#GoldMiningStocks Are Making A Fortune At $1800 #Gold

    While many in the mainstream are just catching on that there is a rally going on in the #goldprice, those who have been invested in the gold #miningstocks have been making a fortune.

    For years the #goldmarket was not a popular place to be. But when the #stocks move, they move quickly, which has been the case in this rally as well. And now with gold above $1,800 per ounce, some of these companies are making a lot of money. Which Stephen Swatton of #K2Gold joined me on the show to discuss.

    So to find out what’s going on, and whether it’s too late to get involved, click to watch the video now!

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    Recorded by #ChrisMarcus of #ArcadiaEconomics on July 15, 2020:

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    But what i like to see is that the midsize and the jun and the senior companies are really raking it in at these levels so therefore they’re looking down but also the general portfolio managers are reaching out not just the gold bugs or the silver bugs or whatever Hello there my friends chris marcus here with you for arcade economics and as we are living through another exciting day with a 1800 plus gold price i’m excited to have steven swann president and ceo of k2 gold joining me on the show today uh a few things i’m excited to get your

    Perspective on stephen although before we begin how is everything going with you my friend yeah great thanks uh yeah this volatility is working for us that’s that’s for sure but it is on a day by day basis we noticed huge swings in our own stock based on what i consider macro economics that

    Probably has nothing to do with us but yeah interesting interesting days it certainly is and we’ll pull up the gold chart here you can see it’s been hovering around that eighteen hundred dollar mark got goes as most assets goes up goes down although now we are at about eighteen twelve let’s call it

    On the kitko chart um in the face of it we still have the federal reserve promising that no matter what happens they’re going to print money so that i mean hey that’s what the fed does so it’s interesting stephen we’re not far from 1900 anymore and the all-time high uh

    What do you think about what we’re seeing here well this is an incredible market where juniors like ourselves are suddenly becoming more popular again i mean we were there we were the orphan child for a longest time as you know we were battling away in the trenches here trying to put our

    Hand up and get some recognition but what i like to see is that the mid-size in them dude and the senior companies are really raking it in at these levels so therefore they’re looking down but also the general portfolio managers are reaching out not just the gold bugs or the silver bugs or

    Whatever it is anybody i’ve done so many interviews i’ve spoken to so many people who a lot of them have not really paid attention to our sector for a long time and wanting to get our perspective like the discovery group’s perspective on where it’s all going and you know we have anything from

    Pre-production to you know grassroots miners what does it all mean but the nice thing for us is when we see our peers above us doing pretty well it all cascades down towards us i mean they look at us general managers that obviously the sprotts of this world

    Are always looking at what we’re trying to do and i you know i i look at what’s going on internationally and and what’s causing it look we can’t we can’t sort of predict what’s going to happen it’s who can with the us um you know situation and and the chinese situation

    But anything that’s that even smells of some kind of contagion we get the benefit of it and and it’s it’s a situation that we thrive under whether it’s 17 1800 gold if it goes north of that we’re going to get back to those heady days again back in the early 90s

    When uh it was uh it was anything with a smell of gold got some love you know yeah i think people are feeling it and getting excited because maybe i think part of it is that you don’t need a phd in economics to see that i mean they can’t raise interest rates

    I mean yeah could you imagine the u.s debt load with a higher interest rate i mean there’s eight we sit here talk every night eight million and one reasons of why the fed is going to continue printing and as you you quite correctly pointed out gold stocks doing quite well

    Here we see where uh you know had that dip in march but at some new highs this is the five year chart um now still a ways to go to get back to 2011 although is interesting we’re not you know we’re looking at the gdx here was over 65 in 2011

    Although the gold price is only about 100 bucks away so like you said some things to be excited about and perhaps could you somehow put in perspective because a lot of people are new to this and just coming into the gold market for the first time but explain the leverage that these

    Miners get and why even 1700 versus 1800 is a is a bigger deal than it sounds well the leverage they’re getting as a result of that is because their costs are much lower the returns are much higher um we can they can spend more on exploration as well so they

    What they can do is they can leverage their if they like their profit their margin book to actually find more of the of the resources that they want to look uh look for even within their assets and other assets it gives them the leverage also to be able to have when you’re talking

    To leverage at some different levels politically as well i mean you’re in a place like we are in california not exactly where you know that’s where the gold rush started our leverage if you like when we were uh two years ago looking at this and to now might be slightly different you know

    We might be able to go in and have a little bit more of a uh you know a a hearing with local politicians whereas two years ago our leverage was pretty small but i know the leverage you’re talking about but it’s leverage at different levels like if it goes to 1900

    It just exasperates it even more that you know the space that we’re in is even of more importance to the local economy like there’s even talking uh on one of the local newspapers that i saw is like the best way that you could leverage the the the importance of our part of

    California is to let the miners instead of going overseas and mining overseas leverage what we have get the revenue to the to the local economy and instead of buying copper from overseas why not buy copper locally but keep an eye on those guys then the local economy has the leverage over us to

    To make sure that we abide by the rules but it’s kind of if we go into a more local world or going to a more an international rely on overseas economies to provide what we can actually deliver back home like in california they kind of have everything and nevada if

    You join in the southern states you can do everything without having to go overseas you can you can probably mine most of it based metals might be a little bit of a challenge but they’ve got lithium they’ve got uh they’ve got copper they have um that’s in arizona you have the gold in

    California gold you know it’s um it’s a product that’s not only used for currency it’s used in a lot of electronics as well yeah and as you were saying that i was smiling imagining i wonder what the conversation would go like if you’re talking to some government officials and you’re

    Showing them the local revenue projections not even of today but here’s what your cut looks like at two thousand dollar gold here’s what it looks like a twenty five hundred dollar gold and wait just just because uh ben bernanke and jerome and a gang promise unlimited and they’re probably gonna

    Find a way to top unlimited which is i can’t another way to see how that plays out but i mean they’re almost guaranteeing that we’re going to see some big numbers um so it’s just interesting to imagine what’s possible especially with the way things trade with momentum once that price of gold

    Gets 1900 2 000 and you really get some attention on it yeah oh absolutely you’re right it’s going to be different world all together and uh yeah i mean i think i think we have to have a little bit more of a seat at the table than we’ve had up until now because

    Look if you’ve got if you’re living in states i think you have to balance the books each county has to balance their books what what other options do they have in certain of these counties than looking for mining options i mean in the part of the world that i’m

    In there’s very little agricultural there is some there is tourism which is more than 50 percent of the revenue if it’s if it’s not mining what is it going to be that brings in the revenue 1.7 of the local county is in private hands what el what other options do they have the

    The backup plan is that the fed’s going to start buying teslas so hopefully we don’t get that far although uh last one before we uh actually have two more for you i appreciate you sticking around um in terms of the investor market i know you’re talking to funds investment advisors investors all day

    Seems to me like there’s now a lot of money starting to come in i mean even changing almost by the week um that’s what i get from the conversations i have anything you could touch on there what do you mean in terms of investing in juniors the amount of money

    Yeah that we’re seeing invest just new institutional money entering the sector now is that the feeling of mountain too yes absolutely and if you’re in a group like the discovery group here we fortunately have our tentacles in quite a lot of the different areas and

    We are just opening up into some of the european markets particularly the germans are showing a lot of interest in the the the type of product that we we provide but um we are finding that um there’s an opportunity here to reach out to the generalists and the generalists also

    But because we have a the discovery group have a slight reputation for um i would say not a slight a reputation for delivering on what we say we’re gonna do we it’s easier for us to open the doors and just definitely there’s there’s a wider audience than we had even i would

    Say even then a month ago these days and uh stephen just before we wrap up could you just let folks know exactly what the discovery group is and also if you could touch on real quick you had some exciting news about the k2 gold project that you’ve been uh running and

    If you let folks know about that yeah very briefly discovery group is uh is eight companies we have a sort of shared belief that it’s not shared boards or anything like that it’s a shared belief that good good people and good um uh management actually fosters other companies to be better

    So what we have is we have base metals gold we have a pre-production company and great bear which is our flagship right now this time last year i think they were probably about three dollars they’re now 15 we’re a group of companies that john robbins and jim peterson put together

    We all share as uh an office and a summer belief in in quality people without any you know for one of a better word without any shenanigans going on in the background we’re not paid as a management fee there’s nothing going on it’s just like-minded people trying to do better was

    Is one way that i put it now k2 gold itself we’re in california and we’re trying to look at and explore a gold resource in southern california which has been drilled in the past by bhp and uh newmont they only put 35 holes into it

    And it’s near lone pine in south uh on the screen you can see there it’s uh 240 kilometers northwest of las vegas it’s in semi-desert and uh there already have been resource projections put on it by both bhpn and newmont which i’m not at liberty because they’re not 43

    43 101 compliant but we wouldn’t be looking there if it wasn’t of all grade type material and we’re about to start a drill program 16 holes at four sites and we hope to be on the ground by the end of august uh but it might be a little bit optimistic

    Because of the current coveted situation but yeah very exciting property oxide gold surface it’s exciting news and folks fortunately stephen was kind enough to stick around and give us an overview of his project so if you’d like to hear more about that and some of the things that are possible there

    Fortunately it is coming your way right now You



    2. The fed has painted itself into a corner. Not only can they not raise rates, the macro economy is pretty reliant on more and more stimulus. Imagine if that spigot were turned off.

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