I’ve found some crypto apps where you can earn rewards for FREE. All you need is a computer and a smartphone. With some of these, the tokens aren’t even live yet. So the earning potential could be huge. This is taken from a recent live stream, but all the dead air has been edited out and the Q&A section removed so it’s shorter and easier to watch. ▼▼

    ➤Start building your credit with StellarFi: https://a.ndy.fyi/StellarFi

    ➤Galaxis Engines: https://a.ndy.fyi/Galaxis

    ➤NATIX: https://a.ndy.fyi/NATIX
    Get 35,000 points with this code when you sign up and another 35,000 when you complete your first drive: yourfriendandy

    ➤Get Grass: https://a.ndy.fyi/GetGrass

    ➤Silencio: https://a.ndy.fyi/Silencio
    Code: yourfriendandy

    ➤Verus Coin: https://verus.io/

    ➤SCALA: https://scala.network/

    ➤Cheap Samsung Phone: https://amzn.to/3HM2b5w

    ➤Try Zzz Money Club for FREE (7-day trial): https://links.zzzmoneyclub.com/SignUp

    ➤Want weekly insights on how to make more money & passive income? https://a.ndy.fyi/Email

    ➤ Follow Me On Twitter: https://a.ndy.fyi/twtr


    00:00 – Crypto App #1
    04:50 – StellarFi
    06:28 – Crypto App #2
    09:05 – How To Hear About Cryptos Early
    10:38 – Crypto App #3
    12:58 – Crypto App #4
    15:43 – Crypto App #5
    18:08 – Cheap Crypto Nodes

    DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, which means that I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. Affiliate commissions are a great way to help fund and support the channel.

    I am not a financial advisor. The ideas presented in this video are for entertainment purposes only. You (and only you) are responsible for the financial decisions that you make.

    Hey friends I’ve collected some crypto apps that are 100% free and could maybe make you some serious money these are all super cool and I’m excited to share them with you and the first one is NAX so this is a drive and earn app you know I’ve already talked about Hive mapper

    Quite a bit I’ve talked about demo quite a bit uh and what’s cool about natics is it doesn’t require to buy any hardware you can use your phone you just put your phone uh in a mount on your dashboard point it out turn on the camera in the

    Uh NAX app and uh start earning which is really really cool um so what they’re trying to do it’s uh not the same as Hive mapper which is wanting to do mapping data uh there’s a bit of that with NAX but mainly they’re trying to just get um it’s a lot of geospatial

    Type of data but various types of data they’re they’re um capturing via your phone and then they’re trying to on their end the business side of things monetize that this one does not have a token yet on the open markets that’s going to change I think they said this

    Will be in late q1 or early Q2 so right now what you are earning in the app will either be converted or be on the open market or I’m not quite sure how it will work uh but it’s early which is cool interesting to me because I want to earn

    These things uh before they hit the open market if possible but essentially you download the app like I said you place the thing a thing your phone uh on your dashboard uh and then you keep it in this active mode while you’re driving and it recognizes cars and stop signs

    And traffic lights and all that type of stuff and then you earn points um while uh doing this and that you can you know redeem for various things but the thing I’m interested in is redeeming for their native crypto crypto token ntxt which again is not on the open markets yet you

    Know you can go to their website side and learn all about uh it in more detail uh but essentially the biggest ways you’re going to earn is while you’re driving uh when you’re actively detecting again as it’s recognizing cars and um and traffic data and various things like that and then also with

    Referrals uh in the description of this video there is uh four that’s this is not four this is four there are four um links uh if you sign up so first come first serve it only I only have four out of the app and that will give you um bonus points or

    Bonus tokens I’m asking them to give me um a better link so I can give it out to more people but anyway there’s at least four codes you can use so first people watching this right now who download the app and use those uh codes get the uh

    The tokens uh but once you get the app you will get your own uh referral and your own codes and you can share that with friends and family and whoever else uh strangers if you want and earn more of the tokens so again earn the points

    Uh you get early access to uh some of this you know pre I guess token launch stuff uh which is cool but uh it’s available on IOS and Android I think it’s worth reading their white paper um and learning a little bit more about how exactly uh they’re doing this and kind

    Of what the business case is uh but I’m viewing this like a much earlier stage um Hive mapper or something um now I’m not expecting it necessarily to be as lucrative because again there’s no hardware and stuff it’s all based on your phone um but I don’t know it could

    Launch it it could be more lucrative I have no idea this is pure speculation for me uh but I think the idea is interesting and I love the idea of monetizing things you already do like driving uh so that is a uh super uh exciting to me oh there’s a

    Cat especially if you do something you know for your work or job where you’re driving a lot uh or if you do like side hustles where you were doing food delivery or uh Uber oryt it’s like a great way to earn even more on top of what you’re already doing think if you

    Have any concerns around privacy or if you just don’t want to use your main phone for a lot of this type of stuff uh or you want some separation uh there is a link in my description for a very cheap like prepaid um Samsung phone uh

    I’ve bought quite a few of those I use them for mining um which I’ll get more into in a second um and they’re very inexpensive like 50 or 60 bucks or something so that’s a great option if you want to do all this stuff on a

    Separate device so before I get into the next app uh I want to tell you about stellari here uh who is actually sponsoring this live stream so if you watch my channel you know I’m all about passive income and anything that can improve my finances in my sleep and

    That’s why I was really intrigued by uh stellari now stellari is not a crypto play it’s not a crypto project uh it’s a personal finance tool um a a company that helps you with one aspect of your personal finances uh so one of the things I learned really early in my

    Financial Journey uh as I was trying to make the best money decisions I could was just how important good credit was so with stellari uh you can actually build your credit score just by paying bills the bills you already pay each month having a good credit score is very

    Important uh you can get better interest rates on loans you can get better insurance rates you can get higher credit limits uh easier approvals by landlords and a bunch of other reasons that are probably obvious to you if you know anything about the credit score and a credit building landscape again again

    When I first started uh on my personal finance Journey building up my credit was a big priority and I’m really glad I did it and stellari makes this process even easier uh it works very quickly uh it starts at just $4.99 a month and again you can check out sellery by

    Clicking the link I just dropped in the chat or you can check out the link down in the description uh to give it a uh a look next up is grass uh so grass is is cool because um it’s a it’s a very interesting idea it’s not a

    New idea but some of the ways that they’re doing it is new uh so grass wants to do payments and rewards for your unused internet um so what does that mean uh so this run grass uh runs on your computer in the background and this is great especially if you already have a

    Computer uh running a node or something you can run this on that same computer or your desktop or whatever um and this is my cat just pushed the space bar uh just in my lap hanging out this is a lot like honey gain um if you remember

    Honey G which I think honey G might still be a thing I don’t know but this one’s uh but grass is much more uh crypto focused uh in this Avenue of internet sharing unused internet sharing but basically takes whatever computer you’re running on and that computer becomes a residential proxy and then

    Companies can pay to use these proxies to have connections to the internet uh and therefore data in various locations around the world and there’s lots of reasons that this is useful and lots of reasons why uh this can be potentially lucrative U now right now grass I

    Believe uh it has most of their main clients are are AI related companies um and apparently this is really useful data for um AI companies uh but they have a really clean dashboard it’s a really cool looking um application I’ve got a nice uh video on the website to tell you more about

    It uh but this is another one that uh the token hasn’t officially launched yet you’re just earning in this kind of pre-launch pre stage kind of uh time and uh they incentivized to join the beta by referring this to friends and family and whoever with a referral code but you

    Also are actually earning their uh their rewards um by sharing your internet so I think this one’s worth uh checking out uh their Discord is very big uh they’ve got a lot of people in there already and it hasn’t even fully launched yet uh but the idea of like selling your unused

    Internet um is a weird one but I think there actually is a real business case in there uh and again link to Grass down in the description if you want to try that one out next up I want to tell you really quick about sleep money club which I’ll post a link to

    That in the chat for those who don’t know sleep money Club is my Discord Community this is where I share all the things I’m looking at um what I’m buying what I’m selling um you get to see all that information before ever make videos about it all the things I’m talking

    About in this video this live stream uh were already talked about in sleep money Club um over the past several weeks uh it’s a community of likeminded people who are all geeking out about crypto like you or me um and I’m very proud of what we built and we have a really

    Close-knit community of people uh there’s tons and tons of incredible resources in here tons of passive income streams uh you can basically go from zero to uh just killer knowledge in the crypto passive income space in no time uh we offer a 7day a free trial um you

    Can jump in there you can jump in the ask Andy anything section and ask me anything if you want uh but we also have uh income plays and airdrop guides and crypto project sections and a very robust uh stock options selling Community do a bunch of

    Deep Dives and a bunch of other guys but we have a 7-Day free trial so you can try out sleep money Club for free with zero risk and then if you hate it you don’t have to stay in it uh so I wanted to mention sleep money

    Club because I love it uh next up is cencio uh which is an app on both IOS and Android and they want to measure sound uh which is a novel idea right there uh it uses your phone to check the Ambient sound in whatever location you’re

    At um and and they’re trying to build noise maps and as you build noise Maps you earn noise coins uh which again have not officially launched on any marketplaces uh so this is early um as you are earning with the app but they have a um beta airdrop another big Community 880,000

    People in the community you can click on the map here and you can see some of the uh noise Maps now this is all over this in us as well for those on my channel who are watching in the US uh you know here here I am in Austin we’ve got some

    Green and some orange uh but there’s a lot of uses for this type of data but it’s really cool instead of setting up you know specific little noise capture stations all around and only having a few hundred or a few thousand of those worldwide this is enabling hundreds of thousands or

    Millions of people to become those noise capture uh devices those noise capture uh nodes on the network essentially but this one I believe is also pretty early uh again the token has not launched yet I would highly recommend you with all these you read the wi paper and stuff um

    I’ve played around with the app the app is really clean uh it’s pretty cool you just do little sessions of um noise um recording and stuff to see the decel levels in an area and of course you know it’s going to want a varying degree it’s

    Going to want uh where it’s quieter and where it’s louder and urban and rural this is kind of the same as some of the previous ones I’ve said where I feel like a big um area of business would be selling this data to decision makers in government city planners um

    Infrastructure um builders that type of stuff but again totally free app like all these and you can earn noise coins uh before they actually launch I have no idea how lucrative any of these will be uh because we don’t have dollar attachments on the uh on the tokens yet

    Uh but still exciting next next up is Varys uh Varys coin has been around for quite a while um I’ve been mining and staking Varys for a number of years now uh and they’ve just been you know kind of quietly building um just over the years uh which is pretty impressive

    Despite bare markets and various things they just keep on building uh vars is proof of work uh you can mine it with a computer on a CPU or the reason I’m talking about it in this video is because you can mine it on your phone so Varys is a

    Um it’s a multichain it’s it say layer zero layer one I mean just its own blockchain that you can build stuff on top of uh it does have privacy aspects you can send via um private addresses which are totally and fully private and they’ve got a bunch of things they’re

    Building on top of it interoperability is one of the uh focuses uh which is where you can move things across different chains and connect the various chains together uh but they’re building a lot uh and they are constantly building uh and you can run their the

    Wallet on your computer and as you mine Varys with your phone you can then stake that Varys in your wallet which is pretty cool and earn even more but what I love is that uh you can get into a little like nerdier nitty-gritty um command prompt type stuff on your phone

    And get a higher hash rate make them even more profitable but even just the downloading the basic app on the uh on the phone to mine this that’s funny I just got a cencio notification they’re trying to tell me to be quiet um but even just the regular app uh for mining

    Varys the really like simple um UI one that you just type in your pool and hit the like a mine button uh on a phone is still profitable right now and if you run a bunch of these phones it’s kind of an interesting little thing to do but if

    You have an extra phone or two why not put it to work and earn something and uh Varys is one of those that I been watching and buying and mining for a while oh under economy gives you all the info you need about Mining and staking they have the equivalent of

    122,000 mobile phones um mining uh this is a again totally free to start mining Varys and just earning a little bag as we prepare for the next Bull Run which if we look at their price this one actually is already on the market uh but it’s alltime high price uh it’s $352 and

    It’s a dollar per coin right now so you know just based on that could move up a lot but it’s ranked at 439 on the crypto charts and uh it’s only a $76 million market cap yeah it’s still it’s still pretty small uh lots of potential here next up is

    Scala or Scala thought it was Scala I don’t remember how you pronounce it uh this one is also been around for a while this is another one I I have mined and I have owned for uh a couple years now another one where they’ve just been kind of building in the background

    Despite bare markets and stuff uh this one is also has privacy aspects um and this one is also mobile minable the mining tab here you can see their uh mobile Miner um it’s it’s a pretty easy to use one it was a full thing on how to

    Mine it um of course you can mine with um bigger Hardware too but the reason I’m talking about it on this video is because it’s phone minable which I think is rad uh but Scala their website is is really slick they’ve just been working in the in the p in the background for

    Several years now and I’ve just kind of been impressed to see them continue on um when other you know projects don’t survive bare markets uh and also because it’s Scala is very very small their market cap is less than1 million doll uh they ranked it 2,489 on the on the coin gecko crypto

    Charts uh once upon a time they were up 98% uh from where they are today three years ago uh so they I mean this is 20121 they had a crazy uh crazy pump uh so I’m excited to see what happens for them in the next this upcoming bull run because

    If you go to their Discord they’re actually still working on this thing they’re it’s got active community and all stuff I just think it hasn’t gotten um lately any uh any press so this would be by far well I me guess all the other ones aren’t actually listed yet so we

    Have no idea what their um volatility will be but this one’s going to be the most volatile um maybe one of the higher risk ones because of just how small it is uh I imagine me just mentioning on the channel and then a few people buy

    The price might go up a bit but this has been a long-term hold for me waiting to see what happen in the next run uh but again one you can easily mine from your phone for free and earn a bit um which I think is super cool well crypto apps are

    Great but have you heard of crypto nodes well watch this video to see a bunch of crypto nodes that I put together that are still pretty cheap and accessible otherwise I’ll see you in the next one goodbye


    1. With all these drive to earn programs, are they only really interested in more urban/suburban areas? If I’m driving hundreds of miles in the middle of nowhere will they not pay as much, or hardly anything at all?

    2. Hi, question, of verus and scala, does one seem to produce better than the other? And can you quantify how many each mining app is producing per individual phone?

      Do you mine more than one on a phone?

      Thank you.

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