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Andy Schectman: ” It is happening NOW, BRICS Massive DOLLAR Dump Has STARTED”

Discover the latest insights from Andy Schectman in our video, “It is happening NOW, BRICS Massive DOLLAR Dump Has STARTED.” Andy Schectman, a renowned expert in precious metals, delves into the world of silver and gold, providing valuable silver price predictions and gold price analysis. Learn about the impact of the US dollar, Federal Reserve policies, and inflation on precious metals like silver and gold.

Schectman discusses silver stacking, investing in gold and silver, and the dynamics of the silver market. Gain valuable knowledge about silver supply, forecasts, and the role of interest rates in the precious metals market. Explore the implications of US debt and its connection to silver and gold prices.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay informed about the silver and gold market. Join Andy Schectman as he shares his expertise on silver trading, silver mining, and the factors influencing silver and gold prices. Whether you’re an experienced investor or new to precious metals, this video provides valuable insights into the world of silver, gold, and investing. Subscribe now to stay ahead in the world of finance and precious metals.

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We’ve seen over the last several years is this push away from the dollar hegemony and look you know the fact that we told the world and and Saudi Arabia that we are going green and and and and and wrote an executive order attesting to that is something that people need to

Understand is is arguably the beginning of the end of of the Petro dollar as we know it and I don’t think people quite understand the ramifications of it Andy skman a seasoned Financial expert paints a vivid picture of the shifting global economic landscape he highlights the significant move away from Dollar emony

Marking a pivotal shift in Global Financial power structures as skman Dells deeper he introduces the concept of lmic Decay a gradual yet accelerating shift leading to a potential economic precipice this idea liken to going over a waterfall suggests an imminent dramatic shift in Global Currency Dynamics particularly intriguing is Saudi Arabia’s recent alliances

Signaling a major realignment in global economic relationships this sets the stage for an exhilarating exploration of how these changes might radically reshape our financial world now let’s hear Andy skatman mention to you offline I’m very fond of a term called logarithmic Decay which speaks to little

By little by little by little by little then all at once it’s almost like going over a waterfall you you see the pitch of the of the of the uh water starting to get steeper and steeper and steeper until you fall off the the cliff and you

Know so I’m not saying that this is going to happen today or tomorrow it could but what I am saying is that we are witnessing little by little by little by little by little the chipping away at the dollar hegemony I mean let’s let’s look at the fact that for example

Every single OPEC country all of them are on the Chinese Belt Road and rail initiative the largest infrastructure project in in human history let’s look at the fact that Saudi Arabia indeed did just join bricks and was formally admitted two days ago let’s look at the fact that Saudi Arabia did indeed join

The Shanghai cooperation organization which is the largest regional financial and military organization on the planet and they joined the bricks new development Bank you can see where they’re going but what became very provocative to me is what we are witnessing here right now and that is

They told the folks at the World Bank meeting earlier this year that yeah you know what we are interested in listening to other countries who want to buy oil in other currencies and this is a very very big deal and when you look at the Coalition of countries and you mention

The size of the bricks in and of themselves right now it it’s it’s growing in significance in fact this year alone the the bricks countries uh uh are responsible for more GDP globally than are the G7 just a little bit but it’s beginning and as and growing as is

Their their Union but when you put together these groups the Belt Road initiative which as in and of itself is responsible for close to 75% of human population and 50% of global GDP along with the Shanghai cooperation organization and the Eurasian economic Union who the president of bellarus says

Needs To All Join bricks because they’re largely the same countries with the same goals and Ambitions uh and you put that together with brics you’re talking the majority to population north north of 85% of human population the majority of global GDP uh the two of the three largest nuclear arsenals on the planet

Um and the strangle hold on the majority of the world’s natural resources energy in particular so yeah this is a big deal Michelle and it’s not one to take lightly as far as I’m concerned Andy skman sheds light on the dramatic shift away from Dollar dominance in global economics emphasizing the Strategic

Moves of OPEC and Bricks Nation highlighting Saudi Arabia’s recent alliances and the potential for oil trading in alternative currencies sketman uncovers a significant shift in Global Financial power this Revelation sets the stage for an even deeper exploration of how resourcer bricks countries could challenge established economic norms and introduce a new era

Of commodity-based currencies if you are new here and enjoy this video so far make sure you hit the Subscribe button for more it is fre and you can always change your mind and when you look at the countries that have been admitted there as you mentioned there’s actually 20 countries that have formally

Applied and up to another 20 that have informally applied every single one of them has one thing in common for sure and that is they are very very rich in natural resources in particular energy or the rare earth metals needed to make batteries or precious metals or all of

The above and also very very very tied into strategic shipping lanes like the Red Sea like the you know the The Straits of hor M and if these countries that are on the list actually do become bricks members they will control The Straits of hormo and the Red Sea and they will control

Very strategic shipping lanes and and they have the new bricks Naval Alliance where a lot of these countries are baning together to patrol the Indian Ocean and perhaps ultimately the Red Sea where you know you have the the US Navy who’s been doing all of that heavy lifting for a while but ironically

Whether you’re talking the Belt Road initiative or you’re talking uh the bricks I think the president of Iran said it best he says the most important problem is represented by three issues the first is energy production okay they got that covered the second is energy transfer okay got that covered that’s

The shipping lanes and whatnot and the third is energy consumption and when you talk about these three issues he says bricks has solve that and they are indeed this is their very methodical plan where they’re doing it little by little by little by little by little look you know Jim Rickards is a

Man I respect a lot Michelle and he made the statement um this last summer that in the meeting in Johannesburg that he would expect two things to happen both of which I agree with mind you one the Shanghai cooperation organization and the Eurasian economic Union would join bricks well the head president of

Belarus is calling for a summit to do just that didn’t happen in August you got a little push back that’s okay the second thing he talked about was that they would issue a common settlement currency now the difference between a settlement currency and a reserve currency is you can trade in something

But when you have excess what you do with it so it’s always gone into US Treasures the most stable liquid Market in the world although that hasn’t worked out so well for them over the last year or two but the bottom line is simply this I think that there will indeed

Because that didn’t come to fruition you know so the finance ministers were were tasked with going back to the drawing board and coming back to the meeting in in Russia in October and presenting their findings it will happen after all gold was reclassified the only other

Tier one asset in the world by the bis in 2019 and lo and behold is it a coincidence that the world’s central banks largely these countries that we’re talking about have bought more gold over the last two years in any time in Central Bank history there will be a

Moment just like the Russian Finance ministers promised us where they issue a common settlement currency and I think it will be pegged to Commodities using blockchain technology to showed the veracity and the immutability in conclusion Andy skman insights offer a profound understanding of the global economic shifts particularly the

Declining dominance of the dollar this evolving landscape marked by strategic alliances and changing power dynamics Herald significant implications for the future of global Finance underscoring the importance of staying informed and adaptable

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