

We’ve found a “crypto trend” that is going to make people very rich in 2024!! A privacy crypto layer is getting a full blown ecosystem built around it. This has resulted in it gaining 100s of millions of dollars in market cap. Many of these ecosystem projects are about go live & could likely be doing massive crypto airdrops!! What coin is it & who are the altcoin airdrops? Tune in to find out…

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⏰ Time Stamps ⏰
00:00 Intro: Decentralization of Privacy on Ethereum
01:28 The Oasis Network
3:03 a Breakdown of the Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL)
05:25 Oasis Project #1: ILLUMINEX
08:06 Oasis Project #2: VINE
09:28 Other Oasis Sapphire crypto projects with airdrop potential

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I’m a proponent of decentralization….I’m bullish on projects that stick to the plan of revolutionizing the financial system in a decentralized way. Although decentralization is nothing without adequate privacy…and in my opinion, those that bring a compliant privacy layer to decentralized chains are going to BOOM this bull cycle.

Who’s the leader and who is building on this privacy layer?? Find out in about ten minutes, because it’s time for Chico Crypto!! Many people are getting swayed away from the true ethos of crypto, by going bullish on database chains who prioritize speed over decentralization.

Don’t be swayed, stick to the true ethos of crypto, decentralization and privacy…these chains and technologies are the innovations and will be worth the most money when the dust settles… On this channel we talk about decentralized chains and tech all the time…but we don’t

Cover privacy too much…well today we are diving deep into a certain privacy layer…because it’ obviously about to blow up, having a full blown ecosystem built around it… That privacy tech and crypto is the Oasis Network…. I actually saw this coming months ago too…in a video I posted November 18th, I said this

About Oasis…. I predicted Oasis to break back into the top 100, and eventually reclaim it’s old all time high market cap of over 1.8 billion dollars…. Well this is coming true….as we can see, Oasis has gone from rank #130 in November

To rank #96 today, moving up 34 spots on Coingecko…and it’s marketcap has basically doubled from my last video, it’s over 718 million today compared with 364 million back then… Why has Oasis been performing so well lately?? Well Oasis has built something special…the first EVM chain that has true privacy built in.

This is the Oasis Network, with the Sapphire EVM. With Sapphire contract state is encrypted, there is no MEV and front running, the UX is basically identical to Ethereum, it has 99.9 percent lower gas fees than ETH, and comes with many other built in privacy functions.

But they have also built something needed within the crypto space for a long time. True privacy, that is able to work across the ecosystem of EVM chains.This is called the Oasis Privacy Layer…or OPL. How does this work? Contracts for a dApp that uses OPL live on their host network, like Avalanche or Arbitrum.

This is where users and native assets also live. Elements of that dApp are also deployed on Sapphire, and the host network can securely pass messages to and from the Sapphire runtime through OPL using the messaging bridge. dApps can pay gas with their own native token while still leveraging the confidentiality

Features of the Sapphire runtime. In comparison to zkSNARKs, Fully-Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) or Multi-Party-Computation (MPC) it is so much easier to build cross-chain dApps with privacy, speed and confidentiality using the OPL. Building with privacy is going to be a lot easier with the OPL and sapphire…and this

Is creating a flywheel effect for Oasis…projects and people are starting to realize this, building with Sapphire, creating an ecosystem around Oasis Network…thus pushing up the price of the token ROSE… So who are these projects building? Who are the top Oasis Network crypto projects???

Well we are early friends….many of these you cannot invest in yet…but that doesn’t mean you can play with them on the mainnets and testnets, join the community and do tasks…aka get yourself positioned for some major airdrops!!! So let’s begin with the first one…the first project hitting the Oasis Network mainnet…that

Is Illuminex…the first truly private DEX on Oasis Going to their application, we can see swaps on Mainnet begin in just a few days..February 3rd…but right now you can become an early liquidity provider, LP… Clicking onboard now for the LP, and starting the tutorial for bridging other assets…we

Can see after you bridge the assets, you start providing liquidity and earning….earning what?? The $IX token…last week on Friday, Illuminex put out a blog post about Mainnet Launch phase 1…and by providing liquidity…you are also going to be eligible for an airdrop of IX tokens!!

From this post, they explain how to farm $IX tokens for early liquidity providing…but then explain the airdrop. The team said “, Yesterday we announced in our tweet that users who bridge to Sapphire and add liquidity may qualify for one of the airdrop eligibility requirements.

Apart from this criteria, there are several other eligibility requirements that will raise the tier of airdrop you may receive.” What could some of the other eligibility requirements be that could raise your tier?? Well I would guess those who participated in the testnet might get more rewards…and

If you watch my channel religiously, you just might have that eligibility requirement. December 1st I covered Illuminex, and this is what I said “ Finally, this is just a hunch I have….but I have a feeling another eligibility requirement

Will be OASIS ROSE holders who are staking…this can be done with the Oasis Wallet, which can be found at, link for this is in the description. Here you just go to the validator list… Here you set up a wallet or connect a ledger to the wallet, go to staking and select a

Validator you would like to stake with..put in the amount of Rose, and finally click delegate! Illuminex is going to be BIG, and the token is coming at the end of the week…but what other Oasis ecosystem crypto projects am I bullish on?? Well what about the MakerDAO of Oasis???

That is Vine Money….and from their website we can see they have a stablecoin, vUSD which is a “ Privacy Focused Omnichain Stablecoin” and going to how it works, it’s like the OG MakerDAO, but instead of using ETH as collateral for the stablecoin…VineMoney uses Oasis

$ROSE tokens although more collateral tokens are coming in the future, like the current MakerDAO… Now you can play with VINE on the testnet right now…this is found at…here you can deposit testnet Rose, and mint testnet vUSD…I would recommend doing this….because

There is a chance they are also doing an airdrop for early ecosystem testers… They haven’t explicitly said they were going to be doing an airdrop, but within their docs in the section about the Vine Token, they do have 10 percent of the tokens allocated

For ecosystem incentives…which very likely will include tokens to reward early ecosystem participants aka an airdrop…. There are many other projects building on the Oasis Network….an Ed @ECrypto0 on X has a great tweet about this. There is an NFT marketplace from pixelrealms, Rosy token the first memecoin, kardinal Finance

The first lending protocol, there’s GameFi projects, Dao builders and tooling projects… But also, dapps on other chains are starting to use Oasis’s Privacy Layer, OPL…OraiChain a bridge for the cosmos ecosystem, AQTIS a quant and yield platform for LSDs on Ethereum,

Empyreal an SDK for Ethereum and Arbitrum, Synthr a synthetics platform built on Axelar network and Layer Zero….plus many others… I’m sure if you go through Ed’s list of projects…you can find even more to be bullish on, and other that could be doing airdrops!!! Well viewers, what do you think about Oasis Network??

In my opinion, as their ecosystem grows…eventually Rose will be a top 50 cryptocurrency. Am I on the right track or am I completely wrong. Let me know down in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t. Cheers I’ll see you next time!!


  1. Watching the crypto market's ups and downs shows how quickly things can change. The recent misinformation incident reminds us that external factors can shake things up. In crypto, strategic, informed trading isn't a choice; it's a must. Remember, caution is as crucial as ambition here. Stay alert, diversify, and let's ride this unpredictable market together. At the core is Boston Weber, whose deep understanding of crypto and traditional trading is key. His all-encompassing investment approach and staying updated on trends make him a valuable ally in this crypto era….

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