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Crypto market is dumping. What’s YOUR plan? Here’s mine…




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⏰ June 12th, 2022 (11am). Take ALL crypto OFF of Celsius ASAP! –
⏰ June 12th, 2022 (9pm) – Withdraws FROZEN.

⏰ June 20th, 2022 – 5 Rules set PERMANENTLY on ALL Live Streams

⏰ June 22nd, 2022 – Take ALL crypto OFF of Voyager ASAP! –
⏰ July 1st, 2022 – Withdraws FROZEN

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About his time sensitive now if you want to stick around let’s do Q&A because I think people got questions I’ll try to answer those the best of my abilities we’ll go from there but if you got to take off relax it’s a nice day and uh we

Do do that anyhow thanks so much uh let’s see let’s see husky says one month away from a big Bitcoin purchase go down that’s what I kind of feel like to I don’t know if tell me in the comments section but I kind of feel the same way I feel like you

Know I don’t think I spent enough on my positions in digital assets maybe I should have bought more Bitcoin or Salon or ethereum or polygon or whatever the heck I’ve been buying lately uh maybe I should have bought more I always feel this way and um so like these when these dips go

Down I’m like yeah not so bad and you know what I didn’t really show this style the Market’s in freef fall and everyone is selling I guess yeah there’s more sellers than buyers I forgot to show you the uh Market in general I don’t know if you guys have

Taken a look at your portfolio but it’s not looking too good I mean if you’re thinking like this is the bad day but for me like I dollar cost average every day through uh coinbase and right now hey salana is below 100 this is awesome it’s 92

Bucks cardano hey all right 50 cents 33 bucks for Avalanche doge is down it’s always like around seven cents Tron polka dot really chain link 8.7 uh polygon which’s the big who’s really down today who’s really down wow near is down eight% anybody in double digits yep here

We go s I don’t know what that is I think it’s a layer one solution bit tensor tow 12% 10% foru perfect I’m actually starting to pick that one up perfect this is nice beam I should really think about getting into that one chili it’s locked on

Voyager and Flare’s up eight% all right so that’s the that’s it a nutshell for that part what are you gonna do this is good I’m looking at these prices I’m like ah thank God because I remember I mean I remember Sal at 240 in the peak now it’s

Under 100 I remember remember when solo was below 10 it was like nine bucks those were the days I didn’t pick up enough I thought it would go lower I bought some but not enough Eris says selling my kidneys for the dip not Financial advice I did say

Something on one of the NFA shows I think it was last week where I said that you only because I used to work in dialysis and uh it’s true you and people said Rob is yeah it’s true you only need 15% of one kidney to stay off to stay

Off dialysis so if you want to sell a kidney go right ahead not kidney advice of course that’s a joke yeah Tony King $8 so was the dream you know what was the dream was Bitcoin at 3500 bucks during the the sures of sickness that was a good times that’s

When everybody was scared scared out of their minds they didn’t think anything would come back didn’t work out like that but it’s amazing though like when you’re at Max fear that’s the time to really get in there and really start dumping uh some cash and buying up things but it’s hard

To do because you’re like is it going to go lower doesn’t really matter if if you just take it like a four-year Cy fouryear Outlook these are good times like today’s a great day today’s a great day because in four years I can I can’t guarantee anything but I think you’ll

Like where the price action is well two years not four let’s see need a buyer from I can find a buyer beardy that’s easy hm damn Barry Barry says I lost my wife and kids because of Bitcoin investing I hyped it up so much that I would change

Our lives and all it’s done has ruined me I hope he didn’t go in too too hard too fast I guess it’s a good lesson for everybody so when I talk about these things I’m talking about like 10 bucks a day dollar cost average don’t go crazy I

Know some people say like what about like uh Lum suum you can do it like I Lum some every so often I call it it’s it’s called instead of dollar cost average it’s called value cost averaging if you have a thousand bucks maybe every couple of months you put in 250 250 250

250 around every two months or so and it works out okay but Barry sorry to hear that buddy I will just say this there is a reason why I have these rules right here number rule number one it’s all gone meaning don’t invest don’t invest more

Than you can afford to lose if you think to yourself This 10 bucks that I put in every day is gone it’s not going to be so big and if you can say it’s not a big deal that’s fine but if you wake up and say you know what this 100 bucks that

I’m going to put on bitcoin or whatever it’s going to be gone and it makes you nervous you shouldn’t be investing 100 bucks that’s the best advice I can give you that is a little Financial advice if if it’s too much for you don’t invest everything’s a scam until per otherwise

100% a scam is trust no one not even me don’t use don’t leave anything on exchanges there’s a reason why I have tangum down here because we all learned our lesson with voyager and sales and FTX everybody else take it off the exchanges don’t be lazy I even got a a

Free website which teach you how to do it Dan teaches crypto links in the description don’t use leverage unless you want to be homeless that’s fine take profits along the way nobody ever went broke taking profits although somebody did correct me and they were right unless you’re in

Turkey he took profits in the turkey L and I’m devalued all the way to zero so yeah it’s a good point all right yeah very sorry to hear hear that that does suck I could handle 15K Bitcoin this is just too much I know beardy could handle uh some

Some some sweet low EOS that’d be nice Mike hit the like cheap corn wish I had a job cheap beard does have a job Beard’s an RN works the job I used to do back at the day Alex says he clearly went too hard too fast probably so it’s a good lesson

Though it’s a great lesson thank God for Barry putting it out there like hey this ruined me why did it ruin you probably invested way too much and he probably went in a little bit too like way too hard way too early extrapolate it all out and here’s

Another thing these like like when we talk about these alt coins you have to understand that some of these are going to go to zero you’re not going to win all the time there’s there’s an old joke it’s it when you’re an agal investor how do you become a millionaire well you

Start with a billion dollars and that’s really the truth you have to really just get out there and they just call us this term spray and prey I don’t have to have everybody everything do 100x I just need one of them to do it the other nine can

Fail I could care less I couldn’t care less ah I blew it all on booze smokes and Bitcoin the rest I just wasted classic yeah I still have soul on E I still have soul on E myself and LeBron James says it correctly don’t trust even Rob I could be totally full of

It don’t trust verify follow your own plan do as much research as you possibly can and go from there even if you’re do on due diligence you’re still going to get it wrong case in point mark cubin reasonably smart billionaire did things the right way and who did he endorse Voyager

Trotted St look out there and says this is the future and I’d like all the Dallas Mavericks fans to sign up for for Voyager I truly believe in them what happens I did a trust me bro loan to three hours capital and sank everybody genius so yeah just know that as

Much as much exercise and work as you do for due diligence you’re still not going to get everything correct investing is tough Chris says when cannibal which is a great question uh when I we hit 100K I will jump into that pool Cannonball style clay says mega dump soon I’m

Hoping Tony King of the ozone it’s fny if you do that understand you’re gonna see negative 3050 on your 1K investment if you’re not okay with seeing that don’t touch crypto and I think that’s some of the reasons why we’re seeing a dump Black Rock and Fidelity when they

Get their customers in I wonder if they really instructed them about how volatile the market actually is because like uh when Tony said that where did it go excuse me when Mike when Mike said that he said you know if they’re down 16% in a week if they’re

Not if someone didn’t tell them like hey this could really be a real thing you could go down 20 30 40% just so you know but if you’re on a four-year time horizon or maybe just even a two-year you’re G to be fine if they didn’t tell every single one their customers for

This ETF that no wonder they’re pulling out if they are we’ll see Deborah says can’t wait to play Flappy Bird so I did talk about that on the show on the NFA live just so you know Flappy Bird I did say yeah it’s coming out for web 3 but you have to

Understand um that game is g to be free to play on Apple and Android let me say this again Flappy Bird when it comes back we’ll be 100% free to play on web to 100% free to play on web to 100% free to play now if you want to own your own

Skins and stake a token and use those for discounts and trade your skins in an open market on a web 3 version you’re welcome to do that but I’m just saying if you want to play the game it’s gonna be free and that’s it I know because

People were like ah Rob’s bringing that back those games so he can you know make a ton of money and blah blah blah I’m like it’s gonna be free whatever krypto’s a game of patience John card Mark Cuban I know it’s it’s a good reference right trust me brw a loone t-shirt yes

Yes yes yes uh crypto Bros has a good point sell the news sell the news event very normal in crypto yeah we talked about that today actually guy had a good question about when we get a a if we get an ethereum ETF what’ll be sell the buy the

Rumor sell the news probably it’s the same thing but I’m not for sure that could happen now Danny Garcia all always keep dry powder with you for these days and I think there are more days to come and buy and a bargain it’s a good point it’s

A great point and uh these days I like I really like the the green days because everybody’s in a better mood they just are like I like doing the streams because I don’t have to you know calm everybody down it’s okay these days they’re my second favorite they happen a

Lot more my worst my worst days are when everything’s going sideways because it’s just boring as hell when things go down like Danny’s got a great point you know we all huddle up we realize why we’re here we understand that it’s a long-term Outlook and we say to ourselves well this has

Happened before it’s going to happen again so we’ll just stick around and be okay yeah that’s pretty much it rocket science I have no kidneys left trying to convince the family to sell theirs that’s good uh don Darren he Aon Rob are you still daily dcing

Link and near chain link yes and near I think I’m doing every two or three days I forget but yes I am and as a matter of fact I’m supposed to have the founder Ilia on next week from near protocol on the show so if you guys have questions

For the founder drop them on the comment section I’ll ask him so hopefully he doesn’t get technical because I’m not that guy n don’t trust me don’t trust trust me it’s it’s much better for you how much does a kidney go for nowadays it depends on where you’re at I’m like I’m

Talking like I know I don’t know Silver Surfers got a good point Black Rock will never buy at retail prices it’ll dump the price as as nobody thinks and that was the big question is were they going to dump the price before everything happen and then they’re going to get

Their customers in cheap have a massive runup and then of course their customers look to them and go you guys are geniuses thanks so much didn’t work out that way looks like a lot of the customers came in and like wow wow we just lost 16% of our value this has not

Happened to us in any other ETF this is very volatile why didn’t you tell us we’ll see how it goes for them but I mean I’ll still be here is there any hope for zcash yeah and I’m just gonna tell you right I’m gonna put a blanket statement out for

Everybody if you ask me about a a project I’m gonna say pretty much the same thing most of what you’re going to invest into you’re probably going to do pretty good because if you were here for the blowoff toop Bull Run in 2021 or if

You were here for the Ico craze in 2017 you know what I’m talking about everything does great everything unless it’s a straightup scam like bitconnect so whatever you invest to is probably gonna go up the question is is which is gonna go up the most and uh that I can’t tell

You beardy says dialysis ain’t bad dialysis is horrible it’s horrible it’s you know essentially Monday Wednesday Friday two and a half hour drip going through the dialysate it’s a it’s a real pain and then of course depends on if you have like centralized catheter or if

You have a graft and the needle size I mean 18 16 gauge needles Monday Wednesday Friday that’s no fun ah let’s see Rob any thoughts on Celestia no but guy over at coin Bureau did a great video on that on coin Bureau club I’m GNA check it out and I’m

Looking to get into that one Danny says n is awesome 88.7% so and say oh wow 72 on stake Aristotle the kidney humor is not funny it’s true that is a real black market a real bad thing we should probably uh not make too much fun of

That 15K a Ken in Romania it’s not a bad price let’s see do you think peer-to-peer exchanges like local Monero and havano havano will play an important role in the future of crypto it possibly could be but I gotta tell you like I don’t know if you guys have used any of

The dexes I mean not the ethereum based ones like uh Unis swap stuff like that or like the cardo based ones like MIM swap those are fine but uh like Jupiter and uh tell me what the other one is in the comment section but those Salon

Dexes I’ve been using those for like the last couple months just seamless Flawless so fast quick no hassles just works it’s just great um I think those are gonna play play a big future I think so yeah best Bren it’s all Jamie D Jamie Diamond that guy I’ve never seen a guy

So much in denial than uh than Jamie but H whatever near price prediction for Bull Run I can tell you what I can tell you what any of the cryptoverse thinks check this out it’s a good question so where is it I always messed this up no ah here it is no damn it this isn’t neither I had a lot I had a whole time of this

One before exit DCA I’m gonna get stubborn no macro recessions no indicator damn it ah near near near near near oh his even have it this is the now it’s just a waited I’m gonna get this I give up can’t even find it on here there is this section which will

Give you like a u essentially a price prediction and it’s like uh time and risk bands so I wish I could find it but near let’s let’s just go here we’ll make it easy how about this here’s in the top 20 I think still 29 that 9% dip really really hit it let’s

See alltime high 20 bucks wow holy smokes so here’s the thing I think it could do because if we’re at $3 now now and what is that like that’s a 7x 6 and a half 7x just to get back to its all-time high why couldn’t I do a 10x to

Get to $30 I don’t see why not I think it could especially with what it’s doing so we’ll see but if I had to do a prediction which I’m very bad at it’ll be somewhere between 25 cents and 35 bucks yeah yep yep that’s the best I can do uh

Michah roach can top 50 coins realistically do a 50x it gets a lot hard well it gets damn near impossible as you get towards in the top 10 because the market cap is so is so large unless you’ve got Sovereign funds and you know some countries say hey this is going to

Be our Reserve currency from now on yeah maybe but uh to get like a 10x you have to kind of go down into the riskier areas but it can happen within the 50 counts sure why not we just took a look at here I think you could do a

10x ah ICP or Ada I say both I know some people hate Ada some people hate ICP I own both of those why not Orca thank you Danny that’s the one orca is a great one orca yeah exactly thank you Jupiter is awesome yes son Dex to max level they’re just

How dexes are supposed to work they just are they just work and they’re fast and there’s no screw-ups so I like that I don’t know anything about the Saga film people seem to love it but I don’t know if it’s they love it because of the technology I love it

Because they got a bunch of free aird drops from like Bon and stuff like that H LeBron says does the Bitcoin price have the double before the having for the miners being profit look the M the miners are doing just fine right now check this out there’s a website it’s called bid info

Charts and we can take a look at the the transaction fees which the miners get paid for that pretty well you know over the last six months and we’ talked about this before me now let me go out a year this is because of ordinals and inscriptions the average transaction fee

For Bitcoin is $37 what did it used to be pennies 60 cents 40 Cent 60 Cent something like there and everybody talks and complains about ethereum but look at this here’s ethereum transaction fees it’s getting dwarfed by Bitcoin so the miners right now are they’re like hey we

Don’t mine those ordinals we get paid for this they’re pretty happy so they don’t really have to be but what usually happens is we hit a having the production costs the amount of Bitcoin I think it’s once goes from 900 per day to 450 per

Day uh and of course every 10 minutes it gets cut in half so what nor what normally happens is that some Bitcoin miners aren’t in profit and they have to shut down that’s just the way the the world Works what’s great for that is that the difficulty level adjusts so the

Miners that are actually able to make it through that sector they actually do quite well because they’re like wow I have to compete with all these other people I have to rent so many Bitcoin Miners and the uh the hash rate is lower and I don’t have to spend so much

Electricity cost works out for me great all I got to do is just survive so it’s a it’s a great Force back and forth to actually work out yeah oh are you are you multi- wrenching it’s good ah Ray says got an email from stretto this is probably for the Celsius

Uh bankruptcy it seems that there’s an effective date wonder if you got it posted on Twitter and tagged Aaron Bennett and you but guess I don’t have enough pull for reply I sorry some things I just don’t see but if there’s anything that has to do with with

Celsius there’s two people to always follow there’s Aaron Bennett and there’s Simon Dixon follow both of those guys they’re on top of everything and then also Simon has a a free like membership club if you go to Simon I find it right now I think it’s in my history yeah

Recovery any notifications about everything that’s going on and he set that up for free for you guys well actually for all of us I follow it so I want to put that in the comments but again Simon Weare of it also Aaron Bennett as well great guys great

Guys nice prediction it’s just a prediction probably won’t come true diesel says will you be my friend when we become rich and famous look yeah probably so there there’s always an open invite forever comes the Puerto Rico usually every couple of weeks we go down to U San Juan

Smokehouse and have beers and brisket so I’ll be the same guy next Bull Run is I will the bull run after that the bull run after that yeah yeah Orca Seth says full disclaimer I do like near some bias yeah this channel I’m biased on everything I everything I talk about I own

So yes Robbie DCM not right now I packed my bags I still own a bunch but uh probably not enough need to talk to kryptoo about that Rob what’s your lowest market cap coin you hold well I don’t know because I own over 70 different altcoins I know

It’s hard to believe but I’ve been in since 2017 so I’ve got some real SC coins and some crazy bags just accumulated for quite some time I couldn’t even tell you what the heck they are I just know that during the next Bull Run I’m offloading

Everything so I know people will say Rob are you gonna dump on me yes that’s the whole point and uh as a reminder like right now everybody that’s selling they’re essentially dumping on us they’re dumping on me I’m buying your bags right or I’m buying the people’s

Bags so I have to eat those bags every day that I’m dollar cost average in don’t blame me when it goes up 1050 100x and I started selling hey I did the hard job we did the hard job so that’s it H Shane says uh I DC every Friday

Should I wait to buy and save my money or do you think this is the lowest it will go well I can tell you I don’t think it’s the lowest it will go I think we’ve got a lower point to go of course me saying that now what’ll happen is of

Course it’ll go to the moon so hopefully but no I don’t I I do believe we’ve got a little bit more more pain to go especially as we get up to the up to the having look The Narrative is so strong when we go to the having that things

Usually take off after that but leading into it usually we have a little bit of a slump we have a having things kind of go well for a bit and there’s another slump and then we take off into the all-time highs I don’t know if we’re GNA

Have a blowoff top towards the end of 2024 like Bob Lucas believes or if we’re going to have it in 2025 like it’s happened every single cycle so far of the four year I’m not for sure I don’t know ah 30k wow seths my third cycle congratulations this will be my third

Cycle too I’m in my third trimester let’s see Celsius clawbacks yeah 34k is coming man I hope you’re right Vaden I do rob you know there’s a strong chance that Bitcoin may not get to 100K for 10 years and so will be stringing for ages

I nothing else going on look I retired a long time ago so this is just kind of fun do you like sdx is that stormx no I I accumulate that for quite some time but what has it done lately like Simon you uh if we’re talking about stormx hasn’t even posted

Posted in Twitter I don’t know how long he me does little things here and there I don’t know what they actually have a working product quite honestly so I think I still have some though so I’m biased because I’m mad it didn’t go up that’s okay be fine Panda

Pie you can bet there’s more pain to come no pain no gain you have to deserve your success yeah it’s true what do you think of filecoin I think it’s pretty good project and we were talking about this guy was talking about um these physical infrastructure

Plays and one of those is we’re talking about storage like with filecoin we also talked about the telecommunication sector which would be like with helium which actually has a working product you can use right now built on salana they have a plan that you can get $20

Unlimited talk text and uh data coverage and they actually signed a contract with the University of Florida or Florida State one of those two uh to push their their t Communication Service out and on that on top of that one you got World mobile working out in uh Tanzania and different parts of

Subsaharan Africa and they’re actually opening up in uh United States supposed to get a node we’ll see so those types of infrastructure plays are pretty interesting also there’s another one I’m really excited about again I own it so I’m biased but it’s hypercycle if you know how Theta works it’s kind of like

Theta but for artificial intelligence so uh I’ll let everybody know is that we talk me and Jerry I’ll talk about it every Sunday when he comes on which every four weeks so he was just on last this last Sunday show oh sdx is Stacks yeah I like Stax is great Stax is a

Great project it’s a layer two solution built on the you can of course Layer Two as far as like the Bitcoin structure which I don’t understand like when Bitcoin Maxis talk about scoins and they include Stacks in there it doesn’t make any sense the whole point of and people

Will talk about this they’ll say look if Bitcoin as a as a layer one solution we’re going to call a layer zero fine but as a layer one solution for peer-to-peer transactions it’s not happening we just saw the transaction fees you are you gonna pay for coffee

For $37 then people say what about lightning well that’s on top of Bitcoin Stacks is a layer two it’s a smart contract layer and they can work that so like I like Stacks there’s another one it’s called um Satoshi VM or something like that where it’s like it’s like a ZK

Rollup for it’s a ZK rollup for uh uh the Bitcoin layer and it’s also evm compatible now that’s something else damn I wish I could remember what it was follow Lady of crypto she’s always talking about it LC yeah Stacks rub oh thank you oh yeah ordinals

Bitcoin I had no problems with ordinals some people hate them but uh they’re here and they work and people say what do they do well I truly believe that Bitcoin is going to win the war for all the different cryptos and digital assets I think it’ll be one of the few that

Actually makes it and that’s the case then all the things that we inscribe within the Bitcoin blockchain will be held for a very very long time and not disappear one of those being uh the tweet from the SEC which said the that the Bitcoin ETF was uh was

Approved even though it was hacked so that’ll be living the infamy of the Bellows of the Bitcoin blockchain on ordinals I like stuff like that uh oh yes another good one Speaking of healing what’s your thoughts on hive mapper I actually talked to the guys at token metrics and they were like hey

This new project is gonna be great it’s called Hive mapper and you’re GNA actually be able to buy this this Hardware put it into your car and just like Google Maps you can drive around and you and it’ll map everything it’ll pay you for mapping and they’re going to

Use this and uh you know map the entire world and of course they just need users and I was like that’s interesting and I talked to my son-in-law about that he’s like because he works in that sector he’s like that’s not going to work he’s like that’s

There’s a lot of things that uh can’t happen and of course takes off so what are you gonna do but Hive mapper looks to be something very interesting I don’t not really well versed in it so I can’t really say but uh looks like it’s doing pretty well so far again another infrastructure

Play Gary says I heard it wasn’t that good we’re talking about the Saga phone for salana yep and Gary says I pre-ordered the second one everybody everybody pre-ordered that phone except for me that’s what it is Satoshi VM airdrop just play the test net ah if there’s an airdrop let’s make sure we

Get the right sat T so this is the official site I have no affiliation with them haven’t bought any yet but yeah a Bitcoin ZKA rollup Layer Two compatible with the evm equos system imagine that that’s crazy you’re gonna be able to actually use Bitcoin in a sustainable pretty pretty fast way I

Don’t know anything about the toomics I have no idea but it’s just Satoshi vm. again follow this person she’ll tell you all about it I like to reference LC because the things that she talks about I don’t talk about so like for aird drops like I always recommend her and kryptoo there’s

A couple other ones as well so like I just say I don’t I can’t cover everything just go there and Satoshi VM is other one that she talks about and anything that has to do with uh Adam talk to Sito about it ICP is a good chance at a 5X could

It’s way way down from its all-time high tan you’re really not retired you tangent real estate that’s true but you got to do something might as well do it right or the best your abilities so why not yeah keeps me a little busy there’s an i Ido on ape terminal oh

That’s I think it’s a Launchpad interesting pandaie says it that’s it the big problem is a Bitcoin c will not adapt to very big usage ordinals are bad only for increasing the Fus and be that is very true that is very true that’s it all right everybody so that’s it for today

Um yeah 46 minutes so thanks so much for stopping by again the messag is we’re down these things usually happen expect more pain and if you’re like me you’re like well bring it on because I know what’s going to happen next that’s it for today thanks everybody I appreciate

It hit the like And subscribe on the way out and I’ll see you guys on the next one have a great uh Thursday adios


  1. The question is Barry, what is opposite to fomo. The answer to that is patience. Patience is a state of mind. Fomo is desperation manifesting, you might believe it but that is because you are desperate and fear is driving you, you have to believe it. One wise man said this: in patience possess your souls, his name was Jesus. Shun that which opposes patience not what opposes your fears.😊

  2. I think most people in the crypto market are just waiting to get their money back and then they will Run to the Hills so whenever crypto goes up there will always be a sell-off most normal people want to make some money and get out it's only the lunatics that want to stay and keep dollar cost averaging

  3. Thanks for your calming effect Rob. Keep up the great work. And thanks for answering my question today on the live stream. You’re saying my name perfect and you crack me up when you go into the
    A-a-ron skit. Man that’s a classic!

  4. Is amazing how they have managed to sell us that gold is store of value. when there is gold literally all over earth and in the universe. There is this huge rock meteorite full of good that a uk company has the rights to mine it. We will have so much gold that the price will drop dramatically unlike bitcoin.

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