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    Make Sure You Subscribe And Like The Video For Back with some CRYPTOCURRENCY MARKET CRASH TODAY! Should Buy DOGECOIN NOW?? (Elon Musk, Bitcoin & Ethereum). To Make Sure To LIKE AND SUB.


    Hey guys welcome back to another video I hope you guys are having a great day if you have been paying attention to the Dogecoin chart you might have noticed that we are finally broken out of the downtrend and in the last 24 hours we are able to consolidate close to 8 cents

    Now there are some news which are about to break out which might be the turning point of Dogecoin such as Falcon 9 will be launching which will be named as Doge 1 this will be going to the moon on the other end on Twitter everyone is talking

    About this launch ing very soon as it has been announced by the official SpaceX and payments or X payments has still not tweeted anything out before we get into it if you guys are here for the first time you want to stay up to date with everything to do with Dogecoin

    Scroll down tap the red subscribe button why there slap a like on the video you’ll just have the YouTube algorithm push the video to more people more people can stay up to date with what is happening with Doge to decide to buy into it it starts biking up all of us

    Make a lot of profit now keep in mind this is really important news which has been dropped so on the 14th of February which is Valentine’s Day there will be a new launch that will be happening at SpaceX Falcon 9 now this is going to be

    Named as Doge 1 if you guys remember if we just go back about 3 years in 2021 Elon did decide to tweet out and tell us about the fact that he is looking into having Dogecoin become part of going to the moon and that’s not just talking about the price spiking rather actually

    Sending an actual Falcon that will be named Doge 1 and sending it to the moon now what does this mean well in simple terms you guys need to understand that finally we have come to that date it took 3 years it was supposed to happen in 2022 but it has been confirmed

    Finally even if you guys go on the NASA’s website they have mentioned that this mission is going to be called Doge 1 keep in mind yes this Mission will be launching Doge One mission to the Moon our boy Elon Musk has not tweeted anything regarding this yet now what

    Does this mean while elon’s tweets are still making a huge difference to the whole crypto Market he has not mentioned anything relating to Dogecoin specifically in the last two years and the reason for that is if you guys do not know let’s just say the SEC has been

    Behind our brother’s back now he’s trying to get away from that but if he decides to just tweet out relating to SpaceX that they are launching a mission which he loves to do if you guys have not been paying attention to his Twitter this will give you a little bit of

    Perspective that in the past he has actually tweeted out a lot regarding all the companies that he is part of but let’s just say when this happens he’s going to be tweeting quite often and when he does tweet about it what is it going to be about it’s going to be about

    SpaceX SpaceX meaning there’s going to be Doge one involved I mean he still loves to retweet tweets relating to our boy Doge designer but that just means we need to wait for the key time and when our boy Elon decides to tweet about it it’s going to be exploding now talking

    About X payments X payments has rumored the Dogecoin price all the way to 9 cents 10 cents but then the whole Market decided to take a pullback does that mean just the announcement that X payments is happening has caused this does that mean when something is actually implemented the price might

    Even go crazier keep in mind that uh since January X payments have still not made their first tweet will the first tweet be something super special will it be on the 14th of February mentioning Dogecoin well just keep in mind if the mission goes forward Doge one and at the

    Same time x payments decides to tweet about Dogecoin I would not be surprised if we get a 2X just overnight and that’s talking about Dogecoin price being sent to 16 now talking about some whales now let’s talk about this specific whale whale now me personally I have been

    Paying attention to this whale quite often you can see they decided to purchase quite Hefty amount of Doge in the 21st OD of 2023 but then they just went pretty much quiet then in December they purchased a little bit more then you pay attention to January and they

    Decided to sell around this point now they’re still in a big profit but keep in mind that they decided to buy back in when the price decided to drop a little bit does this mean this person knows something that we need to wait on well that’s just my take on it now another

    Thing which is interesting is you pay attention to the trading volume now the trading volume of Doge has taken a really strong dump I mean if you guys do not know it used to be pretty much the ninth or the 10th most traded crypto in

    The world right now it is sitting on the 24th slot that does not mean that Dogecoin is dying I feel like a lot of people mistaken it for it but just keep in mind that simply means that Dogecoin is not being traded as much now there is

    A lot more smaller meme tokens that are blowing up and that’s the reason why doge is not trending but you can see that the trading volume has gone up 62% that means a lot of people are starting to take their long positions before the price goes explosive now if we talk

    About the price action while you guys can see the price is sitting in a really really important resistance Zone and it’s going to be consolidating for a little bit especially until we get closer and closer to the 14th of February I mean you guys know Elon loves

    Playing with memes so he wants to do something with Valentine’s Day and form something crazy hey we will just have to wait and see but right now we are in a really really strong zone so be able to break above this would be extremely hard just keep in mind for this pricee to

    Actually blow up this is when X payments was announced now once it was announced you guys can see it’s been just constant but that announcement pushed us up quite a big chunk now that chunk could if you want to take the exact amount that that chunk is nearly 15% increase in a single

    Day now if there is two tweets relating to it so X payments actually makes an official announcement they will be using Dogecoin and Doge one is released while February is going to be a good day for a lot of people now boiler bands hints at an implementing Dogecoin price

    Volatility now the price should be moving really fast personally I feel like there’s not much downtrend left I mean if you guys know I have been a very strong supporter of Doge but in the last let’s say two weeks I’ve been mentioning there will be a little bit of a pullback

    Be a little patient while right now I feel like this is the pullback we’re waiting for now this consolidation zone is the the you know just trying to get ready before the big explosion now Dogecoin price flashes unusual 20 million signal is a bullish now what they’re talking about is there’s just a

    Lot of money that’s been flowing out of Dogecoin and flowing in well it can be seen by the trading volume and keep in mind that um let’s just say over 890,000 new addresses join the Dogecoin Community why because if you guys do not know first of all X payments and

    Secondly there are some games which are starting to be made on Dogecoin so a lot of people like to play games they’re going to get on Doge and try to be part of it you can play games like doom on bitcoin and Dogecoin and here’s what

    That means well just keep in mind these games are one of the way that the Dogecoin ecosystem can actually blow up quite easily so it’s really about time because there’s just so many things hinting towards the fact that doge is supposed to explode but it’s not happening therefore you just need to be

    A little patient and finally the Dogecoin network is starting to show a lot of positive sign so I am very excited to see what will happen in the coming 1 to 2 weeks because personally elon’s going to do something crazy we just need to be patient other than that

    I hope you guys did enjoy today’s video if you did drop a like on if you’re new to the channel want to stay up to dat with everything subscribe and I’ll see you soon


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