
“Bitcoin To $200,000 In 2024, Here’s WHY” Gary Cardone NEW 2024 Bitcoin Prediction

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In 2024, Bitcoin is making waves, and Gary Cardone predicts a whopping $200,000 per coin.

Gary recently highlighted Bitcoin’s crazy popularity and explained why the U.S. government isn’t trying to shut it down. Instead, they’re gearing up to collect taxes on these transactions.

Gary debunked a misconception among some crypto enthusiasts who think they can swap assets tax-free just because they’re in the U.S. According to Cardone, legal and accounting professionals need to rethink how they handle the crypto space.

Stick around until the end where Gary Cardone reveals the exciting twists awaiting Bitcoin and how the entire crypto space will transform in 2024.

About Grant Cardone:

Grant Cardone is a world-renowned entrepreneur, author, speaker, investor, and coach. He owns and operates seven privately held companies, and a private equity real estate firm, Cardone Capital, with a multifamily portfolio of assets worth over $4 Billion.

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This Black Swan Event Could Derail 2024 U.S. Elections โ€“ Gary Cardone

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“Bitcoin To $200,000 In 2024, Here’s WHY” Gary Cardone NEW 2024 Bitcoin Prediction

The problem is the legal firms in the accounting and forensic firms they have not invested five six seven years of their life in millions of dollars into building a solution for this they have been watching Bitcoin in this world kind of okay well we’ll get our together

When this becomes a real Market is being validated now this is my point all these actions by the US government are real serious indicators of they know they can’t stop it so what they’re going to do is they’re going to figure out a way to collect tax on it which for some

Reason some particular crypto people believe that just because you live in the US that you can swap Unis swap for Bitcoin and you don’t have any tax exposure it’s like I don’t know who told you that okay there’s people in Bitcoin that think that they never have to pay

Taxes because it’s Bitcoin and I’m like wow what what cartoon book did you guys read sitting on the toilet because that’s just not real in 2024 Bitcoin is making waves and Gary Cardone predicts we are going to get to a whopping $200,000 per coin this year Gary recently highlighted bitcoin’s crazy

Popularity and explained why the US government isn’t trying to shut it down instead they’re gearing up to collect taxes on the transactions Gary has traditionally been a huge real estate investor and Advocate however over 2023 and 2024 he’s changed his mind and is now full force ahead with Bitcoin in

This video he explains why make sure to stick around to the end of the video where Gary Cardone reveals the exciting twists awaiting Bitcoin and how the entire crypto space will transform over the next year also guys only a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed if you enjoy staying up to

Date with Finance content consider subscribing or liking the video it’s free and you can always change your mind now here’s why Gary Cardone thinks Bitcoin has a potential to hit $200,000 per coin the tools necessary to operate in a Market’s changing just aren’t there I mean this is like needing

A you know highly refined tractor that can really I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a guy that can dig a ditch you know but man some of these guys can do stuff with machines that are like he can lift a piece of paper 3 feet into a wet hole

Right I can’t do that you couldn’t do it right we’d be falling off we’d be trashing the tractor these are tools node 40s built tools that are cific for and it it was from the perspective of the trader right a guy that does a lot of volume multitudes of jurisdictions

Multitudes of different products and services he’s trading $100 bands I think that’s going to get greater as Bitcoin becomes more relevant in the market we’re going to see a lot of volatility this is going to be very complicated to track trace and tracking and tracing it is not a problem it’s placing Financial

Value on these transactions and being able to tell a story four years from now as to what that that coin did or what that investment did over the life the four-year life of that family right or entity it’s going to move from people or forgetting these these coins are going

To move man I won’t always be with one or two Banks I’m going to probably have a relationship with Fidelity and then I’ll have a relationship with someone else maybe bitcoin’s at $200,000 one day and I start doing I start borrowing money against it like I’m going to need

A node 40 that can show how I did it what I did and what my cost base is so that I don’t get abused by either a government wanting to collect tax they don’t deserve or abused by the professional who’s having to charge me on an hourly rate I mean I don’t know

Any lawyers that that do this on a contingency you know they do it on an hourly rate and at $700 to $2,000 an hour man it becomes really expensive and if I’m paying having to pay say a KPMG 200 bucks an hour I want them to use

Streamline Services uh to give me the the blue check mark right so I I just think this is about this industry growing up I wanted to write a letter to the government I don’t even know how to do all that stuff but you know I said

About a year ago hey we probably need an office in Washington I’m really disappointed that the government believes that we’re not ready like this whole hey this is going to take 3 years dude launch it okay make the user the investor responsible for the investment

He made and pay taxes okay I believe in paying taxes I believe in paying not one penny more tax ta then all the rules allow you to pay and then Arbitrage all the rules accordingly we’re ready D we could take 30,000 clients tomorrow morning and be ready for the next April

No problem we built this for scale other people went out and did the whole sass raised a shitload of money stupid amounts of money then they went out to the consumer thing cuz that was the Netflix model that’s been the model for the 20 late very end of the 20th century

Right sell something for free get a bunch of you users on it like Facebook get a bunch of data try to build an AI around it and then one day you’ll make some money the problem is they raise money at ridiculous ridiculous valuation all somebody has to do is say hey I have

A digital division of expertise and we can handle everything for you I would much rather make one payment I would much rather have one guy like a doctor who sees my entire portfolio he can give me better advice than having five or six different players so I’m sending a

Warning out to all analog players of the 20th century accounting firms tax firms forensic firm audit firms policing enforcement authorities doj SEC whoever these tools are available right now okay we’re ready and you know dragging this out over three or four or five years I don’t I don’t understand what the delay

Is we are going live with Bitcoin this first quarter of this year this is becoming a big boys market and it needs Big Boy tools so we’re ready I don’t know why other people are suggesting the IRS I would love the IRS to have a serious conversation with us and go look

If your professionals are telling you they’re not ready how about we just deploy node 40 into the IRS and we’ll get them to get ready because we’re ready like we could take the IRS business right now and provide the data that’s necessary for the IRS to understand how these coins have moved on

And offchain or an nft or or whatever assets being digitized and then you’re going to have to track digitization of that asset class no one’s invested any money in this problem this is when I’m really great at right while everybody was like going out and buying Dogecoin

And trying to get an exchange and a position in binance and a position in FDX I’m like hey where are the picks and shovels because I don’t care what bitcoin’s going to become or not become I know that the tax man’s going to get paid you’re going to have to account for

This stuff this is just basic right and and there’s dozens of examples of businesses that are going to grow up around this industry like just the convention business alone the teaching business around digital assets that will become a whole education field consultancy whole education field on consultancy for digital assets that some

Of the Legacy players will move but they have to move all the way and I think that’s the problem you have we’ve had so much noise in this industry so much circus type Carnival noise that these big accounting firms and professionals they get really nervous putting their

You know neck out on the thing going hey what if we pick up one of these guys that aren’t good like what if we pick up pick out a bad guy I mean the FTX guy like swindled convinced a lot of people he was legit um so we’ve had a lot of

Starts and starts and stops starts and stops in the industry I think we’ve seen those now we’ve seen probably the vast majority of that start stop convulsion type Behavior that’s probably behind us now um I would hate to see us go into this okay it’s going to take us till

2030 to start our out cuz that doesn’t solve any problems for us right it doesn’t you and the kyc stuff I don’t understand why the kyc is such a big issue if you don’t want to be kyc you need to leave the country like it’s unless you’re going to go change the

Rules okay but to me that’s not going to happen and to suggest that the tools aren’t available to the US government right now today or to any professional firm it’s simply the professional firm is making a decision not to either acquire these tools by the whole bloody companies I there’s five companies out

There go buy them or go lease the software or go build the software shame on you if you haven’t been building the software right now when I say shame on you I’m really kidding because in 40 years there’s not really one but one or two stories where large carpets built

Anything any software they buy software they use other people’s tools to deliver services to those customers that they have they have millions of customers we don’t want the millions of customers we want hundreds of customers that are serving the micro Market cuz they there’s a lot of different value for

That right like there’s certain things I’m not going to do like I’m probably not going to do accounting on Legacy assets so that’s why us having a relationship with say an earson young or KPMG Del all four of them at one time that’s really valuable cuz they retain

Me they retain all my legacy business and they get my digital business so you know I’ve been doing this my whole life and I’m at the age where I’m like hey do I want to do an you know do I want to just go fishing every day or do I want

To build another business cuz they they you know my last one took 10 years it’s a lot of work a lot of travel and I was sitting down and I said look if I’m and I was buying Bitcoin and I’m not really a great like I I’ll get in trouble Norm

If I can just trade you know I need people like you to B for me it’s it’s really cool to have a bunch of smart people around me that I can communicate with and you know Challenge and be challenged so I wrote down and said look

If I’m going to go do another business it has to one out grossly outperform Bitcoin and I that’s saying a lot for node 40 cuz I think my Bitcoin investment which is growing every day growing by me investing every day actually not just the price appreciation

But I I am a monster believer in this if I’m wrong on this one uh I will be shocked absolutely shocked but as my investment grows I started experiencing a lot of you know the commodity risk uh the price R the underlying price volatility which I actually think is one

Of the great attributes of Bitcoin um we can get into that in a different conversation but it really does lead to node 40 because I think we will see continued volatility expanded volatility I’m very disagreeable with a lot of different people are saying we’re going to see less volatility in the next

Couple years we’re going to see much more volatility there’s a different player coming to this Market so in writing down that whole thing I said look it has to improve over Bitcoin investment it has to have an excellent management team of it people of Highly like real computer science Engineers

They’re white pasty you know they like being in their seller uh plopping out code and their hubris their egos were not unbalanced with what they were doing like and what I mean by that is I wanted to be able to find a founder like me I

Am like this I mean I have a people say hey Gary Z goes over the top actually the more you know me I there’s so much I don’t know how to do so I was hoping to surround myself with someone or some people who looked at my expertise as building businesses and understanding

Commercial uh how to maneuver commercially through the market digital money digital assets and money uh some of the wealthiest investors in the world of which I think less than 15 % have actually come into this space it’s a Once in a-lifetime opportunity and it has no underlying risk business itself

Doesn’t have any risk it has no commodity risk and it gave me a large position in an industry that I love so there’s Gary Cardone offering his expert take on the Bitcoin landscape in 2024 it seems like we’re standing at the threshold of something big particularly with the shifts he highlights in legal

And accounting strategies just like a wise investor knows when to sees an opportunity understanding the nuances Cardone points out might be the key to navigating the evolving crypto landscape keep an eye out for more insights and make your moves wisely in the crypto space before we go a quick reminder for

Those who are keen on staying updated in the fastpaced world of crypto and Bitcoin consider subscribing to our daily 5minute crypto newsletter it’s a concise resource for the latest expert predictions breaking news and top on chain analysis trusted by over 40,000 subscribers for insightful crypto crypto investment information click the first

Link in the description to join our community and elevate your crypto investment knowledge today anyway guys hope you all enjoyed today’s video and that provided you with some value I’ll see you all on the next one and as always all the best


  1. Thanks for the crypto updates, I'm really proud every of your episode of crypto analysis here on YouTube, despite the fluctuations in price I keep earning $16,450 dollars every single week thanks for knowledge and recommendations ๐Ÿ™

  2. 201k subscribers. 424 views and 53 thumbs up. I think all of your viewers have subscribed. Maybe time to change your intro. You're killing it without the marketing spiel. ๐ŸŽ‰

  3. I usually look up your videos for updates! Our government has no idea how people are suffering these days. I feel for people with disabilities not getting the help they deserve. Thank you Ms Kate Anderson, imagine investing $5,000 and received $20,500.

  4. Very interesting point of view on Bitcoin. I'm not sure if Bitcoin really reaches 200k but for sure we can see new ATH very soon. I'm betting on BTC rise and hold long position on Fybit with first target at 51k.

  5. Gary Cardone is a clown. They cannot tax bitcoin because they can't hack the blockchain. Bitcoin is not property of the United States government, therefore, it's illegal for the government to tax a foreign asset. Get it? Do not listen to this scammer he obviously works for the deep state.

  6. 0:32 Until the tax laws change you need to treat Bitcoin like Gold Bullion. If you bought 2 Bitcoin 2 years ago and you sell 1 Bitcoin this year the difference between the net proceeds and the total cost of making the original purchase is the basis for calculating your long term capital gains. If your total cost to buy 1 Bitcoin was $20K 2 years ago and your net proceeds are $60K when you sell this year then you have a $40K long term capital gain you need to pay taxes on. Despite what politicians say there are NO FREE LUNCHES in America. If you buy 1 Bitcoin this year for $40K and sell it 3 months later for $60K then you would have a short term capital gain of $20K which has higher tax rates then long term capital gains. Anything held under 1 year is short term and anything held over 1 year is long term. The rates are not the same and subject to change each tax year.

  7. Thanks for the good summary! Now is the perfect time to start buying stocks and crypto( BTC, ETH,) if you are just being introduced.. I really wish I started earlier. Iโ€™m learning this doesnโ€™t have to be as complicated as some people make it out to be. Thanks to Craig Reeder, Program for helping me get into his trading server and investing guidelines. Investing and trading are more than just having TA skills. There is a big component of discipline and emotional maturity, that one has to work on! Time in the market vs. timing the market. If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm! Within some months I was making a lot more money and have continued on that same path with Craig.


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