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0:00 Intro
2:47 January Candles
3:29 Market Cycle Top
4:10 December 2025
5:23 Measure move
9:39 Double top
10:32 14 year cycle

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Everyone is wondering when should you buy more Bitcoin when should you take profits when is the market cycle top going to be what’s Bitcoin going to do next this chart right here has all of the answers it’s wild and it’s going to blow your mind it’s like if you just

Discovered a pile of gold in your backyard take a look in front of you every single January candle is circled but there’s a pattern two yellow two red two yellow two red two yellow two red why the yellows are the two January candles that are in the bull run then

You have two after the market cycle top then you have two in the bull run then you have two after the market cycle top then you have two in the bull run then you have two after the market cycle top guess what comes next we have two in the

Bull run but it gets better what if I told you that from this Market cycle bottom here to the top of our first January candle is a about 200% what if I told you the same thing happened in the next cycle if you go from the bottom of

This cycle to the top of our first January candle it’s about 200% what if I told you it didn’t stop there it also happen in the next cycle if you go from the bottom of here to the top of our first January candle it’s about 200% and

Guess what we’re in January right now if you go from the bottom of our Market to the top of our candle in January guess what it is it’s about 100% there are so many Clues as to what is happening next as well as when the market cycle top is

Going to be and a couple curveballs that I’m going to throw in the mix things are heating up you better be ready did you see the huge trade alert that we just launched if you somehow missed it go to our website right now and sign up it’s

Free 100% free and it takes 3 seconds to do crypto crew again that’s crypto crew welcome in if you’re new my name is Steve on this channel we take no paid ads no paid sponsorships no paid affiliate links down below what do we do

Instead we talk about cold hard facts in the charts that actually help you the only thing I’m asking in return is that you hit the Subscribe button hit that thumbs up and join the movement we’re on our road to a half a million in this market s ccle join the movement so here

We are Bitcoin US dollar Index monthly chart and boy do we have a steamy chart to get to this is wild the patterns that we have found in this chart are wild right I love the fact that we get two January candles in the bull run I love

The fact that we get two January candles right after the market cycle top every single time right after the market cycle top and the bottom right after the market cycle top in the bottom right after the market cycle top and the bottom happens every single time but

These two that we get in the Bull Run have some significant signs that I want to display to you for example I already explained the 200% thing but take a look at this if we were to take the top of this January candle to measure how long

It took to get to the market cycle top it was 670 days how about this one if we take it from here our first yellow candle the the first January candle to our Market cycle top 700 days the first one was 670 the next one is 700 now

Let’s go to this one if we go from this one to the market cycle high you’re talking about 670 so we went from 670 700 670 this one might be 700 if it were 700 where does that bring us to if we were to take this first January candle and measure out 700

Days from now it brings us to December 2025 tilt your phone to the side and subscribe now as I said many many times 2026 is going to be a fire sale probably for everything in the world especially for Bitcoin so we need to prepare for that but this December 2025 a PO poal

Top for Bitcoin given the information we have according to this chart again we’re looking at just purely the facts not what I hope is going to happen not what I think is going to happen not what other charts are saying we’re talking about this chart in this chart only in

The cold hard facts in this chart alone December 2025 okay pretty much lines up with what we’ve been discussing 2025 is likely going to have the top for Bitcoin at what stage we need further Evidence but according to this chart December but things are heating up for the better and

Take a look at why if we were to measure the move from the top of our first yellow candle to the top of the market right if we were just going to go ahead and do a measured move here to see where we’re at you’re looking at roughly 16,000 per. cycle one

16,000 let’s keep that on the screen and for cycle two we went from here up to here so we went about 4,000% just let that sink in for a moment those of you who are like oh this time is different we’re going to go to the Moon half a million dollar Bitcoin million

Doll Bitcoin y’all are on drugs y’all are on drugs let’s just look at the facts right we talked about it 16,000 then we went to 4,000% are you kidding me 16,000 to 4,000 let’s keep those on the screen cycle 2 4,000 let’s look at cycle three cycle three right here top of the

January candle to the top of the market uh 600% so how did we go from 16,000 then to 4,000 then to 600 and y’all think we’re going to somehow explode to the upside out of the blue this is not according to the charts then if you study the structure of the

Charts you understand okay cycle is very strong during this part of the cycle beautiful curvature here be this is a textbook cycle this one right here textbook beautiful cycle then we get into some problems here where clearly you can start to see structurally we’re in trouble and we’re almost moving

Sideways here we’re almost starting to move sideways here between this cycle top and this cycle top we can even call this kind of like a phase one and this is kind of phase two phase two is built right on top of phase one but they’re just prolonged cycles that are just so

Far from being bullish that it’s not even funny if you just take on the screen 16,000 to 4,000 to 600 what do you think is going to be next 20,000 are you guys on drugs like this this is not lining up well for Bitcoin I I love Bitcoin I want Bitcoin

To go to the moon but a realist and my job is to help change your life by giving you facts and helping you wake up to the facts in the charts as opposed to an emotional opinion so you can make a lot more money and profits with your trading and structurally we’re having

Trouble if you just look at the facts of the numbers we’re in big trouble if you take any of those scenarios there’s no facts in the charts that are saying we’re about to explode to some astronomical number there is no no data to support that however there’s a lot of

Data to say that that’s not happening a lot of data there’s no data to say it will happen and there’s a whole lot of data to say it won’t so what do you think is going to happen based on the data I want to say this right we are

Going to complete our first January candle and this next candle is quite interesting as well if you take a look at it and you understand okay the cycle High to this candle here were a year apart but this happened in Phase One this happened at the tail end of phase two

Okay this happened in Phase One this happened at the tail end of phase two this happened in Phase One this happened at the tail end of phase three so if we have our candle here which happened in phase two it’s pushing it back right it wouldn’t surprise me if our next January

Candle is is at the market cycle top or right near it right just looking at the evidence we have here like this happened pretty early right this happened at the tail end of phase two then you have tail end of phase three then you have well a at the end of our

Our blowoff top right it’s pushing it each January it’s pushing it back a little bit further in the market cycle and then we threw a little wrench in here because we have our double top and then we threw a wrench in here because of structurally we’re having trouble

Right the market is starting to lose momentum it doesn’t take a genius to realize that you don’t even have to know anything about the charts you just look at the lines on the chart and you realize we’re losing some steam right that’s why I’ve said repeated L this could be like a 8ish

Year thing that started in 2021 that kind of moves sideways and that’s fine that would be the healthiest thing ever in the market it would get rid of at least half the scams in crypto which is really needed they would all go bankrupt which would be really nice and then it

Would flush out all the weekends and then the Innovation would be beyond belief really really good and then we would create a whole new cycle like this is you know we’re looking at like a 14-year cycle in front of us that whole 14e cycle could repeat after a

Whole flush out cycle occurs which would be literally the healthiest thing that Bitcoin has ever done the stock market has done that move multiple times usually it happens like every 30ish years so we’ll have a complete flush out and that’s what’s needed in crypto to be honest and it looks like that’s what

Crypto is gearing up to do so if if you just take a look at these January candles there’s so much evidence and there’s so much Clarity I just absolutely love this especially with what we showed you in the percentage wise 200% From The Bottom the timing the

Market cycle top there’s just so much stuff here but take a look at this next January candle and we should be relatively excited about it hit that subscribe button I’ll see you right back here in the next video did you see the huge trade alert that we just launched

If you somehow missed it go to our website right now and sign up it’s free 100% free and it takes 3 seconds to do crypto crew again that’s crypto crew


  1. One can argue that the BTC environment has fundamentally changed with approval of the spot BTC etps in the U.S. driving I increased demand for BTC which will see a further decline in supply with the April, 2024 halving.

  2. I have the same question that I posted on your last video. If the 5.3 rule holds up then the next cycle will be very minor. So I’m confused because you keep saying the 2026 will be such a huge opportunity. If the next cycle is less than 100% will it really be that exciting?

  3. This is COMPLETE BULLSHIT. STeve is pulling this data out of his ass. Go look at the chart: 2010-2014 = Green Jan, 2015-2019 = Red Jan, 20&21 = Green, 22=red, 23 = green. This vid is make believe shit

  4. If our market cycle top is as far as dec 2025, what Will we be doing that long???
    Will bitcoin pause for altcoins to moon!!
    Your last video you said the top should be around may of 2025
    Im getting confused

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