This video will give you a quick, concise, beginner guide on how to start qualify for crypto airdrops in 2024. Here are some other resources:

    Ethereum Airdrops:

    Solana Airdrops:

    Full Checklist:

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    If you are a complete beginner to crypto airdrops and you want to know how you can actually get started earning free money from different crypto ecosystems then this video is for you in today’s video I’m going to break down for you what an airdrop is why you want to be

    Farming them the best strategies for farming them and I’ll tell you how I go about managing my airdrop farming because it can get complicated so for starters what is a crypto airdrop it is essentially when you get rewarded for being an early user to a blockchain or

    An application built on a blockchain and that reward comes in the form of a token or cryptocurrency that is aird dropped to your crypto wallet so for example when optimism and arbitrum did their airdrops they were rewarding people that interacted early on with their layer 2 etherium blockchain and then on the

    Other hand more recently the jeto team dropped goo tokens to people that staked their salana with that particular application on the salana blockchain so that’s an app airdrop sometimes the tokens you get rewarded with literally just show up or get aird dropped into your wallet like the second round of the

    Optimism airdrop but other times you have to manually go to a website and claim the tokens for example with the recent Celestia airdrop you had to claim that one and if you didn’t before the end of the claim period Then your tokens were redistributed to other people that

    Qualified and what we are trying to do now is interact with as many different early stage blockchains and blockchain applications so that we can qualify for as many aird drops as possible in 2024 and Beyond and hopefully we’ll be able to replicate some of the previous successes because I’ve earned at this

    Point five figures from Air drops in 2023 and I’m hoping to increase that to six figures Plus in 2024 and Beyond so now that we know what an airdrop is how can we actually get them and behind me you’ll see an infographic that was created by someone on Twitter called Mr

    Lumis that lists a variety of different potential airdrop DRS that you could get in 2024 now at this point I’m going to tell you flat that it will be impossible for you to qualify for every single airdrop and you definitely have to pick and choose your battles each different

    Blockchain has different ecosystems of layer twos and layer 3es and applications and you won’t be able to farm them all so what I recommend for starters is dipping your feet in the water picking a couple and then experiencing how it actually works and then expanding your horizons from there

    As for me personally I am most heavily focused on three ecosystems which is the ethereum ecosystem including all of the layer tws then there’s the salana ecosystem with a lot of up incoming airdrops for different applications and then there is the cosmos ecosystem with many different app chains where you can

    Be rewarded for just holding and staking tokens like Adam and Celestia or Tia tokens and I have experimented with a variety of other different airdrops including different L1 blockchains and different free testet airdrops some of which I’ll probably cover on on the channel at some point but like I said

    Those three are my main ones and if you have a limited amount of capital and time to allocate towards air drop farming you’re also going to have to whittle things down now once you’ve decided which ecosystems you want to focus on the next step is to decide how

    Much capital and time you’re willing to invest in this because that’s going to determine how many wallets you should be farming with and what type of aird drops you should be farming because even within the ethereum ecosystem for example there are free and test aird drops that you can Farm like the Tao

    Layer 2 airdrop and then there’s others that require a significant amount of capital so for example the linear airdrop and to complete some of the transactions on the linear chain were actually quite expensive and then with some different applications like staking on ethery or igen layer with those you

    Really get rewarded for having a significant amount of capital so you have to decide how much money you’re willing to put towards airdrop farming and how much time you have now let’s talk about the amount of money that you need per wallet to successfully Farm aird drops if we’re talking about the

    Salana ecosystem you can probably fund each new wallet with1 to $200 and really accomplish quite a lot because the transaction fees are super low and it’s not actually that expensive to use the network to make deposits into D5 platforms and to trade if we’re talking about the ethereum ecosystem it’s a

    Little bit more expensive to make transactions and there’s a lot of cases where if you have a lot more Capital you can do more with it so if if you have thousands of dollars to invest in airdrop farming some of these raking or eth staking Protocols are probably going

    To have really solid aird drops and then there’s also a lot of the different applications that are going to reward people that deposit liquidity or that trade a high value amount on their different apps so if you’re starting out completely from scratch and you have a limited amount of money I might

    Recommend actually starting with salana or starting with an ethereum layer 2 that has cheap transactions like scroll or ZK sync the next consideration is the amount of time that you have to allocate to this because as you can see with this checklist what I’m trying to do here is

    With each wallet that I’m farming airdrops I’m trying to complete transactions on as many of these different applications as I can on all of these different ethereum layer 2os and so this can be quite time consuming now if you have a lot of time I recommend farming airr drops with

    Multiple different wallets but this leads me to a super super important point which is if you’re going to farm airdrops with multiple different wallets make sure that you do not send money between them you have to keep them completely separated and siloed so when you fund a fresh wallet for airdrop

    Farming you should send eth to it from a centralized exchange where it actually won’t be linked to your other wallets and the same thing applies for salana or for atom tokens whatever you’re doing now for me personally within the ethereum ecosystem I have about three wallets that I’m actively Farm fing at

    About the same level and then I have another two or three including this wallet that I use for demos on the channel where I just do a couple of random things here and there but I’m not all in on it so in total that’s about five or six ethereum wallets then I have

    Three salano wallets and four Cosmos ecosystem wallets so that’s my setup I’m farming multiple airdrops with multiple wallets in multiple ecosystems and you can see that it gets pretty complicated pretty quickly so that’s why I’ve built this checklist here and I’ve got one for ethereum and salana and I’ll be adding

    One for the cosmos ecosystem soon because this really helps me keep track of everything that I’m doing now if you have really a limited amount of time but you still want to get some airdrops in 2024 a good approach would be to actually participate in the cosmos ecosystem airdrops where really all you

    Have to do is hold some tokens and stake them and then you can get some decent airdrops so recently Celestia stakers have been rewarded with four or five aird drops at this point as well as atom stakers and there’s also a bunch of other chains within that ecosystem like

    Injective and kujira where stakers are being rewarded and that doesn’t actually require you to come back and push a bunch of transactions all you have to do is stake a certain amount a couple hundred usually is enough per wallet and then just by staking it and holding it

    You’re good to go whereas with a lot of these ethereum airdrops you have to actively come back and continue interacting with them now on my channel I’ve done full walkthroughs of these checklists for both salana and ethereum where I show you step by step what you

    Need to do to complete them so I’m not actually going to walk you through the full thing here but where does this leave us at this point basically what it boils down to is this crypto air drops are free money that you get for being an early adopter of these different

    Applications and blockchains if you want to farm them with multiple wallets make sure that you create each wallet and fund it separately from a centralized Exchange so they can’t be linked together third pick the blockchain and the ecosystem based on what you’re actually working with if you have more

    Time and more money then the ethereum ecosystem is a good one to farm if you have a smaller amount of money but you have a reasonable amount of time then you can do a lot on salana and if you have some money and literally no time then staking and holding atom tokens and

    Celestia as well as injective and koogi is a good bet because that is a low effort airdrop farming strategy beyond that my recommendation is to go through checklists like this and just step by step interact with as many of these different applications protocols and blockchains as you can follow people on

    Twitter that are providing useful tutorials on how to farm airdrops and don’t try to do it all because you just won’t be able to you’ll get exhausted and you’ll probably burn out pretty quickly I’ll post links to the tutorial videos that I did where I walked through

    The ethereum and the salana checklist so hopefully you find those helpful and good luck in your airdrop farming proced suits if you want to subscribe to this channel I regularly bring step-by-step tutorials on how to qualify for specific airdrops as well as now some updates on

    News in airdrops and I’ll make sure that you stay up to date on what you need to know to qualify for the maximum amount of airdrops in 2024 so hopefully you found this useful thanks for watching and have a great day


    1. Good info, have been farming for a couple years… The one tip I didn't understand is when using two wallets to not transfer money/ ETH between them. Why not? I do that all the time to be able to push volume.

    2. sorry for the stupid question but I'm a newbie here. For new wallet do you mean:
      1. completely new one, with specific seed phrase?
      2. a new account on the old one? so, same seed phrase but different addresses?
      thanks a lot for the help

    3. Damn so many wallets and have time to produce all this videos on YouTube. Do you sleep? I have one wallet, been farming like full time now for a month. I’m sad I didn’t get in earlier but hopefully I will get something this year. Thanks for all content you are delivering 😊

    4. ​@kryptocove Just because you're one of my 2 favourite airdrop hunters I'll share what I've found recently. Ether Fi has made a post stating that everyone who follows them on DeBank by Jan 24th will get a badge worth 1k points.

    5. Outstanding channel bro! I've started farming with TIA with 11 wallets. All of them at separate google account, new seeds but I just have one PC and one centralized exchange account. You think it should be allright?

    6. Brilliant information Happy you touched on wallet management, I am part of a team and if you would like a AMA with our community, Crypto Phil passive income, we are a well established community that has been around for years, give me a shout.

    7. Thanks man🙏 I’m going kamino drift Marginfi wormhole ……but thanks to you kinda eyeing for Zeta Phoenix solblaze and meteora…..hope it’ll workout I put so much money cuz didn’t do a strategy and it’s all mess but now little by little start organizing everything but like you said I didn’t cross wallet at list 😂🫡💪thanks for being very helpful you got yourself a regular viewer and like 👍🏻 as always 🫡

    8. Great video, I wish I would have watched a video like yours a couple of months ago when I first started trying for airdrops. My advice to other newbies like myself, is to keep good notes on what you do (staking, restaking, how much $ , dates, etc) as it's easy to get confused. I have the problem with Marinade/Kamino/Drift transactions and not sure even how to unstake them etc. Might make for a good future video

    9. To be really honest, I find farming with multiple wallet ridiculous.
      I know people who are doing everything with bots on many different wallets.
      For me, Im just sticking to q1wallet per chain to not abuse the system.

    10. Thank you very much for your videos – can I ask,in preparation for the Eigenlayer Restaking window where should I stake some Eth? Swell or Mantle or would you recommend another? Thanks again

    11. I have two Cosmos wallets and accidentally bridged atom from one of the wallets to kujira on the other wallet (meant to just keep it on the same wallet). Now that those two wallets have "touched" should I just abandon them both and start over? I had been using them for around a month prior to that.

    12. You forgot to mention that with Linea you can’t have multiple wallets to be eligible for the airdrop as the system has POH Proof of Humanity.

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