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    Credit: Blockworks Macro
    Bitcoin ETF Inflows Continue | Weekly Roundup

    #bitcoin #cryptonews #savvyfinance

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    When you have a demand shock price Rises and that’s what we’re seeing but now we’re about to have a supply shock right now we’re buying three times the current production that’ll turn to six times the current production but here’s the problem that’s only six times current production if the miners actually sell

    But a couple of the miners actually we’re buying after weeks of widespread fear uncertainty and doubt caused by the gbtc selloff the Bitcoin space has again turned positive and exciting for investors at over $448,000 per coin Bitcoin is up 12% in the past 5 days 64% in the past 6 months and

    12.62% over the past year comparatively the SNP index which is currently at all-time highs is only up by 21.50% in 1 year and 12.60% in 6 months senior Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric balunas attributes the ongoing rally to the rousing success of the newly launched spot Bitcoin ETFs in

    One of his latest tweets the Bloomberg analyst shares a chart showing just how successful the launches have been the accompanying tweet reads here’s a look at the top 25 ETFs by assets after 1 month on the market out of $5,000 535 total launches in 30 years black Rock’s

    Ibit and Fidelity’s fbtc are in A League of Their Own with over $3 billion each and they still have two days to go arc’s ARB and bit wise’s bitb also made the list in a follow-up tweet Eric shares another important parameter that shows how successful the top two Bitcoin ETFs

    Have been compared to other names on the list his tweet reads a good chunk of these are ESG bring your own assets BS meaning there is one investor behind the entire AUM so I looked at the percentage of days they had inflows in the first month of trading which helps to separate

    Organic from byoa ibit and fbtc are both 100% not to mention the $6 billion plus in volume this is literally unprecedented this chart shows that black rocks and Fidelity’s Bitcoin ETFs have had inflows every day since launch compared to Beto’s 90% and spyer gold shares 35% during the latest episode of

    His weekly Roundup with blockworks macro Mark yuso emphasizes the importance of these milestones and what they would mean for Bitcoin prices within the next few weeks leading up to the 2024 Hing as crazy as prices have been this week Mark believes things are going to get even

    Crazier as we draw closer to the jaing in April and absolutely insane after the much anticipated event as we bring you clips from Yo’s discussion with blockworks Mike Polito don’t forget to to like and share this video subscribe to the channel and turn on post notification for more videos like this

    Thanks and enjoy the video not the two best starts of of 2024 not the two best starts of the last five years not the two best starts of commodity ETFs not the two best starts of ETFs run by the largest institutions in the world two of

    The best starts of all et FS this is simply a supply and demand story and and look we we talked about this for for months leading up to the eventual approval um which we nailed by the way I mean we’re off by two days three days

    But but we nailed it I think what what people just haven’t internalized is it’s this two-step process right is we had the demand shock which is this sailor s appetite but not a one-time I mean Michael was like a one-time Chomp and then he’ digest and then he Chomp and

    Then he digests kind of like a a dinosaur you know Python and this is more of you know I don’t know what the most voracious jungle cat is that you know is eating and hunting you know not daily but but weekly I mean it’s this is and

    This is going to go on for a very long time because of the resistance from the powers that be right you know everyone who aligns with the Warren Clan said nope nope that’s not welcome here those those new ETFs they’re not welcome here and one by one over time that’s

    Going to fall and it’s going to increase the amount of capital that’s trying to squish through the gate the four-year cycle exists because of the having cycle and the having cycle is hardcoded that is not going away and the supply so we had the demand shock that

    Was what I was saying we had the demand shock right we got the approval of these things so the average person can now start buying it’s now a 1% actually one to 3% allocation in the Fidelity Broad portfolio so they have a portfol they have an ETF that is all their other ETFs

    Allocated based on their strategic View and they have a 1 to three% waiting and a 1% position in fbtc the the thing is when you have a demand shock price Rises and that’s what we’re seeing but now we’re about to have a supply shock and that Supply shock

    Guaranteed whether it’s 417 4 418 you know people wishing it’s 420 it doesn’t really matter what day it is it’s happening and we’re going to go from 900 a day to 450 a day and at the amount of inflows okay that’s happening right now we’re buying three times the current production that’ll

    Turn to six times the current production but here’s the problem that’s only six times current production if the miners actually sell but a couple of the miners actually were buying I mean literally they not only were they not selling to pay their electric bills they were actually in the

    Market buying now that that can’t happen forever but but that’s just a speculative move people adding to their treasury because they anticipate this this move and you know the other thing that that doesn’t get enough conversation is this idea of of treasuries right you have Micro strategy

    Clearly the biggest part of his treasury basically turned himself into a a Bitcoin bank but other companies have quietly added to Ian Morgan Creek has Bitcoin in on our balance sheet now we’re not like sailor but we have it during the discussion Mark also commented on Russian President Vladimir

    Putin’s recent interview with Tucker Carlson during the interview which now has almost 200 million views on Twitter and over 12 million views on YouTube Putin discussed various topics including the decline of the US Dollar’s dominance as the global Reserve currency Putin noted that the US political leadership makes a big mistake whenever they

    Weaponize the dollar to use the dollar as a tool of foreign policy struggle is one of the biggest strategic mistakes made by the US political leadership the Russian president said he continued by adding adding the dollar is the Cornerstone of the United States power it is the main weapon used by the United

    States to preserve its power across the world as soon as the political leadership decided to use the US dollar as a tool of political struggle a blow was dealt to this American power I would not like to use any strong language but it is a stupid thing to do and a grave

    Mistake Putin further noted that even us allies are now reducing their dollar reserves just to protect themselves from being dealt a similar fate with Russia Putin further noted that about 80% of Russia’s foreign trade transactions were made in US Dollars and euros and is currently down to 133% comparatively the

    Country has increased transactions in Chinese Yuan from 3% previously to a little over 34% today let’s get back to Mark’s interview as he talks about the weaponization of the dollar and the inefficiency and Corruption of our political class this is actually part of what Putin was saying in in the

    Interview when you weaponize the dollar right by sanctions you force the people who are being weaponized against you know who are being sanctioned by the way I love that you called it Twitter thank you don’t call it X call it Twitter um but uh my point there is what he says is he

    Gave the he gave the numbers he said five years I think it was five years ago five years ago uh 3% of our trade was in Yuan and 34% was in dollars for Russia Today 133% of our trade is in dollars and 34% is in uan so who’s gaining economic

    Power right if we believe the world Reserve currency kind of 1971 Petro dollar standard if we believe that which I think we should because there’s a lot of evidence to support it that’s being weakened by the policymakers decisions to sanction and force these other countries like if you look at Iranian

    Oil production pre-sanction post sanction straight line up well why they’re going to find a way to sell their oil someplace else is the US really is is the US really aligned with the principles of Freedom taxation inflation is that freedom what country right now doesn’t have taxation is the

    Suppression of a whole swath of of people through the systematic theft of their wealth through inflation like you said you said it you said it inflation is a choice from 1776 the founding of the Republic to 1913 there was no inflation there was no systematic inflation in the United States my my

    Only point there is there is a class system there is a a group of people that are making decisions that have significant and severe economic consequences for a very large number of people take the lockdowns that was the greatest transfer of economic wealth in the history of

    Mankind from the m to a very small number of people $3.7 trillion doar went to the you know and I I don’t like the term the billionaire class but but that’s who it went to even miss Yellen said the word unsustainable and she’s the one of the biggest problems and

    We’re on an unsustainable path and I don’t know how you feel but I know how I feel when I watch our leadership talk about economic decisions I don’t feel good about it and when I see the impact that it has right when I see the CEO of McDonald’s say

    That on their own data households under 45,000 are no longer going to McDonald’s because they can’t afforded if you want to believe that’s just an accidental result like like the runaway train right no one meant for the train to be going 80 miles an hour with no one on it

    Running it was is a series of small little accidents that accumulate we we can believe that or we can believe that there’s in intent that there is an intention and I I talked about this all the time dictator Playbook 101 if you want to be absolutely in power there’s

    Tons of examples of this in history what do you do you impoverish the masses and then give them handouts in exchange for votes and I will argue just my opinion I will argue that’s exactly what’s happening right now Mark believed another round of handouts is imminent in the United States however he cautions

    That like all the others before it the stimulus packages quantitative easing rounds or whatever new title they are given will benefit the ruling class and the elites a thousand times more than struggling citizens he gives an example of what happened with the pandemic handouts While most if not all ordinary

    Citizens have exhausted their stimulus packages no thanks to the rising prices of goods the billionaires that doubled their wealth then are still reaping the benefits from the handouts what are your thoughts on Mark Yo’s interview please drop your comments and observations in the comment section below also ensure

    You like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more videos like this thanks for watching


    1. Military spending % of GDP
      1 United States of America 877 billion 3.5%
      2 People's Republic of China 292 billion 1.6%
      3 Russia 86 billion 4.1%
      4 India 81 billion 2.4%
      5 Saudi Arabia 75 billion 7.4%
      6 United Kingdom 68 billion 2.2%
      7 Germany 56 billion 1.4%
      8 France 54 billion 1.9%
      9 South Korea 46 billion 2.7%
      10 Japan 46 billion 1.1%

      Now, who do you think is really running the show? LMAO!!

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