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This video was created to help people learn more about trading stocks and or Investing in the stock market.
I suggest stocks weekly to day traders and investors to consider.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser nor a CPA. These videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am just sharing my opinion with no guarantee of gains or losses on investments.

#stocks #crypto #personalfinance

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Hey what’s up Good People how you doing welcome back to stock up with Larry Jones go ahead and hit that like subscribe and notification Bell on your lower right hand corner all right and make sure for those of you that are not subscribed which a lot of you guys watch

But you’re actually not subscribed hit that notification Bell and make sure it’s selected to all okay it’s easier to do on your computer than your phone so you might want to wait until you get to your computer but anyway everyone can go ahead and hit that like button right now

Um I’m going to try to make this one brief and just talk about uh the overall stock market overall crypto market and then my Sunday morning inspiration let’s get right into it but first I just want to let you know that this one is brought

To you by the stock Squad that is the four of us as you can see Mo myself uh uh Josh stocks with Josh and keen and Grace where we give you our best plays all right so that is the patreon that’s linked to the Discord you will see a

Patreon is linked to a Discord let’s get right into it um listen let’s talk about the um S&P 500 and Bitcoin these two I want to talk about because the S&P 500 is a snapshot of the you know top 500 companies uh right and Bitcoin is the

Leader of all crypto by market cap half of uh crypto market cap Bitcoin right you know close to whatever but there is no under no circumstance where Bitcoin drops by 50% right and all of the other crypto are running they’re falling too right you heard the term

Rising Tides raises All Ships but when the tide recedes so does the ships okay and so I want you to know to not just be uh tunnel focused on one particular stock right we have some very volatile plays out there right now we have these crypto miners right we have a stock like

Dwac which is digital world acquisition right we talked about those in the previous videos and we’re going to see where they go these are very volatile stock and these are not long-term Investments okay dwac is not a long-term Investments and the crypto miners are not long-term Investments these are

Swing trades okay what is a long-term investment that’s very volatile right now is Tesla Tesla is extremely volatile right now on the downtrend if you really want to see what I think about Tesla you could watch the previous video before this but Tesla is coming down which for

Me is in a buy rank okay because from the 180s down to the 165 that’s where I’m going to be buying a 166 165 164 you pick it I am just going to be buying down now could it fall lower than that yes it could do I

Really care right now yes do I really care over a five-year period not really over a 7year period not really so here’s what I want to talk about could people and I just want you guys to be focused on the overall market and knowing where

We are in this boom bubble bus cycle for those of you especially for those of you that have taken the class you know what I mean when I say boom bubble bus so let’s look at it here we got the uh S&P U still hovering around alltime

Highs right that’s for the day let’s go and uh over a 5day period now 5 day period you could see Bitcoin has been slowly coming back up you know 2,300 points but only 5 and a half% over the last week here’s what I want to show you

Guys all right over the last month as you can see uh the S&P is down I’m sorry Bitcoin is down and S&P is up uh up two two and a half% which is good over the last month now for those of you and I know that everyone is not in the Bitcoin

But what I’m going to say about Bitcoin you can apply to the overall stock market follow I’m just going to cover them both because what I’m trying to say is encompassing both the overall stock market and the overall crypto market so what I’m saying is this for those of you that get scared

When Bitcoin goes down understand that you need to zoom out for those of you that get scared when the overall stock market goes down you need to zoom out so I’m going to come back to this right let’s go into the S&P 500 itself as you can see at the

Time it’s down a little bit right over the last uh U 5 days it’s up over the month it’s up there are periods where it actually goes down like here it goes down and people freak out and you have people YouTubers some of these YouTubers um you

Know I’m not going to call his name Rich Dad Poor Dad just because he wrote a book doesn’t mean he’s the smartest guy in the room right as a matter of fact for the last 10 years he’s been he’s been saying that the worst uh the market is falling apart

It’s coming this year this year this year and he’s been saying that for the last 10 years now I’m not going to trash him he’s a smart brilliant man but what I’m saying is there’s a money to be made until something bad happens right you know you know about you know what

They say about the clock being right you know so if I say the stock market is going to go up eventually it’s going to go up if I say the stock market is going to go down eventually it’s going to go down all I have to do is keep saying it

Long enough but I want you guys to know that there’s always money to be made what you need is a new skill I’m going to show you that in my inspiration all right but what I’m going to say is I’m going to I’m going to bring this up a

Lot of you have seen it I’m going to show it again because you need to be reminded regardless of what’s going on in the news cycle regardless of bad news regardless of a potential upcoming recession which is actually lessening now that it will happen at all and a

Soft Landing is more increasing now because we had gross domestic domestic product it keeps going up and someone says do you really trust these numbers the truth is not really because what it’s an election year and you best believe gas is going to get cheaper the economy is going to get uh better

Unemployment is going to get better why because it’s an election year check it out every cycle all right let’s go I’m going to just keep it real now here’s what I’m going to tell you here’s where fear sat in during Co when Co went down I saw videos people saying pull your

Money out of the stock market it’s crashing it’s is trash and blue blue blue oh my God the world is is going to end tomorrow right but for those of us that were smart enough to buy when it crashed right so I started buying around here we are up we are up

112% just on the S&P 500 right let’s go to Bitcoin now Bitcoin is is one of those things that’s about Cycles right Cycles we know we have the spot ETF that got approved and then after that it was a lot of profit taking but I’m I’ve been

Telling you guys expect some fud because you have companies like black rock that manage over8 to 10 billion dollar right worth I’m sorry trillion dollar right they’re the largest asset manager in the world so they don’t buy stuff at a premium there’s going to be a push

Down right and I’m just telling you guys what is all about and how this game is played now in this pushdown we’ve had a slight push down here right we had a run up and then what a sell off over the last month you see that down 10 15% and

Then comes the fear I told you so it’s a scam you got uh J J uh uh Jamie Diamond it’s it’s a farce the government ought to shut it down but of course his bank is involved in it all right and I’m telling you guys that I don’t know the

Future of Bitcoin I don’t know the future of crypto but I do know the Cycles I do know what blockchain technology is and I do know how to make money with crypto and I am making money now and I have been since 2020 when I woke up and understood that I did not

Understand crypto but now I do I study it every day and I come to you guys with the facts now I’m not telling anybody to buy hold or sell I’m just telling you what I see now as we could see here it has but now this is what I want to say

If we zoom out year to date it’s down but if we zoom out one year it’s up 83% so is it a scam is it a scam when people are making millions of dollars this is what I want to show you guys let’s go back here same thing year to

Date we could see that Bitcoin is down like $2,000 you know 4 and a half% right but if we go out a year look at that Bitcoin is up 83% outperforming the stock market what I’m saying is being them both but understand these markets and how these Cycles work there are time

And stock that you buy and you sell and you get out and you don’t hold dwac is one of them I’m telling you guys right now I have been making money off of it for two years straight you’re going to see there is a time you should have

Bought it and there’s a Time time you should have sold it now I still have some because I believe that when Haley drop out we got another pop now some of you are going to keep it past that that’s on you me Deuces I’m out all

Right so I just wanted to tell you guys that and I want to also share with you my inspiration for the day which kind of goes into what I’m talking about this is my inspiration for today I want you to understand that the race is not given to

The Swift right it’s not given to the Swift nor is it given to the smartest you’ve been told that you don’t understand this complicated stuff called the stock market or crypto I want to tell you that they’re lying to you because they don’t want you to partake

In the financial gain of taking a little time demystifying what they’re talking about that’s why I’m here every day and making some money listen it’s right here all right look at this you see this ecclesiastics 9 and 111 so just say ecclesiastics emergency 911 just think about that every time something negative

Happens uh when you’re on a journey any type of Journey I want you to think about ecclesiastics emergency ecclesiastics 911 and look at that I have seen something else Under the Sun you see this the race is not to the Swift or the battle to the strong nor does food come

To the uh the wise or wealth to the brilliant you see this or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned or favor to the Learned right but time and chance happen to them all remember this time and chance happened to them all now in the New Living Translation it says

Right here the fastest runner does doesn’t always win the race all right and the strongest Warrior doesn’t always win the battle right that’s you and I but the wise sometimes go hungry so you don’t have to have a college degree be brilliant you know be a head fund

Manager right and the the skillful are not necess necessarily wealthy so don’t worry about how much knowledge you have in this area right now and those who are educated don’t always lead successful lives we know that’s the truth I know some educated fools some of them are my

Relatives it’s all decided by chance right by being in the right place at the right time and I’m telling you you are at the right place at the right time because I demystify this stuff I lay it out to you guys other guys do other uh great uh uh YouTubers or or book

Publishers or podcasters we are bringing this information to you so we can solve this unbalanced wealth Gap that we have here in the states and around the world around the globe so that’s my inspiration to you just keep studying all right being in the right place at the right time doing your due

Diligence and not worrying if you’re smart enough Warren Buffett said it best you need time and temperament is what you need if you have time and temperment and you invest in good long-term stock long-term companies that have good balance sheets have cash and continue to make profits right quarter over quarter

Year over year and their future looks brighter than their past right especially uh companies like Google applesoft micro Microsoft uh Apple Google uh these Amazon these companies and Tesla and and many others these companies are going to kill it in AI what’s the future of of of our society

Now ai these companies will continue to spend money to have further growth and they’re forward guidance over years look good so and if you don’t want to just pick those just continue to buy vti or vo the overall stock market or the top 500 companies for those of you that

Don’t really know about crypto just continue to DCA into Bitcoin don’t don’t worry and then learn the rest right now I have all of that information in stock up youu stock up you today will be the top link and then the stock Squad will be the second link but you’re going to

Get it absolutely all you’re going to get everything you need to know about crypto is in this class and you are going to get taught by the best of us myself stocks with Josh is going to show you charting entry level entry level so you will know how to get started and how

To uh uh make money stop your losses and increase your gains and then uh you got my guy Keenan with the options and you got mommy Trader with dividend investing so you got it all at one place okay no uh coupon code needed none necessary just

Buy it now before the price goes up all right all right good people you have a blessed day just remember ecclesiastics 911 it’s an emergency for you to know that you need to be in the right place at the right time and get your finances in order not just your finances

Everything that you are seeking get them in order start on your race start on your journey but just remember pace yourself it’s not given to the fastest all right but the one that endures to the end we will see you tomorrow live love laugh and learn


  1. Good Morning!
    βœ… MUST HAVE! βœ… πŸš€πŸ”₯ Learn More..Earn More! with πŸŽ“ STOCK UP U :
    βœ… GOTTA HAVE βœ… πŸš€ Stock Squad Patreon β–Ί
    βœ… πŸš€ Get 5.1% APY & Up to 15 Free Stocks with (Moomoo) β–Ί

  2. Great Sunday morning πŸŒ„
    Larry I'm from the west side of Chicago and currently reside in Elmhurst. What are your thoughts on Portillos? I believe it's a sleeper at 14 per share with a growth rate of 12%

  3. For those of you who are scared of volatility please just don’t invest and educate yourself first – it means you either invested all your money or you are too emotionally attached to your money

  4. RNA stock at 5.96 per share 500 shares just sold half was my best trade since i started. Made money on the last miner run up now dca back in for probably the rest of the year

  5. Uncle Larry, crypto worries me s bit but Stock up U has me ready to vet this money. I'm DCAing im the Miners and Warrants while just riding through the accumulation stage and patiently waiting on the Halving. In my Long-term portfolio still collecting the blue chips every Thursday as i have for close to three years.. i know, i know, "anything you say is not a suggestion πŸ˜‚; but maybe it's a light in the midst of a storm. Just saying!!! 🀣

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