Here to discuss geopolitics, the current state of the natural resource space, and buying opportunities for your portfolio is Jayant Bhandari, the founder of Capitalism and Morality, and a highly sought out advisor to institutional investors.

    • Jayant Bhandari discusses geopolitics, natural resource space, and buying opportunities for portfolios.
    • Western media and economists have become negative about China, and Chinese themselves are also negative.
    • Jayant Bhandari is currently in China and observes a disconnect between Western perceptions and reality.
    • He expresses hope for Trump’s return to power, but acknowledges potential societal divisions.
    • Jayant Bhandari supports Trump and hopes for his victory in the election.

    We will discuss a geopolitics, Pax Americana, coal, uranium, China, resource stocks, Argentina, President Javier Milei, Chile, Farmers Protest, President Trump’s and Biden, Canadian Gold Stocks, Gold, arbitrage opportunities, buy opportunities, philosophy, Rick Rule, Adrian Day, Jeff Diest, Jay Martin, Maxime Brunerie, and much, much more!


    15:00 What is the catalyst for resources stocks to surge?
    15:28 What is Jayant sharing with his clients
    25:58 Philosophy

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    [Music] here to discuss geopolitics the current  state of the natural resource space and buying   opportunities for your portfolio is Jayant  Bhandari. Mr Bhandari it’s great to have you   back on the show thanks sir very much for having  me back Maurice. All right sir we have a lot of  

    Ground to cover today I would like to begin our  discussion today with geopolitics. On behalf of   our subscribers we appreciate your insights  because you travel the world extensively and   provide our subscribers with the news before it  hits the mainstream news, Aside from Ukraine and  

    Israel what has your attention at the moment  and why? One interesting thing Maurice is that   the Western media the Western economists the  Western International organizations have become   extremely negative about China Chinese themselves  have become very negative about China um and I  

    Am currently in China I’ve been here for the  last one week and I don’t I don’t U see seem   to get to the same conclusion I think there are  short-term hiccups in China but China is a very  

    Uh solid country and it will after a couple of  hiccups that it will go through it will continue   to grow and improve so that is one thing I see  about China I also see uh that Latin America is  

    Becoming increasingly chaotic you have um a a  chaos in Ecuador um you have um more problems   in Colombia so um you know and I was talking with  a Mexican friend recently and he was telling me  

    That there are areas that he can no longer go to  because of um the mafia controlling those areas   so um the the third world is becoming extremely  chaotic of Mostly because America is no longer   able to play the job of PX Americana America  is becoming increasingly weak in terms of its  

    Influence around the world I definitely want to  get to that but I want to go back to Latin America   I want to go to Argentina give us your thoughts on  the new president there well I find him extremely  

    Impressive I was very cynical about the whole  thing and I thought that this was he would he   would be unable to achieve anything but he has  done well so far um and I’m very very pleased with  

    That uh I hope he continues to stay in his job and  I hope the people people of Argentina continue to   site him at least for a while um you can be  reasonably assured that they won’t S with him  

    In the long term because the reason he was elected  was not because of his values and I completely my   values are aligned with his values and I think  he’s he has the right way of thinking but the  

    Reason he was elected to his job was not because  of his values but because from what I understand   uh argentinians just got tired of everyone else  so he was was the left out candidate the reason   why he won uh and U my fear is that the moment  argentinians is start feeling comfortable with  

    Uh the status quo they will start craving for a  welfare socialist liberal system again so that is   my fear that has been the history of Argentina for  the last century or so and uh it is not unlikely  

    That it will go back to the Socialist mode once it  has improved moved a bit institutionally because   of the current president when you look at the  rest of Latin America what is the probability that   a leader in those countries you just referenced  where they could have a Libertarian leader come in  

    Uh zero probability Maurice um you I think Chile  was um lucky that it got Pinos for a while uh   Pinos put it on Chile on track to become a proper  capitalist country um and Pinos was able to remove  

    The Marx Marxist elements now I fully understand  that Pinos was a probably U you know did a lot of   bad things uh but uh in life you have to compare  what other Alternatives you have and given the  

    Alternatives Chile had a Pinos was clearly a much  better option from what I understand uh but those   days are gone I was for a long term in Chile  uh just over a year back and I was for a long  

    Time in Argentina um just over a year back chin  looks like a burnt down country because uh the   Socialist elements in Chile have surfaced and  there is nothing to Su it remember America is   no longer there to stop walk or leftist elements  from taking over powers in these countries so the  

    Reason Pinos was able to take over was because he  had the backing of the US that backing isn’t there   in fact the US is now Pro walk and pro- leftist  U country itself so Argentina is the only country  

    Which had a hope of becoming uh a Libertarian  place and in fact if you you know if you ignore   all the monetary economics number about inflation  and about the currency devaluation of Argentina   Argentina and Uruguay have consistently stayed  among the best two places in Latin America even  

    In the past and in the going forward they will  continue to be better but apart from a Argentina   you should forget that there’s any hope at all in  any way whatsoever for a person like mle to come   into power because those countries are extremely  leftist and extremely woke countries that really  

    Lack attraction uh of ideas now most of these  all these countries are Christian countries so   a Christian person sitting in Europe or  North America would expect Latin America   American countries to be more capitalistic because  capitalism is more aligned with Christianity uh  

    But that isn’t true capitalist Christianity is  has been adjusted in Latin America to suit the   Socialist purposes it has gone what you might call  Pagan or Voodoo in most of Latin America so in   conclusion um Maurice apart from Argentina there’s  absolutely no hope and in fact I’m skeptical even  

    Of Argentina is staying on course for too long  under the current libertarian regime and I’m a   Libertarian I love his M policies but I seriously  doubt he can continue to make uh long-term changes   in the country leaving Latin America let’s go to  Europe there’s some protests going on with Farmers  

    What are your thoughts on that and could that  contagion spread throughout the globe um well you   see there are protests happening foros protests  are currently happening in India as well they are   the government the federal government is setting  up nails and concrete blocks on the highway to  

    Stop Farmers from approaching the capital city  so there have been protests by farmers and you   know protests were actually uh happening quite  a bit before Co hit us and sometimes I think   that governments around the world wanted to impose  covid partly because they wanted to stop all these  

    Insurrections that were starting to happen and all  these uh anti-climate protest that were happening   the fers protests that that were happening so if  you go back to those 2019 and early 2020 a lot   of protests were happening around the world and  um the the reality is that protests will happen  

    Around the world um because we have democratic  governments and we have made people a large a   very large section of the society very entitled  they think they have the right to the wallets of   other people’s uh wallets and uh because of how  they think and because they think they have the  

    Right to control lives of other people and  because they have become hardwired because   uh Europe and North America have become largely  de christianized the moral fabric has gone away   uh they have no shame or guilt associated with  asking for money from other people as a right  

    Um and unfortunately that means that protests  will actually happen um more and more as we   move forward into the future for those of us in  the United States that do not travel abroad what   is the consensus about the United States when you  travel uh well everyone wants to be living in the  

    United States it is um always U seen as the best  country and the wealthiest country a country that   offers you opportunities and I’m fully enlighted  with that idea United States continues to be   um among the very best countries on the planet  it gives the it gives you Liberty it gives you  

    Opportunity it gives you uh freedom of expression  it gives you so many Liberties that I can’t think   any other country has um so America holds a  huge amount of Attraction for a lot of people  

    And they want to move and you can see the result  of that at the southern border literally tens of   thousands hundreds of thousands of millions  of people are trying to move into the United   States now realizing that you and I are both are  Libertarians does the world want Trump or Biden um  

    Well I certainly want Biden given that there’s no  other choice um he is far superior than Biden uh   Biden will destroy America in another four years  time if he returns back to Power or any other   Democratic president who returns comes to power  in the US will destroy the US uh you know Biden  

    Has brought in millions of new illegal migrants  into the United States and in my view it doesn’t   really matter whether whether they are legal or  illegal you’re destroying a society by bringing in   cultures that are completely alien to the American  idea um so um Biden will destroy the US um and I  

    Hope Trump returns to power and my my thinking is  that Trump will likely return to power but even if   he returns to power a large section of the society  will ref refused to accept him as the president  

    And unfortunately the problem is that uh a vast  chunk of the society had has been hardwired into   expecting its entitlements as a fundamental right  as if it’s a perament of as if it’s a part of the  

    Unival firmament um and that is not going to work  well for the United States in the medium or long   term now I think you initially said Biden but I  think you meant Trump am I correct on that that  

    You would vote for Trump oh absolutely sorry if  I if I said things wrong I really hope Trump wins   the elections because that’s our only hope and  despite that I think there will be conflicts in   the country because the leftist and the welfare uh  expecting people will not want to accept Trump as  

    Their president Now ladies and gentlemen if you’re  enjoying Today’s Show we ask that you please   give us a thumbs up and leave a comment below the  video Switching gears let’s discuss some natur the  

    Natural Resort space I should say giant I think  we all enjoy a sale but we all enjoy a profit even   more now throughout your investment career have  you ever experienced such a disconnect between   the metal prices and the corresponding ultr low  Equity prices um well yes and no worries um I have  

    Um always been very critical about let’s say 80  to 90% of companies in the junior mining sector   they H they are um the they they aren’t really  there to create value they are there to uh fill  

    The pockets of the CEOs and other people in the  management U those companies have been uh a big   problem for the sector they have used up capital  and they have they have confused the investing   uh public um but there are let’s say 5 or 10%  of the companies which are good companies run  

    By good managements and because they have fallen  with the bad companies these good companies are   extremely cheap and I think that is those are the  companies that you’re talking about and from the   perspective of those companies there’s indeed a  huge disconnect between uh what they have and the  

    Market capitalizations of those companies um they  should go up 100 200 300% but you have to focus   you have to be very selective you have to look at  only those 5 or 10% of the companies in the sector  

    Now which precious metal has your attention at the  moment and why um gold certainly continues to be a   a very well priced precious metal in my view in  fact it’s the only metal that I can consider to  

    Be precious metal um gold hasn’t done what what  it should have done uh you know the the the the   real interest rate will continue to be negative um  and U even you know once they start adjusting the  

    Interest rate nominal interest rate in in a month  or so uh gold will pick up and gold has to pick   up because uh that is one of the it has qualities  that virtually nothing else has and because people  

    Will be looking at it at one point of time when  the chaos really becomes felt and visible by these   people uh then gold price I think will start  to perform very well now you referen gold but  

    Not silver just curious what is it about silver  that you don’t like uh the well it’s not that I   don’t like silver it’s um it’s it’s the fact that  silver has um a lot of industrial usages um and um  

    The the trying to understand where the pricing of  silver stands because of the industrial usages is   art for me it’s just my lack of competence in that  area um remember I mean if silver price goes up uh  

    Some of the pro Industrial Products that it goes  into might become a products that uh get sub that   substitute silver for something else so because I  don’t understand the Dynamics very well I abstain  

    From looking at Silver as a as a precious metal  uh and that’s why I prefer not to speculate on it   but at the same time silver has historically  been used as as a precious metal and if gold  

    Price goes goes up silver has a tendency to go  up because people is start substituting silver   as a precious metal in place of gold what will  be the Catalyst to get Capital to flow back into  

    The space um I think what I I’m not very sure of  this Maurice to be honest but I think once the   nominalist rate interest rates by the US is start  fed start getting cut it should immediately start  

    Reflecting into increases in price of gold and a  very very significant increase in price of some   of the junior mining companies now as an advisor  to institutional investors where are you advising   your clients to speculate and why uh we we look  at companies across the commodity Spectrum uh  

    We look at Copper gold coal um I have followed a  lot of coal companies and we have done extremely   well with those whole companies we talked about it  Maurice in maybe you and I talked about it about a  

    Year back most of gold those gold stocks have  given us 20 25% return over the last one year   and I think I think they will continue to give  us a similar return going uh going forward so  

    Coal companies are you know we look at the whole  sector which where we can uh really understand   the valuation of those companies and projects  we don’t invest in companies and projects based   on what is in the names of those companies or  what the management um might might um want us  

    To think about imagine they have we want to have  some concrete evidence on what might have and then   we want to see whether what we see as the value  of those companies matches uh is is much higher  

    Than the market capitalization of those companies  and that’s what we look for yeah one of those coal   companies that you referenced in our interview  back in May if I’m not mistaken was P Body Energy   are you still excited about that proposition U  well U so I haven’t looked at p p Body Energy  

    Recently I think I eventually I sold it because uh  some of the OC companies um it started attracting   my eyes a lot more than American um uh coil  companies and one of the reason is that one of my  

    Uh institutional client is not based in the US and  the US imposes a massive amount of tax on dividend   payments uh that come from American companies so  uh we decided to uh not follow it that closely uh  

    But the Australian whole companies um are continue  to be the ones that we like you that doesn’t mean   it says anything negative about B Body Energy  I think it’s a the valuations are great and uh  

    I I probably should look at it again very soon  and uh in the next conversation I will update   you on it well thank you sir looking forward to  that now uranium is on everyone’s watch list do   you like the investment proposition um well  um mace I never chase um any commodity U and  

    I think uranium in my view is overpriced uh for  the simple reason that the long-term prices are   the the contract prices are lower much lower than  the spot prices and a lot of ETFs have taken away  

    Uh uranium as a commodity from the market which  has which has very likely added to a short-term   speculation in uranium as a commodity which has  led to a massive increase in share prices of   uranium companies so I’m very afraid of uranium uh  companies and uranium U these days um um despite  

    The fact that usually I I use I don’t speculate  in Commodities that said I’m actually ironically   very well placed in uranium and if you want people  could talk about it certainly sir if you have any  

    Names that you want to share with our audience  members they’ll be more so so yeah so this is   one company that I don’t um don’t uh understand  very well but they have have uh they are doing uh   they are merging in a three company merger that  is currently happening it’s an australian-based  

    Company called 92 energy um they have a big um uh  uranium project they have several uranium projects   in Canada and the and the thre party merger uh is  going to happen in such a way that this Australian  

    Company 92 energy will cease to exist uh in  Australia it will be trading only in Canada that’s   what I understand so far which means that there’s  a lot of fear among the Australian shareholders   because they think erroneously I must say that  their shares will get uh you know untradeable  

    After the buger is over so they have been selling  and I have and I have played this Arbitrage game   in the past particularly when it comes to two jur  to two jurisdictions in which one jurisdiction one  

    Jurisdiction will no longer be the exchange where  the company will be trading at uh that means that   992 energy based on what it is going to be apped  at is trading at a 35% Arbitrage difference so you  

    Can make about 30 to 35% Arbitrage money waiting  for the merger to happen which should happen   sometime next month um particularly if you are  positioned or if you understand that you will be   able to sell your Canadian shares once the merger  is over so look at to energy it’s trading at about  

    51 cents and the this will be among the one of  the larger uranium exploration projects um and uh   the merged entity will have raised I think about  20 25 million Canadian dollars over the last one  

    Or two months so it is based on that financing  price that I’m telling you that you have a 30%   Arbitrage upside plus any benefit you might get  from a uranium Hyster area what I would say coming  

    Into play in this merger yeah GI I’m I’m smiling  as you’re saying this because I’m remembering a   conversation you and I had I believe it was 2016  and what’s ironic about that conversation is that   I interviewed you the while the Super Bowl was  being conducted and I’m doing that right now  

    And I believe it was is it Sunridge gold that we  that you sunri so ladies and gentlemen listen to   this man because eight years ago you shared with  us Sun Ridge gold was going through this same uh  

    A similar situation they were actually delisting  and that was in February then May 19th hits and   we had a six over a 600% return on our investment  so listen to Mr bondari well and Maurice a very  

    Interesting thing was and I’m sure I don’t if  you remember that I was driving from New York   to Philadelphia and the warrants of uh Sandridge  were for whatever reason is still sorry the the   Sunridge was still is still trading on the OTC  market uh at one point point of time and I was  

    Driving and you called me up and said what is  happening with the these shares and I pulled over   and I looked at the numbers and we made actually  a lot more money in those OTC shares because those  

    Were trading as if the cash had already been paid  So within a week’s time uh I guess we made five   or 10 times our money on the new money invested  in those OTC listed um um shares so yeah there’s  

    A lot of Market discrepancy that can creep up  and that is almost certainly the case with 92   energy now again I must say Maurice that I don’t  know the management I don’t really I I don’t know  

    Any of them uh but from whatever I have seen I  feel reasonably sure that at 50 cents Australian   I’m well supported uh in terms of U making U uh  perhaps 30% but at least not making a loss on what  

    I will have invested that and again I just want  to go back to summary’s Gold here a similar again   another correlation here we didn’t expect this  return what we you shared with us I recall now  

    The stock was at 28 cents and they were going to  delist at 34 cents and then then May 19th happened   and it dropped down to a penny I recall that now  so the markets do not function rationally and as  

    You just shared uh the particularly in in liquid  markets particularly in in liquid markets like   Junior mining sector yes so you have the situation  now with the Australian shareholders they could be   overreacting and you could have another situation  as we experienced there with sunr gold by chance  

    Thank you for sharing that Arbitrage opportunity  are there any more opportunities and or stocks   that you’d like to share with us sir um well we  can talk about a couple of companies one is Aztec   minerals U I am quite a big shareholder of that  company um I quite like the management I like  

    Both the properties they have and they are a the  Simon who is the CEO is a go-getter he he raises   money he goes goes in right away to start drilling  the projects so I quite like that company I think  

    It’s a worth looking at given everything is U you  know under strain these days I would get give a   stink bits for a company like this U I think O3  mining is still well priced it’s trading at not  

    Very um it’s actually trading lower than what they  recently did financing at uh um I participated in   that that financing Irving resources in Japan just  did a joint venture or sorry they they agreed on  

    A joint venture with new M and sumido they will  formally get into it in about a month’s time uh   that is very interesting Irving resources has a  project in Japan uh uh it can go down to zero of   course because it’s an exploration company very  early stage exploration companies but they have  

    A very very exciting project am Magano project in  kushima area in the southern part of Japan and I   I’ve been there uh several times to Japan looking  at projects ofing resources you know last time we  

    Spoke you covered gold 79 mines uh any update on  that one sir well um you know again it’s a company   I like quite a quite a bit I I like the CEO of  the company uh I I think the the the project  

    They have in uh the project they have is is very  exciting it’s hardly trading at anything I think   the company’s market cap is at 2 cent it’s trading  at a couple of million dollars with a management  

    That is actually very well established in raising  money when it has to so I think it it should do   very well at 2 cents I can’t see myself making a  loss I actually own a a large chunk of gold 79 and  

    Full disclosure I’m a shareholder and and gold  79 mines is a sponsor of proven improbable and   they’re located in the Walker Lane 3 projects  there uh take a look at their website gold 79   mines now sir before we close all of the affir  mention or connected in one way or another to  

    A subject that’s your life’s passion and that  is philosophy for someone new to work how does   philosophy apply to our discussion today um well  it Maurice it helps me understand the world um   better it gives me a crispier understanding  of what should H what might happen with the  

    World as time passes um and that helps underpin  my understanding that a West is actually on a   part to Decay because they have institutionally  continued to arm themselves up largely through   uh immigration of people who don’t fit in well uh  by the fact that the third world countries because  

    Of they are no longer run by colonizers their  institutions have continued to Decay very rapidly   and because pakarana is going away uh third world  countries will deteriorate and fall apart across   the board Latin America Africa Indian subcontinent  they will just dissolve into tribal units and have  

    A horrible future as I said Maurice I’m current in  China for about two weeks uh partly to celebrate   uh the Chinese New Year with some friends but also  look at some investment opportunities there are   huge economic problems here not the problems that  I see with my eyes but problems that I understand  

    From talking with the people here uh you know  buildings and apartments here are completely   empty uh and they will way remain empty um so  China has a Cris has a few hums to go through  

    Uh but I think China will emerge well from that  so I’m I continue to be very optimistic about the   future of East Asia because they are doing a lot  of things right that others aren’t now speaking   of philosophy Mr mandari you’re the founder of  the philosophical seminar capitalism immorality  

    Which focuses on reason argumentation and liberty  for someone new to capitalism immorality please   introduce the seminar and some of this year’s  speakers um so the next seminar will be on the 1st   of January when this year in the downtown campus  of Simon Fraser University in Vancouver Canada  

    Um and I have run this seminar for the last 14  years um um I enjoy it Maurice I bring in people   to talk about issues that other people other uh  organizations don’t talk about because they might   be politically very incorrect um I think it’s  free speech is extremely important bringing in  

    Western philosophy is extremely important because  there’s something very very unique about uh the   Western society that continues to be very unique  um you know I was talking with a couple of Chinese   friends yesterday uh who have uh taken on a  reading the Bible on a regular basis and going to  

    The church and U you know the people talking about  the concept of of Truth the concept of Truth is so   alien to uh people who are and who did not grow  up in the western ecology um and even the people  

    Who grew up uh as uh immigrants or people who not  believing in um certain mainstream uh values of   the western Society don’t really fully understand  it that truth is uh such a key aspect of the   western um philosophy people in the west Americans  Germans English are so focused on the search for  

    Truth and they are unhinged to any tribal idea  when it comes to searching for the truth whereas   most of the rest of the world is hinged to their  tribal ideas their religion their nationalism or  

    Whatever um so um I want to um bring people to my  seminar and talk about truth and Discovery um talk   about the greatness of Western Civilization  the classical red Western Civilization well   as a Christian I’m elated to hear that those  individuals are going to church amen all right  

    Now the registration is not up yet is that correct  for for the seminar but I do also want that’s if I   can correct one thing yeah that is John if I may  I think you stated the 1st of January I think you  

    Meant the 1 of is it the 1 of June oh God I it is  first of June Maurice and sorry my apologies my   mind is probably not working very well today I yes  it’s on the 1st of June in regard yeah and the and  

    The registration registration is not yet open  but I will open it within the next uh uh three   weeks and ladies and gentlemen we encourage you  to visit Mr mandor’s website take a look at the   past uh seminars you will be delighted you’re in  for an intellectual treat I assure you I put my  

    Name on it giant give us the website please um  it’s Giant and there’s a tab called   capitalist and morality you can watch all the  past videos for free on the website and there’s   also a registration page for the for this year’s  seminar there last question sir what did I forget  

    To ask well again Maurice you know my seminar  will be very interesting I have um Dr Ricardo   duen is speaking at my seminar as a keynote  speaker he’s coming for the first time I have  

    Become a big fan of his U you you might want to  look at his um Twitter page um and um so again   it it will be an exciting year uh and I you know  Rick rule Walter blob Jeff Ty as usual will be  

    At the seminar Mr mandari it’s been an absolute  pleasure speaking with you today wishing you the   absolute best sir uh thank you very much for the  opportunity Maurice the information presented on   proven improbable is provided for educational  and informational purposes only without any  

    Express or implied warranty of any kind including  warranties of accuracy completeness or Fitness for   any particular purpose the information is  not intended to be and does not constitute   Financial investment or trading advice or any  other advice you should not make any Financial  

    Investment or trading decision based on any of the  information presented without first undertaking   independent due diligence and consultation with  a professional broker or competent financial adviser


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