
How I Made $8,401 Mining Crypto in January 2024

In this video I review my January 2024 crypto mining income. This includes income from crypto mining, running crypto nodes, and interest earned in decentralized finance (Defi). I also estimated monthly expenses such as hosting fees and electricity to calculate my net income for the month. I include a break-even or Return on Investment (ROI) analysis in the video. I found the current FMV of each of my cryptocurrency miners and compared that to the current monthly net income each miner generates to calculate how long it would take to payoff the cost of each miner. I have been sharing this information monthly for the past 21 months. To see any prior month end earnings review videos, check out the ‘Monthly Earnings Reviews’ playlist on my channel. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below. Thanks for watching!

Ten ways to make more with your Hivemapper dashcam video:

Dual mining space weather data video:


🐝 Hivemapper Dashcam ►
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🚗 DIMO Data Miner ►
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⛏️ Fry Miners ►
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🛰️ Hyfix Space Weather Station ►
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🌪️ WeatherXM Station ►

📡 Crankk ►
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00:00 – Intro
01:02 – Income by Project
15:46 – ROI Analysis

#mining #nodes #defi

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Over the last 2 years I purchased dozens of different spective crypto miners in this video I’m going to share exactly how I made $841 with those miners in January of 2024 this is a monthly Series where I track my income from crypto Mining and running crypto nodes minus my current

Expenses such as electric and hosting cost so I can share with you my net income for the month this month was the most profitable month we’ve had in the 21 months I’ve been reviewing this data with you with one single project comping to almost half the total revenue for the

Month if you’ve seen any of my recent videos you can probably guess what project that is most of the projects that we’ll be reviewing today fall within crypto’s dpin space which stands for decentralized physical infrastructure Network involves using blockchain technology and token incentives to build and maintain physical infrastructure you can see a

Lot of familiar names on this chart here and many of these projects have seen some huge rises in their token prices recently I think this space will be one of the biggest winners in this bull market so it’s not something you should dismiss but also this isn’t financial

Advice now stay tuned because I also have a refreshed return on investment or ROI analysis for all these miners that I will share with you later in this video now this video does take me several hours to put together for you each month so if you find this video helpful please

Hit that like button for me I appreciate it and if you want to get into the next projects before they blow up like many have recently consider subscribing I’m always looking to bring you reviews of new and exciting projects now I have these projects sorted from most to least

Profitable I’ll give some highle commentary over each we’ll start off here at the top now my number one project for the month which many of you probably guessed were my high mapper dash cams contributing a net $3,865 for the month wow uh we did see a huge increase in the honey token price

This month up 66% that’s largely due to the honey token being listed on coinbase this month uh this was also the first month where I had uh both my dash cams up and running for the entire month so I have a double dash cam setup in my vehicle so I basically earn double

Rewards uh when I drive I I also did drive more this month if we go to the honey calc tab these are my total rewards by month uh ever since I got the dash cam you can see this month I’ve done more than double than any previous

Month uh so far so it’s largely due to having the double dash cam but also me driving more this month now I also did a video last week on how to increase your earnings with your high mapper dash cam I’ll link that above and in the description below if you’re interested

In learning more about hi mapper I am filming this video a day earlier this month due to some commitments I have tomorrow so if you’re watching this video on January 31st uh today is the last day to buy a dash cam and get a 1,000 honey token bonus which basically

Pays for most of the cost of the dash cam uh the bad part is now you have to wait until July for delivery but they also have a policy where all orders are fully refundable if you cancel so if this project happens to crash before then you could potentially just cancel

Your order so it’s a very lowrisk uh purchase in my opinion so something to keep in mind if you’re in the market for getting into this project number two project for the month is a new one and that’s my salana Saga phone contributing $677 worth of air drops for me for the month

We go over to the salana Saga tab I did end up paying for this secondhand off eBay in early January paid $2,200 which I understand is well more than the initial uh retail cost for this device but it was sold out and I wanted to get

Exposure to this uh total value of those aird drops you can see the listing of the different aird drops that have received so far we have Bonk access protocol print protocol uh win which was just available last week to all Phantom wallet users and then uh I signed up for helium

Mobile which I got up for free first 30 days with that uh with my device so this total value so far $677 I anticipate we’ll see uh many more air drops uh for this phone in the future we’ll track it on here we’ll track the value over time we’ll see if I

Can make my money back and then some which I confident we will be able to do com number three are my Bitcoin miners I have six of these These are hosted with bidc cap hosting I made a net $500 for the month with my Bitcoin miners uh we

Did see another increase in mining difficulty once again this month which has been a trend we’ve seen consistently for years now we also need bitcoin’s uh price to increase substantially by the having or I’ll have to shut down uh these Bitcoin miners I did a calculation

Of what I need the price to be so today on January 30th we’re trading at $43,200 Cent per kilow hour electric rate you’re looking at a prop of $2.78 per minor per day once we get to the having in I believe April 18th to 20th around that range uh that income amount

Will be cut in half so we’ll essentially need bitcoin’s price to increase 38% by that date for uh these miners to essentially be back to break even now this also doesn’t account for any mining difficulty increases or any transaction fee changes that could potentially happen between now and then so I would

Essentially need bitcoin’s price to be substantially higher than $660,000 by that date uh for these miners to continue to be profitable now I may run these at slightly unprofitable rate uh for a few months if it’s not quite there at the time of the having but we’ll have

To wait and see I think long term we’ll see much much higher prices than those prices it’ll just be interesting to see what happens over the next several months number four are my two demo data miners both of these are level four devices contributing a net

$396 for the month so about $200 each go to the Deo Cal tab I want to highlight uh we did see some pretty substantial decreases in rewards week over week throughout the month you can see 3% almost 10% 9% 4% so on average for the month we’re looking at about a

6.3% decrease in uh earnings week over week that’s really due to a lot of public onboarding of these devices now that they’ve become much more profitable people are trying to get their hands on them and as they get them uh they’re growing the number of devices being

Connected on the network uh which should increase the value of the network over time so the other good part about this is we did see a substantial increase in the demo token price again this month helping to offset uh that decrease in the total reward amount number five project for the month

Are my ET CMC nfts uh I did end up selling seven of my nfts this month I had mentioned that in last month’s video that I was planning on doing that I did do that just to capture some value out of these as because I believe a lot of

These are going to go down substantially in price over time as the project doesn’t look very good at the moment uh number six project for the month are my ECMC nodes I have four of these uh once again we saw a pretty substantial decrease in uh the ETC P token price

This month down 73% it’s back kind of where it was uh when I did my initial review of this project so good thing with this project is I got a lot of you guys in very early so hopefully all of you have made all your money back and

Then some with this project I found it kind of interesting this month uh they showed off their road map in the head boss coins review of their uh ET CMC plug- andplay minor as part of their road map for the month which I thought was kind of comical coming to number

Seven for the month are my flux nodes uh nothing really happening here uh for the month I am waiting on a uh snapshot clean airdrop which should be hitting here in the next couple months so I’ll be on the lookout for that should be worth a couple thousand doll for me

Coming at number eight is my high fix geonet station uh I did do a update video on this a couple weeks ago uh where I used a splitter to uh split off my antenna signal to a new project uh I’ll link that video in the description

Below if you want to check it out the interesting thing I found uh with splitting my signal is I did not see any substantial decrease in earnings due to uh my signal being uh split we go over to the geod Cal tab uh you can see here

Are my average rewards per day right now average rewards per day I’m coming in at 47 just over 47 tokens per day the max is 48 per day but historically I’ve always been well under the max I think it has to do with there’s quite a few

Trees around my house so I don’t have the I think the clearest visibility of the sky which is needed for this project but not a huge deal for me uh one out of 48 that’s like a 2% decrease in uh rewards versus the max so not uh not H

Deal for me and number nine for the month is my helium Bobcat 500 uh this is the 5G helium minor it earns the mobile token the mobile token kind of went back down to earth this month down 25% for the month but it was up several th% over

The past several months contributed $164 a month so not too bad for that project uh number 10 are my fry miners I have four of these I have uh their highend weather minor their bandwidth minor their indoor satellite minor and then their indoor deciel minor we go over to

The fry Cal tab here are my daily earnings for each of these in terms of fry tokens so you’re looking at, 1500 fried tokens per day or about 48,000 Fred tokens per month I’ve Roi on all these devices so far and right now they’re still contributing a decent

Amount every month about $140 uh between all four of them and we also saw a nice increase in the fry token price this month up 24% for the month number 11 project of the month is crank I have two matchx M2 pros and my two Bobcat helium

Miners uh fully onboarded with crank it generated a total income of $107 for me for the month now we did see a pretty substantial decrease in the crank token this month down 49% uh they also opened their public onboarding last month so anyone can now

Join the project uh it is a nice set it up and forget it project for me which is nice once you have it all set up you don’t really have to worry about it at least I haven’t had any issues so far they also announced some planned reward

Reductions once they hit some thresholds which they hit I believe at the end of January so we should see some slight decreases in these rewards going forward we’ll monitor that and I’ll give you an update in next month’s uh earnings review video number 12 project for the

Month are my presearch nodes I have 40 presearch nodes I have 309,000 presearch tokens uh spread across those 40 nodes generated only $83 for me for the month I did see a substantial decrease in uh my presearch token rewards this month versus December down 20 7% for the month

Plus we saw a huge decrease in the presearch token price this month uh down 46% that token is back near bare Market lows so it’s not looking very good for presearch at this point uh I do have uh several of my VPS coming up for renewal

Here in early February so I have to make the decision whether I should consolidate those and limit my expenses for this project going forward because it’s not looking not looking great at the moment uh I’m not ready to sell out of my tokens or anything at this this

Point but I’m just want to be wary of how much I’m putting up in terms of capital to keep these uh nodes up and running if they’re not going to be very profitable or if uh there’s some doubt if this project is going to be sustainable long term number 13 is my

Deeper connect mini making $67 for the month I do earn Max rewards for my device we saw a pretty substantial decrease in the deeper token this month down 48% but we saw several 100% increase in the token price over the last several months so it’s be expected

That we’d see a pullback here number 14 are my three I po G1 minis I have these all solo mining grin this month we found 18 block solo mining which made a net $64 for me for the month this was actually my first Asic that I ever

Bought uh just over two years ago and it’s kind of funny that it’s one of the few as6 I still have on at this point so a good project for me uh over the past couple years number 15 is my phone Farm I added four new phones this month

Nothing really going on in terms of the various coin Tok price this month but contributing a net $60 for the month it’s nice with the software I have running on these these have basically been set it and forget it project for me every time I go down to the basement

They’re all running I haven’t had to mess with a single phone in over a month now which is a nice uh thing to see uh anybody who’s managed lots of cryptocurrency miners before know it can be a pain sometimes uh managing downtime and uh troubleshooting miners so it’s

Been a nice project in terms of phone farming for me uh next is the step in nfg shoes this is a walk to earn or move to earn project actively sell my tokens right now I’m making just under $2 a day with my nft shoes number 18 is my streamer node I

Have the staked on the streamer networking $19 for the month number 18 is M metrics this is a drive to earn uh project make just over $10 for the month we go here you can see this month was the largest month in terms of monthly rewards I received that’s largely due to

Me driving more to earn more hi mapper rewards so a double win there in terms of more rewards for the map token now the map token is not really traded on many places at this point I did find some recent sales prices on this website called famous foxes which is a DEX so

That’s where I’m getting uh this token price my understanding is that uh M metric team is planning on a re release of the token here in the next several months so hopefully they’ll be listed on uh some other dexes or maybe an exchange and we can get some uh trading liquidity

And actual good uh trading prices for this token number 19 my helium bobk iot miners uh only making 10 bucks for the month I have two of my hotspots still down that I need to troubles shoot but have not gotten around to doing that number 20 gold shell star coin box not

Much going on there 21 XM minor still on test net feels like they’re going to be on test net forever it’s been a really awful project in terms of profitability compared compared to the cost for this device so hopefully something goes on with uh SC Prime in their XM Miner but I

Won’t hold my breath on that one uh number 22 on aoy that’s a new project uh that’s a gnss signals that’s the one I have dual mining with uh geod net um check out that video if you want to learn more about that I also have a

Giveaway going on for the next couple days so you can still enter the chance to win uh the minor for this project uh 23 wing bits uh I’ve been in this project since middle last summer I was one of the very early uh people into this project this project is still very

New it’s has to do with flight tracking uh they have onboarded a lot more people now uh there’s still no tokenomics or really uh Revenue structure anticipated for this project yet so it’ll be interesting to see where this project goes but I’ll be watching it and uh the

Good thing is it was very low cost to get in so it may be fun uh for you to join in if you’re interested in flight tracking all right number 24 weather XM also still on testet they did announce they’re planning to launch their token in late February so I’ll probably do a

Video on that once that goes live number 25 pii also test net they also announce their token launch which will be at the end of March so we’ll plan on do a video on that so I give you guys an update once that goes live 26 motus mini once again testnet uh

They’re planning on a token launch in q1 or Q2 of this year I know several of you have asked for a video reviewing modus mini and sword chain so I’ll probably do that maybe I’ll do that next week for you guys um let me know if you’re

Interested in that I can put something together uh on modus mini and then finally we have my future bit Apollo Bitcoin miner that runs unprofitable but I run it as a full Bitcoin node to support the Bitcoin Network next let’s go through our ROI analysis let’s start

Off the assumptions I’m making so we can level Set uh first minor fair market value estimates are based on recent comparable minor sales that I found from eBay or if the cost The Miner was lower on the miners website I took that price these are not my purchase costs in

Almost all cases I paid way more for a lot of my miners than you can currently buy them for today uh next current month net income is my actual mining results L my expenses your may be different uh this is also as a point in time as I’m

Filming this on January 30th 2024 minor value income amounts will obviously vary over time then finally this is not Financial advice don’t use this as justification to purchase a minor or a node so I have these ranked from uh the lowest Break Even days to the highest

Then I have a color coding system here in column B so green is what I would consider top tier and most lucrative projects uh yellow is kind of middle of the road kind of iffy and then red are some of the projects that at this point I would stay away from either they’re

Not sustainable or um just the profitability is falling off on those projects so we’ll start off here at the top and I’ll get some highle commentary over a lot of these uh more lucrative projects so so number one like I mentioned earlier obviously is hide mapper with a current Brak even of only

4 days this is a drive to earn it’s location dependent and it’s really dependent on how much you drive is how much you’re going to earn the unfortunate thing is right now it’s July delivery uh for their dash cam but if you order this device essentially today

Because this video will be coming out on January 31st you’ll be eligible to that for that 1,000 honey token bonus which should basically take about $200 off uh this Purchase cost so even if you don’t dve very much it may make sense uh to pick one of these up just cuz you’ll be

Able to make back your cost relatively quickly and it’s nice to have a return policy so you can watch this project till July and if uh the project falls apart or something like that which I don’t anticipate happening you could always cast your order and get your

Money back number two is obviously the demo data Miner this is these I think have been the top two projects for months and months now and I’ve been raving about both of them ever since we got into them uh so these are my level four earnings for the earnings here so

When you get through your device it’s obious going to be a little bit lower than what my earnings about so the break even will be a little higher and unfortunately for demo now delivery has started to be pushed out as has become more popular for people you’re looking

At 8 to 12 weeks for delivery for demo which isn’t too bad I know my little brother bought one back in December and he was able to get his only within a couple weeks so he really shows how much deliveries kind of been pushed back as this has become more profitable number

Three The salana Saga phone now this Roi here of 111 days is obviously distorted because I’ve front loaded a lot of the air drops here so I wouldn’t anticipate getting this amount of air drops every month going forward so I would expect the ROI to probably be a little longer

Than this on 111 days I have this marked as yellow because the cost is quite high so this is definitely not for everyone I wouldn’t recommend everyone go pay up for these on eBay that’s just a decision I wanted to do just because I think uh salana and the salana ecosystem plays

Are going to be some of the biggest winners in this bull market so I want to get some more exposure and a great way to do that is with this phone number four the high fix tonet station uh this is the triple band they’ve also pushed back delivery on

This so now you’re looking at a March delivery if you purchase one today really quick Break Even time though 124 days this has been a great uh project for me over the past year and a half to two years uh with my space weather station on my

Roof number five the fry miners uh the good thing with this is the token price has held pretty steady over the past several months uh these have been really good uh set it and forget it devices really nice for people who may be new to cryptocurrency mining I have this list

Says green but I’ve also heard some horror stories from some people about a poor customer service and not being able to resolve issues with their devices so just keep that in mind if you’re want to jump into this project is there are other people that have had issues but I

Found any issues I’ve had be able to resolve either by looking at their Discord and problem solving that way good thing with the fry miners is the cost is quite low coming in at about $200 per device so it could be uh more lucrative for somebody if uh price if

You’re much more price conscious uh versus a lot of these other more expensive miners number six etcc nodes I personally would stick away from this project at this point uh I think uh the selling pressure that you’re going to be seeing on this uh token over time with

All these people cashing on their nodes uh I would stay away at this point uh number seven deeper connect mini uh I have a substantial amount of deeper token Stak so that’s contributing to my higher earnings than you would receive if you did not stake any tokens so keep

That in mind if you’re looking to get into a deep deeper connect mini uh VPN device uh number eight steeping nft shoes move D to earn this project really is not sustainable I would stay away from step in unless you really enjoy walking you get much more out of walking

Than making money uh with this project obviously number nine helium Bobcat 500 if you can find a good location this might be a good project but it is quite pricey to get one of these devices you’re looking at about $1,500 so a pretty uh expensive price

Point at this point uh number 10 mat metrics I have this one as yellow just because the cost is quite low is kind of annoying you have to open up their app every time uh you want to log it uh when you start driving that is one annoying

Part of this device but it has been a pretty easy project for me at this point number 11 crank now the ROI time is obviously a little lower here and it I anticipated it could get even lower uh as the rewards start to decrease as the project ramps up but I’ve been very

Impressed with crank so far if you have extra iot or helium devices you want to onboard with crank uh there’s tutorials out there and guides on their website been very impressed with their team uh so far so I think it’s a project that’s still very potentially lucrative uh as

We enter this bull market uh number 12 the I Polo G1 mini uh the ROI time is uh getting a little long here in terms of Break Even you’re looking at over year but this has also been a great device for me so I can’t complain about that uh

Number 13 are my Bitcoin miners as we’re approaching the having uh we’re going to need some substantial increase in bitcoin price like we mentioned earlier uh to keep these profitable so I have these marked as yellow at this point uh ET CMC nfts I would stay away from these nfts at this

Point next we have the phone Farm I think if you have some used phones it could be a fun way to get into cryptocurrency mining at a low cost so something to explore if you’ve got some old Android phones laying around next hel bobk iot the iot token has done much

Better over the past couple months helping to increase profitability here if you can find a good location it may be something lucrative especially if you already have a helium device or if you can pick one up cheap online and finally these last couple projects these nodes these rois are obviously going to be

Distorted for pre- search streamer and flux nodes here because you’re really staking these tokens to earn a yield and you’re not losing these tokens when you create these nodes at any time you can shut down the node and get all your tokens back so you know just because

There’s only a you know 27% Roi on presearch nodes uh that’s really just your uh interest yield on your stake tokens and then finally we have our test net projects which a lot of times can be very lucrative if you can get in too early because then you get an airdrop

When the token goes live which obviously we’ve got a lot of projects going live here in the next couple months now I have discounts for a lot of these miners I’ll put them in the description below if you choose to use them uh it really does help to support the channel so I

Appreciate that very much there’s any projects I’m missing here that you think I should get in uh let me know that as well in the comments below thanks for watching bye


  1. Oh side note, love the channel. Can’t wait, my hivemapper is coming in April, glad I was able to help support your channel when I ordered it. I know this all takes time, but many of us love your content!!!!

  2. Thanks for the video! Hivemapper is great but I drive on the same roads every day and I wouldnt want to drive my vehicle around some of the less driven roads in the area (potholes, construction truck zones, etc) to get honey tokens. Its a shame about whats happening to ETCPOW, goes to show what poor planning can do to a project.

  3. I have about the same revenue on my own projects. Except for the hivemapper (lower than yours, and Crankk which is about 20% higher). I guess these depend a lot on the area you live in … Thanks for another honest review, much appreciated …

  4. Are you running the Natix app on your phone as you do all your honey driving? It's very similar to hive but uses your phone, I've been using it since they're still pre-launch and it's free

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