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Welcome back we are now hearing that ethereum their inspiration is actually coming from cardano research that’s what we’re going to be discussing in today’s video as the cardano foundation and ethereum Foundation are collaborating at the end of January 2024 to bring Primitives to the blockchain make sure you guys are

Subscribed to the channel we upload every single day right here to bring you the latest happening in the financial world with an emphasis on crypto blockchain and investing so hit subscribe give the video a free thumbs up and let’s start right here one of the cardano Stak uh pool ecosystem

Participants Stak with pride posted this on X saying the ethereum and cardano Foundations collaborate at the end of January on Quantum blockchain protocols at a conference called qig they also he said the cardano foundation ethereum foundation and IO Global will discuss Quantum Computing and blockchain Charles hoskinson vitalic butan cardano

Scientist aalos kayas Justin Drake and others will be in attendance so what in the cardano is going on here let’s get into it hit subscribe give the video a thumbs up now effectively IO Global posted this from their senior research uh fellow a professor uh an academic researcher for Io glob

He said qig is exploring opportunities in Quantum cryptography the new event will bring together leading academics and researchers to build shared understanding in a new era of computing so in the end of January the University of Edenberg will host Q Sig a novel research event that will gather academics and Industry experts to

Explore the exciting and developing field of computer science and by the way I do have a video to show you from the ethereum Developers talking about all of this in just a few minutes the event with attendees including IO Global Chief scientists and ethereum Foundations employees this will focus on

Applications of quantum Computing to cryptography blockchain science and financial technology qig is inspired by recent discoveries of Novel cryptographic Primitives enabled specifically by Quantum Technologies un among other exciting applications these address long-standing challenges in blockchain design and security Quantum Computing was originally recognized as a science for studying complex Quantum systems via simulation

The concept that was quantum computers uh that the concept was that quantum computers would support a science of quantum simulation akin to the wildly successful theory and practice of classical classical simulation or non-quantum simulation however an unexpected Breakthrough by Peter Shore in 1994 established that Quantum Computing when finally realized will

Provide extraordinary leverage on Purely classical computational problems arising in number Theory a well-known consequence is that scalable quantum computers will break many of our existing cryptographic workhorses such as RSA encryption and DSA signatures now this is something that uh Charles has been asked about many times since cardano first launched really about

Quantum Computing I think vitalic has spoken about this as well because some like you and I like we’re in this for investing right granted we we explore the technology and talk about it but we’re not we’re not developers but the quantum compute is really important to think about because everything that we

Know about security and passwords and encryption and you know blockchain data we think that this is all secure but you know even the 22 words I remember V or 24 words in your seed phrase I remember somebody asked falic like could this be hacked and he said current Quantum uh

Computing cannot break the blockchain uh security just yet but that in the future this may become a problem because right now there’s I think 2,000 different words that can be put in any different combination to come up with your 12 or 24 word seed phrase right and so

Essentially what vitalic said was there are were more combinations of these words because effectively you have to do 2,000 factorial which is 2000 * 1999 * 1998 and keep doing that multiply over and over and over and he said that there are more possible um combinations of these 24

Words or 2,000 words then there are atoms in the atmosphere something like that maybe I’m getting the but it was basically that that’s exactly what vitalic said when he said that I was like what because I’ve always wondered like could somebody break the 2,000w you know the 24w seed

Phrase you know if they try hard enough and once he kind of put it in that way it made more sense right the chances of breaking that are very very very low and uh but as we move forward these computers are going to become more powerful and be able to compute more

Data faster more efficiently more effectively I mean even if you think about you know computers where they were you know 50 years ago to now I mean you could have your phone has more memory than a computer that size of a building back you know 50 years ago and so this

Is a constant evolution of the technology but Charles and team have been doing a lot of research on this through the years talking about you know research and development there’s over 200 different um like research papers from the cardano development team but let’s listen to what the ethereum side

Of the house says about these Quantum uh Primitives stake with pride said the key Quantum primitive onot signatures that will potentially solve ethereum’s finality slashing trustless delegation like Leo and Rocket pool reaking and more is an IO Global research and development paper let’s listen in this is the host from bankless I’m guessing

This is a bankless podcast and uh some these are some of the guys maybe they’ll introduce maybe they won’t but let’s listen to what they say in this uh in this clip and the key primitive that I’m looking at right now is called oneshot signatures which was discovered in 2020

There was this amazing paper which kind of pretty much went unnoticed for 3 years um but it solves finality gives us perfect finality another consequence is that we can reduce the threshold for finality from 66% to 51% it solves trustless delegation meaning that we can have protocols like

Lio and Rocket pool that have no trust whatsoever in operators that don’t need any collateral and it you know it potentially also solves reaking um it it also gives us this notion of quantum money which is a way to do um the lightning Network without routing so one of the big complications

Of the rout the the lightning network is that you need to find this route of channels between the sender and the recipient and more often than not there’s just going to not be enough liquidity in those channels whereas with Quantum money you can you just need one

Hop and you don’t need um these these these channels with liquidity so effectively what they’re doing is they’re talking about you know what this current system is and how they can improve on it and obviously we talk about this in blockchain a lot and definitely in the cardano ecosystem a

Lot is right when people say oh well this is the way that we’ve done it or this is working really well well that doesn’t mean that that’s the most efficient possible way to do it right people a lot of people and companies and businesses are like they like the status

Quo but the thing is in the blockchain ecosystem there’s I mean look at all of these sponsors that are listed behind them and they’re all coming together and kind of going for one combined future for this blockchain ecosystem right how can we make this whole blockchain ecosystem better obviously they’re going

To be maximalists in every ecosystem but the companies they don’t care about what ecosystem the technology can deploy on they just care that it works that it’s secure and like you hear them talking about some of this research and development from cardano right we know polka dot also used the arob boros uh

Pro uh consensus model that IO Global developed through their research as effectively their inspiration for how polka dot creates consensus on the network right and cardano has taken some things from other networks and done done it even better right we’ve SE we’ve seen ethereum taking the staking model of cardano and implementing it

Onto ethereum and this like they didn’t even know how to do it they just knew that they had to do staking back in 20120 and that’s when cardano staking went live and if you look at a lot of the staking mechanisms it’s very similar to cardano obviously

It’s not exact but the proof of stake model the unlocking of your coins the liquid ability of staking right having no no Q’s they they added Q’s later in ethereum but that’s because they didn’t know what was going to happen right because they they they couldn’t in

Cardano we know about 60 to 70% of all the ad in circulation is being staked so that’s a very high number in ethereum they didn’t know what the number was going to be so they didn’t know if it was actually going to work and now what you see them ethereum ecosystem doing is

Looking for other ways to incentivize people to stake right because they want to increase the network security to increase network security you need more ethereum Stak so what do they do they’re talking about reaking they’re talking about pooling uh your ethereum how can you maximize rewards by going into

Different ecosystems all at once not just going into staking but going into staking and D5 anyway let’s continue listening into what they talk about in this interview um and then kind of another kind of crazy application is um is proof of location where because you have these

Keys that are on clonable you you can prove to the world that you’re in a specific geographical location using uh latency and the speed of light um so the the way that oneshot signatures so what they are is basically a way to have a private key which can only sign a single

Message and then it destroys itself how does it work just and it must it is a Quantum Innovation this is quantum Computing that we’re talking about yes it’s a Quantum Innovation and there’s two Key properties of of quantum mechanics that that we’re leveraging here the first one is no cloning so the

Your your secret key is a unknown superposition of states and you can prove that it’s unclonable so you can’t have two copies of it and then the second property of quantum mechanics is the destructivity of measurement once you measure the private key which you need to do the signing it collapses the

State effectively destroying it meaning that you can’t sign a second message now it’s very interesting what he’s talking about and I know some of you are going to be lost I mean I’m a little bit on the Lost side right but again as an investor I don’t need to

Understand all of this stuff right and there’s a lot of people who like will watch something like this and they’ll watch one minute and say I don’t understand it and just stop watching right the way that I do it is I’m like no I want to watch the whole thing right

And I’ll listen to what they’re saying and then usually right later down the road we just started talk like I’ll give you the perfect example on this channel I didn’t really want to talk about reaking I didn’t think it was that big of a deal but I don’t really understand

What reaking is but I see that the narrative is moving in this direction not just within ethereum it’s going to be within a lot of different ecosystems where you can only stake your coin with your coin at the current time you can’t do multiple things with it and I think

That that’s going to be a big convo so to learn about it I listen to interviews I read articles and then you know usually within like a few weeks I have a general understanding of what the technology is so this Quantum Computing while I may not understand everything that they’re explaining right taking

This and banging it into your knowledge base maybe in two months you’re going to hear about a company doing the same thing maybe you’re going to hear about an IPO of a company doing the same thing maybe you’re GNA come up on a company who’s changing their business model and

They’re going into Quantum Computing and how this you know relates and that’s something you want to invest in right so understand understand in the general highlevel uh like capabilities of this technology I think is the most important thing right where he’s talking about self-destructing you know signature so

You sign it and then that’s it right you don’t need to continue to uh to keep that specific thing on the blockchain right like we know it happened you signed the signature it’s done one shot signature as he says let’s continue listening in and by the way don’t forget to give

The video a free thumbs up we upload every sing single day right here on the cryptoviser podcast to make sure you’re on the latest side and on the top of all the happenings in crypto and finance let’s continue Quantum the word Quantum it starts to get like people will

Probably perceive that be like it’s so far out there that it’s so abstract but this is not a this is not a research and development problem anymore this is just like we just have to build it correct like we we it’s a known quantity no it’s very much R&D okay but

We know it’s possible right it’s not like theoretical we have a possibility result and now you know confidence shoots up to actually do the R&D okay right right right right right okay that’s that’s what I mean it’s like this is a sure thing we know that it works we

Know that it works this way now we just have to build it exactly we know it’s possible in theory now we can just go ahead and and and try and build in practice and so here’s the deal guys cardano created this R&D according to stake with pride for this key Quantum

Primitive one shot signatures here we are multiple years after that research and development was uh done or began by cardano’s team and what’s happening is ethereum is like nope now we’re going to go build that and they’re probably going to go build it this is a big difference between

Ethereum and pretty much the rest of crypto generally speaking a lot of the rest of crypto it takes forever to do anything cardano it takes even longer than forever but all of this stuff that they’re talking about this means that it’s they’re currently like looking at how to deploy

This technology and so that tells me well yes this may be cardono research but having a research paper doesn’t do if you’re not implementing that research and making it actual technology right because you can conceptualize and research and guesstimate forever but until you’re actually doing something different or trying something new we’re

Actually implementing that’s the big key so will ethereum be able to get this one- shot signature type of quantum Computing on the blockchain first or are we going to see cardano do it I think it would be first of all a waste in R&D if cardano does the R&D on this and then

Ethereum just goes and deploys it like what was the point of cardano doing the research then right they should be researching to then go and deploy and so maybe project Catalyst needs to be fun funding uh for projects that are in process or actually developed some of

These things that were researched by the io Global or other uh research teams within cardano before they get funded I don’t know I’m just giving some examples of uh you know thinking differently because I think that would be such a shame for Charles hoskinson’s company IO

Global to be doing all of this research spending the money the time all the other you know resources and then just for ethereum to be like yep thanks for the research now we’re going to go and implement it like what was the point of them researching it then if they’re not

Implementing it right let’s continue listening in and you know in the very very long term maybe 30 40 years we can have one shot signatures at the layer one but the cool thing is that these things can provide a ton of value outside of consensus and we don’t need

You know many quantum computers we just need one because now we have this one entity that you know we can delegate to and we know for sure that they’re not going to rug us and so they’re kind of this TR lless Quantum entity very very interesting conversation I believe this is on the

Bankless podcast you can go check it out over there if you want to see the full interview about this but you know there’s a lot that’s going on there’s a lot that’s being uh discussed and and you know conferences about what to implement but at the end of the day it’s

Not about talking it’s about doing it and this cycle I think is going to be very interesting to see which blockchains are able to actually Implement and deploy because now this is going to be the second cycle in the 2020s so all the blockchains have promised everything in 2020 and 2021 and

Didn’t deploy this is it this is it because after this cycle nobody’s going to believe any of the you know the the claims and so this goes for every blockchain ethereum cardano Solana polygon Avalanche optimism so on and so forth you guys kind of get it but I

Really want to know what you guys think about this Quantum Computing about ethereum developers using cardano research to implement on the ethereum blockchain let me know Down Below in the comments make sure you guys are subscribed don’t forget to give the video a free thumbs up we upload every

Single day on this channel to bring you the latest happening in the financial World I’ll see you tomorrow invest responsibly do your own research and crypto on


  1. But the research is fixing issues that ethereum has. Cardano doesn’t have to implement the paper for the exact same uses cases becuz they don’t share the issues. Also both IOHK & ethereum foundation had a 1 day event about quantum computing called qsig

  2. What in the Cardano is going on with this video???? No mention of USDC being needed on Cardano? Must have been difficult for CV. Open source…Open Research….no? Improve the world. But I agree, Cardano should focus on the items that will benefit Cardano in the immediate future not some random research papers.

  3. ICP, essentially, solves much of this "encryption" problem as it relates to "hacks"…. There will be new and even easier methods to prevent hack attacks by quant computing.. Legacy clouds and the infrastructure that most of the old world order operates off of is totally vulnerable.. Hence, you are vulnerable, too!

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