
Making It BIG In Crypto!!

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❗️Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. This video is for entertainment purposes only.

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What’s up guys back in the woods it’s raining SES aone for this video a lot of panic right now in the market a lot of red a lot of fear a lot of discounts a lot of people waiting I know many of you if not all of you are trying to be rich

Off all coins trying to be millionaires off all coins and there’s something you got to understand as a retail M when it comes to getting rich off all coins all coins get a lot of fun look any Bitcoin Maxi they’ll tell you any old coins worthless their rug Poes they companies

They’re centralized garbage have no value they’re going to be phased out and they’re right to an extent the majority of all coins are scams or at least they’re phased out at some point they the teams to these companies leave they start new projects and you have new all

Coins being minted every single day the majority of crypto will not exist in the future in my opinion of course I think the 95% of of crypto is going to go to zero or be phased out I think we’re going to see you know maybe two handfuls

Of blockchains make it Bitcoin maybe a few others and that’s it in the long term obviously not this cycle but in the long term but that being said all coins get a lot of foot there’s a lot of research that you have to do as an

Investor a lot of fud that you have to sort and navigate through a lot of fear that you have to climb through a lot of uncertainty and doubt that you have to deal with before you can make these Gams with these old coins and you know like many

Of you a lot of Us wish we got Bitcoin at a dollar or $100 or $11,000 or $10,000 or ethereum at sub $500 or $100 or Quant at 20 caspo below a penny uh cardano at a penny and I’ll tell you this every crypto I just named including Bitcoin

When they were this cheap there was massive fear maximum fud maximum doubts uncertainty and you know I I probably sound like a parrot nowadays I always tell you guys that I want to become rich with all coins you have to do what the majority are not doing and that is you

Research when they’re skeptical and you buy when they’re fearful they peers we’re not here as friends to buy together sell together you know I’ve said it before right if you wait for every single person to come to agreement that a certain crypto is bullish which

Is not the case by the way even Bitcoin to this day has people who are for it and against it who are bullish and bearish but if you wait for this facade that everybody has to be bullish and give you this confidence that you can’t attain yourself to buy this asset by

Then your multipliers are diminished you actually increase your risk when you buy a crypto that has run up then when you buy it when it’s fully sold off or when it’s so early in development and growth because if you buy these cryptos where a majority don’t know about it don’t

Research it or at bearish that means they have less holders less liquidity less exposure and less people talking about it so now when you get a few people maybe a couple YouTubers you got a small community maybe some partnership some backer and they support this cryp

So they push a product through it they Market it they put it on an exchange whatever and all of a sudden that liquidity doubles they get more holders you as the early investor you essentially become a whale for that crypto because you’re an early buyer you’re an early buyer into something

That the majority of people and investors weren’t even aware of or fed you know a lot of people always ask me John what’s the next low cap gem what is the next 100x crypto and I always tell them well you tell me it’s not always finding a brand new crypto I told you

Guys you can find a utility play that is just discounted enough or has enough fud to where you can get in early enough to get this 100x or the 50x it’s not always finding a brand new crypto that no one’s talking about it could be a crypto that

The majority are saying is a scam a rug pull they’re staying away I’ve cover my live stream recently right um lcx great example when I was buying a heavy at 3 cents 4 cents the majority of the fot for lcx was the exchange was IL liquid

And they were going to go under also they’re called by security by the SEC and this really tanked the price I was getting comments left and right saying John there’s a lot of fear at lcx they’re uh being weird on Twitter and all this stuff and now lcx right now at

The start of this video is 18 cents a 6X from that bottom price another example salana salana at $8 everybody including me at the time thought that a massive unlock was happening and that everybody who was scking salana was going to just sell together it was going to tank it

Was going to be faced out it was already wrecked from Elementor research and S bman free their reputation was tarnished it wasn’t going to recover it fell out of the top 10 so it’s definitely going to fall Al together and saana prove us all wrong and recover and even did a Fu

To Us by saying I’m not going to just get to the top 10 I’m going to get to the top five and they did so it goes to show you a lot can happen in this market and that it doesn’t matter what retail thinks this Market moves indifferently

To what retail thinks the institutions the VCS the private investors even the politicians who we don’t really like they can move the goal post of this Market with or without you so so if you’re looking at a crypto and you see it’s discounted and you think you can

Get 100x from it you’ve done your research you’re not emotional you’re not married don’t wait for me or another YouTuber or your peers to all say hey we’re all bullish let’s buy together because by the time you get this confirmation you’re going to miss out

Maybe that crypto 2 X’s 5x’s 10 X’s what are you going to do you’re GNA buy the hype then you’re G to miss out and risk getting dumped on this is how people buy the top in crypto by the way they buy the top because they

Wait so long to say they’re bullish or they wait so long to make a damn move that by the time all these early investors in Wales buy the crypto and send it soaring they jump in too late and a good analogy for this one is like

Uh you’re surfing or you know in the ocean rather you’re surfing and all your buddies are riding the waves and you’re like okay fine I’ll go paddle out and you know ride the next wave and but time you go ride the next wave the waves are

Done the ocean just calms down the sun sets and it’s over that’s pretty much what you’re doing when it comes to crypto investing right you can’t wait for the majority of your peers to say they’re bullish before you start looking at a crypto if you are bullish on it if

You research it if you like it your conviction is all that matters not me not your friends not your peers you your conviction that’s how you make a real 100xs Market that’s how you become a millionaire with all coins it’s not always buying a brand new crypto it’s sometimes doing actually often times

Doing what the majority are not doing making moves taking action being a leader being your own investor being patient and weathering the storm treading the water taking your time and accumulating this is one of my most informational backed videos I ever made I’m literally telling you guys how I go

About investing I don’t waste for anybody to tell me a certain pick is Bulls before I get in I get thrown so many cryptos at me all the time I don’t just buy hype I like taking my time researching doing my own thing I will not just blindly follow somebody or

Blindly listen to somebody without doing my own research and due diligence if you want to make a million dollars in this market or more or at the very least make a lot of money than what you’re making now these are some of the steps and this is the mentality you have to undertake

To ensure you get there it’s not always finding the best old coin it’s finding an old coin that a lot of people are dismissing calling bad without any foundational research and you get in before they do and then you ride the wave up while they jump in you sell and

You cash out laughing to the bank and by the way if you’re interested in reaching out to me see my crypto I’m buying selling trading being part of a support group where I do voice chat Hangouts every every single week you can literally hang out with me talk to me

Ask me questions it’s a great community over there if you’re interested in being a part of this and more then I encourage you guys to join the patreon and Discord I’ll leave a link in the pin comments down below but anyways now I want to hear from you what is the most

Controversal crypto you’re holding right now and where do you see its price by the end of this bull cycle drop your comment down below and let me know if you enjoy this video please leave a like really helps so much with that being said I’ll see you guys in the next video


  1. I missed Myro. I 4x my solana bag and kept getting a heads up on Myro. Without doing my own research I traded in and out of it. When I got out and forgot about it, it was 25xd.😢

  2. He Jon, did you ever hear of the Gareth Soloway effect? You wait and wait and wait in the hope that BTC goes to 9k. And then one morning you wake up and Bitcoin doubled. So you are right. Do your own research and be patient.

  3. Forgive my rant, I just have to say this.

    I saw some guy on YouTube say and post on his video, “you only need 75 SOL to be rich as F.

    I had to give him a reality check by saying. 75 SOL, with Solana hitting Ethereum’s previous market cap high of $500 billion puts each SOL at about $1,200.

    $1,200/SOL x 75 SOL = $90,000.

    And if we gave it BTC market cap, it doesn’t even break $145,000 worth.

    For one, SOL’s market cap won’t reach $200 billion this cycle. And second, even if it did, 75 SOL, while it’s a nice ROI at $1k per SOL, it will not make you rich as F. Unless you live in a country dangerous as F.

    People saying “you only need _ of _-coin to be filthy rich need to do more math both ends.

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