In this comprehensive video, I delve deep into the promising world of AI cryptocurrencies for 2024. I share detailed insights on a curated list of AI tokens including RENDER (RNDR), Akash Network (AKT), (FET), BitTensor (TAO), Echelon Prime (PRIME), AIOZ Network (AIOZ), PAAL AI (PAAL), inSure DeFi (SURE), and enqAI (ENQAI). I provide a thorough analysis of their market caps, project developments, and my personal feedback. Additionally, I rank these tokens based on their potential to achieve significant gains, ranging from 2x to a highly speculative 100x. Join me as I explore each token’s unique narrative, technology, and the role of institutional investment in the AI crypto space. This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in the intersection of artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency, offering valuable insights into where to potentially place your bets in 2024 and beyond.

    0:00 – Introduction to AI Tokens for 2024
    2:20 – RENDER (RNDR) Analysis and Ranking
    5:13 – Akash Network (AKT) Insights and Potential
    7:55 – (FET) Overview and Engineer Focus
    11:13 – BitTensor (TAO) Market Dynamics and Advice
    14:45 – Echelon Prime (PRIME) Gaming and AI Integration
    18:19 – AIOZ Network (AIOZ) Decentralized Services Potential
    21:07 – PAAL AI (PAAL) Personalized Bots and Business Applications
    27:25 – inSure DeFi (SURE) Insurance and Security in Crypto
    32:10 – enqAI (ENQAI) Decentralized ChatGPT Ambitions

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    This video is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. The views expressed are personal opinions and are not intended as investment recommendations. Cryptocurrency investments carry high risks, including the potential loss of capital. Viewers are advised to conduct their own research and consult with a financial professional before making any investment decisions. The creators of this video are not responsible for any losses or damages arising from the use of this information.

    #AI #Cryptocurrency #CryptoInvestment2024 #Blockchain #RENDER #RNDR #AkashNetwork #AKT #Fetchai #FET #BitTensor #TAO #EchelonPrime #PRIME #AIOZNetwork #AIOZ #PAALAI #PAAL #inSureDeFi #SURE #enqAI #MarketAnalysis #InstitutionalInvestment #Crypto

    In today’s video we will go through a list of AI  tokens. The ones that I think will do very very   well in 2024. I will provide you with a bunch  of information on each and every one of them.  

    We will check out market caps, fully downloaded  market caps, what exactly has happened with the   projects. I will provide you with my feedback and  on top of that we will rank the tokens for the  

    Amount of access that I think they might be able  to do in 2024 probably 2025 as well because no one   knows the future right so we basically have a list  of tokens like render akash fetch ai bit tensor  

    Echelon prime and others right and i will rank  them from two to five x to 100 x’s obviously 100x   is like crazy crazy crazy high risk and probably  it’s never going to happen. But I will just like  

    To provide you with this information and share my  opinion on these AI tokens as well. In general,   the main reason for this video is because it’s  quite an interesting and large narrative at this   stage. I don’t think it should be neglected.  Therefore, it’s probably one of the most  

    Narrative that I have least exposure to. And at  the same time, I think it’s going to run as well,   just because of the fact that we have a very  interesting situation in the marketplace   currently. We will definitely see institutions’  money coming in this year and the next one,  

    Probably in the future as well. And institutions,  they will definitely be investing into the things   that they understand. Imagine you just made a  bank in stocks market with AI projects. Would   you be investing into AI projects in crypto?  I think so. That’s very, very easy. It’s very,  

    Very straightforward. So I think they would be  investing in the first place into finance and   finance products that they understand, things like  Stacks and others like DeFi, DeFi and Bitcoin most   likely. And they would essentially be investing  into AI projects as well because they understood  

    It performed on the marketplace. They’ve educated  themselves Define Bitcoin most likely. And they   would essentially be investing into AI projects as  well. Because they understood it performed on the   marketplace. They’ve educated themselves already.  So they don’t have to educate themselves a lot  

    Here. And this is essentially what I think will  be happening as well. Because I doubt they will be   like throwing money into some games or like meme  coins and things like that. or like meme coins   and things like that. That’s more essentially  about crypto VCs and crypto guys to use memes  

    As a marketing tool for a certain platform that  we basically had Bonk for Solana, right? Cheapest,   best type of marketing that you can get. Very  smart. I actually know the market makers behind   Bonk, but I do believe a lot of people know them  as well. All right, so let’s start with Render.  

    It’s quite interesting that Render is actually  like largest market cap token in this list. We see   that the current valuation is 1.7 billion and the  fully diluted is 2.5. So it’s quite interesting,   quite nice because it doesn’t have this large  fully diluted valuation. Therefore, your holdings,  

    They will not essentially be diluted by investors  receiving tokens daily and just dumping on you   right render is an older project from the last  cycle but it’s doing very very well currently   and the main reason for that is because it has a  very very interesting combination of narratives  

    We basically had narrative like dpn popping up  this cycle as well there was no dpn last cycle   right this part is also about ai and gpu rendering  which is kind of about gaming so it’s combination   of three very very strong narrative and probably  narratives that will perform very very nicely in  

    The bull market as well that’s why essentially a  lot of people are quite bullish in render because   it’s always safer to put your money into things  that are the combination of narratives and by   the way a lot of tokens that will be shown  here they essentially are the combination  

    Of narratives. And by the way, a lot of tokens  that I will be showing here, they essentially   are the combination of narratives. I just think  that render is one of the most strongest one in   terms of that. Fully diluted is not that large as  well, which is quite interesting by itself. And  

    It’s also about this vision of decentralized  metaverse. I know that a lot of people,   they kind of don’t want to even hear anything  about metaverse currently, but I’m telling you,   narrative is alive and it’s going to go like crazy  because it’s alive in ordinals it’s not alive in  

    Centralized metaverses it’s alive in ordinal space  which is very very interesting by itself right and   the main issue the main thing with metaverse is  that it should be decentralized right centralized   things like doesn’t work Facebook meta sandbox  the central end like they’re good to an extent  

    And i think the central end has been run by dao so  it’s quite decentralized at this stage but anyway   it does not work if the metaverse is centralized  on bitcoin we already have the option with bitmaps   and all the developments that are happening around  the space to have a decentralized metaverse in  

    Order to have a decentralized metaverse  with nice graphics and things like that,   we would essentially need to have endless amounts  of GPU power in order to render these metaverse.   And I think products and product like render is  exactly something that could be used for this  

    Part as well. Very, very bullish on the vision  on the whole thing as well. If we imagine that   humanity will be present infinite amount of  years, right? We will definitely develop a   metaverse that’s way better than our current life  are we living in the simulation so the market cap  

    Is 1.7 billion but it’s kind of like at the top of  ai narrative a dp narrative and as well at the top   of gaming i would say because yeah like metaverse  narrative as well there so very very interesting  

    I would want to put it at like 10 to 25x but 25x  for render yeah just crazy so i would just put   it from 5 to 10 it’s 2024 2025 so bull market  and things like that next thing is akash right  

    Quite bullish on this thing as well just because  of the fact it’s combination of narratives it’s   ai and dp a lot of people they’re essentially  talking about this talking too and fully diluted   is not that bad actually as well, which is very  very interesting It’s also the talking of the  

    Previous cycle So it saw the bull market and in  the first run and the second top which happened   because the money were printing and right now  We’re kind of at the stage of the correction   that work was happening in October 2021 very very  interesting. So it seems that we are quite close  

    To the all-time high for this token because we  are only basically 2.5x down from the all-time   high for this token. We see that fully diluted  is only two times larger than the market cap of   the whole thing. And essentially in terms of the  project, the world’s premier decentralized compute  

    Marketplace. Akash is an open network that lets  users buy and sell computing resources securely   and efficiently. Purpose built for publicbuilt  for public utility very very interesting they also   stated that the source code is open that has been  run by the community which is very very bullish  

    And generally in crypto at the same time it might  be bearish because of the fact maybe there is no   manipulator behind this token as well but these  are just assumptions if we have the fully diluted   market cap two times larger than the current  market cap then there is definitely a market  

    Maker there’s definitely something working on this  token to put the price up to capitalize and make   money for the team because this is the each and  every the only reason that people basically have   with crypto projects to make money in the first  place everything else goes right after so i do  

    Believe it’s something similar to amazon web  services which is quite bullish that you can   actually use these computational resources in a  decentralized way, deepening infrastructure. Very,   very interesting from that point of view.  Talking from the previous cycle, which is being  

    Appreciated currently, I do believe the main thing  for that is AI narrative, of course, with chat GPT   and things like that, and deepening. And I believe  Akash is one of the largest tokens in basically   deepin which is decentralized infrastructure right  so we have 700 million market cap at this stage i  

    Would want to put it to 5 to 10x but before render  because the market cap is larger i would want to   put it at 5 to 10x but before render because  the market cap is smaller so basically there  

    Should be a more upside for this token as well the  reason I’m not putting them higher is because the   market cap is quite high at this stage already  so like 10x for something like a cash it could   be 7 billion definitely doable in the bull  market I don’t think that people understand  

    Like what type what influence of liquidity we’re  actually going to get in the bull market on top   of that a lot of people that took part in the  bull cycle in 2021 they maybe were able to  

    Catch only the end of it. So they didn’t expect  the whole thing, whether we positioned it in   the market before actually the whole thing  started to surge. So it’s going to be a very,   very interesting experience by itself as well.  Next thing is, half a billion market cap.  

    There is something interesting I actually want  to share on the website. So on this website, if   you’re basically scrolling down you see the piece  of code right away so you can understand what the   target audience of this product is so these are  engineers these are developers because this thing  

    If you’re not an engineer it scares you right away  you also see huge buttons cdocs and github on the   top so everything that website is focused on is to  attract engineers and make engineers build using, which is interesting, which is bullish  by itself because engineers, they move first.  

    Engineers, they’re on board to the platform,  they work, and then the price appreciates   over time if they’re building good stuff and  things like that. And it’s interesting thing   in crypto that if you’re just betting on winning  engineers, you would be able to capitalize a lot,  

    Like all engineers who are actually delivering  and developing. Benny, track. Essentially be able   to capitalize a lot, like only engineers who  are actually delivering and developing. Benny   track. Essentially, development tools are a very,  very interesting profitable business model from  

    The point of view that they would have to use  them anyway. Probably if engineers implemented   the development tools into their own product,  they will keep staying with them. They will be   not changing them. And overall, over time, you  would essentially be probably charging for the  

    Amount of API calls that you’re getting from a  certain product. Or basically just put someone   on the SaaS subscription. But usually it’s  actually the amount of API calls. And it’s   quite interesting because this way you would  probably mostly be charging whales. Therefore,  

    Making the service free for everyone else. So it’s  easy to onboard. It’s easy to get started. And   it’s easy to work on this thing. Great website.  Focus on the engineers. interesting technology,   very, very interesting. We also see that  this is the token from the last cycle,  

    Which is quite interesting by itself. We are at  around half a billion market cap at this stage,   and we see that fully diluted at 700 million. So  it’s not that bad in terms of the investors and  

    Early buyers dumping on you. It recently did a  3.5x. We had a correction to 0.47 in the low. So   that’s around 40% from the highs. And currently  we are surging higher. It’s very interesting. I   think something that will be happening with the  market in the upcoming one or two months is quite  

    Exciting. Whether or not we will essentially draw  a double top here and just correct and go down,   or whether or not we will basically just surge  up and it’s going to be up only. Definitely,   definitely very, very interesting position in the  marketplace currently as well. So in terms of the  

    FedCI project from the previous cycle as well,  half a billion market cap, development tools.   So from one point of view, it’s a bullish type  of thing because it essentially will be used in   different products. You can think like Chainlink  because Oracles, they’re basically just being  

    Used everywhere right at the same time like it’s  harder for the public to basically understand the   value of these things and uh formal into them and  things like that and the benefit of that is that   it’s quite stable because you won’t probably  have like average jaw holding this token in  

    The first place we probably have some technical  people that understand these things some people   similar to people that were holding cardinal  last cycle because it was more around engineers   and a lot of engineers friends myself that i know  they were actually buying into cordana because it  

    Was kind of appealing to engineers as well so i  would want to put it from 5 to 10x just because   essentially it’s also the token of the last cycle  is quite large market cap at this stage it’s quite  

    A stable peak therefore i think it would be harder  for public essentially to formal into this thing   as well because it’s mostly for the engineers bit  tensor vitalik basically said that if you want to   do an ai project in crypto do it as b tensor  does it right fully diluted 11 billion current  

    Valuation 3.3 billion so we at least 4x from here  which is great because we do understand that the   parties essentially involved into the product  circulation supply is only 30 so it’s easy to   push up the price of the token i will give you  some alpha right away market maker even if he  

    Only has five% of the supply of the token under  him in his wallet, he already can do moves with   the chart. He can already draw the things that  he needs to draw. Very, very important. He will   basically have 30% of the supply circulated, 11  billion market cap overall. So we can definitely  

    Understand that there would be manipulation with  this token as well, because people that invested   into this project early, they are looking to make  an ROI. They’re looking to make money they’re   not looking for anything else pretty much very  very healthy run so i remember bit tensor and  

    Essentially surgeon as one of the first tokens and  even here it was quite a large market caps already   so we did 9x then we corrected to 200 bucks which  is pretty much around 40% as well from the highs  

    Then from 200 bucks we are at 530 very very nice  as well it’s kind of this thing about taking   profits early in the cycle if you’re sitting in  the good tokens if you were able to get like these  

    Entries personally that’s not a financial advice  but I would not be taking profits because we are   early in the cycle just sit with your tokens like  do you want to time the market you want to sell  

    Here buy back here and then what like sell here  and what if you would just go straight up then   you would basically just sell your tokens so  this is something that i’m i’m essentially a   fan of if you got nice entry just sitting in just  do nothing doing nothing is also doing something  

    It’s actually quite hard to do nothing right so  big So BitTensor is essentially this flagman of   AI at this stage. This is a token that everyone  knows about it. I think it’s one of the safest   picks. And people that don’t know anything about  AI narrative, about projects, they would be just  

    Buying into BitTensor. And essentially, this is  the advice from my end as well. If you want to get   exposure to AI, but you don’t want to figure  out like different parts, different tokens,   just buy BitTensor. It’s going to be great. Not  probably at these levels, but because we’re at  

    All-time highs I think we might see correction  going down but that’s essentially just an opinion   from my end right one of the things that I like  about BitTenzer as well is that it’s actually   talking of this cycle so it’s not something that  was present in the previous cycle and the main  

    Reason I like that is because it did not see bull  market so it did not see the manipulation yet.   And manipulation will definitely happen because  the fully diluted market cap is 11 billion and   the current market cap is 3 billion. Very, very  bullish from this point of view, because again,  

    Everyone is looking to make money on the market  and people that invested into the token early   stage, they would be looking to capitalize on the  investment to make a nice ROI. And I think already   they’re quite quite happy i think for all this  accumulation period the market maker was basically  

    Just buying out the tokens from the people  who were selling who were becoming desperate   said they were seeing like casper surging in the  bear market and their bit tensor was just at zero   right so they were selling selling selling market  maker was buying, buying, buying. And then boom,  

    Manipulation, manipulation. We are going up  and I’m not going to get into the token at   these stages. Maybe if we would essentially see  a huge correction. But yes, definitely should be   like very, very large correction for me to get  into this thing at this stage. Although I think  

    It will do very, very well in the bull market. So  it’s essentially the first token that I’m showing   and checking out which is AI token from this cycle  I would even put it at first like the first in  

    Terms of the 5 to 10x I think I do think it can  actually do a 10x from these numbers as well in   the big bull What do we have here? Ashland prime  the reason I’m showing this is because it has a  

    Great combination in terms of the narratives you  have gaming you have AI and Probably if you are   the gamer yourself you played the Elder scroll  skyrim which came in 2010 14 years ago yes you   are that old and you probably saw these videos  on youtube like shorts where basically people are  

    Installing ai into their companions in skyrim and  they’re talking to them about different events in   the game and things like that so it’s actually the  ultimate vision that i see for gaming and for the   future as well imagine you yourself just sitting  in the capsule with something like Neuralink  

    Essentially installed in your brain. You’re  sleeping all the time and capsule basically helps   you to sustain the body better. So you are able to  live for 150 plus years. At the same time, you’re   connected to the metaverse. You don’t need to  sleep or you need to sleep a very, very low amount  

    Of time. Your productivity skyrockets because  you have implementations of all this ai you   exist in the metaverse you work at the metaverse  and you also have ai characters in the metaverse   this is essentially the vision of the future that  i have from one point of view and i do think that  

    We will actually see it in our lifetimes as well  so obviously echelon prime has long long way to   implement something like that but they are i think  one of the first games in crypto that are actually   implementing ai into the game which is very very  exciting like if proper ai would be implemented  

    With the kind of character models written with  the stories that they are provided with in the   first place and they would be able to interact  based on certain events you’d be able to talk   to them very very interesting from the investment  point of view why i think it’s going to do well,  

    Just because of the fact it’s a combination of  gaming and it’s a combination of the AI as well.   Let’s check out the overall chart. It’s also the  token from NewCycle, which is very, very bullish.  

    2.8 bucks at the lows and 10 bucks at the high. So  somewhere around three to four Xs. We had a small   correction. So interesting that a correction here  was quite small. It was like 30%, right? And it’s  

    Quite bullish from that point of view, because  we do understand that people, they do not want   to sell this token. They do not want to give  away the tokens because they do understand the   potential behind this thing. Circulation supply  is 23% at this stage. Market maker is probably  

    Also buying out all these tokens here and fully  diluted is 1 billion so it’s four times larger we   will definitely see manipulation these things will  definitely go higher because people are looking   to make an roi it’s also talking from this cycle  which makes me quite bullish and interesting that  

    We are already higher than the price of the IDO  at least in the coin market cap because often coin   market cap it does not catch initial prices of the  IDO but interesting thing that these people that   were buying initially, they were able to break  even at this stage, which is bullish because  

    That means that essentially sell pressure might  be gone from early adopters who were buying into   this thing initially. Interesting project, quite  bullish on the combination of the narratives.   Let’s actually try to rank it. 200 million market  cap for the Echelon Prime gaming, which will be  

    Pumped by Alex Becker and Elliot Trades with the  largest YouTube channels and largest following   on YouTube. rank it 200 million market cap for  the echelon prime gaming which will be pumped by   alex becker elliot trades with the largest youtube  channels largest following on youtube in terms of  

    The gaming space and talking of new cycle all the  good stuff that i mentioned already i would put it   at 10 to 25 x i think it would do somewhere from  15 to 20 x in the peak bull so it should put us  

    At around 6 billion market cap which i think  is doable obviously depending on the game and   depending on the things that they would be able  to deliver actually push on the marketplace but   following the fact that this thing corrected  way lower than render then a cash then fetch  

    Ai it means that people do not want to sell  the token maybe they know something ai oz   what we see right away the token of previous  cycle had a pump in November actually small   one from zero to from yeah just four axis so a  small one for that cycle and then accumulation  

    Accumulation accumulation accumulation zero  zero one zero zero fifteen wow boom 10x from   here right and basically currently we are at 10x  from the lows of the accumulation period of the   bear market interesting thing about this part then  this token is that it’s 150 million market cap,  

    But fully diluted is also 150 million.  And we see that tokens in circulations,   they’re basically equal to the total supply of  the token. So all the tokens are in the market.   Some people are saying that it’s actually bullish  for the token because you don’t have people that  

    Will be dumping on you and essentially diluting  the supply as well. From other point of view,   you might think that there is a case that we  might not see a manipulation happening because   maybe people who are launching this token in the  first place they took the profits here and we had  

    A distribution stage here and they were basically  selling here as well on the correction so maybe   they basically worked out this token as well  they don’t have any much more money to fixate   from this token but despite the fact we had a 10x  from the bear market it’s quite quite interesting  

    In terms of the things that might be happening  with this product and this project and this token   deep in ai play love that ai storage streaming  bullish on basically three of these words with   storage decentralized storage great awesome nice  implementation in terms of the node structure and  

    Things like that i would love for people to  essentially share their storage spaces and   launch nodes and essentially provide a part of the  storage to other people in the network so they can   basically use it interesting implementation for  the decentralized infrastructure streaming quite  

    Bullish on this thing as well because this is  something that needs to be done i think streaming   is a very very great opportunity in order to  be decentralized, in order to essentially put   it on decentralized rails, on decentralized  projects as well. And essentially after that,  

    Like build some type of DApp platform where  streaming is decentralized. But I’m sure there   should be some of them already as well. The  fact that it has nodes, it might essentially   cause certain selling pressure, but we do see  that all of the tokens are in the circulation  

    Supply at this stage so it’s quite interesting  if the node holders are receiving benefits and   tokens at this stage for essentially running the  nodes as well if they are there would obviously   be selling pressure all the time within the  token so 150 million market cap fully diluted  

    Is equal to the market cap of the whole token  talking of the previous cycle did the 10x already   from the lows but essentially did the 10x from 15  million market cap would the whole token talking  

    Of the previous cycle did the 10x already from the  lows but essentially did the 10x from 15 million   market cap would i wanted to put it to 10 25 x all  right but after echelon prime just because of the  

    Fact that the token of the last cycle however it  pumped way higher than prime already so we did a   10x and prime did what like forex but i would i  would see the 10 to 15x with essentially AI and  

    DP narrative picking up and the big of the bull  market as well. Next thing is Paul AI. We have 120   million market cap with 150 million fully diluted  and 78% of the tokens in the circulation already.  

    We recently had a pump basically just this day  from 0.1 to 0.16, basically 60%. This is also   talking of this cycle, which makes me quite  bullish because it’s interesting in terms of   this ai place that everyone is talking about there  are not a lot of tokens from this cycle so we only  

    Saw like echelon prime b tensor and then we’re  seeing pal ai as well the fact that fully diluted   is not that high for the new token is also quite  interesting maybe it was like some type of fair  

    Launch or they didn’t want to basically fundraise  a bunch of funds as well. So we see from the lows   of the October, it was at 0.02. At the highs in  November, it was at 0.02. So basically 10x as  

    Well. Crazy, crazy things. And we had a correction  to 0.1. So we had 50% of the correction. So that   pretty much means that a lot of people, they  entered this token based on fomo and probably   they were selling in negative uh here and maybe  somewhere here right now we are pumping back  

    It would be interesting to essentially draw the  same type of high or if we would be able to move   higher on this token as well with spa ai you can  basically create a personalized boards for your   businesses for your products and essentially have  them on the platforms talking to people answering  

    Questions and things like that i do like things  with revenue sharing and rewards for stakers the   only issue i have is that revenue sharing only  works if you basically have revenue so if it’s a   proper business in our case it’s essentially a sas  business i would be interested what type of mrr  

    They basically have what type of churn rates and  essentially how they’re working with the products,   what type of customer support and things  like that. All the things that are very,   very important to run a SaaS business in the first  place as well. 1% of all pile trading volume,  

    AI tool subscription, service revenue sharing,  15% referral rewards, partner projects, airdrops,   right? Yeah. So it’s mainly about revenue because  we have things like Rollbit that are doing like   crazy revenue, but they’re talking and basically  dumping anyway despite the fact that they’re doing  

    A very very nice amounts of revenue because  they’re basically a casino and casino is doing   nice amount of revenue all the time right so mr  is the main thing how much money this thing is   making on a monthly basis and how many active  clients does this have so it doesn’t mean that  

    It won’t run it will probably run just like just  because of the narrative because we are in crypto   and people just throw the money into things that  they see and they don’t care i do like the kind  

    Of like the call to action right away so you’re  on this page and you see get my bot now so it’s   a clear call to action you only have two things  that you can click here so you can only click get  

    My bot now or menu which is very very nice so the  attention is focused on call to action. It’s very,   very clear call to action. I do like the wording  on this call to action. Maybe they A-B tested this  

    Page as well. Very, very interesting. Yeah. So you  can also click on the contract. You can also check   it out and you can also click on the socials, but  it’s not that obvious. Like obvious is to click  

    On get my bot now or the menu. Then you basically  have to scroll a bit and yeah, you can see all the   tools as well. Autopal for X. We see things like  coming soon, which means that they’re still in the  

    Development. So a lot of things about this token  will essentially depend on the fact whether or   not the team would be able to deliver. And if they  have previous SaaS experience, if they know how to   run SaaS businesses with customer support, with  churn rates, with essentially growing the MRR,  

    With referral programs and things like that, with  some partners who would be bringing them leads. So   it’s this type of interesting kind of workflow,  if they would be able to deliver. If they will,   it will just pump and go like crazy. But at  this stage, we’re essentially just thinking  

    About the price of the token, whether or not  the token will fly or not. So as mentioned,   fully diluted is not that large, although it’s the  token of the token whether another token will fly   or not so as mentioned fully diluted is not that  large although it’s the token of this cycle it  

    Has a feeling of tier 2 talking so i don’t think  it it might be doing like large numbers it might   do like a 10x max from these levels that’s  something that i’m just thinking for my end  

    Because it did a 10x already and again i’m the fan  of not taking profits on this thing it’s’s not a   financial advice, but if you basically were buying  somewhere here and you’ve done like a 10X here,  

    Just hold your tokens. You have like a 10X, maybe  you have like several like thousands of dollars,   several tens of thousands of dollars  in this token as well. 10X more, you’ll   probably be a millionaire right away or you would  probably have maybe like you had 5K initially,  

    You have 50K and then you would essentially have  500K. I think it’s a very very healthy and great   thing if you’re in the projects that are doing  like 10x at the start of the cycle which already   means that you have a bunch of tokens in this  project and essentially once this project will  

    Pump more because we’re at the start of the cycle  you will make like a bunch of money and basically   came like from from free funds so you basically  just invested like 5k in the first place you may  

    Want to take your 5k out and put it into the  next thing, but it’s essentially up to you,   right? And it’s very, very interesting that the  whole goal of the market maker is to shake you   out from these positions because he understands  that people that were buying here, they caught a  

    10X here. So his goal is to shake you out on these  corrections. So you would see that essentially the   amount of money that you have with these tokens  is going down, down, down every day. So you would  

    Want to essentially take profits on anything. And  the moment you would take profits, the moment you   would sell, he would pump the price back up. The  main reason for them is because it’s very, very   important for the market makers to change hands,  to make sure that people that bought early, they  

    Would essentially sell somewhere here, new people  will buy in, and then the market maker will push   the price higher. And the main reason for that is  because if someone bought here for him to do a 2x,  

    You would basically need to push the price of the  token to 0.2. And for this guy, if we would push   the price of the token from 0.2, he would be back  at his 10x. And for example, for this guy to have  

    A 4x, he would essentially need the price to be  at 0.4 level, right? And this guy at 0.4 level,   he would basically have 20x. He would probably be  taking profits on these things and therefore he’s   dumping on the market maker. And that’s something  market makers don’t like because basically you  

    Have to spend funds to push the price of the  token up. So the core thing they’re doing,   they are trying to change hands. So for early  people that randomly got into the token, they  

    Need to shake them out in order to be able to push  the price up easier because everyone on the market   is looking to make money, right? PolyAI, yeah,  I do think it seems like a tier two token just  

    From the website and things like that. So I would  say like 10x from here, depending on the market,   depending how the whole thing is going to perform.  I put it the first, the only reason i put it the  

    First is because basically the market cap is low  that’s the only reason i put it the first right   now something that i don’t see a lot of people  talking about and i think that volumes on this  

    Thing they’re quite quite low but i do know oh  geez yeah it’s only like 200k a day but it’s great   because you see the volumes is up 50 in 24 hours  which means that we might be expecting some type  

    Of move for this token as well. So InsureDeFi,  also the token from the previous cycle,   which might be bearish from my point of view, but  it had a pump, but very, very, very, very short   pump. It’s quite interesting. So why I’m bullish  on InsureDeFi and what the project is about,  

    Basically, it’s about insurance, right? If you  know insurance businesses, they are the largest,   they are the oldest businesses in the United  States. And the main reason for that is because   they have a shit ton of profits. With the business  models that they’re running, they’re generating  

    Like crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy profits. And it’s  a very, very easy mathematical essentially model   to implement in terms of the insurances and  things like that. And it’s older, very, very   great businesses as well, from the point of view  of business. I’m not talking about how they’re  

    Treating the customers and things like that. Great  industry, like insurance developments, software   engineers for insurance companies, they just go  into way higher prices than software engineers   for even like Web3 things. Because insurance  software development is basically like a separate,  

    Separate niche where engineers, they actually  have to be onboarded and they actually have to   understand what is happening there explain a video  i do like explaining a video that’s something   that’s the advice that i actually wanted to give  to fetch ai if you would essentially put and  

    Explain a video you would disqualify people who  do not want to hear about the talking about the   situation things like that but you would be able  to catch the attention of people who do not want   to hear about the talking about the situation  things like that but you would be able to catch  

    The attention of people who really would want to  understand things and explain a video basically   explains everything very very well the only issue  i have is that it’s two minutes ideal amounts of   seconds for explaining videos is from 40 to  50 seconds as well and i would do a preview a  

    Little bit more bright so in terms of the colors  because it’s a bit shallow like i don’t want to   click it but i i as as essentially visitor of  the colors because it’s a bit shallow like i  

    Don’t want to click it but i i as as essentially  visitor of the website it’s the goal of people   who make the website for me to want to click into  this video ensure defy ecosystem aims to provide   stability to the crypto world protecting investors  from scams stolen funds and drastic devaluations  

    Of crypto portfolios do you think it’s relevant  did you lose money last cycle i did i think it’s   relevant? Did you lose money last cycle? I did.  I think it’s relevant. We do already see like   a bunch of scams under like each and every hype  topic, like Satoshi Vian, for example, there were  

    A bunch of scams in the comments, like claim our  airdrop and things like that. And obviously there   are a lot of new people in the market. They don’t  know if they should be connecting the wallets to   different websites and things like that. So these  scams, they will continue happening. And if we  

    Will have this super cycle, we will have the  largest amount of retail coming in. Therefore,   they will basically be losing the largest  amount of funds. That’s why I think things   about protection, security, insurance, they  will come into play and they will do very,  

    Very well because there would be a demand for the  projects like that. So I would say we might still   be in the accumulation phase for this token. I  would say it might be a more longer term play,  

    But it’s essentially the 100 million. I think it’s  a very, very great investment from the point of   view of basically being able to insure your funds.  And following the whole chart, you can also see   that we’re still in the accumulation zone, which  is very, very interesting by itself. I do know  

    Some whales that I met on the conferences last  year in Dubai that are buying into this token. I’m   sharing a bunch of insights on this channel, like  market makers, whales, like and subscribe, all  

    Right? This is something that you can do from your  end. I think it’s not that hard. You know, guys, I   would want to put it 25 to 50x. It’s kind of like  from the last cycle, but I would say it’s more  

    All or nothing situation, It’s kind of like from  the last cycle, but I would say it’s more all or   nothing situation. Because I do think that kind of  security, protection and insurance narrative will   come back in the peak of the bull. Just because  of the fact that there would be so many scams,  

    Like so many people that will lose the money. They  will lose the things on the wallets. And even like   more experienced members, they catch formal, they  connect here, connect there connect their bomb   all the funds are basically gone i do think that  there’s a high chance that this narrative would  

    Essentially come back and i do think that there’s  a high chance that this token would do very very   well but again it’s all or nothing situation i do  believe it’s a more longer term play so i do think  

    If you would be buying into this token at this  stage you might be ready to basically just sit and   wait for it for a lot of time. Me personally,  I was actually buying into this token back,  

    I think, in September, based on the call of the  whale that I was talking to. And I actually sold   because I saw that everything else is moving  and this thing is not moving. And essentially,   I bought something else, right? But I do  think from this stability point of view,  

    From protection point of view, from insurance,  it might be a very, very interesting pick. And   it’s also still in the accumulation phase but you  would probably need to essentially wait for long   sit for long and essentially wait for these things  to happen last but not least nqi this is the only  

    Token that i hold from all the talks that i  basically just told you about and it’s quite   interesting that is and it’s quite interesting  it’s also a 20 million market cap so you can   understand i’m indigent right so with this thing  nqi what they’re trying to do they’re basically  

    Trying to do a decentralized so they’re basically  trying to put decentralized uncensored chat gpt on   blockchain that’s that that’s the only thing like  that that’s the only phrase that the only sentence   that you basically have to know about the project.  Imagine if they would succeed. Like, I would think  

    If they would succeed, it would essentially be  a billion-dollar project. But it’s a very, very,   very, very high risk. Why? Because we’re kind  of betting on some people being able to deliver   something that was never essentially done before.  Put in charge GPT, decentralized on-chain. The  

    Good thing is they actually have something to play  around with they have some bots they have some ai   implemented on the website so you can go check out  and play with the whole thing market cap is quite  

    Low at this stage fully diluted is essentially the  same so we do not expect to see manipulation i do   believe that when i was researching uh essentially  they fundraising some. If you would see this dump,   right? This is very, very manipulated.  We see the pump, then we see the dump,  

    Then we see the pump again. So it’s just crazy. I  was entering at 0.01. So I basically like at 2x at   this stage. I actually got the generation entry.  I was writing about this on Twitter. I basically  

    Bought this token 1st of January at 9am. So when  everyone had a hand goer, I was sitting there,   I was researching this token, and I got like a 2x  right away here, then we got back again to 0011,  

    Right? And now we’re surging back up, which is  nice. But I do plan to hold this thing long term.   Yeah, this is this is basically just something  for you to check out. This is very, very high  

    Risk. It’s kind of all or nothing situation, it  can run just in anticipation of the market that,   wow, they’re doing something great if they would  essentially be able to develop it. But it might   be in price already. Right. And at these stages,  so we’re surging up. I don’t think I can say I  

    Would be buying it. But if you essentially  would research the project for yourself,   if you would check out the team, if you would  like it, you might be able to understand that   you would want to get in just because of the fact  that the market cap is at 20 million dollars at  

    This stage i was also checking out the white  paper i was discussing with different people   whether or not the team of the token is anonymous  or not so essentially i was doing quite a lot of   research on this thing but yeah it’s high risk  up to you and the chart is heavily manipulated  

    As we see here because this doesn’t look good  this this does not look good at all despite the   fact i would put it at 100x and i would put it at  a high risk 100x from here is 2 billion it doesn’t  

    Have any fully diluted valuation it’s similar  to the basically the market cap of the whole   thing so it’s a very high risk it’s yeah it’s  it’s all or nothing situation i’m up currently   already so that’s why I’m holding and I’m not  taking profit. I’m not taking profit. That’s  

    Something that basically just burned me heavily  in the last cycle. My thought process here,   I’m not taking profit because of the fact that  we are at the start of the cycle. Therefore,   I expect from most of my tokens to perform in the  future moving forward as well. This is essentially  

    The overview. Thank you very much for watching.  Like and subscribe if you like the content. Let   me know if you have any questions in the comments  and thank you. See you in the next one. Bye-bye.


    1. Hmmm… Interesting video, but in your previous video you gave Render up to 100x… Have you changed your mind about this project? On what basis do you create an assumption like this? That brings me to Stacks – do you still think it can achieve 100x? Your opinions have sounded solid so far, please would you mind clarifying? Thank you

    2. One thing I sort of disagree with is not touching things once you buy. I think once you've done several X's it's a good idea to take your initial investment out and maybe look to put it in projects on a pullback.

      It's something I struggle to actually put into practice tho because of that concern you mentioned. But I should have done it last cycle.

    3. Pretty much ignore older coins except for a few exceptions like INJ and a few other others, ETH will pump but only if it implents its upgrades and reduces its fees else its in danger of just topping out below its previous ATH

    4. I consider Stan top 5 percent in honest crypto youtubers. If you even watch YouTube for info on crypto that should be bare minimum and look at their track record. They have to be smart too. He seems in top 5 percent there too. But even these guys make wrong calls and maybe 20 percent of there calls pan out. A solid source of information with a handful of others. But look at charts on when to buy or bail on anything.
      I think the challenge apart from learning to research ones own is to find who to listen to and trying to work out when they are right. Best of luck. These guys get influenced by others too.
      Thanks for video.

    5. Dmind was a complete rug pull ai project that said it was connected to Tao and it was an actual bot on telegram I checked it out (I think now no more). Rug pull complete.
      These projects seem legit. The lower down market cap the more upside and the greater risk of rug pull. .

    6. Need more disclosure, to differentiate yourself as a non Shiller….last coin ( you bought) has x4ed ; & at now maybe x25 potential is NOT worth the risk/ reward.
      MOST Cryptos without this risk will do a x25.

    7. Watching the crypto market's ups and downs shows how quickly things can change. In crypto, strategic, informed trading isn't a choice; it's a must. Remember, caution is as crucial as ambition here. This dedication to continuous learning is inspiring…managed to grow a nest egg of around 1.2Biitcoin to a decent 9.4Biitcoin… I'm especially grateful to Kerrie Farrell, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape….

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