BVM Crypto AIRDROP Bitcoin Virtual Machine make a 10X Easy Guide How to make Bitcoin L2 Money

    BBVM is the first Bitcoin L2 modular Bitcoin metaprotocol in Bitcoin. With a few clicks, anyone can connect and use the best blockchain modules to launch their own Bitcoin L2 blockchain.

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    Please note that I own a diverse portfolio of cryptocurrencies, as I wish to remain transparent and unbiased with the cryptocurrency community at all times, and therefore my media content is intended for general informational purposes and not financial advice. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein should be construed as financial, legal or tax advice.

    The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Buying cryptocurrencies involves considerable risk of loss. Use any and all dapps, protocols and information at your own risk. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This information is what was found publicly on the internet. All of this is my own opinion. All information is intended for public awareness and is in the public domain. Please take this information and do your own research.

    BBVM is the first modular Bitcoin L2 metaprotocol on Bitcoin. With a few clicks, anyone can plug and play the best-of-breed blockchain modules to launch their own Bitcoin L2 blockchain.

    Welcome back guys to my YouTube channel I am crypto profetta and today we are going to go through a airdrop that I have found and if you guys don’t know how to find jyes airdrop I have a video talking about how you can find them on my Twitter and also on my YouTube

    Channel but today we’re going to talk about BVM BVM is Bitcoin virtual machine is uh you can see the first modular Bitcoin layer 2 meta protocol on bit coin with a few clicks you can plug and play best for breed blockchain module and launch their

    Own blockchain L2 so in short this is a way to connect connect to the evm network so what we’re going to do just going to go in guys see here bomb it give you uh a website so I’m going to link this in the description and they

    Have an airdrop coming up so they have a uh a list a weight list so you can be able to go andjoy the weight list so the best way you can see they are powered by the best breed modules and you can see down here Bitcoin optimism Celestial

    Polygon Unis Swap and ordinal so this is this is going to be very big and they are very um sponsored by different and big very big companies and I know that there is a space for us there is a space for us to be in so let’s go to the road

    Map so the road map is very very very good layout they’re going to tell us uh what’s going to be you guys seeing that in March 2 2023 they already launched some stuff and we are getting into 2024 the q1 Bitcoin option to pay gas fee so

    We are in this phase right now and this is already done but now we are getting here so um they have a lot of project coming up a lot of way to parallel to the evm um system the ethereum virtual machine so this is going to be very fun

    For the people that love ordinal or are on a Bitcoin chain that’s is going to be very good because now we can trans we can go from one chain to another by using this um this protocol okay so here is the white paper so one of the main

    Important thing is to read the white paper because the white paper is the key the key factor of the whole projects so we are seeing that back in 2020 uh 2008 um Satoshi Nakamoto wrote uh about uh the the the new way of cash payment and then they answer him we very

    Very much need such a system but the way it I understand it your your proposal it doesn’t not seem to scale to the requirement size so now it’s true uh for very long time they have been telling us the Bitcoin is everything but the only thing that Bitcoin could not do was

    Scaling and now um the ordinal and the creating smart contract on bitcoin has made it possible for us to interact with different um different platform are also uh different companies and stuff like that so creating a smart contract for those um protocols so now it’s they make

    It possible so now you can just go on and just read this read this right paper take your time understand it understand the reason why they create this because I did it already I’m not going to go all over it because it’s going to take me time

    So now what we’re going to do is we are going to go to what we are talking about about the um airdrop okay how you can participate in an airdrop so first of all you’re going to go to the Bitcoin Layer Two and you guys will see a lot of

    Stuff here and so if you want to build on it you can build on it um you guys see the main the main net is already launched so you can go to it so for my what I’m going to do I’m going to leave you guys with the link in the

    Description and you just go to it yes I’m going to leave it so they have the to economic they already said that they going to do give 50 60% to the community right 60% will go to the community and here is what the team advisor and investor will be getting after five Feld

    Length so keep that in mind this also a very good game play for for us as as an investor and aird dropper we can use it at at our advantage okay so now what we’re going to do we are going to go to the airdrop section and here in the airdrop section

    What we are going to do is we going to click here on so I’m going to leave the link in the description so you it will make it much easier for you so what you’re going to do is you’re going to come and you are going to um first of

    All you need to do is just click on here uh you will not see this in the beginning um also you will see different stuff but what you can do is very easy just click on top verify your account and then after verifying your account on Twitter you’re going to get something

    Different and then you’re going to get go to the refer and then OG you’re going to connect your wallet your uni uniset wallet so they are going to see how much money that you spend on uniset so and the modulo so I did this also so

    The Tia I received 100 points and then um talk about it on Twitter you will receive th000 points okay so don’t misuse this guys uh just be careful by doing this because they are very but very very um picky on people trying to scam and then trying to go over trying

    To get some a for that so let’s go to the air drop number one so as you guys are seeing like post so now uh like and repost it you just go and like and repost it after liking and repost it you will be eligible for the points that

    They will give you so what you’re going to do is very easy repost and you’re done after reposting you will come back to it and then you will see that you receive a ticket and after going back you’re going to see there are more stuff that you can do for

    Example snapshot um 6 January until 24 so yeah uh if you have been holding or doing a proposal the proposal to the key holders um you can do it also but there’s a lot of stuff that we can do but we have to wait until it opens when

    It opens you we are eligible to go on and do the same thing so here you are explore the ecosystem you can just run for example go to the alpha um website here and then copy this and then install it into your phone and by install it

    Into your phone you will be getting also 1,000 points after doing all of these stuff that you guys are seeing here by you see the also the wallet so this is very good because you guys can understand how you guys can go your way into the evm um BVM the Bitcoin virtual

    Machine go into it and then understand the metric behind all these projects so it’s very important to be early on this project because you’re going to have a lot of Adventures uh you’re going to have a lot of um stuff that you can do with it so so here you go also you

    Going to swap swap and add liquidity on Nakamoto Genesis so this is also the way you can do it just download the app make your first transaction and then you’re ready to go so there’s a couple of stuff that you need to do so this is the main

    Thing you need to do guys don’t sleep on it because there there’s a lot of people that are going to make money on this because they already told us that they going to give us the 60% of the airdrop so that means that if you are

    Participating in this one so they have a lot of people already trying to make uh more more stuff so that means that you are eligible for doing that so I hope you guys find this video um relevant and every time I try to post a video just go

    In check the video click on the link do the whatever you so you guys will support me by clicking on the link and by checking the white paper and stuff and then go to the Twitter very fast you just go through it and if you don’t understand something go to chat and ask

    CH chat if he can help you with those questions so they have already 11,000 people so that’s not much but that means that we are early for this so after they launch this and they start talking about this people are going to be very late for this one okay so that’s why I’m

    Trying to tell people to be early at earlier this because you don’t want to miss you don’t want to miss this opportunity that we have right now okay so thank you guys for watching this video I hope you like it and see you in the next video ch

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