This is the start of a new journey. In this video, I will cover leaving Crypto Banter, SAVM, my future plans and more.

    0:00 – Intro
    2:00 – My Story
    10:14 – Leaving Crypto Banter
    13:24 – My Business Model
    19:09 – SAVM
    42:38 – Outro

    This is my first official video solo as you may know I’ve been streaming on the Crypt banter YouTube channel for almost 2 years now and this is the first time where I’m officially on my own and with this big change in my life also comes a

    Big change in my content and I want to address you the audience and let you know what you can expect from me going forward and I also want to give you some context behind the craziness uh of the past few weeks so I thought this was an

    Opportune time for us to sit down have an open conversation between me and you the audience discuss exactly what you can expect next from this channel the type of content you’re getting and also I want to dive into some stuff I haven’t spoken about before my business model my

    Plans to monetize and I also want to address some of the savm controversy that people are asking me questions about this video is all about transparency it’s all about being open giving you an insight into my life my experiences um and what’s next for me and also my ethos as a content creator

    So we have lots to discuss in today’s video if you’ve been supporting me over the last couple of years I thank you so much me leaving Crypt banter is not going to change that in fact uh I hope it opens up a new raft of opportunities

    For my content and for you my audience but let’s basically dive into everything today this is a very different video for me to make it’s a little bit out of my comfort zone usually you know I cover the markets I I cover my opinions on altcoins airdrops trading opportunities

    Trading strategies but you know today’s going to be a little bit different I have some notes written down but a lot of it is going to be unscripted so apologies if I ramble but I really just wanted to speak to you heart tohe heart give you some uh opinions on how I’m

    Feeling right now and and also you know talk to you about uh some of the recent events and also how I basically got here because I feel like you know my YouTube Channel’s exploded over the past couple of months not all of you follow me on

    Twitter obviously you know I have a lot of loyal followers uh which I built over the past couple of years on Twitter but especially for everyone new I think there’ll be some valuable context in here for you to understand me a little bit better and my content a little bit

    Better as well so I think the logical place to start off here is how I actually got into crypto I started my journey in crypto in 2018 actually I was first exposed to bitcoin a few years earlier I was interested in things like Bitcoin mining as a teenager when I was

    Just 14 or 15 um but it wasn’t really until I hit adult hood in 2018 when I first decided to uh take the plunge into the cryptocurrency market and for me this looked like you know just researching the three biggest coins at the time Bitcoin ethereum and xrp and it

    Wasn’t until 2019 after that initial research towards the end of 2018 that I decided to take the plunge into crypto I bought my first Bitcoin uh I bought some ethereum um and this was during a relatively down period for the market I didn’t really know what I was doing I

    Was kind of just investing on a whim um and then I saw in 2020 those original investments really start to explode and it took me by surprise and I think like a lot of you when you first invest in crypto you don’t really know what to expect and it’s that first major pump

    That you experience that really pequs your interest right um so I really just bought Bitcoin and ethereum for some fun uh I did you know a bit of research and I invested but it wasn’t until 2020 until you know that defi Summer started to take off until I saw the price Rising

    Rapidly and yeah there’s nothing like price rising to pick your interest right so I was like okay this is serious like this is more money than I’ve ever seen in my life cuz at the time I was just an 18-year-old and now seeing an investment grow from around $10,000 to what was I

    Think nearing $100,000 at the time for me that was absolutely crazy money at the time and that’s what really got me digging deeper down the crypto Rabbit Hole so after i’ first bought my Bitcoin and ethereum in 2019 there wasn’t really much to do in the market but in 2020

    Defi summer really took off and this is where you started to see the first initial launches of those Major D protocols you know curve compound RV maker all those first primitive D protocols started to launch and um now you could actually do something with your ethereum previously you kind of

    Just had to keep your ethereum in an exchange there wasn’t much to do on chain but now you could borrow now you could lend now yield opportunities were opening up uh and that really got me interested in the market and this was interesting timing for me personally

    Because I’m an Australian so I was in Melbourne at the time and the lockdowns in Australia I don’t know if you know but they were absolutely insane so we were pretty much not able to leave our houses for like 2 years uh which was at the time a really unique opportunity

    That I wasn’t aware of of basically you know unfed time to follow your passions and of course with defi summer in 2020 getting really interesting I was spending you know 5 six hours just in crypto per day I guess you know a lot of other people were playing video games

    For me um I was just you know playing around with defi playing around with crypto watching crypto YouTube videos and all that stuff because we literally couldn’t leave the house like we we couldn’t do anything in Australia it was really really really intense during that uh 2019 2020 period so that lockdown

    Although you know was awful in many ways uh it was also a blessing in disguise um for me personally because I was able to uh really follow my passion and I was St studing University at the time but this really got me down the crypto rabbit

    Hole and gave me that time to um really discover and learn more about crypto then of course the 2021 Bull Run happened I won’t get too much into the details but clearly that was an absolutely insane year um you know I saw more money than I was used to even

    Handling in my life um and funnily enough I was just focusing on my investing at the time I wasn’t creating content I wasn’t doing these videos It wasn’t until I would say Midway through 2021 until I really started to ramp up posting and pretty much throughout 2021

    My posts were just like you know random thoughts on the market if I was investing in something if I found a yield Farm if I bought an nft I would just share that on my Twitter account and that’s pretty much how it started um and towards the end of the year I I

    Started to share more analytical research on my Twitter and it kind of just took off I think a combination of my research which really resonated with people and market conditions at the time which were obviously going crazy combined and and I guess I got lucky with the algorithm and my account really

    Started to explode uh and then I really started going more down the content rather you know when you get that first feedback loop of oh people actually are interested in hearing what I have to say and you get that first 5 10,000 followers it it really motivates you to

    Create more content so I kind of started creating content in conjunction with my investing which obviously I was just doing in private right throughout the whole of 2020 and 2021 so I started posting just for fun and then it kind of just took off organically as this brand

    That I you know unexpectedly built on Twitter in light of that I started a YouTube channel the channel that you’re watching this video on right now actually I started uh towards the end of 2021 to share some of the more in-depth research because Twitter is limited as

    To what you can post and the attention to detail that you can provide and YouTube is an amazing platform for more Deep dive videos I mean even what I’m conveying now would be impossible to convey in a Twitter thread right given the character limit so YouTube was a

    Really logical next step for me and my YouTube channel like it took off end of 2021 this was like Peak Bull Run Mania there was so much defi stuff I was involved in I was doing def5 farming and it was just absolutely crazy uh and I think I grew 30 40,000 subscribers in

    Just just a couple months and that caught the attention of Crypt banter at the time they were obviously the biggest YouTube channel getting the most views and they were looking to expand into new hosts they’d already onboarded Sheldon the the sniper who’s a technical Trader uh hustle who was a gaming content

    Creator and they were looking for someone more on the defi side more on the fundamentals analytical side that could fill that gap on the channel so ran approached me Fred approached me they said look come join banter uh it’ll be a great experience to grow and learn

    More about the industry and and I took the opportunity I mean I was a viewer of Crypt ban right throughout that end of 2020 period in the entirety of 2021 it was like one of my favorite uh channels to watch on YouTube the live streams were amazing the energy was amazing uh

    So being able to join the team that I was you know watching throughout the entirety of of that year was an amazing opportunity and I jumped at the opportunity um and I’m glad I did because I learned so much at banter over the next uh couple of years and it

    Really allowed me to grow as a Creator so I stopped uploading on this channel I was able to upload a little bit on this channel like at times once a week at times I would go for months without posting but the majority of my content pretty much all the daily streams all my

    Best content uh was posted on banter for the most part of of two years and that was an amazing experience of course 2022 was a whirlwind for crypto uh the FED started tightening we had the Luna collapse that led to the FTX collapse and the market eventually bottomed

    Around November that was a crazy period you know creating content during that time uh I learned some massive lessons because you know I was not only having to navigate as an investor but I was having to navigate being a content creator uh trying to be a responsible

    Content creator trying to make sure I provided the audience with the best research possible even during periods of the market that was super boring where I didn’t even feel like creating content so it wasn’t really until 2023 where I feel like I I found my stride as a

    Creator um 2022 the market was so volatile I think January 2023 uh I was actually taking a holiday in Thailand I remember Bitcoin was breaking past the 20K level that was really the starting point poter of where we are today uh and this rally although it had you know a

    Lot of choppiness in between that was pretty much the beginning of the the new trend for Bitcoin in the market in 2023 although retail was pretty bored at times especially August that year it was just a much better year for Content creation because we’re in an uptrend and

    It gave much more trading opportunities and thus more opportunities to make content and I feel like that’s when I really learned a lot as a Creator and in the meantime I was doing a lot of Twitter threads a lot of Twitter posting and my following had exploded from you

    Know 100K on Twitter all the way up to 3 uh to 400k uh during that year which was absolutely insane and I never thought when I first started tweeting just for fun just sharing my research in 2020 that it would become this like it’s still mind-blowing looking back um that

    450,000 people decided to follow me and 100,000 people decided to follow me here and also hundreds or thousands or even millions of people tuned to my B shows it’s pretty surreal um as a guy that was just investing in his bedroom during lockdown in his parents house um you

    Know to now someone that that’s here today and in this position you know I’m super super grateful for that and it’s it’s been a whirlwind of an experience and um I wouldn’t change it for anything and of course along the way I’ve learned a lot of lessons I feel like I’ve become

    A better investor a better Trader um and also a better content creator during that time so this leads me and I’m going to fast forward a fair bit because I don’t want this whole video to be about just my story but it gives you a bit of

    Context to November 2023 so this is just a few months ago um when I started feeling like it was time for me to leave banter although I enjoyed my time at banter and I wouldn’t change it for anything I just started to feel a little bit demotivated towards the end of the

    Year and I don’t think that really had anything to do with banter itself I just wasn’t finding the passion in creating the content anymore like after streaming every day uh it does become super draining and it became difficult for me to you know put on that happy face every

    Day and produce the kind of content that I wanted to create so I kind of sat with it for a bit I slowed down my uploading schedule and I decided that the best thing for me and my content and my happiness was to go solo and just have a

    Little bit more freedom to experiment with different kinds of content and that’s not really a knock-on banter at all like I really enjoyed my time there I always felt like I was compensated well it was just more to do with um the fact that I just wanted a little bit

    More autonomy and I just felt like I really needed a change or a new challenge and I really wanted the challenge of being able to build a brand on my own and although that does come with new risks there risks that I decided you know I was willing to take

    Um so I told around around the November period I let him know how I was feeling I still had obligations on the bound to front for a couple more months so I agreed to keep streaming and I was more than happy to do that um cuz I had some

    Amazing content in in the pipeline and then yeah that leads us to January where uh we we officially announced last week that I was leaving and uh after a couple months of you know mulling over it that’s where we ended up landing and and now I’m going solo and I’m leaving Crypt

    Banter and I just want to take a minute to thank everyone at the team they’re absolutely amazing Fred you’ve been amazing the whole time as a producer David you’ve been so fantastic to work on on the biz Dev side all the other staff I’m not going to get time to get

    Into everyone um Sheldon Kyle hustle you’re amazing co-host and of course ran you gave me the opportunity to really learn under your wing um of course you’re an amazing successful businessman and I was really able to learn a lot uh about how to run a business how to

    Invest and just to become I feel like not only a better Trader but also a better person during that period so I’m super thankful for my time at banter I don’t have bad things to say about the team at all um it’s unfortunate it had

    To end as abruptly at it did but uh then again I just felt like I needed a new challenge and that kind of leads me to here nothing much changes in terms of uploading like I’m still going to be uploading multiple times a week just instead of on the banter Channel I’ll be

    Uploading exclusively on this channel uh and that’ll be alongside other platforms like Twitter of course I’m going to keep um going strong there but also Instagram Tik Tok Etc one of my goals is to become more multiplatform in in 2024 bring new communities into crypto educate a wider

    Audience cuz at the end of of the day that’s a real goal of mine um help educate and spread awareness for this amazing industry that we’re building so that’s why one of my goals is to go multiplatform and I’ve also got some other big things behind the scenes that

    I can’t reveal right now cuz I’m still working on them but over the coming months that’ll become more clear and these in my opinion will be big value ads to my audience so that’s why I left banter and that’s what I’m going to be doing going forward um now I want to

    Talk about my business model because now that I’m on my own I really want you to have a full understanding because I’m a big advocate for transparency in the space of how I make money how I monetize how I view being a content creator and

    What my mission is behind all of this so as a crypto content creator there are really four main verticals that you can make money these are YouTube ads sponsorships referral links and investing I’m going to break down each of these and explain how they factor into my business so the first vertical

    Is YouTube ads YouTube ads are a great way to pay for some of the fixed costs for the business I mean I know it just seems like it’s a oneman band but um you know as a crypto content creator there are a lot of resources which go into

    Actually making these videos you know you need editors I’m probably not going to edit this video cuz I wanted it to be more one-on-one but in the future highly edited content will be coming out Twitter researchers of course to give you the best content it’s great to have

    Other sources of research to make sure there’s no confirmation bias and even to test my knowledge and understanding um so researchers for Twitter and also for YouTube to make the YouTube shows better and there’s also a multitude of other things you know like office spaces other

    Employees if you want to scale up and do more in the on the investing side you might need an investment manager a personal assistant traveling to conferences Etc so there are a lot of fixed costs and YouTube ad revenue is a good way of I mean it’s not a lot of

    Money just to be transparent it’s actually a very low percentage compared to the other verticals but it’s a decent way at least to pay for for some of of the Baseline expenses but it’s certainly not enough off for a Creator to actually sustain a business and that’s why there’s three remaining verticals the

    Next one is sponsorships so sponsorships are typically like flat fee placements on the channel these are fully disclosed Partnerships with bigname brands in the space some examples from Partnerships I had on crypto banter was nordvpn smartex there were also many more throughout my time at banter and these are basically

    Crypto companies who want exposure just like a typical sponsorship like a big Creator like Mr Beast might have it’s the same thing just in the finance world and these sponsors of course need to make sense for the audience like I’m not just going to bring on a random sponsor

    And shield them cuz I don’t believe in that but if I genuinely believe there’s a value ad with a sponsor like something like coin stats would be a good example like it’s a good portfolio tracker or nordvpn like everyone should be using a VPN and has a need for that I believe

    Those sponsorships are a genuine value ad but of course on my end that also enables me to make income uh to pay for the channel which is also amazing so and of course sponsorships are always fully disclosed um so there’s no conflict of interest interest and yeah they’re also

    A main stay of not just my channel but I would say pretty much all the big YouTube channels rely on sponsorships for uh that next level of secondary income because YouTube ads as I said they don’t pay great they’re okay but um definitely not moving the needle from a

    Business perspective so now there’s two more ways that I monetize as a Creator the next one is referral links now referral links can be to platforms like as I said nordvpn or queen stats um but more commonly you’ll see referral links and on my channel this is how I’ve used

    Them for crypto exchanges so this is obviously a benefit for the Creator because we get a kickback usually around 50% of the trading fees on the exchange as I said I value transparency so you should know if you use a Creator’s link and I assume most

    Of you already know this a Creator will get 50% it can some be as high as 60% of the trading fees but what exchanges do in order to incentivize creators to use their exchange is they also give a kickback to the audience as well so what

    This is us usually via is sign up incentives so you if so if you use my specific link you might get an airdrop you might get a welcome pack uh like I recently did a $1,000 welcome pack promotion we also did an airdrop promotion and these enable you to get

    Better terms than if you were to just go on like buy a bit bit get um Etc just on Google so it’s actually a value ad for the community as well because they get better terms sometimes they even get rebates on fees versus just signing up directly through the website and of

    Course it’s good for the Creator because we make money off the link as well um so when it comes to referral links I’ll never Force anyone to use my link I don’t believe in relentlessly Shilling referral links all the time but I do believe that it is a good value ad for

    The audience and of course the Creator and if you want to use my reflinks you can I’m not forcing you to you can use your own reflinks you can sign up to an exchange online if you want you don’t need to use my reflink but if you do

    Want to support the channel and you enjoy this content and you like this content then of course you can choose to use my ref links and I’m thankful for everyone that uses my ref links cuz at the end of the day it keeps the lifeblood of this channel alive it

    Enables me to scale higher researchers make better content so of course I’m thankful for everyone that does choose to use my links but it’s totally up to you whether you use them and then the fourth way is through investing investing constitutes many different shapes and sizes there’s liquid

    Investing so investing on the open market there is trading uh which is considered to be active investing and then there’s early stage investing which is getting into a seed round or a series a or series B of a newer project um and getting it essentially on the ground

    Floor and this is also is something big name creators in the space get access to because they’re a value added to projects cuz they have exposure to a lot of people and then you can even take this a step further and actually advise projects so creators that have a good

    Understanding of the space whether that be marketing tokenomics technicals they can also take advisory allocations of for actually helping the project on uh you know week toe or a day-to-day basis um on the project side and this is something I haven’t done too much of but definitely something I’m interested in

    The future uh because I believe I can genuinely contribute to the space beyond just making YouTube videos and actually helping create better infrastructure and helping advise projects to create um better products so that’s something I’m interested in but something that I haven’t done too much of so investing in

    Projects is something that I actively do I’ll always be transparent about because just like you I’m also interested in the market I’m interested in new products that launch I’m interested in opportunities to make money I started off as a Trader and an investor so I believe that it’s actually a good thing

    For Content creators to invest and some people do take issue with content cre is investing I think intrinsically investing is actually a good thing to do um and I encourage content creators to invest you learn a lot as a Trader and an investor through actively putting

    Your money in projects at an early stage you learn how to research you learn how to do DD and you also get exposure to some amazing exciting upcoming verticals but obviously the way that it’s conducted is really really important and this is where the onus is on the Creator

    To be fully transparent straightforward with their audience and not deceive Their audience because at the end of the day a relationship between a Creator and the audience is all a creator has without that a creator has nothing they’re just creating content that falls on De ear and the value of transparency

    Is something that I’ve always tried to upheld and believe I have upheld with my content and in light of this I want to address the recent events of Satoshi VM if you haven’t heard of savm it’s a recent launch that had a really successful launch day but also um had

    Some backlash for a variety of reasons uh around the time of launch and this backlash has reflected on to me as a content creator as someone that talked about the project and invested in the project so in today’s video I want to address that situation head on I want to

    Be fully transparent with you break down all the content that I created and hopefully by the end of this video you have a full understanding because I believe that it’s the right thing to do in this situation I know a lot of you have questions and I’m here to answer

    Those questions and I’m going to do my best to give you a comprehensive overview of how I view the situation and also my my involvement with with Satoshi VM so let’s rewind to the beginning of the new year when I was first introduced to Satoshi VM it’s a project that I came

    Across uh in a couple different ways of course I saw it uh on Twitter and a lot of people were talking about it and an ape terminal had a lot of crazy launches so it was on my radar but a couple of people approached me and said look miles

    Are you interested in investing in this project um and I’m super bullish on the brc2 narrative I think there’s a lot of potential there obviously 2023 is really when Auditors and inscription started to take off as a vertical and I have an interest in infrastructure plays under

    The brc2 narrative so when I came across to Toshi VM which was building a Bitcoin layer 2 implementing ZK proofs I mean that was really cool to see it was really first of its kind in this Niche um and that and that excited me as an investor when I came across the project

    I was pretty late to the party uh compared to other creators I think I only got in like two weeks I think before launch first week of Jan and by then a bunch of creators had already invested so sitting on a cap table with a lot of the other bigname creators in

    The space and that also gave me more confidence to invest in the project and as I said before I don’t have a problem with creators investing in projects just as any other VC fund or advisor would invest in a project I think creators have the right to do so as long as

    They’re fully transparent With Their audience about their Investments I think the onus however is on the Creator to be transparent and this is a trap a lot of creators fall into um they invest in a project and they don’t fully disclose their interest and and they do some

    Shady things and the crypto space I think has been plagued by this for a matter of years and and Retail and I think this is right for so has sometimes been frustrated um with the way creators have conducted themselves and I guess because crypto is relatively unregulated

    This stuff is rif in the industry so of course as a Creator you do have to be super careful with who with who you listen to and who you trust in this space so I want to go through every piece of content that that I created on

    Satoshi VM I’m not shying away from anything in today’s video we’re going to review it objectively and then I’ll leave it up to you to decide how you think that content will be construed so from the time that I first heard about the project to the launch week I created

    Four pieces of content surrounding Satoshi VM I created an airdrop thread highlighting a potential free airdrop opportunity I created a subsequent video which used the details from that thread to present that same opportunity to my YouTube audience then I created two posts on launch day to highlight the

    Success of the launch retroactively the first piece of content I created which was on January 16th 3 days before the launch of savm focused on the airdrop opportunity so Satoshi is on test net meaning you can essentially complete the airdrop requirements for free um to get

    Your hands on free tokens and I always believe that sharing free airdrop opportunities with you uh is a good value add to my community because it basically enables you to okay yes spend a little bit of time but potentially get access on the ground floor to new

    Projects and this is the important thing when it comes to investing in new projects you always want to get in on the ground floor so you actually don’t want want to buy a day after the project launches and it’s super hyped and it’s at its peak you want to get in on the

    Ground floor and there are really a couple ways to get in on the ground floor of a new project one way that I cover a lot on my channel is via airdrops and the other way is via early stage investing through the Ido so the Ido will essentially and a lot of it’s

    Based on the lottery system um like in the case of savm will give you access to tokens at a lower price prior to launch it’s obviously limited to a certain amount of people and that’s also a way for you to you know get in on the ground

    Floor of new projects I’ll talk more about the savm idio specifically in a couple of minutes uh after I go through this airdrop Post in the case of Satoshi VM this was a free airdrop opportunity so test net airdrops by nature don’t require any Capital so anyone that

    Completed this airdrop guide after I posted it they didn’t have to spend any money they didn’t need to invest any money they could just spend a little bit of time on chain in exchange for a chance of receiving the air drop and by the way an savm airdrop is still coming

    Uh it just hasn’t landed yet so maybe it’s worth slightly less now than it would have been if price maintained uh what it did for the first few days but they’re very well still may be an airdrop coming and I believe it’s important that I always present you opportunities for free airdrops because

    That’s a big value ad that I can give you right enabling you to get in at the early stage of a new project via a test dead airdrop I mean that’s something I always want to give you as a Creator it’s an opportunity for you to make and

    This term is sometimes a bit cringey but free money essentially and in thread and this is a very important thing to highlight I fully disclosed that I was an investor in the project so I said here in one of the parts of the thread full disclosure I am an investor in the

    Project and this is something very very important that I value as a Creator and that’s fully disclosing when I have an interest in a project I’m heavily against undisclosed Shilling and I believe it’s one of the biggest problems that retail faces in crypto because as I

    Said there are a lot of Bad actors in this space that won’t disclose their bags they’ll promote their position positions they won’t tell you that they’re in a position but they’ll be dumping on your head as they bullish on a token and that is something I’m super super against and honestly it’s

    Something I’ve been disappointed that I’ve been accused of um considering that I did disclose that I was fully invested on on multiple occasions because morally I’m really really against it and that as a Creator did hurt me to have those accusations because this is something

    That I feel so strongly about but I also understand it is a big problem in the space so I completely understand that people you know do jump to those conclusions because I guess that’s been a standard um amongst the content creation space unfortunately uh in crypto and I think it’s important to

    Note that at no point during this initial thread did I actually say that you should a into the token on launch day that you should buy the token once it launches this is purely focused on a free airdrop opportunity a free airdrop opportunity is not Shilling a token

    Shilling a token is saying buy this token or I’m really really bullish on this token it’s going to explode that that is Shilling a token saying hey you can follow these steps to complete an airdrop as you can see in front of you this is a test net airdrop I don’t have

    Any problem with that I explained the tech behind Satoshi VM because it’s important that you understand the tech behind the project before you use the test net because you’ll need to actually use the tech and then I focused on the airdrop and disclosed that I was an

    Investor so that’s the first uh post that I posted about Satoshi and I’m going to get into the three remaining posts that I did on Satoshi but that was the the first thread that I put out the second piece of content that I put out

    Was a video now this was the exact same as the thread uh sometimes when I write threads I’ll use that as a basis to make a YouTube video that’s what I did here I basically took the steps that I outlined in the thread and I did it in video form

    I think a lot of people appreciate actually being able to watch and and do the steps alongside me in a video format that’s why I decided to translate it into a video format pretty much the exact same premise as the initial thread I went through the steps so I explained

    What the project was in the intro section I explained the tech behind it I got into the airdrop guide I told you how to complete that on the Bitcoin Network the eth network then I showed you my airdrop strategy for the free test net airdrop and then I got on to

    The idio now I think it’s important to talk about this section of the video specifically because this is where I highlighted the IDE opportunity of Satoshi VM ideos work via a lottery system so ape terminal specifically if you register for the Ido you will be entered into a lottery where at the time

    Uh was stated that 100 participants would win a lottery ticket and essentially get access to Satoshi at the low valuation that they were offering it for so what I said in the video was registering for the Ido was a good idea because if you can get into the Ido

    Lottery then you had potential to make massive gains and this is 100% true the risk reward as I mentioned getting in at the early stage of a project is so much higher than buying it liquid and that’s why in all my content the thread the video and even the tweets on launch day

    I never talked about buying the token liquid because I did not believe in this case that was the optimal strategy for Satoshi the optimal strategy was trying your luck on the airdrop trying your luck on the Ido you may not get lucky and then you can move on to the next one

    But if you do you would have made a lot of gains now recently there has been question marks about apes distrib of the tokens but at the time I was under the impression it was going to 100 winners and I can only make content based on the

    Information I have at the time I didn’t know that what AP terminal said was a UI glitch or a developer glitch was going to occur I had no inside access to ape terminal I’m just like you I saw there was a lottery I said it was a good

    Opportunity to potentially get in on the ground floor if you can win that Lottery and I believe that’s a good risk reward opportunity to give you why because you can’t lose money for registering but you can gain money and these are the type of EV opportunities not just in this

    Instance but in future instances I want to present to my audience as a Creator I want to find you opportunities to make money in the space whether that is through a free airdrop or a free AIO and it’s important to note that there is no undisclosed Shilling here I’m not

    Telling you to AP into the token I’m not telling you to buy the token on launch day that’s not the way you should approach an Ido and it’s not the way I would ever tell you to approach an ID so those are two of the four pieces of

    Content that I created around Satoshi there were two more pieces of content both of them are tweets that I put out relating to Satoshi VM and these two tweets happened on launch day and these are the tweets that I’ve probably received the most backlash for and I

    Want to break down each of these tweets individually to look at exactly what I said the first tweet which was on launch day after the token had already pumped in price says Ido season is upon us if you got into the Satoshi VM Ido you’re

    Up 100x I shared how in my latest video this is true I shared how you could potentially get into the Ido in that airdrop video I said if not even public launch buyers made a 25x if you got in early tomorrow I’ll be sharing the next Ido I think can pull in savm

    Notifications on so you don’t miss it so let’s break down what this post means I’m telling you that if you got into the Ido you’re up 100x which is true it actually over 100x from launch price now as I said I didn’t know that it only

    Ended up going to 10 users at the time I I assume with the information that I had it was going to 100 users that’s not really the point because whether it was 10 or 100 people you’d still be up 100x if you got into the Ido but you know

    What I mean and then I said if not even public launch buyers made a 25x if you got an early notice here my language is retroactive I said if you got into the Satoshi Ido you’re up 100x even public launch buyers made a 25x and I used this

    Hype from Satoshi VM to collect clout and share the next Ido that I thought could pull an savm so basically using this as an excuse or or a reason to collect clout so am I guilty of Shilling the token in this instance no nowhere in

    This post does it say buy savm a to savm savm is going to 100x it’s retroactive actually if you look at the angle of this post it’s purely focused on hyping up the next udio I used this tweet as a vehicle to collect clout upon the

    Success of the launch and if you’ve been following my Twitter for the last couple of years you’ll know that my tweets have always been super factual super well researched super credible and in this instance I used this as an opportunity to collect Cloud on Twitter not to buy

    The token but to farm engagement from the success of the launch that was the intention as you can clearly see behind this post now this is something that I’m not that proud of because as I said I’ve always tried to keep my content credible and I think I just fell into the Twitter

    Game in this instance and tried to farm engagement was I Shilling the token no was I getting too excited on launch day and using it to brag yes and that’s not a good look for a Creator in my opinion another part of this tweet which I really need to highlight it’s so

    Important is the reply to this tweet where I said FYI I’ve been taking profit on my savm position but letting the majority ride for now always wise to take some profits if you’re up big I was an early investor and this is such an important piece of this post that the

    People that are screenshotting aren’t factoring in this was not an undisclosed shill first it wasn’t even a shill because it was retroactive focusing on the success of the launch not actually buying the token or the token itself if anything was just collecting clout for gaining followers so I could share the

    Next launch but irrespective of that I fully disclosed again I already did that in the video I already did that in the thread but again for a third time I disclosed I was an early investor because I believe transparency is important and that I was taking profits

    On my savm position so not only am I not Shilling the token but I’m literally telling you that I’m selling the token in front of you transparently publicly on Twitter let me ask you a question for anyone calling me a pumper numper or a scammer or whatever is it

    Possible to tell people that you are selling and still be pumping and dumping I mean a real pump and dumper would say buy the token the token’s got 100x and they wouldn’t disclose that they’re invested they wouldn’t disclose that they taking profits because they would be trying to pump the price so

    They could offload on your head that is a pump andom in this instance the fact I was investor was fully disclosed and the fact that I was profit taking was fully disclosed and this is this is kind of what hurt me about the whole situation that I’ve

    Always tried my best to be transparent with this audience with my audience on every occasion and I’ve gotten a lot of backlash for this I’ve gotten a lot of people screenshotting this post saying you’re Shilling savm when you can see it’s retroactive you can see here that I’m clearly engagement farming and

    That’s wrong I shouldn’t fall into the Trap of Engagement farming that’s not what my content’s been built on for the last couple of years of hard work but I can’t really it doesn’t sit morally well with me to sit back and be Co call a SC

    Or a Shilla and that’s one of the reasons I’m making this video because I don’t really care what people on Twitter are saying I care about my loyal audience and when I hear loyal audience members who have been following me for two or three years and say miles you

    Turned into such a scammer or a pump and numper that genuinely hurts me because that’s exactly what I’ve never wanted to be in crypto and that’s something I never want to be in crypto and that’s something I’ve always tried to avoid and in this instance I thought I was

    Avoiding that by putting making it very very Crystal Clear by saying I was an investor three times and saying that I was taking profits just to clear up the fact that I was selling but I guess in this instance under the controversy of the launch my name got tarnished and

    That’s something I’m just going to have to live with as a Creator and I hope in future my content can just do the talking I sold tokens on launch day I told you that I was selling on launch day on Twitter I was open with my audience about this I was transparent

    With my audience about this and I always want to be transparent with you that is what a built my brand on and that is what I’ll continue to build my brand on there’s nothing to hide here I haven’t been exposed for anything because I exposed myself I said I was selling in

    Fact the price that I sold at let’s actually look at the chart the price that I sold at was much lower on launch day look at launch day on the 19th much lower it started at $5 it did Peak at $13 then what it ended up subsequently

    Going 3 days later when it hit its peak at $14 so if I am a pump and dumper I’m a pretty bad bad one because I didn’t manage to dump the price the price actually went higher than what I took profits at in that initial day now yes the price has dropped significantly

    Afterwards but anyone that even did buy on launch day at some point had multiple opportunities to cash out for a profit and I would never suggest that people would should buy on launch day as you know because I focused on the airdrop twice out of the four pieces of content

    And the other two pieces of content were retroactive uh and one of them disclosed that I was taking profits why would you be buying while creators are offloading it makes no sense that and that’s never something that I pushed or would ever push why would I tell you to buy

    Something while I’m selling it makes no sense and I didn’t and many other creators won’t be transparent about this stuff many creators won’t talk about their Investments this cardly but I will because I believe in transparency I have nothing to hide I believe it’s what’s right and it’s what I own my

    Community I feel like I owe my community an explanation even though some of the stuff people are saying about me I think is objectively wrong and I hope you can see that if I’m selling on launch day I want to be able to tell you I’m selling

    If I’m an investor in a project and I’m bullish on that project I want to be able to tell you I’m invested in this project take it with a grain of salt and that’s why I always disclose that so there are people out there calling me a

    Scammer Puma Numa as I said that hurts me I could come up here and say I don’t care what people say this and that that would be lying because I do care what people say maybe I’m not fully cut out for this industry I know a lot of other

    Creators they don’t care they continue posting but this has been eating me up all of my close friends all all of my colleagues in this space my researchers the ban team they know this has been eating me up like I I’ve barely slept because of some of the

    Comments and maybe I shouldn’t say this cuz maybe this will open people up to attacking me more because they know it works me up and maybe this is something I have to work on but it it has been eating me up I’m not going to lie to you it has been because

    It goes again what people are saying about me goes against my values and it goes against what I believe my actions actually were in this instance and this is why I’m showing you the tweets today I mean I could shy away from this and I could post some cold

    Statement and I could shy away from these posts I’m showing you the four posts the two airdrop posts and the posts on launch date I’m showing these to you right now because I want you to look at them so we can have an open conversation and understand this a of

    Being a Creator and investing at the same time I want you to understand especially in this context cuz this was a controversial launch due to the magnitude due to some of the fud that came out after all of that stuff this is something that I want to share with you

    Now in the future I’m not going to Tweet about tokens on launch day especially if they’re lower in market cap I mean liquidity for smvm was very high so it wasn’t like it was some illiquid tiny coin and market cap was even like I think 100 Mil fdv so it wasn’t a tiny

    Coin but but just for my sanity so we don’t ever repeat I’m not going to post lower cap tokens on launch day again I mean if it’s a big cap fair enough if it’s a billion dollar project 500 million sure but just to avoid this again I’m not going to be posting on

    Launch date and I’m not going to engagement Farm in the blatant way that I was I know what I was doing I know the game I was playing I was saying investors are up massively follow me for the next one notifications on as you know on Twitter you need to follow

    Someone to turn on notifications it was a way to gain followers I’m completely aware of that I also want to TCH on this last one cuz I haven’t actually spoken about it specifically it’s in a similar vein to the other post I said Monumental day for Ms deutche followers I actually

    Cringe looking back on this but anyway followers who got an savm Ido are up 110 released a full tutorial 3 days ago that’s true I did show the tutorial unfortunately not many of you would have gotten the Ido due to the distribution but anyway followers who bought public

    Sale up at 30X air drop still Toom web printing together this cycle fam same story not chilling the token not telling you to buy retroactively looking at how successful the launch was in order to I guess gain clout engagement look at worked these were some of my most

    Engaged tweets of the week and I gained over 5,000 followers from them people following me to get the next big Ido but I’m not going to you it’s cringey and it’s not what I built my content on and it’s not what I want to

    Be seen as in the space as a guy that just says you know follow me I’m so amazing I make people money we know that not everyone got the Ideo and I was probably a bit too excited on the launch but that’s what I did that’s something I

    Have to live with and that’s a lesson I’ve learned going forward and that’s why I said I’m not going to be playing this game on launch day again funnily enough it’s the first time I ever played this engagement farmy game on the launch of a token I’ve never done this before

    First time it happens uh it happens to be the time that I get a crap onon to backlash forward and I completely understand why I’m not shying away from that and I take responsibility for that I just hope at least some of the information I’ve given you and at least

    By me being open and honest about what happened gives you some some clarity as to what actually happened um and and I’m more than happy to answer questions in the comments if you still have questions or concerns I’m happy to answer comments because as I said I’m transparent I’ve

    Got nothing to hide more than happy to talk about this in an open form I might even address this on a live stream currently I’m in a new apartment and my internet’s not set up and I’m personal hotspotting right now um but once I get

    Internet maybe in a week I’m happy to go on live stream and answer these questions live as I said I’ve got nothing to hide nothing to cover up I’m being transparent with my audience uh and if you have any questions more than happy more than happy to answer

    Those questions and I will go through these comments um a few hours after this video goes out and I and I will respond to a bunch of people going forward I want my content to speak for itself I believe it’s always spoken for itself I put so much time and Research into these

    Threads posts videos like literally hours like it’s it’s a full-time job for me it it is a full-time job for me and I want the effort I put into my content to be what shines through and I don’t want all of this stuff to overshadow the core

    Of my mission it’s to help you on this crypto Journey it’s to help you understand how to play the market to your advantage create Financial Freedom just like I’ve managed to create over the past couple of years I would love to be able to do that for you as well and

    That genuinely is what gives me joy changing other people’s lives like at the end of the day like making money is cool being able to bring others on the journey is what makes this such an awesome experience celebrating with your friends that have made it with you

    Celebrating with your a said I made it with you I’d love to meet up with all of you in a few years look back on all of this and say like we made it like that would be an amazing feeling for me and I’m not going to let this situation stop

    Me from that mission I’m not going to let this stop me from creating amazing content in fact I want to let my content do the talking and from now on that’s exactly what I plan to do so over the next few months I’ve got some amazing videos threads planned uh you’ll see

    Some this week and I just want to thank all of you my loyal supporters if you’re watching this video it’s probably almost an hour thank you so much for watching the whole video hearing what I have to say I know I was probably rambling and whatnot but I really do

    Appreciate it to all those that engage with my tweets have engaged for the past couple of years were watching my daily live streams for the past couple of years watch these videos like leave nice comments thank you so much genuinely I would not be here without you I wouldn’t

    Be able to do what I do without you and these are who I make these videos for I’m not making this these this video to appeal to the trolls attacking me on Twitter I’m making this video for my audience if I can build that loyal trust between these 100,000 people or

    Subscribers that I currently have I don’t need any more subscribers I’m happy as long as I can have an amazing relationship with you and we can continue to grow and make it this cycle together that is what I’m doing these videos for and that is my mission with

    This content of course I want to onboard more people into crypto educated about crypto as I mentioned I’m going multiplatform doing some more stuff on Tik Tok Instagram Etc but at the end of the day I’m doing these videos for you I want to help you succeed in the market

    And if you you’ve been on this journey with me and if you’re going to continue to be on this journey with me I genuinely from the bottom of my heart want to say thank you so much it’s going to be an amazing ride I truly believe we’re just getting started the market is

    Looking so much better than it was a couple of years ago and hopefully through this content I can Empower you um to achieve your goals in crypto as well happy to answer any questions you may have for me in the comments I want this to be an open video an open

    Discussion leaving banter for me is Bittersweet I loved my time at banter but I felt like it was time for a new challenge and this opens up new opportunities for me in 2024 to create amazing content collaborate with amazing people and that is really what I’m super

    Excited for so cheers to this next chapter and thank you for your support and as always hope you have a lovely rest of your day peace out


    1. Dude, you rode SAVM wave, got a whole bunch of those tokens for cheap from SAVM reps, and dunked on your followers who jumped in on SAVM hype-train. I get it – greed and one-time cash-grab are a thing, and those who know how crypto influencers function since 2017-2021 don't buy your shill, but the fact is still there – you did the deed. Played that Lady of Crypto card, and now everyone will think twice before even reading your posts or watching videos.

      "I'll be transparent from now on," – is such a bad cliche. And you're just another scam-actor. Hope newbies will learn on their mistake and you'll stop pretending to care for those poor sods. Be like Becker, tell 'em straight: "I'll farm you, you'll lose your money. GTFO from this channel. Are you still here? Kk, let me shill you this shit-coin." Have some effing dignity.

    2. you are a scammer. you rugged our followers remember you are not going to take this money to your grave. someone will scam you too as you sow so shall you reap. very very disopinted what you did with satoshi coin. you are such a bad person. karma will screw you up

    3. Miles from the minute I found your channel you've shown transparency, honesty, and due diligence! I so appreciate this video and have utmost respect for you. Very excited for your next chapter and glad to be here to watch!!! xoxo

    4. Hey miles , i dont see anything that you did wrong , so the only thing i can say is , keep up the good work and keep dropping nice alpha , cheers m8

    5. You gave a great explanation and it takes a lot of courage. You did what you needed to do and if people still believe you are a scammer then so be it. Not everyone thinks you're a scammer. Just stay true to who you are. Unfortunately people are going to believe what they want to believe.

    6. I'm a single mom. I dont have time to do in-depth research on projects. I rely on influencer's' content to invest on crypto. I loved your work so much before i watch them in between driving to pick up my kid and get groceries. I was so proud of you young, intelligent, organized, positive and grounded. I am very sad and disappointing about the decisions you've made. Imagine if I had lost lots of $$ in scam like SAVM, I would be devastated and feel extremely guilty to my kid.

    7. You are uncovered as fraudulent, Miles.
      You mix the word 'invest' with 'scam'.
      You were not investing in the project. You were scamming your audience.
      You were not an 'investor' but co-scammer.
      The only reason to put money in the project was to dump as soon as possible. That certainly is not investing. Someone not knowing that and not knowing the tech tokenomics should not promote a project.
      You should have protected your audience.

      Good luck scamming even more people.

    8. Hey Miles, perhaps without yet realizing it, what you have learned through SAVM is that this type of thing is actually against your morality. I don't know if it's reasonable to expect every person who sees your tweets to read all of your replies. You might find that unreasonable, but I saw many of your tweets and had heard you talk about this project with excitement like it was some game changing tech. I didn't buy any of it or get involved so this didn't affect me literally at all, but I want to provide you with honest feedback and tell you that I am surprised that you sold some and now I am guessing that you have sold all of it. If I'm wrong about that, my apologies. I didn't see that you were taking profits at all until this video, despite being pretty plugged in.

      If I'm honest, I actually think that 'airdrop farming' as well, although it seems like an exciting value-add to your community, is just creating a whole bunch of dumpers in the way it's being portrayed and you are probably one of those dumpers, perhaps without realizing it. You might be helping group while hurting another, I don't know honestly. I guess my style falls on the side of trying to find the best tech and making bets on that and maybe the APEX predator style of chasing airdrops and dumping them doesn't fit my values.

      I actually think very highly of you and I'm happy to see that this has been bothering you, I would recommend giving more thought to the angle of having people focus on getting free and/or very cheap tokens of projects that potentially aren't good projects. In this case, in my opinion, the real credibility hit is in the enthusiasm you showed for this project's tech. I think you could continually run into this issue if you are chasing free or super cheap tokens and selling them the first day it's possible.

    9. no need to justify. this shit happens in crypto everyday. People need to take responsibility of their investments and not blame it on other people. They don't blame you when you make them gains! Anyone that follows your guides is up big! 1 bad investment is not the end of the world.

    10. Miles, your character in this crazy crypto world has always stand up for me and it is one of the reasons I've been following your content for so long. I trust your content, and it has been very useful in my crypto journey! Knowing this satoshi-thingt is "eating you up" (your words!) only makes me believe you are really decent and trust worth it! There is no issue for me because I clearly remember listening to your video and ear you saying "full disclosure I'm an investor in the project", so I feel you wore open and honest from the beginning about your involvement and I felt grateful that you were sharing your thoughts about the two IDO projects. Please do know that I really appreciate your content and it has ben very helpful to navigate this crazy crypto worls, and for every person saying bad things I'm sure there are a lot more to whom you are much appreciated and valued. Thank you for all the hours of hard work and knowledge you have been sharing with your audience through these years! Cheers!

    11. All of you should feel ashamed to scam your followers in the name of Satoshi hahahaha you don’t have any centimeter of shame dude, you even used satoshi in a scam lol

    12. Shame that as I thought you were good for it at Banter! You'll be retired in your 30s/40s mate, if not before, not a bother! Good luck Miles, I'm a subscriber so look forward to your new content!

    13. Please DON’T EVER say you care about people! Ran, Sheldon & yourself only care about filling your pockets as much as you can at others expense.
      You have zero sympathy for people losing their money so long as your making 💰

    14. I think the developers know Airdrops are a good carrot for potential investors and will become so devalued. SAVM is a shit show and unless there is confirmed airdrop by the developers why should we trust you on any airdrops mentioned going forward? GAMED by the idea of an unconfirmed Airdrop, never again will I waste my time on that shit.

    15. Hey Miles, I've been following you for a long time now and you have always been transparent about everything and there will always be negative people in this world and social media is at the forefront. I just wish everybody would realise how much work and effort you go to in bringing us this content week after week. More people need to be greatful for what your goal is here. You are trying to help us financially here. Thank you Miles for clearing the air here and keep up the great work. Everybody just move on.

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