
Ripple XRP – DUBAI IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE XRP! THIS IS HUGE! (Best Crypto To Buy Now 2024)

Ripple XRP – DUBAI IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE XRP! THIS IS HUGE! (Best Crypto To Buy Now 2024) Get Started Here:

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What’s going on Vol Runners welcome back to the video where you’re going to find out how much Dubai has doubled down on xrp so I’m going to share with you my thoughts so far and what is going on with the crypto markets right now we’re seeing Bitcoin still hover around that

$42,000 and I think a lot of people are getting bullish from what I see on crypto and what I mean by that is like they believe that the crypto markets are going to keep going up and xrp what I’ve realized so far is what people are saying about xrp is it’s good and

There’s also negativity and I need to I need to share the good with the bad if I’m not because I’m not like biased only towards xrp one thing that this person just said which is really interesting he goes um he replied basically after this which this person said I think all of

You forget that Ripple is a corporation here to make money their goals are not notable they’re a business that is trying to use xrp and xrpl to change low payments um which are like made across the world to make money and that is their main concern and then he goes on

To say he goes I’m a ripple shareholder I want the company to succeed but not at the expense of of the retail xrp holders who are sold a dream that may never come true now is this bullish or bearish for you because the reality is you must diversify your portfolio if you don’t

Believe wholeheartedly in just only xrp but I will tell you one thing throughout this entire video I have some bullish case scenarios for you including what Dubai just did which could be flipping huge now you also need to be thinking to yourself if you’re only a person that

Says you know what I just bought xrp I’m just backing at the truck for xrp I don’t have anything else in my bags then you are somebody that could get wiped out so remember I’m not a financial adviser do your own due diligence but be smart because there are other

Cryptocurrencies out there that you can back up truck for now the best message I can give you is that there is some bullish case scenarios where everyone is bullish including seriously big players like Goldman Sachs paper that the opportunity and payments Praises Ripple technology

So if you see what is going on right now you will notice that Banks join ripplet to process crossborder payments in real time with end to end tracking in certainty available in 55 plus countries across six continents Ripple net makes it easier to connect and transact across a robust network of financial

Institutions with ripple net financial institutions can expand payment offerings into new markets that are otherwise difficult or expensive to reach bullish news I love it I think another thing that’s really cool is that it has never been more obvious that xrp will be critical to the next generation of this financial system and

Hold on tight be a City Bank ultimately the industry needs to work together to ensure that the t+ 1’s integration is straightforward the industry needs to collaborate and facilitate interoperability of systems whether it is the fix Swift or any other proprietary systems says Rosado so on me

Saying this what makes you right now bullish on xrp comment below let me know what your thoughts are so far but this is a pretty cool video that I like in Bill Winters the CEO of Standard Charter talks about xrp as a medium of exchange check this out like Switzerland and China all

Testing out the digital currencies how you gearing up for the disruption of money with Central Bank digital currencies how will it change the way you and other banks operate in future uh probably fundamentally uh while we’re not formally involved and no foreign banks are involved in the in the Chinese

Ecny uh I think we’re as close to that as we can be uh to understand how that digital currency can be used for crossb trade uh going back five years we had digital currency underpinned uh trade finance and money settlement systems and using as a medium of exchange using

Things like Ripple’s xrp for example as a uh as as a medium to affect realtime crossb payments he like so that has to make you more more bullish right but you know what let’s keep going let’s not give up all right another thing this this central banks are using they’re

Going to be using xrp as a bridge currency for their gold backed cbdcs and don’t forget the private xrp Ledger has the same value as the public Ledger xrp will create millionaires they’re saying and in this video check this out you know they’re not all the same right

They’re not all created equal the um I think what’s becoming much more popular in the industry now is more sustainable Technologies so The xrp Ledger and xrp um there’s no mining or Pro stake of proof of work or proof of stake involved so the the computational cost of uh you

Know validating transactions is almost zero right very very low cost and very stable in terms of in terms of pricing stable coins again not all created equ you have a massive range from from the algorithmic type stable coins you we all know the terror story from a few weeks

Ago uh and then now what we’re seeing emerging is you know stable coins being issued by regulated entities so I can’t give you the names yet but there’s two projects we’re working on one in the UK and one in the US working with banks that are regula who will be issuing

Stable coins and the reserve will likely be held at the Central Bank in central bank account so very different from the algorithmic stable coin so that makes me bullish and as well you’re noticing can you guys notice what has happened is that they needed something like terara

To have a problem because they wanted to usher in a new staple coin which is the Central Bank digital currency what are your thoughts on that H interesting well another thing too which is to geek out on is that breaking Canada is in talks with ripple to integrate xrp within

Their Central Bank digital currencies as well their Financial system now any of you Canadians are on this video right now does this make you bullish or do you think that something’s up cuz I would love to understand another thing too is that xrp for Central Bank SEC dzel cbdcs

Is the plan but they on the bottom here they will also need a digital identity of sorts xrp integrating with ICP to fulfill digital IDs and cbdcs Integrations xrpl will it potentially have any use case for ICP and if you guys don’t know what ICP is

You guys go right here to coin market cap type in whoops I don’t know what just happened my computer just did something goofy let me let me type in coin Market Cap N IP what are your thoughts my friends on this project internet computer ICP If if you think that this

Is the the all-time high for ICP it’s possible this thing could run up it’s possible because we’re at an all-time low if you really think about it compared to where this thing uh can go and people are arguing back and forth about this project let me know in the

Comments below if you guys are bullish on ICP now the next part of the news that we’re going to be covering is the world economic Forum as a company that can greatly improve transaction costs and speeds look what they have to say about Ripple $3.5 trillion dollar of transaction

Directly on the internet between counterparties and and so um if we can you know improve it with more scalable blockchain Technologies like you know Brad’s company uh provides and we can make this extremely low cost to to move uh and then enable individuals with digital wallets that can uh that can

Interact and you can scale into the risk right is is the way I like to think of it but at a base layer if you want to solve for this problem governments have to accept that people want digital cash that is a product that they want and from a remittance perspective that’s

Critical that’s the if if you want to educate someone and say hey you should do this digitally they want to know is this as good as cash is can someone turn it off can they turn it off is it as good as as as as what I get when I get

Cash and I think we need to answer that question definitively as a society if we want to uh solve this remittance problem I I have to I have to agree that there is a little and it’s going to take a little bit more time but you guys can I

Agree with me there’s more at stake now when you go into crypto and people looking at it as cash they they just need to know like crypto is real and let me know in the comments below what your thoughts are as to how to make people

Believe that crypto is real but can it be turned off well can’t the dollar get turned off can’t your own cash out of a bank get turned off I’ve seen it happen before so something to think about now boom boom Dubai Dubai they’re back they’re back doing something crazy Dubai xrp gets

Dubai Financial Service Authority approval approved the majority does doesn’t like realize how big this is and and I agree 2024 will be big and that’s and that’s not me saying that I I’m talking about like oh man I’m talking about a lot of things but I I will say right now if you

Think 2024 won’t be big ghouse said it himself too okay so with that being said let’s go over to the thoughts here that Brad gring housee has to say CEO brag G house said Dubai continues to demonstrate Global Leadership when it comes to the regulation of virtual assets and

Nurturing Innovation it’s refreshing to see the dfsa encourage the adoption in use of digital assets such as xrp to position Dubai as a leading Financial Services Hub intent on attracting foreign investment and accelerating economic growth as well Garling house added Ripple will continue to double down on its presence in Dubai and we

Look forward to continuing to work closely with Regulators to realize crypto’s full potential pretty awesome stuff now what do you guys think do you think that Dubai is a small little itty bitty something or do you think it’s the financial Hub of the future and many people believe it’s the Hub of the

Future so with that being said if you don’t know you now you know the SEC still wants xrp to not be a real thing they don’t want you to win you guys but what are you going to do we’re going to win and I would win firstly by going

Over to Bull clicking that link below if you if you don’t know how to type in Bull and discover our top allcoin picks first and get early bird access to our financial educational platform as soon as you can because there are some stuff we’re going to be

Up to that I think you want to be a part of and all the cool people are doing it if you’re not cool that’s okay then it’s it’s fine you go to over over to the other YouTubers that you think are cooler than us okay just kidding I know

You’re cool but I can’t wait for you to hang out with us and if you guys don’t know Mr you know Jim Kramer is Mega bearish on bitcoin well he’s been wrong time and time again and this makes you Mega bullish back when this thing was dropping dropping dropping

This dude said that and I was telling you bullish bullish bullish and now we’re at $42,000 Plus for a Bitcoin so there’s a little bit of bullish scenarios happening and that person even though he’s being bearish with his thought process you my friends need to think about which alt coins you’re going to

Back up the truck for because right now there are look at all these look at all these meme things like what is going on number two Saudi bunk we just talking about the overseas the Saudis are making a bonk so by no means if you’re looking at these

Projects we have be very careful these types of projects could be massive scams and rug Poes you got to be careful what are you thinking we’re degenerates all these types of projects we love to back up the TR for be careful out there in these in these in these crypto markets

My friends I wish you Mass success heading over to Bull and stay up to date with our information because this stuff that you’re seeing right now coming out about xrp it could make you feel bearish but if you are smart you would diversify your portfolio

Knowing that hey if xrp doesn’t make it then there’s other projects that I have in my portfolio that will make it all right I am a realist and you are too see next video and I wish you m success love love love God bless


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    Watch out for impersonators and scammers in the comments. We will never ask you to message us, txt a number, or reach out on WhatsApp or telegram asking for money or crypto.

    As always, past results don’t guarantee future profits. Common sense would suggest that It takes solid risk management, patience, and persistence to make money with crypto. We do not guarantee any results nor are we financial advisors so don’t buy anything we talk about. This is all public information and Results aren’t typical….. so don’t be typical. 🥂

  2. If you think of it in a business mind banks and government don't want to buy tokens at $2 or 10 but at 50cents they will jump into it if the program works

  3. Asa a Canadian I can tell you Canada is extremely strict on crypto, and it makes it very difficult on us to invest in crypto that hasn't proven itself. The fact that our banks are welcoming XRP is very good news. It makes me extremely bullish on XRP seeing that their regulatory clarity is separating it from other crypto. #XRP

  4. Xrp is a scam. It is heavily manipulated by the BTC maxis, Ethgate and the federal bureaucrats. The heaviest manipulation comes from Ripple itself! With billions of tokens in escrow that are literally being released every single pump will level any and all gains for the foreseeable future. If it ever hits it’s all time high again sell and get out!

  5. It's not gonna stay cheap forever .. at some point it has to moon… at the price now there wouldn't be enough for all the banks and institutions to go around .. so at some point it will go up… you just have to be patient ..

  6. ICP is a beast. You can build everything on chain. It is the only blockchain that allows this. The others are lies. The others rely on centralized infrastructure such as Amazon and Microsoft Azure etc. ICP does not. ICP is the King of DPIN. Decentralized infrastructure. ICP is gonna blow. Back to top 5 where is was last cycle.

  7. XRP and ICP will be the same story Bitcoin became. Rags to riches from relative nothing. And there will be just as many long faces in the future, because they could have gotten them cheap in early 2004.

  8. Y'all better diversified do not put your only hopes in XRP because if it misses and misses and everything else goes up I mean avalanche which is already going at 500% since October. XRP hasn't done anything since October. Please diversify your portfolios people and I am an XRP bull what the same time I've been holding for over 2 years now. It hadn't done anything

  9. I have a 3 fund portfolio consisting of 33% S&P, 33% Total stock, and 33% international. I feel a need to focus on complete growth so I went 100% stocks, but does the SP500 and TSM overlap too much to make sense holding both? However I’ve been in the red for a month now. I work hard for my money, so investing is making me a nervous sad wreck. I don’t know if I should sell everything, sit and just wait but watching my portfolio of $450k dwindle away is such an eye -sore🚀🚀

  10. I don’t just have XRP in my bags I’ve got XL MXDCXYOH bar quant I have Dogecoin Chuba I haveSingularity Net and Coin multi verse gala I have a Livia chain-link Algarin some gold silver Pepe render sandbox I have veracity vector space Ethereum corium Solar genic Stoneburg I have I have flare met Hero Metaverse reaching Cardono polygon cast the Kasbah stacks Solano

  11. Watching the crypto market's rollercoaster ride, it's clear how quickly fortunes can change. The recent misinformation incident is a stark reminder of the market's sensitivity to external influences. It's a world where strategic, informed trading is not just a choice, but a necessity. Remember, in the realm of crypto, caution is as valuable as ambition. Stay sharp, stay diversified, and let's ride the waves of this unpredictable market together….At the heart of this evolution is Tammy Brockman, whose deep understanding of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has been instrumental. her holistic approach to investment and commitment to staying abreast of market trends make her an invaluable ally in navigating this new era in cryptocurrency investment.

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