Cryptocurrency friends you will love my video showing Your Crypto Investing Sucks and Internet Computer Protocol is the Future of Crypto! Join us at

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    BIO: I’m a YouTuber and Twitch streamer teaching crypto, content creation, recovery, music production, health, spirituality, lifestyle design, and personal development! I was born in 1984, sober since 2014, married since 2012, parenting since 2015, and an entrepreneur online since 2011 with a master’s degree in criminology from the University of South Florida.

    My videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. NOT financial advice!

    Jerry Banfield in Saint Petersburg, Florida, USA
    ⁠#jerrybanfield #jerrybanfieldcrypto #internetcomputer #icp

    Your crypto investing sucks and I want to help you make it better because I’m tired of seeing you all get ripped off to all kinds of everything you could imagine you’re getting ripped off of in crypto and I know many of you this is the truth that you don’t want to hear

    And I find that when I listen to the truth I don’t want to hear that’s when things can get better so first let me tell you about my crypto investing my crypto investing is killing it I went from $0 to I took a portfolio from $0 to

    $50,000 in just a year doing $50 a day dcing and I’ve made it Ultra simple so anyone can follow along it’s not complicated anyone literally can do exactly what I’m doing and I’ve made profits in crypto 10 years in a row I’ve seen what really works I got wrecked my

    First year in crypto and I learned and that is never happened again now I want you to have similar results and I’m in a position to judge what else is going on in crypto pretty well and here’s what I see I go into YouTube and I look at the

    Videos you all are watching because my YouTube Studio shows me the videos my audience is watching and I’m like oh my God y’all are watching such garbage you are watching blatant clickbait crap you are watching stuff from from Paid Liars from people who don’t know what they’re

    Talking about and from people who are doing anything to get you to click to watch their video and they don’t care about you at all and it disgusts me cuz y’all are watching this then you’re losing money and not just the money but you’re wasting your

    Time I every single video I saw that you all are watching this week every single video is either from creators that I know are either paid Liars or they don’t know what they’re talking about or there it’s a blatant waste of your time you regular people in crypto investing

    Should never be looking at charts should not be hunting airdrops should not be trying to figure out what the price is going to be next week or even next month and most of all the coins in crypto are absolute garbage they are basically copies of Bitcoin and ethereum they didn’t innovate anything fundamentally

    On a technological scale most of you don’t realize that almost all of crypto and decentralization is a big fat lie almost everything is built on centralized services and has a single developer or entity who has true control over everything admins with backd door keys that can do anything they want to

    To the blockchain nodes that are centering transactions on ethereum a small handful of developers on bit Bitcoin that control the official GitHub big mining companies and pools that control even Bitcoins not that decentralized and most of the attention is in the wrong places most of you even if people are giving you good

    Information which is in frequent they’re pointing you in the wrong direction they’re pointing you to information that’s not relevant for where the future of crypto is going in other words you’re consistently wasting your time and missing the best opportunities stressing yourself out and then losing

    Money and I want to help you I have a little bit of a savior complex that’s definitely a thing I want to help you all do better because you know some of you I have one-on-one calls withth on Jerry and you’re looking at Jerry I I don’t know how much longer I

    Have to live I’d like to do well with my crypto investing and others of you are like man I’ve lost you know I’ve had calls with some of you that are like I have tens of thousands of dollars in crypto I can’t access and thankfully in some cases I’ve

    Been able to get that back but here’s so that’s what you all are doing that’s what most of you are doing and here’s what you need to do instead another thing all right one last thing one last thing y’all are always looking for these Little altcoin Gems

    All the time and especially meme coins or these D gen plays or these narrative plays you’re playing this game a game that’s rigged against you I’ve been to some of the highest levels in crypto I’ve seen how much lying there is how much cheating there is how much pay to

    Play there is and the one rule is you never tell the people how much they’re getting ripped off and what they really need to know and I violate that one rule cuz I just can’t stand I don’t care how much money I make if it means other people are getting screwed because I

    Think of you all as my neighbors and I don’t want my neighbors getting ripped off and losing all their money in crypto because then when I’m sitting here wealthy my neighbors are going to be looking to steal stuff from me or they’re going to be needing me to give

    Them money or they’re not going to be able to pay to maintain their house and that’s why I don’t want my neighbors getting ripped off I want a world full of wealthy people cuz wealthy people can’t be tricked into going to war wealthy people I mean occasionally

    But for the most part people who are wealthy are not going to be tricked into going off to war doing crazy stuff hurting other people what wealthy people for the most part are going to be more cooperative and peaceful and ask deep questions about life most of crypto is a

    Scheme a plot to rip you off however there is some real value in crypto there is some real opportunity and that that little bit of Truth is obscured by a whole bunch of garbage so that’s what you all are doing you’re constantly hunting for all these altcoin gems and

    Most of you have way too many cryptos you have all these different cryptos and then you try and believe in them all and you’ve got five 10 20 of them in your portfolio and in many cases they all suck you you have any even research them you’re letting your crypto sit on

    Exchanges that it’s not even really your money you’re doing crypto so wrong and uh I’m going to break it down for you and tell you how to do it right now this is what I’m doing for myself which is the most honest thing I can possibly

    Present I imagine you are a grown-up I trust you to take this as educational material you can use to learn and that’s what you really need to do in crypto is learn and a lot of the stuff out there is just garbage but what you really need to know in crypto is

    This this fundamentally when you get down to strip off all the other crap to me there’s like two or three things that really matter in crypto one is the technology is the technology worth using by itself if you strip away all the marketing hype in all the speculation

    And all that crap is the technology by itself worth using and uh I only see one single crypto where that’s the case and maybe there’s some small Niche use cases but what you really should look for in crypto is blockchain singularity out of all these coins which one is best position to

    Consume all the rest and to be number one based on technology that’s what you really need to find and everything else you don’t need at all and then two which crypto is onboarding people for the lowest cost and that goes back to number one why because the technology is so far

    Advanced beyond anything else it’s so genuinely useful to humanity that people will build on it because it’s the best option and not because of marketing hype or lies or because everybody else is doing it but once people find it they will build on it because there’s truly nothing else that’s

    Better and one of the keys to those two things and arguably the third thing is the team the team and not just one face or marketing but who has the biggest and best the largest research and development team behind their project because if I I want to invest my

    Money where the most Talent is innovating and researching and making breakthroughs in cryptography and doing that which nobody else is doing I don’t care if you copy a blockchain or Fork it and make a couple of changes I want to bet if you think about crypto like

    Football it’s the Super Bowl today think about crypto like football except if you pick the wrong team you lose everything it’s not like well you know maybe your team will win and you can think about it that you’re doubling down your bet on every game and if you pick the wrong

    Crypto the winner takes everything the one crypto for example eight years ago all you had to do is buy ethereum and at THX you literally didn’t need to buy anything else you sit there and buy ethereum at THX and you’re done you literally don’t have to do anything besides that that’s smart crypto

    Investing is to identify what what can I buy today that in 8 years it is the blockchain singularity and to do that to figure that out all you need to do is look at the technology the actual technology and the team and the organic marketing setup behind it and yes if

    You’ve seen my videos before you know where we’re going because I’m talking about internet computer protocol why for all the reasons I just said the technology is so good and internet computer protocol they’ve made all kinds of breakthroughs in cryptography I’ve done a ton of videos about it and I’ll

    Show you some to watch now the first thing you’re going to say though is well Jerry if it’s actually that good why isn’t everybody talking about it constantly remember I said crypto is full of paid Liars full of people who don’t know what they’re talking about and people who are wasting your

    Time now go back to there’s one crypto that’s on the path for blockchain Singularity that has the largest research and development team in blockchain that has by far the best technology now think about that yourself why wouldn’t everybody talk about that think about many of these other

    People that are doing videos like this they have accepted huge payments in order to talk about specific coins and many of those coins are houses of cards they are built on continuously paying all kinds of people to talk about their coin and hype it up and pay developers

    To build on it when really they’re not even building hardly at all on the Chain they build a tiny little thing to connect with the chain then they build almost all the rest of it on centralized web hosting there’s only one platform that is truly worth building on organically

    And that’s internet computer and when developers find internet computer and I’m talking to them I’m watching their videos developers are saying ICP is the future of being is the most lucrative opportunity they see as a developer right now because this is where the internet’s going and this is where

    Developers are needed so think for yourself why wouldn’t everybody just tell you internet computer has the best technology the biggest research and development team in crypto and their onboarding users they onboarded me completely for free and I’ve put out videos to millions of people talking about it why wouldn’t everybody tell you

    About that cuz all these other Alt Co that are mostly scams and ripoffs and have no real value would all get destroyed and who do you think’s holding all those other alt coins not only that but you wouldn’t need their videos anymore if the everyone simply took the

    Same approach as me I’ve got 3,333 internet computer locked indefinitely minimum of 8 years and I have over like 500 liquid that’s $50,000 an internet computer which is 97 or 98% of my portfolio and all my other coins are on internet computer as well so if everybody just told you that

    You don’t need to watch their videos anymore and remember I built that from zero just putting in $50 a day starting a year ago I’ve basically three or 4X my money cuz I was dcing and and put all my crypto and internet computer at $3 and

    It’s went up a bit since then but that’s because I ident ifed it based on my research that this is the only real thing in crypto if everybody else told you that all these other alt coins would get destroyed and they would just be dead forever and all the people who are

    Holding big bags of those would get destroyed an internet computer would go way up and then you wouldn’t need anything else except maybe a couple of my tutorials on how to use internet computer so you see the whole crypto as it is right now is a whole game that is

    Out there to distract you from the real value all these other videos are meant to just steal your time and energy and money when successful crypto investing with ICP is insanely simple there’s you can put all your crypto in one wallet you can have it on all your different

    Devices you actually get 16% APR if you lock it up as long as me it looks like it’s the only crypto to me that in 8 years from now you’re going to wish you had bought and held on to and it’s that simple but of course everybody can’t

    Tell you that because it would cost all all the so much money across the board that all of the people watching it in crypto all the regular people would all get rich off it but all the influencers and all these crypto companies would all get annihilated and

    It’s just normal people want to survive and make as much money for themselves and unfortunately many people will do that even if it means you pay the price so I’m here to point you in the right direction because to me crypto is as simple as once you research internet

    Computer and see what it can do all other crypto looks horrible by comparison which is why I sold everything and went all in the internet computer and some of you are like well you should never go all in don’t marry a crypto and that makes sense if you think

    All crypto is crap and if you think it doesn’t have any real value and it’s just gambling but if you see there is some real technology what’s special with internet computer it’s the only platform it’s an everything platform you can build your website your database your videos your nfts your code your games

    All of it can be built totally onchain CEO of coinbase said that onchain is the new online and internet computer is the only place you can do fully on chain so it’s clear internet computers the future everything else is a distraction if you want to get learn more about how to use

    Internet computer I’ve got videos ready for you so the first thing you need to do to use internet computer is get an internet identity that is your wallet that’s where I keep all my ICP is on my internet identity so you get an internet identity and you should watch this

    Entire tutorial showing you how to set one up if you’re new to is P Watch My ICP beginner guide with step-by-step instructions on how to get started and then you need to watch the network nervous system tutorial it show you how to stake your tokens how to earn 16% APR

    And how to use the tokens and I’m locking it up indefinitely because at 16% APR if I ever want to sell I can just sell my entire account and I might it might cost me 10 or 20% but I’ll earn so much in voting rewards even if I have

    To sell my ICP account for less than the ICP I have in it I’ll still make way more money in ICP than I actually put into it so to me the only logical thing to do is to go all in on internet computer to uh lock it up indefinitely

    And if you ever want keep keep some liquid for the short term I’ve got like 500 liquid for the short term and uh lock everything else up and if you ever need to sell just sell the whole thing on ID geek so I hope this has been

    Helpful for you if you want to talk to me more my websites hosted on internet computer I mean I’ve got my website on there I’ve been in marketing since 2011 I this is the best place I see anywhere to host a website and believe me I’ve looked a lot of places this is

    It’s almost free it’s nearly free to host a website and internet computer and if 100,000 people come through my website in a single day it won’t crash that’s why I mean this technology is so good it’s crazy and developers who are actually in there using it I’m not a

    Developer but I watch and I listen to developers and developer schedule oneon-one calls with me they are using it and they are saying the same thing they’re like how did how did nobody tell me about this before well now you know so if you want the best experience

    Schedule one-on-one call you can also watch live on Twitch I film my videos a day or two for YouTube uh in advance on Twitch live with the audience and then upload them to YouTube and you can talk to me on open chat I’m a full-time YouTuber and twitch streamer my goal is

    To save you from the ugly world out there or to help you make a real difference in your life so if this helped well just just sub to all my channels follow on Twitch schedule a call with me and just really go down the Jerry bamfield Rabbit Hole I don’t all

    Right never well it’s moving on on to the next video thanks for watching


    1. I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post. Despite the economic downturn, I still thank you for the level-headed financial advice. I started crypto investment with $4,345 and since following you for few weeks now, I’ve gotten $18,539 in my portfolio. Thanks so much Victoria Brown

    2. Thing is you can make money on absolute trash coins 🙂 But you should be aware it's utter trash and allocate accordingly your risk ratio… What I love about $ICP – it's an ABSOLUTE ZEN bet, no matter where you are buying it – it's gonna go higher eventually and it's an EXCELLENT hold. No stress, just chill and it doesn't really matter what happens with the price short-term, it's the FIRST project in crypto that's SO GOOD TECHNOLOGICALLY nothing else matters 😀

    3. There're some good technilogical usecases in other crypto – my top 2 are ARWEAVE and Kyve Network. Web3 won't survive without this(even with ICP), fun thing but ICP doesn't cover use cases of those 2 🙂

    4. Blocksailor token is the safest altcoin ever since its automatic algorithms stop paper hands, bot transactions, and bear markets. It will certainly reach $10 in no time.

    5. I disagree only on 1 thing – we shouldnt hunt airdrops 😀 How can I buy full bag of ICP if I don't have capital? lately I got DYM airdrop worth of nearly 2 k USD. Now I can buy ICP because of that airdrop. and another are coming to those who were faithful to cosmos staking. Definitely I cant say that staking cosmos since 2021 wasn't worth it. I am with IC all the way. ICP is my black horse in my portfolio.

    6. One more thing, I agree with your statement that youtubers being dishonest with us. Recently Crypto Banter has been exposed by other youtuber showing satoshivm project do not even have whitepaper. He deleted that video after 2 hours with an apology, sounding like obidient employee that it will never happen again, telling us Banter has been tricked by that project XD and Miles Deutscher left Banter couples weeks ago with a vague explanation why. Not to mention that most of them recommended to brigde at least 0,25 ETH on manta paradigm shift, just to not receive any benefits of that. SO yeah, be very cautious with crypto youtubers.

    7. if you invest like jerry, and hold for 8 years, your portfolio will get crushed in the next bear market. don't get attached to the "best technology" coins. just sell for profit during euphoria

    8. It's estimated that Americans will need more than $1 million to retire comfortably, but I found most of us aren't bullish about meeting that goal. I've been sitting on over $750K equity from a home sale and I want to invest on the stock market,how do I achieve this?

    9. yeah my crypto investing sucks.., while im up 30% in last month ur like 5% up cause ur all in on ICP 😀 i hold a lot of ICP too but cmon u can diversify and move.. im gonna add to ICP now and make more money

    10. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Catherine Gauthier.

    11. I know he's telling the truth. I literally watched short/long interest being heavily manipulated the other day. I was watching APE USD being completely manipulated by huge shorts. Then there's like 10s of millions flowing out in a couple of hours. Im almost to the point of just trading stocks. I'm so tired of the market manipulation in crypto.

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