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    It’s a mathematical certainty that the worlds financial system is going to collapse.

    And the global elites are going to use it to usher in CBDC’s and destroy online privacy.

    That’s the message out from investigative journalist & author Whitney Webb.

    Whitney believes the 2024 is going to be an extremely disruptive year. The world economic used forum is hinting at the possibility of a global cyber catosophre which Whitney believes is going to used as a power grab?

    What is the end goal? Destroy online privacy and introduce Central bank digital currencies. All with the purpose of gaining more control.

    However, make sure to stick around to the end of the video, because Whitney makes the case for holding Bitcoin and cryptocurrency as a way to stay one Step ahead.

    However, with the introduction of BlackRock and other financial institutions to Bitcoin in the form of the new Bitcoin ETFs, perhaps now that is also under attack.

    To watch the full un-edited interview featured (and subscribe to a great finance resource!) check out:

    Bitcoin Magazine
    Whitney Webb: Bitcoin and the Plot to Destroy Financial Privacy – Bitcoin 2023

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/JaminTree
    My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamincurrie/
    Email: jamin.tree@gmail.com

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    “A Total COLLAPSE Is Coming” – Whitney Webb WARNING & Bitcoin Prediction 2024

    And what ever happened with that like what’s happening with a with PR preparations for a supposed Cyber attack that could take down even you know energy grids okay so most of the they’ve been talking about Cyber attack on the on the energy grids and all the stuff in

    The media for a while and cyber security companies many of which are tied to intelligence I’ve been talking about that for a while too but if you want to look at people like uh the world economic forum and their Partners they talk about cyber attacks too but it’s

    Almost entirely focused on the financial system and some of the biggest banks in the world are part of that and it’s basically um you know they have a plan uh we don’t know what it is um but they have a plan for what happens if there is

    A Cyber attack on the financial system and how all the big banks are going to respond with the government because this is basically the biggest banks in the world and it’s uh the UK government Israel’s government and the US government including the FBI and Department of Justice all part of this

    Thing it’s called partnership against cyber crime so I mean think about it this way the and a lot of people in the finance World pretty much know this um you know the collapse economic collapse is basically an inevitability at this point like a mathematical inevitability the question is just like when it’s

    Going to collapse and so obviously the people in power know that and they want to manage that collapse to you know herd people into cbdcs at least we can see that whole picture now maybe a couple years ago that wasn’t so obvious but now it’s pretty obvious right so they want

    To manage the C apse in such a way where they can do that right so part of this is how are they going to bring it all down but absolve themselves of blame they don’t want to repeat 2008 where there was Occupy Wall Street and civil unrest against the banks they want to

    Have a another Boogeyman it’s a mathematical certainty that the world’s Financial system is going to collapse and the global Elites are going to use it to usher in cbdcs and Destroy online privacy that’s the message out from investigative journalists and author Whitney web Whitney believes that 2024

    Is going to be an extremely disruptive year the world economic forum is hinting at the possibility of a global cyber catastrophe which Whitney believes is going to be used as a power grab what is the end goal destroy online privacy and introduce Central Bank digital currencies all with the purpose of

    Gaining more control however make sure to stick around to the end of the video because Whitney makes the case for holding Bitcoin and cryptocurrency as a way to stay one step ahead however with the introduction of Black Rock and other financial institutions to Bitcoin in the

    Form of the new Bitcoin ETFs perhaps now that is also under attack also guys only a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed if you enjoy staying up to date with Finance content consider subscribing or liking the video it’s free and you can always change your mind

    Now here’s Whitney web with her warning what has to happen is that people basically we have to um decentralize right and at the local level we have to start building parallel structures to the stuff going on I mean once they I’m I’m sure you guys you talk about this you know

    Cbdcs uh once once that comes out I mean it’s like game on like you join that system you are signing away you know your freedom for good pretty much so something has to happen before then or people have to prepare before then uh and have some sort of parallel structure

    In place uh there’s manufactured energy and food crises on the horizon in the US and a lot of the world um there have to be parallel structures in place for you to feed your family and have energy for your family uh and Americans have to get started that right away obviously the

    Biden Administration is not going to solve your problems and even if you manage to I don’t know I doubt it will solve anyone’s problems either you know so it’s like it’s up to us we have to you know stop waiting for some white knight at The Ballot Box and take

    Accountability and responsibility for our own lives and and make resilient communities um and and that’s the way to win okay so I’m like I like have crypto mainly because um you know Financial censorship has been a big problem for independent media especially in the past

    Couple of years um so I like to have you know um D I don’t know diversity of assets I guess you could say like I don’t want to have all my money in cash in the bank or something like that um depending on what could happen because

    There’s a lot of risks in a lot of different ways things could play out so I do have crypto but I also like I don’t promote it because I don’t feel like it’s my place to tell people how to spend their money and what to do in my

    Opinion though for me personally I think the best investment I can personally make is in land right now uh you know because I can uh have my own house I can at least in Chile uh have like offgrid energy pretty easily and cheaply um you

    Know water grow my own food I can take care of of my family myself and be like self-sufficient for me personally like that’s the best investment for me to make right now so you know I I’ve listened to a lot of arguments about Bitcoin and stuff and I mean if you’re

    All in for it that’s cool if you’re not that’s cool I’m not going to try and like convince people um one way or the other because I feel like again it’s not my place because a lot of the work I do is aimed at at showing you know where

    The power really lies and identifying the problems so that you know other people can talk about how to how to solve it you know I have some ideas about like solutions that I think could work but you know I’m the bulk of my work is about trying to identify you

    Know the State of Affairs where the roots of the problems lie so you know because we can’t solve any problems unless we know what the problem is what I like about the Bitcoin people is that they’re like thinking about ways to break out of the system yes and like

    Regardless of whether you believe Bitcoin will do that or not I’d like that there is a lot of energy in time being thought into thinking about how to get out of the current system and there’s a lot of people that aren’t doing that so I just tend to get along

    Really well with like biners so I guess I would say that the cbdc system is like hugely unattractive and the only way they can get people to adopt it is by making it very difficult to use anything else other than a cbdc whether that means illegalizing all other forms of

    Money or something more extreme or reducing the value of everything else to zero or near zero I mean they have been spending a lot of time thinking about how to do all of these things to get everyone hooked on cbdc so like I said I think you have to

    Be a couple steps ahead of them and ultimately I think you know land is a good way to do that I don’t have any illusions that I’m like actually private and they can’t see what I’m doing I mean this stuff is like really extreme anyway the type of Technology um that they have

    Well I mean obviously I have kids so you know I want my kids to be fine um but as I see it um fear it weakens you and so you know there’s a reason why with the covid stuff and everything else you know it’s been a lot of fear on the

    Population people who are afraid are easy to control yep um and to paraphrase uh Dune you one of the most famous science fiction books I guess they’re making it do a movie it’s whatever but anyway the the book right is pretty old and there’s a line in there that says

    Something like a fear is the mind killer uh it’s very true I mean if you’re afraid all the time uh they’re going to take you for a ride they’re going to take you to town and you’re not going to win so the only way to beat these people

    Is to literally have zero fear of them yeah I mean a lot of stuff went on so basically CLA Schwab is is sort of like a pupil of Henry Kissinger who uh for people that don’t know Secretary of State under Nixon you may know him best

    For but he’s really just a part of the internationalist camp um you know sort of a student huge I guess you could say for the Rockefeller family who are tied to a lot of things including you know the trilateral commission which basically pushes more or less for uh

    Global government um and the Council on Foreign Relations and a lot of other influential think tanks uh anyway the world economic Forum was basically created as a think tank it’s it later styled itself as the a premier promoter of public private Partnerships as they’re often called today uh but what

    They really are are the the merging of the state with corporations which historically has been defined as fascism and I don’t really see it as anything different than that so um over time the we has basically promoted private public private Partnerships everywhere and essentially as far as uh the power

    Structure in which it is influential I want to put them at the top but in which you know the network in which they reside um people like Ian Davis have called it the global public private partnership I think it’s fair to say that so basically um you know what they

    What these institutions do is they sort of create policy that is then basically given to governments and the governments don’t really create the legislation they pass anymore they just basically do it um and uh there’s people in the middle I guess um so I don’t know if you look at

    Something like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for example they either create policies or they take them from places like the we or the CFR um or groups like that and then go to governments a lot of times they give money to governments or they give money

    To uh the UN or the who or something like that and they’re like adopt these policies and what ever happened with that like what’s happening with a with preparations for a supposed Cyber attack that could take down even you know energy grids okay so most of the they’ve

    Been talking about Cyber attack on the on the energy grids and all the stuff in the media for a while and cyber security companies many of which are tied to intelligence I’ve been talking about that for a while too too but if you want to look at people like uh the world

    Economic forum and their Partners they talk about cyber attacks too but it’s almost entirely focused on the financial system and some of the biggest banks in the world are part of that and it’s basically um you know they have a plan uh we don’t know what it is um but they

    Have a plan for what happens if there is a Cyber attack on the financial system and how all the big banks are going to respond with the government because this is basically the biggest bank in the world and it’s uh the UK government Israel’s government and the US government including the FBI and

    Department of Justice all part of this thing it’s called partnership against cyber crime uh at the world economic forum and I’ve written about it pretty extensively if you go to my website and you look up like we partnership against cyber crime you’ll find my my two-part

    Series on on all this stuff um because a lot of people have probably heard about cyber polygon which is like the we’s big simul simulation for a Cyber attack but that’s like an annual exercise uh so they they’ve done several of those but then again it’s it’s mainly again

    With banks so it’s co-hosted by a subsidiary of spur bank which is one of Russia’s biggest I think actually Russia’s biggest bank partially state-owned which is kind of ironic when you consider Russian hackers you know and all the concern about that and you know the the US government’s

    Participating in in cyber polygon for example like why aren’t they concerned about Russian hackers then I mean it’s just it’s a joke so anyway it’s mostly Banks it’s Banks cyber security companies and like should people be worried about their accounts um so I mean think about it

    This way the and a lot of people in the finance World pretty much know this um you know the collapse economic collapse is basically an inevitability at this point like a mathematical inevitability the question is just like when it’s going to collapse and so obviously the

    People in power know that and they want to manage that collapse to you know herd people into CBD DCS at least we can see that whole picture now maybe a couple years ago that wasn’t so obvious but now it’s pretty obvious right so they want to manage the collapse and such a way

    Where they can do that right so part of this is how are they going to bring it all down but absolve themselves of blame they don’t want to repeat 2008 where there was Occupy Wall Street and civil unrest against the banks they want to have a another Boogeyman what better

    Boogeyman than faceless hackers and you can you know attribute anything to any hackers so for example you have like Wikileaks before Julian Assange was uh you know disappeared basically um he comes out with uh Wikileaks publishes Vault 7 which shows that the CIA has the ability and if the CIA has the ability

    Most intelligence agencies have the ability uh to put fingerprints as it was called software fingerprints I guess of any country’s um uh spy agencies in uh you know what’s left after a hack right so they can basically false flag I guess you could say any you know do any sort

    Of Cyber attack and blame whoever they want um and so that’s probably if I were criminal big Banks working with the government and the fed and the treasury about how to how to manage this you know that’s what I would pick wow because I mean if you’re basically just creating

    Money by like typing stuff in you know I mean you can just make it disappear and then make it reappear but oh now we’ve made it reappear and it’s cbdcs but it wasn’t our fault blame those guys you know yeah yeah yeah so they have they

    Have a game plan for this we don’t know it because it’s part of this um they’re like information I forget forget the acronym but all these different sectors in the US they have they’re called isacs that’s it okay so it’s like an information sharing and Analysis Center

    By all the big players in a particular industry so the financial industry wall uh Wall Street has an ISAC I forget exactly what it’s uh called but I talk about it um and and they work with the w and they have a plan that they’ve done

    At the ISAC which is like a meeting of the biggest banks and financial products companies and asset comp whatever in in the world or in the US sorry so they all have a private communication platform where they all get get together and talk about stuff and so they have a

    Contingency plan about what to do in the event of a Cyber attack that takes down the financial system okay so they know what they’re going to do we just don’t know yeah right so it it’s a mess um but anyway the the endgame of the we partnership against cyber crime it’s not

    Just this financial trans transition it’s more broadly focused on the end of online anonymity and privacy entirely um so you have the Cyber attack right probably going to usher in a cbdc thing something like that and this partnership against cyber crime is intimately involved in all of these preparations but another thing that

    These people want is to have what was dreamed up under the Obama administ ation it never was put into practice but it was called a driver’s license for the internet is what they referred to it um and similar ideas have been piloted by the US uh sorry the UK and the EU the

    Idea that you have to in order to access on or they started with act to access social media that’s what they’re doing in the EU and the UK to access social media you have to link your government ID or a government issued ID to your account and they say this is going to

    Stop hate speech or stop uh illegal Financial activity on line and all of this stuff they’re gonna suppress Free Speech but they vo cards say yeah but if you look at you know policy papers talking about the we again but you know other organizations partnered have partnered with them on this um the

    Digital ID agenda which vaccine passports were sort of a trojan horse for um they want to tie your cbdcs to that they want to tie your medical history to that your ability to travel all of the stuff but you know they say in that document digital ID are about

    Deciding what you do and do not have access to but also so like you know we saw this with vaccine passports where you can travel where you can’t travel where you can go you can’t go right what services you can receive which ones you can’t but it’s also what information you

    Can and can’t access I mean they say it really openly there so the idea is to have it they even have a Graphic of it yeah in this 2018 policy paper um that you know tie it to your social media accounts the ID and also tie it to your

    Internet access and your phone access period so the idea is to usher in the system and if you can’t live without your phone or you can’t live without the internet you’re gonna get it you’re gonna join the slave system uh because they’re going to make it the only way

    You can get online but I mean at that point the internet just so people know if you’re thinking well yeah maybe I should then because I can’t live without online whatever yeah okay the Internet won’t be fun once they do that like everything that’s fun about the internet

    Will go away just want to be really clear about that but they claim this is the only way to move forward again the partnership against cyber crime which the FBI and doj are part of I will have you know um basically say the only it’s

    The only way to stop cyber crime is to make everyone have a to be completely trackable everything they do and it’s surveilled in real time online and uh you know end privacy and anonymity and surveil everyone and the US government has well they’ve launched it already it

    Was it was going to be launched under trump it was like IV Ivanka and kushner’s project or that that they were pitching to Trump called harp uh harpa which is the oh yeah Health DARPA but now Biden has launched it under a slightly different name arpa H he moved

    The H to the end but it’s still Health arpa um and that program as originally designed was to go through all your social media and online data to determine early morning signs of neuros psychiatric violence that one day you could become violent which you know is

    Pre- crime basically and so if it’s tied so if it’s tied to your ID and it comes up be this person could be violent you know it’s your ID they know where you live they can turn off your money with cbdcs they can do it all that’s what

    We’re moving into it’s totally mental so yeah so that is winey web and it’s clear that the Horizon of our Global Financial system is brimming with uncertainties and potential upheavals Whitney’s insights into the impending collapse and the Strategic Maneuvers by the global Elites to introduce Central Bank digital currencies and erode online privacy

    Paints a vivid picture of a future marked by profound changes and challenges the notion of a global cyber catastrophe as hinted by the world economic forum and his potential use as a power grab adds another layer of complexity to The Narrative of 2024 being a year of significant disruption

    Despite these daunting prospects Whitney perspectives on the pivotal role of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency offers a glimmer of hope a beacon guiding us to stay one step ahead in these turbulent times remember the landscape of finance and digital currencies is ever evolving and staying informed is your greatest asset so keep questioning keep learning

    And let’s navigate these uncertain Waters together anyway guys hope you all enjoyed today’s video and that provided you with some value I’ll see you all on the next one and as always all the best


    1. CBDC = Fiat , its going to be digital fiat we already are using it now , debit cards , credit cards , your payments from your job to paying bills online banking , they got us already lol as for buying land ? if you think your going to disappear by going off grid , good luck lol you will never escape the long arms of the government ie for protection and you still will need access to medicine and healthcare , I dont think your off grid idea makes any sense . not as easy as you think and shes also doing the same very thing that she says the WEF will do and thats causing fear herself if you dont do as she says lol

    2. Thanks for continuing updates ❤I'd rather trade the crypto market as it's more profitable than holding.. I made a half a million dollars. from trading last year even though I barely traded myself

    3. I’m getting tired of all these talking heads with there doom and gloom. Yea sure if I say it’s going to rain eventually it will rain but they said this was going to happen now for the last three years. Where is the market….its fine and moving along actually really nicely. Everyone said Bitcoin was going ti explode and we will never see anything like it….nah it’s a kinda flop and not really doing anything worth risking capital too. Nobody knows what’s going to happen. I don’t buy any news or analyst when they speak. She maybe smart but she is guessing nothing more than everyone else.

    4. I appreciate you and your content < Technical Analysis is good but I find It truly baffling that major crypto youtubers just look mostly at pure T.A and completely ignore the bigger narrative of why BTC is pumps/pumped and why the future outlook will be even rosier than it seems. It's kinda irresponsible to ignore the fact that each ETF launch so far has caused a major dump at the peaks of BTC. We were already on shaky footing with historically low volume and almost pure whale pumps, narrowly avoiding a long-term bear market. More emphasis should be put into day trading as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market. I have made over 27 btc from day trading with Craig Reeder insights and charts his been one step ahead of other analysis….

    5. Great video! I really do have a question. For someone with less than $10,000 to invest, how would you recommend we enter the crypto market? I am looking at studying some traders and copying their strategy rather than investing myself and losing money emotionally. What’s your take on this approach?

    6. It should be noted that all our critical infrastructure cybersercurity is provided pro bon by a cybersercurity firm owned by a "former" Mossad agent. Isreal has the keys and will try to kick off World War by blaming the crash on Iran, China, or Russia.

    7. I am a btc. holder who is very confident ,the more it dips is the more opportunity to add to my holdings. To me it genuinely felt like everything has been selling off for literally no reason, I mean companies with enough cash on hand to pay off debt like NVDA, PLTR and many others… This is the time to buy I mean many altcoins are down over 50% off their highs and in the dumpster, l've been buying continuously and am gonna continue to buy as cash comes in because there is a huge rally waiting to happen.Thanks a lot to Expert Bradford Jackson , I was able to implement his method and adhere to his guidance, earning almost 16B TC in about two weeks…. Thanks to Hudson for informing me, I no longer hold the view that the only meaningful investments are in stocks and real estate.

    8. Crypto investment requires a thoughtful approach, considering factors like exchange types, market volatility, and the distinction between coins and tokens. One must navigate through scarce quality information and understand the significance of market capitalization over mere price tags. Emphasizing self-custody, the importance of a diverse portfolio, and aligning investments with personal time horizons are key. Moreover, crypto offers a unique hedge against traditional financial systems, but it's crucial to stay vigilant ensuring secure and informed investment decisions..managed to grow a nest egg of around 120k to a decent 582k in the space of a few months… At the heart of this evolution is Bradford Jackson whose deep understanding of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has been instrumental. His holistic approach to investment and commitment to staying abreast of market trends make his an invaluable ally in navigating this new era in cryptocurrency investment..

    9. Excellent analysis. Stock do not give returns in a straight line. Don't look for multi baggers. Don't track prices constantly. Get more capital to invest. Acknowledge faults and rectify. Don't buy and forget. Buy and trade and as you trade you also monitor instead. Understand what you are buying. Hedge positions and avoid over exposure. Crypto investment still remain the best. I love volatility that's where u make money. It's much better to put everything into crypto and continue trading with Bradford Jackson trade signal. As I've made over $593k in some weeks of trading bitcoin through his guidance and trade signal with just $82k.

    10. lol. You are probably right. Do you realize for at least 10 years people have been saying the same thing and for good reason. they will just keep printing money until the house of cards collapses

    11. There isn’t enough electricity now so how do they increase output for CBDC if your Tesla can’t get a charge in subzero temps in Chicago because usage is higher for heat

    12. It’s nice to hear someone speak with honesty and logic for a change. Far too many decades have elapsed whereby citizens have been cheated of any wealth they might have had, only now there is a chance to maintain some of that wealth without it being depleted and erased from their portfolio.

    13. For the average investor, the stock market is the best tool for long-term wealth creation.
      Still, many people can't take advantage of it because they are trying to make quick money from the stock market. I put about $280k into the market and held good positions.

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