there would be even more chaos in the world, is this a free for all with no structure or verification or system in place? You’re right, I will comply, I have complied(up to a certain point😮, no shots 4 me). If you’re watching these types of videos then u r the few compared to the many others that will stampede over or stab you to get what they want, no seriously, believe me when I tell you this. I think some humans are delusional or have no clue what makes our world the way it is even now with transportation or communication systems. What you just think it magically happens without anyone planning out & building these systems & structures & then keep them running? 😂❤. Physical or digital what does it matter ? U already agreed upon a system of trade to get what you want & need to live in this world.

  15. Dick you seem to think we are all the same. WE ARE NOT. Those that go lightly into the good night can do that, but those of us choose to live life the way it was meant to be lived will go our own way…besides it wont last, the evil one have already shown us their incomitance

  16. Yes , CBDC may become the norm but I don’t see a way to totally eliminate all cash , otherwise a method of barter will be necessary . Perhaps a daily spread sheet for things commonly used for value or trade . It also appears to me that who ever is running the (White House ) is making a mockery of the presidential office and the U.S. Constitution on purpose .

  17. It's incredible that we have to provide mugshots, ID (as though we are the criminals) to crypto firms, but they can disappear overnight with our money.
    I do agree with you though Dick, if the sheep will line up to get the state injectable for a hamburger, you can bet they will do the same for CBDCs.

  18. Totally agree as observed. I don't use my smart phone except had to get one for the bank yep as they require verification via phone despite my complaint they said tough. Now all people who receive any benefits have to give access over to government to check they are not getting any extra money. Soon to be what they spending money on, all while so many people have to be on some form of government Universal Credit. Also Businesses are now fined for using too much cash. Its here just the last tweak as they are due to close all banks in UK by end 2025 and fast closing ATMs. Solar Flares, major storms and cyber attacks most certainly another issue apart from the coming Orwellian dystopia.

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