Oil, gas and mining

Gold & Copper Prices plus Audience Requested Stocks

Shark Scrapper is discussing recent gold and copper prices as they impact the scrap market. We also talk about four stocks requested by the audience in earlier live streams.

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Hello Scrappers recyclers and investors who are interested in stocks that surround the world of scrapping and recycling welcome to shark Scrapper live where every week we talk about precious metals Industrial Metals stocks we have a safety note and a business note and you know a few other things that pop up

Every now and then now I’ve been told that I need to wait about 30 seconds or so before I start talking because of the ad play and stuff like that in the front um that’s going to be weird to figure out I’m gonna have to work on that one I

Think in the meantime I’m just going to leave the intro so that the useless part of the intro is done before you all can start hearing me talk or something like that I don’t know anyway it’s great to be here with everybody today truck fan 542 Flor J arcat Bush dog scrapping

Irish David fil great to have everybody here today see you scrapping watching on the TV again man I can’t imagine how ugly I look on TV ew Mike awesome great to have you here sir I see everybody saying hello welcome all right we have got some fun stuff to talk about today

Two of everybody’s favorite medals gold and copper are up for the schedule today and we have some other interesting things to come along with it plus the stocks that we’re talking about today are questions that I got from you all asking me about various companies and stuff over the last several live streams

So this should be a lot of fun today alrighty now uh truck fan as far as I know we got three stops today we got shark Scrapper live scrapping Irish will be coming up right after after me and then solers will be on right after Irish with her

Premiere so and for those of you that don’t that don’t understand that don’t know everyday solers does her video as a Premiere so that um she can umh get it all set up and recorded and stuff like that but then interact with the audience while it’s playing so that’s that’s her

Approach uh to being able to show recycling scrapping and stuff like that and be able to interface with the audience so all three are loads of fun and should be a fun afternoon evening depending upon where you are without any further Ado let’s get right into our precious metal discussion

For the day we’re talking gold so here we are with our 24hour uh and you can see that gold is that down but it’s only down 0 44% so it’s not like this is killing anybody right uh but still it’s down we don’t like it when it’s down if we look at the

Three day uh we we can see that gold did this weird Plateau thing again dropped and is now in another Plateau for a while here so uh Hey electronic Scrapper great to have you here uh so you know we’re we’re we’re seeing kind of pattern that we’ve seen

Now for a while with gold uh in the plateaus and drops and plateaus and such if we take a look at the week well those plateaus kind of get washed out and now what we’re seeing is a bit of churn so you can see gold dropped recovered it’s

Kind of a plateau there but then dropped recovered kind of a plateau dropped uh so you know overall it’s down 7% for the week again that doesn’t seem like a whole lot but when you’re talking you know $2,000 plus an ounce 7% can add up

So we’re down from 2050 an ounce uh down into the 20 35ish an ounce 2037 an ounce so um you know we just we don’t like seeing that stuff go on what we got here going for the month you know all that that uh jaggedness of the churn sort of

Washes out a little bit but overall here this is good news for the month is up 047 at you know up0 4% right that’s not a whole lot um so three months we’re up 2.3 2.29% so that’s pretty nice we like to see we like to see that and here you

Can you know you can see with oops let’s actually try to click on the button and we can see that we can get that nice upward Arrow going there so that’s always nice to see with the gold uh Leandro welcome great to have you here uh so for the quarter gold is

Looking pretty good how we doing year to date so year to date we are and by the way for those of you that that sometimes you may scratch your head and go what what do we mean year-to date when you hear people talk year to date it’s like

From the that means it’s from the 1 of January to where we are now so you can see right back here we got the 1 of January and then we go up to here so that’s different from a one-year look which is looking 365 days in the past

Just you know I’m sure most of you know that but sometimes these these terminologies can get some people can miss them so year-to date gold is down but if we look at the oneyear gold is up so that’s pretty nice up six up 5.17% so you know that’s nice we like

Seeing gold up like that now what does all this mean for us let’s get back here to the week because what we’re really worried about is as Scrappers is what are our scrapyards going to do about our scrap is are they going to raise the prices lower the prices where are we

Going to stand my belief would be that your yard is probably going to hold prices they might decide to drop here because they’re seeing a little bit of of softness in the price here I mean we’re up for the month we’re down for the week uh for the three month it’s up

And remember most of your yards they have to look three to four months down the calendar because um they’re not you know they don’t get paid right away we take stuff into a scrapyard and we get paid that day whether it’s cash or check or transfer most of your yards they have to

Hold the stuff until they have a large enough load then they ship that load to the or their buyer who then has to sample that load and then pay them so it could be another three or four months and um you know depending upon when the load gets sampled and such the prices

Can change so your yard is looking you know at least a quarter down the calendar and assessing what’s the risk associated with the current price I don’t see a whole lot of changes coming anytime real soon here for things like our boards um but if anything

Happens we might see a little bit of a decrease bottom line for your electronic scrap uh I would not hang on to your boards when you have enough of it to make it worth selling for you and you know that depends on what works for you

Maybe it’s a plastic bin maybe it’s a full Gaylord box maybe it’s a a wheelie bin full of material it’s all dependent on you and how quickly you move through material so um uh when you get it sell it I I wouldn’t be stockpiling uh this material

Prices are pretty good right now so I would say keep it moving uh keep your cash flowing Andrew welcome great to have you here uh Andrew pal is from New Zealand so uh great to have you here uh we we we reached around the world we looks like

We have leandos from Argentina am I reading that right so that’s really cool uh great to have you here all right so uh I don’t know is anybody buying gold right now I’m not uh but mostly I’m not buying gold right now because I’m developing my cash position

In preparation for my move which by the way if anybody’s paying attention I’ve got 110 days remaining in shark cage 2.0 and then we need to find a new home um we are headed up to the mountains and uh Mrs shark and I are going up there later

On this month to meet with some potential business partners and uh meet with a real estate agent to start looking over some stuff so the wheels are starting to turn it’s it is it is moving on here so uh exciting nervous all of that kind of stuff

All right so uh Simon welcome Simon is saying that he buys CPUs and ic’s so yeah okay you know that’s kind of buying gold right just uh you know uh uh you a little bit different way of buying it so that’s very cool Daniel Winger small yard near me

The owner told me that he’s raising prices next month hinted he wanted me to hold and bring to him until then oh man that is great to have that kind of Insider information Daniel uh please let us know how that plays out for you it’s always great when you’re when you know

The owners or a manager well enough that they’re willing to give you that kind of information uh so uh that is that’s that’s super uh you know and congratulations on developing a relationship like that with the yard uh so very good there uh truck fan says

He’s from Norway very cool man we got people coming in from all over the place I wonder where scrapping Irish is from oh my so let’s see oh yeah you uh plain Scrapper welcome great to have you here yeah the shark migration is um you know we’re we’re doing what we’re doing

Right we’ve got a we’ve got somewhat of a plan and we’re we’re executing along here moving down the road so we will we will keep everybody informed as we continue to progress alrighty well uh we are now going to talk about our safety note for

The day uh and um I um this one you know this one I like like a lot of the safety things that I do um this one was somewhat um from experience this week but you all kind of saw that a little bit on my last Street scrapping

Video on uh on on Friday now you may not have picked up on it directly but um you may have picked up on one of the scenes where I was going to pick something up and I made the comment about the street not being even um and what I had

Actually what was actually going on was there was that second C of the of the road the curb or the the edge of the curb drain is maybe an inch inch and a half from the street and the street was kind of cracked down a little bit

And so because I’m looking at the scrap and walking towards it my one foot kind of Twisted off to one side and you know I kind of I had to catch myself there a little bit that’s when I made the comment about the street not being level

Um but that drove home the point to me the importance of having good Footwear on especially something like a work boot that supports your ankles and that uh helps keep you uh stable and firm when you’re walking on uneven ground now uh in addition to having some ankle

Support uh eway Jill ear fer welcome great to have you all here so in addition to the ankle support that a good set of boots will give you you’ve got the protection for your feet so you always want to have a steel toe or similar kind of protective covering over

Your toes a lot of the work boots these days will come with a steel or a Kevlar last so the base of the shoe uh H will have something to help protect you from Nails uh sticking up or screws sticking up into your foot from underneath and U

Uh I don’t mean to put anyone on the spot here but uh Roger our good friend Roger had a you know a rough go around and and he was even I think he was even wearing boots uh but he had a nail got stuck in his foot and it he ended up in

The hospital for a few days because of it so uh you know having some having that good foot protection is really important both to protect your feet from uh penetration wounds uh to protect your toes from things falling on them so crushing injuries and then uh protecting your ankles and supporting your ankles

So that you don’t twist and and sprain an ankle or something worse uh because you can imagine how bad that can get if you’re carrying something heavy and you step in a pothole or whatever so uh very very important that you have good work boots on to protect your feet

Now what still just amazes me is I show up at the scrapyard and I will see people there in well in Hawaii we would have called them slippers um people refer to them as flipflops sandals right so I mean it’s literally nothing but the you know a a skinny rubber pad

Underneath your foot with a you know strap around your toes and they’re handling big pieces of scrap in a scrapyard around the shred pile where you know sometimes even good heavy duty truck tryers uh truck tires are getting stuff in them so I don’t understand what those people are thinking it just

Doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever now I do see folks also in tennis shoes and at least with tennis shoes depending upon the shoe you’re gonna you might you may or may not have some ankle support you’re not going to have any protection against puncture wounds or things

Crushing your feet but at least maybe you’ll have a little bit of protection from scratches or something so yeah I you know um yeah I agree man don’t scrap in Crocs but look we see this all the time we you see the videos you see a lot

Of Scrappers who are out there some of them are wearing Crocs some of them wearing tennis shoes um you know it’s just it’s it’s it’s a risk that just to me is not worth taking uh so um I would I would highly recommend I do highly recommend get yourself a

Decent pair of work boots they’re not terribly expensive and they are so worth the protection that they give to your feet uh so all right uh let’s see eway Joe my previous trucking company was self-insured the first year they issued ice cleats for free they save $35 million in slip and fall

Injuries that’s very cool very cool that’s the kind of stuff that you know that those are companies that I can get behind I can respect that kind of stuff right um you know you want to make sure that your people are are are protected I I was once the Chief Operating Officer

For a small logistics company we had Crews that were loading and unloading cars on railroad trains and um we had a policy I mean we provided uniforms and we had a policy of uh helping them purchase proper foot protection uh so yeah that’s that’s a great way to do it

Uh yeah Simon uh wear an eye protection gloves mask uh PPE is very very important absolutely absolutely all right now um it is it is time uh I don’t know that I’d ever had anything that you might call a blooper with ubiquitous wire shelving I mean you

Know it just it goes in the truck and then it gets thrown out of the truck um can’t think of anything that would have ever been a blooper with it though all right so we are now moving on to our industrial metal of the week and this is

Copper so we are using I like this site now I’ve used it a few times trading economics um I like the way the charts play out here now unlike with Kito where I could get the inventory charts as well as the price charts I’ve had a hard time

Finding a good place like that and I don’t know why Kito changed their website but they’re not providing that information anymore uh at least I haven’t found a way in yet so um we’ll uh we’ll see for the time being though this is a really cool chart that

Uh trading economics uh gives us here we can see that for the week Copper’s down I mean remember I’ve got the candlesticks going here and as we zoom in here to the last few days the green candlesticks mean that the price closed higher than it opened the red

Candlesticks mean that it closed lower than what it opened uh and so what you can see here is red if we look at oops if we look at the week what we can see is just I mean the red just really stands out plus you see this whole slope heading down uh so

Yeah that’s not a good thing we’re just not liking that we’re going to zoom in here um and this is also a little bit telling when you see the the needle part sticking up that tells you how high it got uh sometime during the trading Point

Uh but it closed there so uh you can see that we we’ve just still got a lot of churn going on in the copper market and unfortunately that churn is trending down here’s our one month look and even though we had some climb it’s this this you can see right here

Dropping for the six-month just a lot of churn right look at all that churn ups and downs and ups and down there’s churn within the churn going on in Copper uh so what we’re really talking about here is um you know China uh is just not

Consuming copper the way it used to so that’s had a what they call what they refer to as headwinds it’s slowing down the pricing uh slowing down the consumption I’ve been reading some articles about how a number of the U companies in China actually have excess inventory of copper built up now because

They’re not consuming it as much as they should or you know were consuming I don’t want to say should but were consuming it so the slowdowns in China the the economic challenges that China is facing have really hurt the consumption of copper and um the strong US dollar is also causing some

Challenges because um when when when country other countries are trying to buy copper um a strong US dollar makes it a little bit more challenging for them uh so all of those things are contributing to challenges in the copper market and um adding to that the electrification uh cycle is going

Through a little bit of a Downs slope right now you know it took off really strong kind of dropped off a bit uh so as we have discussed for a while now the copper Market is stuck between these two uh major kind of Cycles with the falling

Off of the China driven cycle but not quite surging or getting strong enough in the electrification cycle so copper is just churning and unfortunately right now it’s churning down um so so uh let’s see Mike was saying right here his yard dropped from 295 a pound to 285 a pound

In a week for number two yeah my yard went down too I noticed that this week when I when I brought some in so um that was that was a little painful um so it’s uh you know chop Co copper you know is just uh we’re gonna we’re g to be in a

Bit of a challenging situation for copper here’s the year and again you see that that we’re down we’re down for copper so um all right now what does this mean for us in the scrapping world my um uh my argument my position on this and Homer saying they just lowered their

Their copper prices where they work okay yep so uh what what I’m doing is what I have always been doing with the with a minor twist uh when it comes to Copper I always keep 10% behind as my strategic reserve and then the rest of it I sell uh to meet my cash

Flow so uh I am still doing that however because I am getting ready to relocate the shark cage I also am starting to think about uh what I’m going to do with that strategic reserve of copper uh so I haven’t sold off my strategic Reserve I’ve still got it

Setting to the side you saw some of it when in a recent video where I was demonstrating the strip leer wire stripper that I have so I’m probably going to hang on to my strategic reserve and just move it with my tools and shelving and stuff like that up to the new

Location um there’s no reason for me to really sell it and uh given what it’s going to cost me to relocate the shark age anyway I might as well just take it with me it’s not like I have to fill a semi Tru or something like that with

Copper oh boy wouldn’t that be [Laughter] nice so um we are uh you know I think I’m just going to continue to hang on to my strategic Reserve but keep selling my insulated copper wire my lower grade coppers and truck uh truck fan this is answering your question is copper a

Stackable metal so um I uh you know as as I’ve discussed many many times here um I I will keep some of my copper behind as a strategic reserve some people would refer to that as stacking um I don’t really think of it as stacking so much as a strategic

Reserve and then I sell a lot of my lower grade coppers in order to um meet my cash flug requirements so uh yeah you can stack copper um in fact our our good friend eway Ben even calls some things copper stackers doesn’t [Laughter] he so uh uh yeah

Um I would say if you know if you uh uh if you have your copper uh put some of the good stuff aside if you can if you have the space put some of your good stuff aside and then sell your lower grade coppers in order to meet your cash

Flow demands that is a that’s a good way to play this game right now because copper prices are just not anything to write home about in a good way maybe write home about him in a bad way right now I don’t know and you know it’s kind of funny

Because uh we frequently hear some of the Scrappers on YouTube ref refer to it you know they say red gold or uh you know they they Poor Man’s gold or Scrappers gold or something like that when they’re referring to copper and you know Copper’s copper right you know it’s

Not Scrappers gold Scrappers gold is gold it’s not you know Red Gold it’s it’s go it’s copper right it’s copper it’s a red metal it’s copper H gold is gold copper is copper and I I don’t go down that that that kind of gameplay and right now especially that’s not really

True that you know that there’s Great Value in you know in the copper so um yeah it’s worth more than you know a lot of the other medals that we scrap so uh it’s still a good metal to take into your yard and you know get paid for um it’s certainly better than

[Laughter] shred uh so uh Daniel has just asked off topic that’s fine we’re we’re in between subjects right now Daniel so that’s cool uh we’ll have a yard at the new place to buy from the public so Daniel good question I don’t know if I’m still G to

Be buying from the public when I get to my next location I am giving some consideration of going Strictly businessto Business um the reason for that is 90% of what I do anyway has been business bus to business and um I stopped buying uh from the from consumers or Peddlers um about

Three months ago when the state uh when the local police came in and said you know you need to start doing the fingerprint thing um and that’s because the equipment the software that was necessary to support the fingerprinting and the photos and descriptions and all that kind of stuff was just ridiculously

Expensive now depending upon which county I set up in up in North Carolina I may or may not need to make those Investments so that’s a part of it but also because so much my business has been on a B2B basis anyway um I don’t know if I’m going to

Necessarily be open to the public now uh there’s also the difference between a yard like you know the classic scrapyard where you can pull up anytime during work hours and dump off your stuff and get paid and then a by reservation kind of yard which maybe I could still I

Might still do that um where you call ahead and say hey I got a bunch of stuff I want to bring in you know let’s set up an appointment so the short answer is I’m not sure um but I’m working on the idea I’m trying to make a decision on

Which way to go with that um a lot will depend on the business relations that I set up before I get there I may find that I have plenty of business to keep me busy and going um without having to also then be open to the public which

Adds other levels of challenges and financial burdens and things like that good question though real good questions all right so uh we are on to our business note um oh before we get to the business note I did want to share this some of you may

Recall I did a video recently where I scrapped out a security device that had a number of six terabyte hard drives in it I was able to test these uh let me get you a little better look here so I was able to test these and they’re

Working great um one of them was completely empty the other one had about a terabyte of stuff on it that I want that I’ll need to clean out um and the uh the other one was also completely empty so these are going to be really useful because I generally use about four

Terabytes a year to uh keep all of my backups uh where I you know I mean I just save all of my raw video all of my process video all my work in progress notes things like that is just you know I back up everything throughout the year normally that’s

About four terabytes so there’s plenty of space on here uh for uh me to to be able to use these and not have to buy a new hard drive U for a couple years maybe now the nice thing about what I’ve been doing is because what I’ve been using for my

Backups are these little guys right so this is just little Western Digital 4 terabyte you know it’s very clean small just plugs right in uh so that’s a very convenient uh tool or for me to use for my backups with these I have to plug them into the external Port uh which is

Fine you know it’s just a little bit U of an of a you know it’s bigger it’s bulkier it’s a little bit more inconvenient just a little bit but hey it’s six terabytes and it’s free so I might as well take advantage of it [Laughter] right uh so uh just wanted to get

Everybody a feedback on that because some folks had asked about that and uh I had tested them and they’re working so you know that is really cool um that that saves a bit of money and is a good way to reuse material rather than scrap it all right so our business note for

Today is you know it’s going to sound a little bit weird but it comes down to this um are you getting paid so when I what I mean by that is um and I’m going to use the example of board sort here um because I mail

Packages to board sort in order to take advantage of them paying more for higher grade boards and components so what I have to make sure of is that I know what packages I’ve mailed to board board sort and you know where we stand in getting paid and did I

Actually get paid and did I get paid what I thought I was going to get paid now I’m just using board sword for the example because boardsort is really good about the way they deal with us the way they help us to track this so when I

Fill out the initial invoice with board sort when I go to sell the material before I even ship it to them I go into their website I put in what I’m gonna what I’m going to sell to them and then uh I get the receipt from them

That says here’s what you said you’re going to sell to us here’s what we said we’re going to pay you for it and then they have shipping instructions on there when I enter that into my Excel spreadsheet my um you know for tracking this I put it in yellow so I put the

Whole the whole line there will be in yellow uh and then when I ship it uh then I will change that yellow bar so that just the the end of it the part that has the final value and the board sort name are in yellow that way I can

Look at my ledger at any time that I want and I know I’ve shipped that package to board sort when Bard sort gets the package uh I will get a confirmation from them that they have the package and that they’re going to issue me a

Check I when I get that email from Bard sort I change it from yellow to a light green color the light green color tells me that I have received the confirmation email from board sort and I will adjust the pricing if if I made a mistake somewhere um they’ll

And they’ll let me know if they’ve upgraded boards downgraded boards you know those kind of things but then I can tweak the pricing to make sure that you know that my number is accurate when the check arrives here in the mail because they’ll pay you either

With PayPal or a check I’m in no hurry I just have them send me a check so when the check gets here I deposit the check in my bank which my bank is really easy all I have to do is take a picture of it

Um and uh you know uh it’s it’s there uh so when I take the picture when I deposit the check I then turn that line into a dark green col now I know whenever I look at my ledger what the status is of every package that

I have sent to board sort um and I can tell right away from looking at the colors what the status is I do the same thing with a couple of other buyers where I am shipping material to them and waiting for them to pay me um just uh

You know because that’s a good way for me to know what the status is right away when I look at my ledger so if you are shipping material to someone and waiting for them to pay you you’ll want to have a definite way of making sure that you’re tracking that

Because we all get really busy it’s easy to get distracted and then a few months down the line uh it’s like oh wait a minute didn’t I send something to oh what did they do with that you know uh oh yeah hey wait a minute did they ever pay me

Did I get what I thought I was supposed to get paid so it you know it’s uh it’s just a way for me to avoid having that kind of stuff go on use whatever tool you want get creative uh you know Excel spreadsheets are fantastic for the vast

Majority of us that are small businesses or hobbyists that are doing this we don’t need the fancy software that the scrapyards are using to track all this stuff uh we can do just fine with Excel uh but I do recommend that you get some sort of Excel spreadsheet set

Up so you can track this stuff now the other good things that that that comes from this is that every time you sell your material to your local yard you’re going to get paid right away usually now some locations they have no choice but to either write you a check or do an

Electronic transfer all right so I know that in some locations you have no choice it has to be an electronic transfer technically here in Florida if it’s over $1,000 they have to give you a check uh so there’s another example where you’ll want to track especially if it’s electronic deposit because you’ll

Get your payub at the yard then you can go back and you can check your account and make sure that the money actually got put into your account uh so uh that’s another important thing uh that you want to track uh but the other nice thing about having an Excel spreadsheet

That you’re using as your Ledger is you can always look at changes in the pricing from your yard and you’ll be able to see hey wait a minute the copper went up copper went down what was copper a year ago you know those kind of things

Um so then use something like an Excel spreadsheet uh track what you’re getting paid make sure you’re getting paid and see if anything is changing or if there’s any differences going on in that now of course uh if you’re selling stuff on eBay it’s an enely different you you

Still want to track it all right I still put my eBay stuff on the spreadsheet but with eBay it’s a little bit different right because the person has to pay eBay before you can close the deal then the rub becomes if they are if they get it

And it’s not working or it’s not what they thought it was and they want to refund you know you still have to be able to track all of that so um uh really important to uh make sure that you are keeping track of are you getting paid all right any questions

Any questions let’s see how is the conversation been playing out here while we have uh been chatting away here so truck fan wants me to sell the uh those hard drives I’m going to use the hard drives I’m not going to sell them um uh eways Jill is saying

Uh retirement communities once a month put up uh deceased people’s electronic outdated computer scrap they also have large and small appliances uh yeah you want to you want to check with those um I actually have a couple of communities uh where we hold um uh recycle pickups

Where I’ll come into the parking lot I’ll set up shop right in the parking lot and people can bring stuff down uh to um get get rid of their electronic scrap uh so yep uh that’s that’s definitely something that you may want to take a look at if there’s retirement

Communities around you we happen to have a lot of them here in [Laughter] Florida oh man all right so um Homer reluctant Odyssey says he’s using PayPal uh which is cool yep nothing wrong with that um I figure I give PayPal so much money anyway I might as well will uh you

Know not let them get any more money from me as a result of a PayPal transaction when I can you know when a check works just fine because I’m not in any hurry uh so all right now it is time to get on to our stock market discussions for uh this

Week and these stock market discussions are being brought to you by your questions you guys asked about this and what’s really funny is um the the um the questions about them were for companies that all came in on this recent Edition so this is the value line

Investment survey I get this once a week this is Edition number one or issue number one so we’ve recycled and what you’re going to see is that the uh the tracker now goes out to 2005 so there’s they’re forecasting out to 2005 and uh there were four companies

That folks had asked me about in recent uh live streams that just happen to be on this Edition so let’s get right into it we are starting out with next era energy so this is a electric utility out here on the east coast of the US their

Ticker symbol is NE their dividend yield is 3.5% which is really nice uh you know all things considered and that’s as of the 9th of February that’s on $595 which is not a bad not a bad place to buy in so uh it’s not it’s not among the Le it’s not a I

Mean it’s more expensive than some of the other stocks that we’ve looked at but that’s not a bad price and it’s an electric utility so they’re pretty safe stocks now as you can see they’re not qualified for cash flow or earnings per share when I say qualified

For me what I’m saying is that they have to have 17 years of increasing cash flow per share earnings per share or dividends per share and they have had 17 years of increasing dividends per share you can see that right there I call them a div zero because they’ve had zero defects on

Their dividend uh payouts and this is what it looks like when you look at them graphically so real nice upward Trends here and in fact um you know you can see that their cash flow uh has cash flow per share and earnings per share they actually dip below the

Straight line up but uh you know they’re they climb back up again here in these this late since 2017 they’ve been recovering which is nice and their dividend per share um is also coming up nicely and I’ve just made it a really fat line for no particular reason

So uh Southern Company is a very interesting company to uh to look at uh for investing now uh if you look at this you can see that they haven’t had that many uh troubled years so not too many um cash flow or earnings below the zero line uh you know in in year-to-year

Changes so that’s good too because that means they’re not terribly volatile and you know that’s what you want with a utility company you know you don’t want volatility you want it to be relatively smooth and have uh you know some um you know some good dividends pay

Out from it and that’s what the utility should be giving you if you’re going to invest in the facilities so Southern Company I mean excuse me next era is a good company to consider and I gave away the next Company Southern Company um Southern Company is also a electric

Utility East Coast their yield is actually 4.1% which is even nicer than next era a little bit pricier at $69 plus a share uh but you’re getting a little more yield from them uh Southern Company is also not qualif qualified by cash flow or earnings per share but they are a div

Zero so 17 years of increasing dividends per share uh and uh that is very cool if we look at them graphically we can actually see this is a real nice smooth curve I mean compared to next era um you know their their curve is much

Smoother here let’s take a look at uh if we connect the dots uh you know that’s that’s a little bit better even than what we saw with next era because it wasn’t way below the straight line and then had to catch up so really nice and then on the

Dividends uh that just looks like you know it almost sounds to me because look that that’s almost a straight line so it’s almost as if the board of directors the owners there at well owners the board of directors um at next at Southern company I keep getting these

Confused I apologize but it’s like the board of directors of Southern Company is saying look we’re going to pay 4% dividends we’re going to pay 4% dividends that’s what we’re gonna pay we’re just every year we’re just going to keep moving it up and we get this nice straight

Line uh I’ve heard a number of people that um really like investing in Southern Company um I do not own any shares in Southern Company right now uh if I was in the acquisition mode Southern Company would definitely be on my list to consider uh if we look at the

Year-to-year changes we can see that they only had uh these hits here um that uh would have been you know a little bit challenging uh but that’s fine because uh overall they’re doing really well so um I yeah I would say if you’re looking at uh investing in a East Coast

Utility give Southern Company a good look solers great to have you here uh don’t worry about coming in late no big deal no big deal all right so uh those are the two uh utility companies on the East Coast that were that some folks had

Asked me about uh that we were able to take a look at now the other two companies we go to a vastly different industry here we’re talking Major League difference here’s a company that I think of you know you all know caterpillar now you may love caterpillar you may hate caterpillar you

May love to hate caterpillar uh hard to say but uh this is definitely um a a real nice look at what’s going on here with uh with this stock now let us go in here I want to take a look at something on caterpillar real quick um so we

Had wonder what happened here oh I know what happened here I just noticed that these numbers don’t didn’t look right to me so um gotta fix this real quick for everybody so 2003 these are these are forecast numbers for Caterpillar and this got changed to 25 25 25 uh and then their

Earnings so their earnings went got changed to look at this you’re getting real time updates here and and all right and then their dividend 202 yep okay and they’re wait a minute go this one up didn’t I this should be 20.5 this should be

21.1 and I got to fix this look at this you’re getting a really cool lesson in um nope that wasn’t right there you go spreadsheet ly some lessons in spreadsheet ly I don’t know why this didn’t update before when I was doing this I I obviously typed in something wrong when I was

Updating these charts so I’m glad I noticed this because I wouldn’t want to be giving you all bad information here um and make sure that that is see something’s wrong here because we clearly have a change from 20 from this so uh wait a minute go here we go copy

We go like this we go like that gotta check the spreadsheet something’s goober up here something be goober up here anyway uh caterpillar good company uh 1.7% though nothing to get excited about and 303 yeah that’s really expensive so I don’t know I don’t know about you all but I

Can’t afford $33 a share so um you know it’s a good strong company they’re going to have some challenges because of slowdowns in China and China used to you know use a lot of caterpillar equipment in all of the mining that’s going on plus uh mining

Around the world is uh you know having some challenges and caterpillar makes a lot of that big heavy equipment that gets used in the mines so there’s definitely uh some challenges going on uh for caterpillar with the with you know their with their future they’re facing a lot of

Headwinds um so even though you know they’re qualified I would be a little bit cautious um to you know in purchasing Caterpillar stock uh and I got to go back and find out what’s going on with the spreadsheet I’m not going to do it online that would be

Silly um Cummings is the other company that um had come up in a previous discussion um now Cummings is is you know they’re they’re they’re they design and manufacture uh the diesel engines natural gas electric H power trains and power train related systems and controls and fuels and things like that right so

They tend to be in a lot of the great big tractors and trucks and back and back loaders and bulldozers and things of like that right so um Cummings 2.8% on $240 and some change almost 241 a share again that’s pretty EX ensive um you know uh it just uh yeah

You’re absolutely right it is Cummins um so I got to fix that uh we’ll have to change that over in the in the main spreadsheet so um you know the advantage that cumins has is that people have older equipment they’re going to want to maintain that older equipment they’re going to replace

Engines instead of buying uh new machines so uh cumins is a is a good potential candidate uh but this yield isn’t great at 2.8% and this price is pretty expensive they’re facing some headwinds as well having said that though they are qualified as a div zero so you know they’re they they’re uh

They’ve been pay increasing their dividends every year uh for the last 17 years actually longer uh so you know if you’re one of these people that just really wants to be in on the big heavy equipment stocks as part of your portfolio maybe Cummins is the place to look

Um but um there I think there’s better places to put your money uh to be perfectly honest with you I mean the electric utilities that we just talked about would be better places to park your money to get your dividends because uh this is an expensive stock

Stock you can see it’s a very volatile stock here I mean you know just look at the volatility that’s going on here um with man I am just having a heck of a time today aren’t I I look at the volatility that’s going on here uh with

Their cash flow and their earnings do you want to really stomach that kind of volatility when you’re talking about a dividend stock not me not me I may like their product I may like caterpillars products uh but that doesn’t mean that I love their stock mostly because I am a dividend

Investor and I want nice smooth increasing dividends per share without a lot of volatility and without a lot of headaches and concerns so I just don’t know that this is one of the ones that would be high on my buy list I can I can tell you right now I do

Not own any caterpillar pillar or cumins and I’m not buying any this year again that’s because I’m consolidating my cash position even if I wasn’t consolidating my cash position I don’t know that this is that this is where I would be I just um they’re good companies don’t get me

Wrong they make good stuff uh but from a dividend investment perspective there’s much better places where I can put my money all right well I gotta figure out what’s going on with that spreadsheet um you know one of the I’ve been doing this for a long time uh and these

Spreadsheets uh are a little bit you know they’re a little bit dated now and every time we change we go back to issue one so this issue one uh when we go to issue one uh you know it changes to the next year’s forecast so by adding the column for 2025 things

Shift and so I got to go back and figure out now if that broke one of the links somewhere from the main spreadsheet where I enter all the data to these detailed spreadsheets where we look at all the data um and that’s kind of just that’s geek

Shark work there I mean boy howdy that’s that’s serious geek shark work so I’m gonna let geek shark mess around with that all right reluctant homers Odyssey says he bought cumins at a cheap price so it’s been a great stock for him yeah that man well that’s the same that that

Isn’t that the way it is with stocks right you know you bought it when was the best time to buy it well 10 years ago you know something like that so yeah I’m glad that you got a good deal on Cummins uh back when it was uh less

Expensive and uh you’ve definitely been doing well with with it so uh yeah you you know uh there’s no reason for you to sell it until you have to sell it right um you know but that that also brings up the whole question of when you’re buying

Stocks um what’s your plan what is your plan for your stocks I’m a dividend investor my I buy stocks because I want to buy them and hold them and I want to let them keep paying me every month or every quarter um and then at some point

I will change right now what I do with those dividends is I roll them right back in so all of the companies that I have uh shares in have an automatic repurchase option so when they give me a dividend it automatically buys into more shares usually at a discount so I’m

Getting even more shares at some point in the future I can change that over to getting the cash so so then what’ll happen is every month or every quarter depending upon the stock and the payout schedule I’ll just get cash in the bank uh which is really nice so that’s my

Investment plan that’s my strategy that’s what I do a lot of other people have different strategies they want to buy low and sell higher or high uh so they have a different strategy for their uh for their stock purchases dividends might be a sweetener but they’re looking

For the growth that comes out of of the stock increasing in value so there’s a lot of strategies as to why people buy and sell the stocks that they have um if you’re gonna get into it I would urge you to think through why you want to get into it what

You’re going to do how you’re going to invest how you going to get your money back out of it you know those kind of things um and hey there’s nothing wrong with just saying well I’m G to buy it so I can hand it off to my kids or my

Grandkids or something like that that’s you know that’s another way to do it too so uh lots of really good reasons but uh I will just reiterate I’m a dividend investor so when you hear me talking about stocks um you know it’s just it’s the process that I use to try to make

Some some money off the stock market through dividends I am not a financial uh counselor I’m not a licensed financial adviser or investment adviser so all I’m doing is sharing with you what I use and the process that I that I look at um when I’m trying to decide

What I’m going to buy if you’re going to buy stocks I highly encourage you to consult with an adviser a licensed advisor do your due diligence because you can lose everything in the stock market you can lose every penny that you put into it and if you play the um you

Know the Futures game well then you can even owe money so you lose everything plus uh so I urge you to be very cautious all right if you have enabled autoplay When I close the stream out here very shortly it’s going to take you across the pond Ireland where we’re

Going to join scrapping Irish in process if you have not enabled autoplay then I encourage you to please go to YouTube and in the search bar type in scrapping Irish you should see his live stream come up join us over there across the pond in Ireland you never know who’s

Coming up in the panel we never know which way the questions are going to go it’s always fun it’s always interesting I will see you over in irand have a great day


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