Join Bitcoin University Premium:

    In this video, I provide a retrospective, examining what the landscape looked like the last time Bitcoin was trading at $52,000, compared to today.

    Bitcoin’s hash rate has been skyrocketing, and Bitcoin has been officially granted institutional access through the launch of major spot BTC ETFs in the US.

    Large asset management companies will corral no-coiners into owning some BTC whether they want to or not.

    The best is yet to come. This cycle, expect BTC to eat tech stocks and precious metals.

    Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

    Bitcoin network hash rate chart:

    Corporations that own BTC:

    Fidelity sprinkling some BTC into their official portfolios:

    Google trends shows very little interest in BTC:

    Wall Street ETFs are buying 12.5x more BTC per day than the network can produce:

    Massive pools of capital headed towards BTC:

    US dollar is a melting ice cube:

    Pour one out for the shorts and the Bitcoin bears:$7×366.png

    What will Francis do if Bitcoin goes to zero?

    The Running of the Bull by Bitstein:

    Assets by market cap:

    I am not being paid or otherwise compensated by any company or cryptocurrency project that I mention in my videos. My opinion is not for sale. Please do not contact me with any affiliate or advertising deals.


    Neither Bitcoin University, nor any of its directors, officers, shareholders, personnel, representatives, agents, or independent contractors (collectively, the “Operator Parties”) are licensed financial advisors, registered investment advisors, or registered broker-dealers. None of the Operator Parties are providing investment, financial, legal, or tax advice, and nothing in this video, on this YouTube channel, or at www.Trader.University or (henceforth, “the Sites”) should be construed as such by you. This video, channel, and the Sites should be used as educational tools only and are not replacements for professional investment advice. Trading or investing in new and volatile assets like Bitcoin can be risky.

    This is Matthew crder from Bitcoin University today I wanted to talk about Bitcoin hitting 50,000 51,000 52,000 I don’t normally talk about the price because I think it’s less important sometimes than other things but I thought we’d take a moment today to really look how far we’ve come Bitcoin currently trading at

    52,2 we can see that it hasn’t ever traded up at these levels for a very long period of time what’s interesting the last time we were at 52,000 this channel was still called Trader University scam bankster fraud and dquan were still considered investing Geniuses Celsius and blockfi and Gemini ear and

    All these programs were still happy to give you yield on your Bitcoin as long as they could keep your Bitcoin itself and never return it and back the last time that Bitcoin hit 52,000 Larry Fin and Black Rock still hated Bitcoin and called it an index of money laundering

    Also what’s really interesting the Bitcoin Network cash rate was 70% lower the last time Bitcoin was trading at 52,000 it’s currently uh at 514 million tashes and back the last time it was at something like 130 now it’s 2024 this is definitely going to be the year of the Bitcoin Dragon everyone

    Will own Bitcoin and will be happy everyone who owns these indices in the form of an index mutual fund or ETFs already owns some Bitcoin through micro strategy if you own any ETFs that track the NASDAQ composite the Russell 2000 Russell 3000 or the S&P 600 small cap we

    Can see as well any of these indices that own Marathon Tesla coinbase block Riot Etc also own some Bitcoin this is bitcoint treasuries Donnet which I’ll link to in the description notes below and in this Center column you can see how much Bitcoin these companies own large asset management companies are

    Going to Corral no coiners people who don’t own any Bitcoin they’re going to Corral them into owning some Bitcoin whether they want to or not and we’re already seeing this happening with Fidelity Fidelity putting 1% 2% 2 and a half% or 3.1% Bitcoin via their Fidelity spot ETF

    Their Bitcoin spot ETF into this General managed fund this all-in-one ETF so what’s happening is Bitcoin has been embedded in the spot ETFs and now the spot ETFs are being embedded in retirement portfolios and in other ETFs as well what’s also significant is the spot Bitcoin ETFs are now all in the

    Black they’re all profitable since launch and they’re also beginning to show up on momentum screens thanks to their recent strong price performance this is ibit this is the Black Rock Bitcoin spot ETF now trading almost as high as it has since the first day and certainly closing at a new high so

    Bitcoin’s preparing to break to new highs and what’s really strange is no one outside of Bitcoin is really noticing it yet the General Public as you may have noticed is still asleep I’m sure your friends or at least most of your friends aren’t talking about Bitcoin yet and all this is happening

    When we’re still only nine weeks from the having sometime in April hopefully April 20th of 2024 just nine weeks from the having and no one seems to care I think this implies that the bull market is just beginning sentiment is still very neutral to bearish when it comes to

    Bitcoin if we take a look at Google Trends we can see the highs that Bitcoin as a search term reached in at the peak of the bull market in 2021 and we’re nowhere near those levels we’ve barely ticked off the bottom in terms of search interest on Google for Bitcoin if you’re

    Enjoying this video so far I just ask you to help to support the channel by hitting that subscribe button that really does help hit the like button leave a comment question suggestion topic for a future video I do really look at those comments and try to make

    Videos about the most uh most asked comments also share this video with a friend or family member another thing thing we’ve talked about in the past is this idea of unit bias and a lot of people not knowing that you can buy a fraction of a Bitcoin you don’t have to

    Buy a whole Bitcoin but with the Bitcoin ETFs there is no unit bias so if you look at Bitcoin 52,000 sounds really expensive of course this hasn’t hurt Burkshire hathway stock which has done very well trading in the hundreds of thousands because institutional investors actually like the larger size

    But when it comes to the Bitcoin ETFs if someone checks out ibit the Black Rock Spot Bitcoin ETF they’ll see it’s just trading at $29 $30 a share looks really cheap from a unit bias perspective meanwhile ship coins altcoins alternatives to bitcoin of which there really aren’t any they keep crashing

    Relative to bitcoin even the best of them like Monero hitting new lows now against Bitcoin as part of this move this is very unusual for a bull market otteroo points out here that the Wall Street ETFs have been buying 12 and a half per 12 and a half times more

    Bitcoin per day than the network can produce now obviously higher prices draw out some sellers but this is really significant this sort of institutional demand going into the having when the suppli is can to be cut even more I wanted to highlight this tweet from David Bailey of Bitcoin magazine David

    Writes I know the price is screaming but we’re on the precipice of a big step up in bitcoin’s credibility and narrative Evolution there are massive pools of money circling right now and they’re not looking to dip their toes in other words they’re going to take large positions massive offices Sovereign wealth funds

    Corporate treasuries hedge funds Etc and I don’t think we’ve really even seen this started so we’re really at the beginning of this move together you and I survived together we survived the bare Market I want to thank you for sticking with me sticking with Bitcoin for a

    Difficult couple of years but we made it together we’ve been stacking SATs we’ve been hodling we’ve been focused on our lives on our families on improving our skill sets instead of just being glued to the screen trading ship coins or promoting scam s like so many other

    People do in the space one thing about Bitcoin is it repays patience Bitcoin is for low time preference people who like to win most of the world would rather get poor slowly holding Fiat than get rich slowly hodling Bitcoin people say oh no bitcoin’s so volatile I can’t

    Handle it give me this instead so they store their money safely quote unquote safely in the US dollar and they lose massive purchasing power over time this doesn’t even show the huge collapse in the US Dollars purchasing power since 2020 with all the inflation that we’ve

    Had I also wanted to pour one out for those who’ve been wrecked by their poor prognostications when it comes to bitcoin there’s nothing wrong with being wrong but there is something really wrong with staying wrong we have uh various YouTuber shorting Bitcoin at 35,000 and 40,000 and 45,000 and 50,000

    This is a very very bad asset to be short and there may be something that you’re seeing on the chart but when you think of the huge fun fundamentals and the flows going into this this is absolute Madness and I feel sorry for people who are doing this publicly

    Sometimes you just have to admit your wrong and cover your short Paul Krugman of course uh did a great job of calling the bare Market bottom and he’s been bearish unfortunately for him on bitcoin since it was $7 uh a coin then of course there’s Peter Schiff who’s been wrong

    For over a decade with his shiny yellow rocks charging management fees for holding shiny yellow rocks while being bearish on bitcoin the best performing asset of the decade we have Peter Zion when Bitcoin was trading at 16,000 a couple years ago at the beginning of 2023 saying that Bitcoin was actually

    Going to go negative I’m not sure exactly how that would work and of course we have the bankers we have the ECB turning incredibly bearish on bitcoin at the exact bottom of the bare Market in November of 2022 these are the people who’ve gotten wrecked and and are

    On the wrong side of Bitcoin and the wrong side of History I love this tweet from Francis pulot but Francis what will you do if Bitcoin goes to zero if you’ve never seen this famous Bitcoin meme video by bit Stein when the bull began his run I’ll definitely link to that in

    The description notes below this cycle we’re going to be taking on tech stocks silver and gold if we look at these major assets and asset classes by market cap at the top here we have gold then we have a bunch of tech stocks we have an

    Oil company saudio Ram Co we have silver we have Facebook meta platforms and then right here at number 10 we have Bitcoin in this bull market I expect Bitcoin to move up the ranks quite sharply and this is because store value is a much bigger total addressable Market than addictive

    Tech products or even chips semiconductors people who’ve gotten rich in tech stocks will also want to store their new found wealth in Bitcoin there are very very few tech stocks that you want to hold for the long term the smart people recycle their money into different things and and I think Bitcoin

    Is the natural fit for this people who understand Tech and understand Bitcoin so a lot of that money from tech stocks will flow into Bitcoin when it comes to Silver when it comes to Gold shiny yellow rocks have already been made obsolete this is not 21st century digital technology it’s about to get

    Priced in so I would just say if you’re still holding gold it’s okay to have been wrong but staying wrong is another thing and if you just got to take a look at the chart of gold versus Bitcoin and ask yourself if you feel lucky this is

    Absolutely brutal and you scroll out and this makes perfect sense because Bitcoin is many orders of magnitude more useful than gold especially in a digital Global civilization if you enjoyed this video be sure to hit the Subscribe and like buttons hit the notification Bell if you

    Want to be notified when I publish my next video and let me know your questions and comments in the comment section below thanks all for watching and I’ll see you in the next video


    1. WARNING: There are a number of scammers who are using my image and channel name to try to connect with my viewers on WhatsApp and other platforms to scam them. Just so you know, I will never refer you to "my personal trader" or try to connect with you personally to sell you something. I am trying to ban these scammers as quickly as they pop up. You can always recognize a scammer by clicking on the image and seeing how many videos he has. All of these guys have zero videos, while I have hundreds. I also now have a checkmark next to my name, so that you can distinguish the real Bitcoin University from the imposters. Follow me on Twitter @mattkratter

    2. None of my friends are talking about it. None of my work friends either. I'll bring it up at work, and people still don't take me seriously. They just crack endless jokes. I work for a Fortune Top 5 international company…

      I gave a presentation on BTC fundamentals at the low of the last bear market, and still people laugh as my net worth increases exponentially.

      It's all motivation to me – their lightheartedness and weak whimsical outlooks on their existences, persisting even when blatant fact is displayed before them.

    3. I’m am so thankful to be part of this community. Never before have I felt a kinship with people I don’t know, so quickly. Bitcoin changes you. It’s certainly changed me for the better. I’m especially thankful for you, Matthew, your experience, wisdom and calm strength is apropos for the asset we’ve all recognized early, is changing the world for the better. Bravo everyone who suffered for today.

    4. Used to watch others on YouTube as well. One by one, they've dropped off of my list. I now only look forward to your sane approach to financial stability and freedom. Everyone else, with a few exceptions, is a rube. Amazed at my own evolution.

    5. Just remember. In a few weeks or months it will probably crash down hard again, and they will print yet another Bitcoin obituary: "Bitcoin dies (again)".
      But that's fine: Time for more cheap sats!

    6. Thanks again for putting so much content in the description. I have used it many of times.

      I had never seen the bull run video and watched it today for the first time. Made me laugh. Awesome.


    7. Matt. Any chance you could do a video on what market caps for Fiat vs Bitcoin actually mean today and will mean as adoption progresses?
      Also the yuan is right now #1, even though the USD is still the preferred exchange currency by far and the yuan is not even second… Could the Fiat reserve currency change before Bitcoin gets to take over? My working hypothesis is that Fiat dies with the dollar, but is just kind of a hunch.
      I guess market cap is an indicator of economic size, but as an exchange medium importance it might be a bit deceiving?

    8. I was listening to Fox Business today, and they had this guy on, and he, like many others claimed that Bitcoin had no use-case or function, and that it was just a pump and dump tool of speculation people should stay far away from.

      The use case of course is that it is a safer store of wealth than the dollar. Appreciation during the decades long adoption phase is just icing on the cake.

      These people simply don't get it, and they put Bitcoin in the same category as Bonk (an actual speculative coin).

      It is not speculation to put your money in an asset class that you KNOW is not going to be diluted or mismanaged.

      The fact that they DON'T get it, gives the awake lay trader the biggest opportunity of several generations.

      We are frontrunning the "smart" money, because the banks they do business with are brainwashing them with anti Bitcoin propoganda, and their "intelligence" has turned into arrogance.

      We are given the opportunity to TRY to spread the word to as many as we can, to save them from debasement and poverty, but also to position ourselves well above the fray.

      Yes, my main use case is for wealth preservation and storage, but I also am trying to increase my BTC position thru various means of leveraging my investment.

      Does this mean Bitcoin is ONLY a tool for greedy criminals? NO.

      It means that the detractors transparently have no argument, and increasingly sound ridiculous.

      This is YOUR decision to make, and your opportunity to lose.

      Bitcoin is an IQ test. Don't fail it.


    9. Love the channel.
      Can you give your thoughts about hypothetical (worst case scenario) Coinbase being hacked and 100% loss.

      Of course custodial holders are secure, do you think bitcoin would simply stabilize after the event and continue on historical trajectory of price and adoption?
      Thanks in advance

    10. At 5:48, you're thanking us all for sticking with Bitcoin through a "difficult couple of years." As a former silverbug, that just kind of made me laugh. Difficult couple of years? Man, I bought silver back in 2011. It's been a difficult 13 years on that garbage! Finally getting the last of it sold off for more Bitcoin!

    11. Yes, everyone will be coming out of the woodwork in this cycle. Get ready for your friends and family to tell you how lucky you are to have bought BTC under 50k. Tell them it wasn't luck, it was knowledge and education from Matthew Kratter.

    12. It's been an absolute pleasure being able to access your videos over the last couple of years. Along with Saif, Matt, Marty you have changed my life forever. I've run a small business for over 30 years and in the last two I have gained more understanding of the world than I had in the previous 50. What you do is so good, so powerful and I'm so grateful. On today's edition I remember well a while back you mentioning that you could get over 5K Sats for a $……

    13. The market is very different now to all other bull runs.

      On previous bull runs, those newbies buying in will go to Kraken, Coinbase or Binance and have 1000 alternatives to Bitcoin offered to them. Some will be seduced by the relatively low prices.

      That isn't happening now. A unit of Bitcoin ETF might be $35 which kills the unit bias. For the vast majority of cash coming in, there is no altcoin equivalent. Only Bitcoin.

      This could completely scupper expectations of an altcoin season.

    14. I love that you don’t usually do ‘price’ videos, but with your ability to concisely convey information and knowledge maybe you can do milestone price videos when we hit them and explain why said price was hit and what it reflects as far as market adoption and growing acceptance? Just a thought. Cheers! Keep up the great work! You’re the only channel I recommend to my friends and family 💯💯

    15. Koffee and Kratter, the favorite part of my day. I sleep so soundly having stacked a lot of my net worth into Bitcoin that is sitting in cold storage. Thanks for all your amazing content Matthew! Incredible that BTC is at 52,000 with ease. It feels like there is so much support at these levels, like a snake coiled up and ready to strike!

    16. Matt great video. Per your request, I am respectfully requesting for a video regarding “power law model”. For example: “Power laws have been discovered in a large number of seemingly unrelated places. They can even appear in the financial realm, predicting returns on risky venture capital investments, the average wait time for a stock's direction change, and, apparently, the price of Bitcoin.
      "Many didn't believe me and said the past doesn't predict the future," Santostasi wrote in a Reddit post last month, revisiting his years-old model. "Well, after five years, it turns out that BTC continues to behave in a power law with a similar exponent. »
      Algebraically, the BTC power law is expressed as follows: Estimated price=A * (days from GB) ^n.
      GB refers to Bitcoin 's Genesis block, which was mined on January 3, 2009.
      A is equal to 10^-17 and n is equal to 5.8.
      When calculated based on today's date, the model indicates that the price of Bitcoin should be $64,564, which is not far from the level at which short-term analysts believe it will it could be just a few months away.”

    17. Whenever someone pays me in Cashapp, i put it in BTC instead of sending it to the bank account. It's like i charged 25% more.
      Question: how do you feel about borrowing against wbtc in order to access compound vs borrowing against BTC through ledn/etc?

    18. As usual, you reassure me every day that I'm not taking an insane risk by moving my equity holdings into BTC. It's already allowed me to plan my retirement 4 years earlier than anticipated.

    19. Matt as you have all this time you apply sound principles to your analysis. Your conclusions are well reasoned and I am ever so grateful for the timely warning videos you've made over the past couple+ years to help us avoid the landmines along the way – you are one of the Bitcoin quiet heroes – nerves of steel 😊

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