
THESE 13 CRYPTO COINS CAN 11X BY APRIL (Final Dip Before Halving)


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DISCLAIMER: This is not financial advice! This is an entertainment and opinion-based show. I am not a financial adviser. Please only invest what you can afford to lose, and we encourage you to do your own research before investing. DYOR

Here we go swinging back and forth on the volatile roller coaster that is cryptocurrency and oh yes I know it’s been a while since we’ve gotten some of these updates and I promise you I’m about to start coming with a ton of content including today’s episode talking about the absolute best coins to

Buy for Max gains during this upcoming dip and that’s because we have the final pocket of deep value before we get the having and I’m going to show you exactly where on the charts we’re looking at to buy in to the best projects now as you can probably tell from the hair here

I’ve not emerged from this work cave for quite a while and that’s because of the relaunch of superverse which just went public we’ll talk a little bit more about that at the end but the point is that I’m back here in the saddle making content because we have one of the

Biggest moments of opportunity finally finally at our footsteps once again now we’re going to go through everything from the macro backdrop all of the forces acting on bitcoin where I think we’re at in the cycle where I think the best prices are going to be to buy in

And of course I’m going to go through tons of projects actually I haven’t even counted them but we’re going to go through a bunch of these that I think are going to be in the Best Buy zones during the dip and of course I believe that these things will start having

Their maxed moment of buying opportunity over the coming few weeks to maybe a month or so so this is the perfect time for you to start understanding exactly what you want to buy and preparing for this moment again this has been the biggest Market cool off since this whole

Thing took off in October and if you’re new around here you want to buy when things are ready and of course that gives you the most upside I want to be clear again of course all these coins are super risky we are all just gambling for our future here that is the nature

Of the Fiat system is that our assets are the only things that can really break us free of this Fiat monetary system where your labor your actual Workforce product is diminishing in its ability to actually get you a house pay for your kids education all those things

That we all want to do well it’s very hard to do those even on good salaries so here we are gambling on assets and especially the ones with parabolic odds so understand there is huge risk whenever you get into these and I’m going to do my best to give you good

Advice though I’m not always right anyway I know what you want you want those big gainers with the best narratives and the best part about right now is that this is actually your final window to buy super high quality stuff the type of tech that is going to lead

The industry on a very fundamental level is still going to be in a buy zone for the next little bit of the cycle but not forever probably within the next few months that stuff will exit the Deep value Zone and while you’ll still be able to make money it won’t be that

Hugely impactful and you need to keep going down the rabbit hole to get the stinky nasty 100x real coins that to be honest are probably too volatile for most of you to actually manage those positions early on in the cycle is much easier to actually make it out with a

Bag because there’s plenty of time to see those positions mature and eventually pull it out of the market anyway let’s jump in here cuz there’s some huge updates that I want to get to before we talk about the coins first and foremost we’ve been following Hayes Arthur Hayes and his theory of what’s

Going to happen to the banking system coming into the expiry of the bank term funding program the btfp he’s saying look if Powell doesn’t change the game here really quickly and we don’t get massive rate Cuts or some kind of change in the underlying system we’re probably

Going to start seeing uh Banks go from healthy to insolvent very very quickly and once you know we’ve seen the first cracks with New York Community Bank effectively plummeting 40% after sharing its earnings of a loss of $260 million where the expectations were a gain of

That size so a Delta here of over half a billion dollars in what was reported and you see this absolute fireworks and rightly so Arthur Hayes says do you remember what happened last time the banks did this do you remember what happened when the banks started collapsing and the FED injected a

Bazooka Cannon of money into the ecosystem wow I made this one easy for you check it out we went from about 19,000 almost without stopping up to 30,000 you see there was some volatility this is the weekly candle so there was some pullbacks here but really this

Rally didn’t slow down for 1 2 3 4 5 weeks until it reached its temporary high High here again in some senses this was the real Catalyst that set off this whole run obviously we had this reversion back up to the $20,000 level but this was what started the move up

For Bitcoin that we’re still in and mind you the big Boogeyman of grayscale and their ETF outflows well it’s not looking so bad anymore is it look we had these massive flows day one day two and then we started getting outflows over the coming week or so to the tune of

Hundreds of millions of dollars but then boom we are back into the green not nearly as bearish as people think it is honestly the Bitcoin ETF picture is looking really positive as institutions are here to buy the dip and I know this is a little bit backwards but the way I

See it is whenever the government really starts attacking Bitcoin it usually is a sign that things are working as you can see here the government’s now attacking the electrical grid angle they’re saying that because Bitcoin has increased in price it’ll probably put more strain on the electrical grid and something must

Be done honestly one of the biggest things I was worried about with the ETF was that this was some kind of secret cabal’s way of controlling Bitcoin that they were going to rig it and manipulate it downwards and you know stall it from growth I personally think that when you

See the government talking like this that this whole Bitcoin ETF thing that got prompted by a lawsuit where one Brave and amazing patriotic beloved American went ahead and forced the SEC to approve this Bitcoin ETF well they did God’s work in that moment and no I don’t think this was part of some

Cabal’s plan here I think that this is actually the signs that Bitcoin is ready to truly start gaining ground in the traditional Financial C circles I have no doubt that the courts will eventually side with Bitcoin and crypto on every issue including environmental ones but check this out we’re seeing once again a

Case for custodia Bank being filed against the FED because they were supposed to receive within 5 to seven business days an actual approval for their master account from the FED to create their own bank they were trying to create a fully reserved bank without fractional Reserve that whole issue that

Causes Bank runs in our modern day and age and they were going to cater to crypto companies of course the FED has not granted this this account for over 20 months so now custodia is suing the fed and once again the courts have a chance to deliver a massive whopping W

To the cryptocurrency community it’s becoming more and more clear that the courts are the Avenue in which cryptocurrency will not only Thrive but completely dominate because crypto is 100% legal it is 100% compliant and it’s actually one of the biggest revolutions that this world has ever seen and the

Courts recognize that the laws are not being broken here and they’re not going to just uphold arbitrary standards for the cryptocurrency community they’re going to enforce the letter of the law and so when push comes to shove crypto will win in the courts just like coinbase will win in the courts and I

Have no doubt that it will be an incredible moment for the entire crypto industry once they do so now let’s talk about this because the moment of Max opportunity that I’m talking about will become very clear once we take a look at the charts this is the crypto total 3

The total market cap excluding Bitcoin for me obviously I’ve made the vast majority of my money in the alt coins and this channel let’s be real is heavily focused on altcoin information I know that’s why you’re here you’re not here for me to just talk about you know

Hash rate and all that stuff that’s great I’ll leave it to other channels to discuss that stuff much love to the Bitcoin fam but it’s objectively a fact that the life-changing opportunities have and will continue to come from the altcoins so let’s take a look at total

Three which as you can see is the total crypto market cap excluding Bitcoin and ethereum you know think of this as the altcoins and as you can see here this is the prehab dip mind you last cycle we had a total collapse due to the Roni

Rona and that whole Black Swan event so if we don’t get one of those we might not get as severe of a dip once we start getting closer to the having which is this yellow line demarcated here you can see that in the months leading up to the

Having as well as the months after the having you’re pretty much onwards and upwards and once you zoom out here on the chart it’s clear that there really isn’t a dip after the having for altcoins it’s pretty much onwards and upwards now of course any individual altcoin comes with its own risks the

Team could not deliver there could be issues with the smart contract every altcoin comes with the risk that you could lose literally all your money so make no mistake here we are gambling with parabolic odds you got to be comfortable with the fact that this is

Not something you take to the bank and say hey pay me in this altcoin you got to be comfortable with the fact that you’re taking risk and that risk comes with tremendous upside that I believe personally not as your financial adviser cuz that’s not what I am but my personal

Bet is that it’s worth the risk now let’s jump in to where I think we are in this cycle now we peaked on this recent run at the beginning of January and this particular Peak that I have my cursor on is here in the middle of February so if

We were correlating here we’re about a month and a week uh in front of this cycle and it bottomed here uh in the middle of March so if we were to be a month and a week ahead we’re talking about this bottoming maybe the second week of February which means we’d reach

This red circle which would be the point of Max opportunity within the next few weeks honestly there’s a lot of macro factors lining up here there’s a huge decision about what’s going to happen with the bank term funding program in early March shout out to the main homie

Crown who’s been predicting that the second half of February would be where we see most of the selloff anyway over the next month or so we should see this red buy Zone emerge and that would be what I think of as the ultimate final stop drop before we get an onwards and

Upwards bull run which should in fits and starts mostly lead up for about a year and a half about 18 months we should see mostly up after that so not only does this line up cyclically with the next having and that pump into the having well at least the dump before

That but we’re also seeing history being made with analysts coming out and saying hey look the SEC is likely to approve the ethereum ETF in May and that lines up with all of the things we’re saying of course the having is going to be in

April the ETF is going to be in May and we all know that things like to pump into those announcements maybe not instantly as a result of them but we can see a lot of stimulus to the crypto Market surrounding that April May period with the having and the eth ETF both

Coming together like a Voltron robot to create some of the best stimulus and Catalyst for this industry now I recently have been checking out some analysis by Jason Pino he’s done some great work got a YouTube channel as well as a Twitter and he’s saying hey look everybody’s saying we’re supposed to

Have this huge housing collapse but we’re actually in the middle of the housing cycle which he believes is two 7year periods with effectively a 4-year cyclical Peak and crash recovery now I personally don’t know much about the housing cycle but it does feel as though the housing crash that I personally have

Hoped for at least and thought would likely take place here in 2024 doesn’t really seem to be manifesting you’re just seeing kind of a Slowdown and if we are to see rate Cuts in the next few months that would bring down the cost of the monthly cost at least your housing

Whatever piece of property and that would probably bring more buyers to the market and unlikely to see that that would cause the crash again everybody wants the big crash to happen this year and my big belief is that everybody’s usually wrong so again looking for max

Pain wouldn’t it be the most painful to have this rip roaring insane Bull Run for the next year and a half to the point where people stop listening entirely to the Bears their noise gets drowned out completely and people think you know what be markets are just not

Going to happen we’re never listening to these doomers and then in 2026 2027 boom we get this massive horrific crash and everybody keeps buying the dip thinking no no no no no I’m buying the dip this time I got screwed I missed the bull run

Last time that’s max pain and that to me feels like what we could be looking at but of course that means we have quite a bit of Bull Run here in fact the steepest part of the Bull Run ahead of us which is why I’m making all this

Crazy fomo content right now yes I know it’s fomo content and that’s because I believe being fomo tastic at the beginning of a cycle during the dregs the end of the bare Market the early part of the bull market that is a virtue because it’s almost impossible to lose

If you get in very early in the cycle it’s very hard to win if you get in at the end of the cycle even though things are going 10x overnight it becomes like a game of hot potato because you never know when the music’s about to stop

Whereas it’s actually quite easy if you see the market mature for a year and a half and your positions slowly grind up for a year and a half and if you’re smart you’re taking profits along the way we will will be doing a how to sell video again most of the market will

Appreciate and so of course I do understand that you guys need to know how to sell and that’s probably the most important lesson to teacher we will get to that smash like if you’re excited for that with that said you get it we are

Here we are in this dip down to the red circle and that means we should have an absolute Rocket Ride ahead so this is the moment of Max opportunity now that you get why I’m being so aggressive with promoting the excitement of altcoins and other opportunities in the space right

Now knowing that the second half of this year that next year is probably going to be fireworks if you get your bags packed early it’s time to talk about the fun stuff that I think is going to perform disproportionately first and foremost coinbase is down from a high of

$180 a recent local high and so it’s already on a major discount anything around that 100 to $130 range I think it’s good buys long term let’s see where this thing ends up crashing to during the risk-off moment again I don’t know how much more we’re going to risk off if

We are I’m assuming we might and I’m preparing for it mentally but if we do again coinbase to me is going to all-time highs rumor has it that they’re actually going to be acquiring a bank and so they will become the first registered bank that is also a crypto

Exchange and most likely the safest and friendliest home for crypto investors globally I personally am super bullish on coinbase becoming one of the biggest financial institutions in the world and so them reaching an all-time high above $500 is to me obvious I would personally like to see them get a little closer to

That $1,000 price but who knows with coinbase my personal Target is sort of $800 to 1,000 that I’ll start looking to take profits but it could go way higher than that it’s important to realize as well that everything on the stock market does trade like an utter shitcoin as

Long as it’s beta to bitcoin so coinbase has been trading like a crazy altcoin of late and the volatility will continue to be immense so be careful even though it’s a publicly traded stock it still has huge volatility getting back to this we know that the ETF is going to start

Becoming a much more significant topic and the biggest underperformer up to this point in the Bull Run has been ethereum and the ethereum ecosystem that my friends is most likely going to not last because ethereum as it becomes a Hot Topic will bring with it a whole new

Group of coins obviously I made a video at the end of last year talking about all the coins I think were going to perform the best for 2024 but it’s time to realize that eth season May introduce a new bucket and that bucket is going to be wildly important so let’s talk about

It first and foremost we have polygon now now polygon if you guys don’t know is actually the biggest layer 2 scaling solution for ethereum if you look at the top layer 2 Coins by market cap on coin gecko you can see polygon is by far the biggest Beast of them all with A7

Billion doll market cap next in line are optimism immutable and Arbitron now what I will say is that polygon has functioned a lot more like a side chain up to this point it didn’t use ethereum as the gas token and it didn’t actually root its transactions firmly back to the

Main net it functioned more like another layer one even though it was branded like a layer two well that my friends is all about to change polygon is launching the gold standard of ZK evm technology so it actually truly inherits the decentralization of ethereum and uses math to create an incredibly scalable

Environment ZK Tech is really the highest aspiration for scaling for ethereum and polygon’s doing it in this cool way through their aggregation layer so they have all these ZK evm chains that are settled through their polygon aggregation layer that actually Roots back to the actual security of a eum

It’s the most decentralized and eth Native and scalable whereas the optimistic rollups tend to be a little more centralized so the future of this technology really looks a lot more like what polygon’s rolling out it also was one of the best performers of the last cycle literally going almost 300X from

Its about 1-cent price point up here up to about three bucks here at its peak and it held on to a lot of its gains but it has had an absolutely brutal time and actually became a meme for not really performing of late I believe that that

Will change as we get a shift back to eth season and that’s because polygon is actually supporting a ton of extremely high quality and performant projects if we go to L2 beat here you can see that the l2s with the highest amount of tvl you have arbitrum 1 op main net these

Are RB and op these are the optimistic rollups and then you have Manta Manta with $1.62 billion in tvl is actually a ZK evm on top of polygon and so you could see polygon and mant are actually part of the same Tech stack you also have immutable immutable is also a ZK

Evm built on polygon so you have the immutable gaming Hub which is the leader in the gaming space right now and then you also have Manda which is the third biggest L2 by tvl and these are all on polygon there’s a lot that is stacking up that shows that polygon is probably

Underperforming where it should be in the market to a certain degree again if you guys missed the announcement superverse has rebranded as gaming United this is the mission of the superverse Dow it’s a brand new looking feel you can see all the information here at superverse Dow make sure you go

Go to superverse and put the Bell notification on you’re absolutely going to want to have this Bell on cuz there’s going to be a ton of opportunities to get involved with partner projects as superverse builds out this unified gaming Network and I’m very proud to say

That polygon is one of the first and Main partners for this unified gaming network but once you understand what polygon’s Really Cooking with here it’s obvious that this is going to be one of the main beneficiaries of eth season as this is in my opinion really pushing the

Edge of what’s possible on ethereum again I did mentioned Manta I was in the early investment round for this uh it’s performed really really well but its tvl is pretty astronomical so when you look at the tvl statistics here you can see that it has a $ 1.6 billion tvl and its

Market cap is 300 million here whereas if we look at the other chains that are close to it in tvl like op mainnet is about 2.2 billion arbitrum is about 2.2 billion base doesn’t have a token you can see that it is kind of the third in

Line here and it’s got about one tenth the market cap of the ones in front of it but it’s got much more more than one tenth of the tvl so something to consider here again generally when it comes to new tokens I like to let them

Really really wash out for a while like I said I am an investor in this project and so I do hold a lot of manta but just so you guys can see I’m trying to be as unbiased as I can I usually don’t like to touch tokens when they’re early in

Their launch phase I like to let them settle out so maybe if man has some like massive massive correction here during this wash out period during this crash whenever we get in February or maybe early March that might be a chance to re-enter Manta because they do have a

Ton of tvl again as we’re talking about these tokens I think it’s important to realize that my goal is to accumulate more tokens on the extreme dip here if we get a massive wash out we should literally all be rooting for this insane crash I know that sounds crazy but that

Would be a moment of true max opportunity here in the crypto space but I don’t think it’s wise to get too greedy because we do have black rock in the gang buying our Bitcoins literally on the stock market so you don’t want to get overly greedy here expecting you

Know the whole world to fall apart but it’s worth noting that the point of all these tokens I’m showing you is to buy them in the crash that we’re looking at with the logic That eth season could Propel a lot of these to an insanely New

Height next let’s talk about one of The Darlings which is Celestia Celestia actually makes it that you can use a new data availability layer for ethereum it’s not actually a competitor to ethereum it’s complimentary to ethereum again this has just been a darling so if Celestia goes on huge discount again

It’s going to be an amazing opportunity if you were staking Celestia you would have gotten a dimension airdrop which if you got the max airdrop was worth about5 or $6,000 during the airdrop really really interesting stuff here again Celestia is one of those bets that I see doing well throughout the entire cycle

Because it’s so beloved by the hard Tech Community now of course we get to immutable X which I am a seed investor in I say that every time just to be clear because there’s always new viewers on the channel but immutable X is the Blue Chip gaming token right now and

They are attracting some of the most games in the entire ecosystem remember they are built on polygon so polygon and immutable X I expect to both do well with a shift towards ethereum season and again you know me I’m just a permeable on gaming gaming and artificial intelligence those are the two sectors

That I see just absolutely crushing it throughout this bull run and so IMX is definitely something where if you missed this whole runup and there’s a meaningful correction I think that that’s a token that’s worth Gathering some on the dip now IMX had this massive resistance here around $150 so you can

See here that it took a while to break through this $150 resistance but then once it did boom and I was telling people before this happened if it breaks through it’s going to go berserk and it did it almost doubled up from there and so if it does come back and maybe tries

To test this $150 line that would probably be the Best Buy Zone if you want to get into a mutable X and missed it that $150 to maybe1 60 range is most likely going to age very well throughout the cycle but I encourage you check out the layer twos layer twos will do

Insanely well with the shift back to eth because they’re all really based on the value of eth so if e starts going crazy ethereum layer 2os logically should go crazy so check it out go through these layers to they’re not hiding from you scale is one of the most beloved by some

Of my deep Tech Brethren uh it’s definitely technologically very advanced again go through these l2s there’s going to be ones that end up doing insanely well with the growth of this ethereum season even ones that I haven’t talked about so just understand I’m just laying out some cookie crumbs for you mantles

Worth researching right medice worth researching scale worth researching it’s not hard to find stuff that’s worth researching for ethereum season and this site where I’m seeing some more information is called L2 beat here L2 beat and you can see the scaling SL tvl that’s where you can see the actual

Total value locked on these networks now an unreleased L2 on ethereum is ZK sync it’s the other ZK that we’ve been really waiting for for years and this is one of the biggest most anticipated airdrops along with layer zero that we’ll probably see in the entirety of 2024 one

Of the reasons I haven’t talked about ZK sync much is because it’s getting sibl which means there’s all these Bots creating all this fake volume on it to try to earn airdrops and so you’re kind of competing against an army of bots if you want to actually Farm any kind of

Airdrop here where I think the real value is going to be is with these early adopter protocols on the zking blockchain so you’re going to want to go in and kind of play with these uh exchanges if you can derivative trade go ahead and try but probably going around

And playing around with these is going to be a much easier way to farm and airdrop from what could be a main beneficiary of this new protocol ZK sync and again any kind of new blockchain new scaling solution is going to have its own decks its own nft Marketplace its

Own blue sh early protocols and those my friends are where you’re going to see a lot of sort of snowballing layers of value for early adopters on a protocol now if we are so blessed as to see an eth season one of my early Investments Prisma which I’m super bullish on for

The LST fine narrative should start to heat up again this is a really low cap coin so again it could be very volatile but I do believe it has underperformed what I think it should and so if eth heats up I wouldn’t be shocked to see

Prisma catch a nice bid here cuz as the value of the collateral of eth as the value of the staked eth starts to Skyrocket the value that is generated within dii protocols like Prisma will grow actually in a leveraged way against it so I think Prisma could be an

Interesting play for eth season if we get a real move in eth I think these LSD protocols and in general just defi will start to catch a major bid again I’m an early investor and contributor to Prisma I’ve never sold a token and I’m really excited to see what it might accomplish

This particular cycle all right so that has been eth season but of course it is not the end of the video if you guys are enjoying this make sure you smash that like button now one of the hardest things to do when you’re first getting

Set up is to know how to trade and get into some of the more advanced options here and a great way and an easy way to do that is with the coinbase wallet and if you don’t already have a coinbase account you can get up to $200 by

Signing up with the link in the description I’m one of the first and only coinbase Partners here on YouTube and I can tell you after using every Exchange in the books and making mistakes with some of them the biggest and most important thing that you want in your exchange is compliance and

Knowing that your funds are safe and coinbase has never been hacked in its history and it has always played slow and steady by the rules it is in my opinion the gold standard I’m a huge proponent I’m an owner obviously of their stock I talked about it earlier in

The episode but I believe that coinbase is the definitive easiest way to get into crypto to buy some of the best coins in crypto and it has the best user experience so if you guys want to onboard seamlessly and you don’t have a coinbase account yet I highly encourage

You to use the Link in the description again up to $200 just for signing up with the link and then you can even use their coinbase wallet to interact with Defi and actually truly own your own crypto again buying the Bitcoin ETF is great for the Boomers but if you want to

Participate in real Freedom money then I highly suggest you buy crypto on coinbase truly own it and send it to your Hardware wallet again a big shout out to coinbase for sponsoring this episode and what are the coins that you might find on coinbase that you would

Like to buy well there is one that I believe everyone should have in their port portfolio and I’ve been saying this since damn near the bottom of the market and that my friends is salano I’m just kidding salana salana is an absolute Behemoth and there’s been some

Revelations over the last few weeks that make me even more bullish on this play again we were talking about this all throughout the bar market around $20 $17 as low as $13 I believe is where it traveled during the course of our coverage of it during the bare market

And we can see that it peaked at about $120 almost a full 10x above where we were buying in during the bear and I don’t believe it’s anywhere close to done in fact I believe that the big hype will be salana actually catching up to the market cap of ethereum or at least

Giving it a run for its money and that means salana would need to go from about a $42 billion market cap up to a $275 billion market cap call it about a 6X here I believe maybe a 6 or a 7x for it to get as big as ethereum and we know

That ethereum would probably grow in the process so I still think there was a lot of room for salana to really run and make a move up towards salon’s market cap and part of the reason I think that is cuz we just saw the Jupiter airdrop now this is the air drop that

Everybody’s been talking about I know you probably heard about it everywhere but Jupiter effectively is the biggest Dex on salana and it actually highlights what salana is really good for which it is the fastest blockchain that truly works at scale and has the best user experience for super high-speed non-

Ethereum based really scalable blockchain interactions it’s the monolithic chain play whereas ethereum is modular it’s got all these scale ups and roll up and data availability layers it’s like a robot you put together to form throughput where salana is like hey we have one big chunk it’s going to be

The highest performance chunk thing and just build stuff on it and it’ll it’ll scale what’s cool is we got to see a first real test of what salana is truly capable of as Jupiter did one of the biggest aird drops in history check this out they had 2.5 million transactions

Come through in 2 and 1 half hours about 1 million per hour with the peak TPS of about 2200 transactions per second zero validators failed no loss transaction and no issues at all so this was the biggest actual real world not hypothetical but a real world test of a

Blockchain with real transactions over a real major event in history and salana did very very well not to mention salana has coming up its fire dancer update and so this Jupiter airdrop was really a testing grounds for what’s possible with salana you had a kid here who we’re

Actually going to have on the channel here this guy not short actually made a million dollars farming the Jupiter airdrop and so I’m going to show show you guys exactly what he did he’s actually going to walk you through it smash like if you’re excited for that

And we’re going to show you how you can Farm stuff like this cuz you have a kid I mean this guy can’t be too old I mean look at his face he’s got a baby face shout out to the baby faces out there and he just made a seven figure Payday

On this airdrop so salana is definitely like I said where a ton of things are going down and that means that future airdrops on salana are going to be highly highly anticipated and one of those that I’ve actually been playing with is called Drift protocol now this

One is for leverage trading I’ll get a little bit more into how it works but essentially most of the American exchanges don’t allow you to leverage trade if you want to trade like actual Futures with leverage like buybit allows you or you know those type of offshore High leverage account ones there’s a

Reason why you don’t see them in my bio and that’s because they’re not really open to Americans so it’s just kind of frustrating for Americans but sometimes if you’re more experienced like me you know when things are about to explode to the upside and you want to add a little

Leverage you know have a little bit of a degenerate play here and so I’ve been enjoying uh trading a little bit here on drift and I’m telling you it feels like you’re trading on a centralized application drift does not yet have a token but it’s most likely that it will

In the near future and you’re seeing things like Jupiter get A5 billion fdv right off the bat with hundreds of millions in trading volume um I think it’s traded easily here it hit almost a billion dollars in trading volume and the point here is that the highest quality user experiences for that really

Core blockchain stuff the trading the dejing the actual sort of use cases for applications that’s really finding a home on salana and while I still think gaming is mostly finding its home on ethereum layer 2os there is going to be a ton of consumer applications built on

Salana and it’s something that I think is going to power salana up to astronomical new highs and those applications work really really well they’re very Advanced like Jupiter like drift and there are actually several others now if you want to know the actual protocols that have these points

That people are farming for the air drops you can actually buy points for these airdrops off of other people on this whales market so if you actually really want to get these air drops but you haven’t done the work you can buy into them thinking maybe there’s some

Upside for you before the token goes live so you can see the ones that have these points campaigns blast Camino drift margin fi a lot of these are on salana you can see that there’s also a whales token I do have some of this token it’s extremely low cap extremely

Risky I have no idea what’s going to happen with the token but I was just really enthused by seeing such a cool utility oh there’s this new thing where all these protocols have points people are farming the points but they’re not tradable yet so someone made a proxy

That you can actually trade these points it’s very interesting and again you’re seeing a lot of this stuff that just makes sense and just works and it’s happening on salana which makes me bullish again the point of this is that I’m bullish on salana though full

Disclosure I do have some of this whales Market token and I do think it’s quite cute this app it just shows how there’s these really high quality High performant consumer experiences happening on salana it makes me really bullish now finally another topic that I do think is worth covering is The

Darlings up to this point all of The Darlings that we’ve seen perform like crazy through the later half of 2024 and maybe they’ve cooled off a little bit those are going to absolutely crush it once we get into the main part of the bull run so when we get down to this

Little red zone or as we start to approach it you’ll probably get some great entries into these Darlings and what are those Darlings well you know what I’m going to say Obviously say has been a great one they have a big say 2.0 coming up we’re supposed to make it

They’re they’re claiming it’ll make it the fastest blockchain ever we’ll see about that we also have beam you know Blue Chip gaming exposure here up there with a mutable X as far as gaming infrastructure is sort of playing that number two role also a partner of the superverse and infrastructure partner

We’re super excited by that shout out to beam we also have suie sui is an extremely high performance blockchain as well it’s in the move Camp it’s a language called move and this was the group that was originally creating the Facebook DM cryptocurrency and blockchain and they split into apos and

Sui and sui seems to be uh the one that people are more excited about at least the charts are more excited about you can see it’s up here just just tickling its prior all-time high um and look if this thing crashes down it’ll probably give a nice entry we also have injective

That’s one of the most ridiculous charts I’ve ever seen uh if this thing gives another entry if it comes down here and test its prior all-time high at any point here which it didn’t really do of about $22 that would probably be the area that you’d want to get in I don’t

See it really going below that that prior alltime high is probably going to be really hard for it to bust but if it comes down here from 33 down to 22 I mean that’s a screaming buy and then finally look at bit tensor remember I

Told you bit tensor was going to be this like amazing narrative and that we’ll see AI coins continue to crush it well look at benser even during this Market cool off we see that it’s absolutely flying here near alltime High I saw a tweet that made me laugh it said all my

Smartest friends love bit tenser and they can’t explain why that means it’s a cult and you should always be bullish on Cults in crypto bit tenser is like really confusingly awesome and look I’m just long Ault so if this thing crashes down it’s never come down to the point

Where I wanted to buy it yet but I probably should have at 220 again I’m just bullish on this thing as you know I also love my baby AOS I’m a validator over there check it out stake to my node ELO trades new and a project that I’m

Learning a little more about is called gam Swift and if this thing comes down a little more they actually have an interesting combination of AI and crypto gaming really cool based on ZK Tech as well so I’m looking at gam Swift as well for the next phase if we get a nice

Entry here uh during this cool off I’ll probably take a position in games Swift I don’t have any game Swift yet of course if ethereum season comes hot and heavy we should probably get a massive reinli of nfts nfts will go up once ethereum has its big move and there’s no

Nft that will benefit more than pudgy penguins of of course if you can’t afford the big pudgy penguin they’re very expensive the pudgy rods are their cheapest entry point and then they also have their little Pudgies which is like their medium entry point obviously I’m the founder of imposters as well as

Neotokyo and superverse so obviously I’m very excited about those and we’ll be talking a lot more about them down the road but again if ethereum makes that run up and hits maybe 3500 or a little higher I would be shocked if we don’t see nfts start to catch a bid as things

Cool down and finally I’m not going to name exactly names but there’s definitely quite a few meme coins on ethereum that I could see taking off off if ethereum does properly heat up again price goes up on eth people feel richer in eth they want to spend their eth on

Dex’s on chain and I would be shocked if we don’t see some meme coins absolutely crush it not going to name names they’re just too gambl but I definitely have some meme coins that I’m excited for I wouldn’t be shocked if they have a wild moment here if ethereum does catch the

Bid we’re hoping for coming into the having once again if you haven’t checked out the superverse updates go to superverse Dow on Twitter go ahead and add that notification Bell the project just announced a close collaboration with polygon as well as this entire vision for the project Partnerships with

Blue chip infrastructure providers and an incredible new brand and vision please check it out it’s been a lot of work again I heard some of the founders haven’t gotten a haircut in months some things can’t be controlled like timing obviously the Market’s really shitty

Right now and so in a larger sense as a Founder you can’t really control timing of things but I will say as a co-founder I’m extremely proud of where this Project’s headed and I’m excited to continually surprise and Amaze throughout 2024 and Beyond stay tuned for some massive updates I’m super super

Excited for them please go put the Bell notification on there’s going to be tons of opportunities for super holders throughout this cycle and Beyond make sure you’re not sleeping on the Twitter so you don’t miss important announcements all right that’s it this has been one of the longest videos ever

Let me summarize though for you just so you’re really clear the market will probably have some riskof moment we’re some part of the way into it now it’s going to continue there might be another big drop here who knows how low it’ll go but that is going to be our final deep

Value Zone before we start marching up into the having and then it’s pretty much onwards and upwards for altcoins that’ll Mark probably the last big flush out there will be parabas and cool offs thereafter but I think for a lot of The Darlings in the market right now you’ll

See probably the best opportunity on price coming up here within the next month or so so if you don’t feel like your bags are packed yet definitely let me know what you think about the coins in this video as always if you enjoyed it check out this video popping up and

I’ll see you very soon on the next one


  1. In so many ways the worst is behind us. BlckTken300 does the EXACT right thing to turn around and everyone reacts already, whether that is big companies or just individuals its a global revolution and not to be missed. But I am just a guy commenting, you should make your own mind on this

  2. Thanks Ellio great update love the project you’ve spoken about one that also has me super excited is Cornucopias I believe they joined neo Tokyo, Rob and Josh are putting together an amazing game I’d be interested in your thoughts on this one fella 🙏🏻

  3. This is gonna be a crazy year for digital assets now with BlckTken300 right? We already are set in for the bullrun anyway and if companies like them enter the field and make their own asset which will be integrated widely and used by the mass then we are on the bottom of the mountain with only one way which is upwards

  4. I have a feeling even in 2024 people dont understand how priceaction is defined, the causes and effects in particular. BlckTken300 has a huge part in making this the best year possible and yet I am 95% sure I will only get questions and confusion. Why don't you grow some balls and understand these basic things within a few minutes instead of believing the shills and shillfluencers recycling the same topic over and over and leaving you in the dark

  5. Want to know why this year everything will be different and for long time actually better? The answer is all in BlckTken300 and I have never been that excited for a long time, thank you for providing home and food for my kids

  6. So the foundatition for this year to become the golden one is set in stone, ETF approval, halving are the things people talk about it but the truth is that BlckTken300 has more of a role than any of these. You really believe it comes down to what mainmedia tells you? If you believe that then you slept the last ten years and you should actually wake up. Having the strongest brand in the world making their own asset, that's something which matters and that is what I would encourage you to understand

  7. I want to let you know that BlckTken300 made it this year. Any better way to start a global change? Dont get me wrong I know they are not like altruists or something but they keep doing the right thing to improve the situation, power the ecomonmy and so much more. We need players like them and we can always jump in the train at good spots such as this one

  8. I can't stress enough that BlckTken300 is making it 2024. Do you really want to put all trust into random alts and memes which will never work for you because at the moment you heard about them it is already too late and the ones who told ya are laughing about you? The way to change that is understanding how BlckTken300 works and what that does

  9. Those who like me were too afraid to step into let me tell ya something, 2024 is gonna be our year because BlckTken300 is having all the utility and power an asset should have. this is the first major improvement to go into a direction that even casuals will love it and I am more than enlightened to witness this one

  10. Just few days in BlckTken300 is clearly setting up the new milestone! The only real way to counter the current recession is by acting on yourself, making own decisions and making sure that you got enough no matter what happens. If you trust conventional ways you might end up being homeless or worse at one day, seriously.. This is why I believe in projects like this one which are clearly there to make a difference and it starts right now

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