
BlackRock’s Next Plans for Bitcoin Will SHOCK the World in 2024 – Whitney Webb

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Credit: What Bitcoin Did
Why We Shouldn’t Trust BlackRock with Whitney Webb & Mark Goodwin

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My policy tends to be uh don’t trust uh Wall Street Giants because they become that powerful on Wall Street because they um you know are pretty Cutthroat and criminal because that’s how you rise to the top of uh that particular sphere just look at how Larry fin has been

Behaving over the past like two-ish years um he was known as a big ESG guy right and then he uh openly abandoned the ESG terminology and straight up said that climate fin green Finance all of that stuff he’s involved in is about profits not about wokeness or saving the

Planet or whatever and since then has also 18d his stance on bitcoin and has essentially um changed a lot of his talking points which I think is very notable Black Rock the world’s largest asset manager first announced its incursion into Bitcoin in June 2023 when it applied to the US Securities and

Exchange Commission to offer a spot Bitcoin exchange traded fund before black Rock’s application several Crypton native firms had tried for years without success to get the agency’s approval to offer crypto-based spot ETFs but with black Rock’s completely unexpected interest in the cryptocurrency industry the chances of approval from the SEC

Shot up skywards the green light was finally given on January 10th 2024 and it’s been mostly all good for Bitcoin and crypto since then the leading crypto asset is currently trading north of 50 ,000 its highest price since December 2021 the overall crypto market cap has also climbed to 1.96 trillion up from

Less than a trillion dollar last March despite these positives some Bitcoin Advocates remain very wary of Black Rock especially because of the Stark difference between the world it represents and why Bitcoin was created according to popular investigative journalist and writer Whitney Webb every crypto investor and other Advocates of a

Free financial system system must be aware of Black Rock and Larry Fink’s true intentions Whitney believes black rock is working on creating a new Financial system that would lead to the fractionalization of not just existing assets and commodities but the natural world reducing most living things to Wall Street Financial products under the

Complete control of a single entity in essence Black Rock wants to make everything into an ETF that would be completely under the control of Fin and the rest of the 1centers Whitney’s latest journalistic Masterpiece co-written with Mark Goodwin the editor-in-chief at the Bitcoin magazine is titled tokenized Incorporated black Rock’s plan to own

The fractionalized world in the article Mark and Whitney warned that black Rock’s sudden incursion into Bitcoin and other crypto assets is just the first phase of co-opting an industry created as the direct antithesis of the world F and black rock represent Whitney and Mark recently appeared on the what

Bitcoin did podcast with Peter mccormac where they break down the Sinister plans and how this is much bigger than we can ever imagine as we bring you clips from this thought-provoking discussion please take a little time to like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more videos like

This thanks and enjoy the video uh the first time I really wrote meaningfully about Larry Fink was probably a few years ago uh in relations to the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero where Larry Fink is a principal it’s like a un uh sponsored organization that was

Co-founded uh by Mark Carney former head of the bank of England and later Bank of Canada former Goldman Sachs um and also Mike Bloomberg is a big figure there the New York former mayor of New York and a well-known billionaire who you know started off at Solomon Brothers so these are

Essentially Bankers um developing what amounts to a major component of un sponsored uh policy directly related to their WR you know their climate change policies and um basically what Gans proposes is creating a new Financial governance system uh seizing what they call the New Britain Woods move uh

Moment uh basically you know recreating the Global Financial system and also reimagining the multilateral development Banks uh like the World Bank the IMF Etc which came out of actual Breton Woods right so they want to move all of that into a new paradigm uh Larry finman particularly vocal about that and what

Gans proposes spefic specifically is merging the members of Gans with the multilateral development Banks as a way to basically use the same debt slavery model that the mdbs have been criticized for using but instead of using it to further uh us Empire uh or the dollar and things of that nature it’s instead

Uh the The Proposal is to use it to create um better enabling environments in countries for the green Investments of these large financial institutions and asset managers so it’s it’s basically like perpetuating the same uh model of the mdbs but having basically Wall Street run it uh under the guise

That it’s a planetary necessity uh and that we can’t get to Net Zero without this which uh frankly if you look into the explanations for that there’s no way that’s the case uh but that’s you know how I first start started writing about Larry Fink uh was because of this his

Involvement in this uh relatively open plan to create a new Financial system which uh among other things doesn’t just rest on the mdbs but also on the development of global carbon markets uh which comes up in this uh this particular piece in a pretty meaningful way well Larry fin is someone who’s

Obviously a member of the elite and he’s also a person who throughout his entire career has been pretty obsessed with risk management so I think you know whatever this new Financial system is it’s um that he is you know part of this group propos that’s proposing this um

Ultimately is about trying to uh enable Black Rock to continue its massive expansion to own you know essentially everything uh with you know as little risk to them as possible um which obviously a lot of the stuff that think is pushing for is part of this broader A

System that the world’s being pushed into under the guise of sustainable development that includes things like digital IDs and and carbon markets and all of that setting something up where it’s uh very e very diff will be very difficult to challenge uh Black Rock Financial uh prominence and dominance

Really and anything that think and others would view as a risk to uh you know their current trajectory I guess uh they don’t really have to worry about people like people or movements like that as they enter and enter into and sort of impose upon us this these new

Systems which includes you know some of these forms of digital control like the cbdc in their private sector equivalents for example programmable surveill money um and you know tied into the digital ID thing all of this as as is noted in the article is meant to interface with the

You know Global carbon markets and the multilateral development banks that fank has been targeting in particular um through Gans and and also uh Black Rock itself has been pretty focused on them um you know they’re seeking to uh the World Bank is developing climate wallet functionality and a lot of this other

Infrastructure on which uh Global carbon markets would rely and are also um sort of uh attempting to become the the main data storage for the digital ID system uh as well so a lot of big moves are being made uh through these institutions for part of this new uh Global Financial

Governance system as Gans calls it about three years ago think and black rock were very Pro ESG and by extension anti- Bitcoin in fact in 2021 Black Rock supported about 50% of global shareholder ESG initiatives but by 20122 that number dropped to 22% then 7% last

Year and now the asset manager has said it is completely done with ESG according to Whitney that’s not the true picture it is what they want us to believe the pullback from ESG an initiative think spearheaded for years was reportedly politically motivated because of the various anti SG measures that House

Republicans have announced in 2022 for instance 19 GOP Attorneys General asked the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate black Rock’s push into ESG policies stating that it hurts State pensions as well as the oil and gas markets so did thinkink like the good old boy he is just quietly abandon

Well-laid plans that if executed properly would help the global Elites achieve their plans of having us own nothing and rent everything including the clothes on our backs we think not Whitney warns that all of the plans by members of the Global Financial Alliance for net zero g fans to reimagine and

Recreate the Global Financial governance system are still in place she adds that the co-opting of Bitcoin is one of the first steps in achieving the grand goal of creating a new Financial system which Gans co-chair Mark Carney believes should involve new multi-polar currencies such as cbdcs and Global

Carbon markets during her interview with Peter Whitney further warns about ongoing efforts to Rebrand Black Rock the world economic forum and other related organizations so they would seem harmless and completely dedicated to serving the masses here are more clips from the discussion Larry among other things Is On The Board of Trustees of

The world economic forum and I think the world economic forum is misunderstood by a lot of people and people use certain terms to refer to what they are and what they do but ultimately what that group is is about advancing the public private partnership model and of course there’s

Two sides to that much like there is in the in the prevailing Left Right Paradigm of of most country’s politics um and you know for a long time they’ve leaned sort of on the public side and used talking points that are meant to appeal to the political left um and have

Gotten a lot of push back as a result and so if you notice people like fank but other people as well have moved their met their rhetoric away from those seeking to peel to the political left uh in the public side of the public private partnership leaning into the private

Aspect of the public private partnership and having more right leaning talking points but ultimately all are trying to lead you to the same exact system of digital ID programmable surveill money uh and Global carbon markets um and I think uh you know the carbon Market in particular it’s sort of hard to

Extricate that from the climate change um you know situation but I think uh it looks like you know people like think and some of the people in that particular space are going to attempt to Market it as something that uh can make people very wealthy or allow them to uh

Get quick access to Capital by uh tokenizing their land Holdings and like fractionalizing their private property um using different things that haven’t been able to be financialized before and and then bringing that onchain and using that as collateral receiving loans that way and all of that there’s a lot of um

Ambitious plans in that particular space um and aside from that um there’s been this push uh led by The Rock Rockefeller foundation and some other groups through this whole push um through for natural asset corporations where they basically openly talk about the idea to expand the amount of Assets in the existing

Financial system by like five or six fold by incorporating what they refer to as natural assets so this is sort of like the financializing of the natural world and in turning uh allowing people to sell ecosystem services and and all of that and uh you know this is part of

The broader effort to to usher in a global carbon market so anyway um I think it’s interesting that there’s a lot of this shift going on I think it’s a big um part of why someone like Javier Malay was given the main stage at we and

Then openly praised by the we that he was the we Elites that he was supposedly scolding in that speech uh they they very much embraced uh you know malle’s vision and were like yeah we should have the private sector lead the public private Partnerships and all of that but

Ultimately the public and the private represented within the we agree about the plan um maybe there’s uh you know how that how it’s implemented or how it’s sold to people there maybe there’s differences there but ultimately they agree about where we’re going in terms of like digital ID um you know Global a

Global Ledger and all of this stuff uh programmable surveyable money whether it’s private sector issued or Central Bank issued you know ultimately the the end results are are somewhat the same but there’s an effort to sort of change the sales pitch I just want to sort of underscore the idea that there’s a

Historical precedent specifically in the US for when they attempt to like pitch a particular policy or create a particular entity uh if it gets pushed back as being openly part of the government they privatize it and then no one complains people um you know think because of the

Rhetoric that oh this is you know everything’s being handed back to the free market but these companies paler being an example you know that was set up with State involvement CIA involvement right so it’s not really the free market it’s cronyism it’s crony capitalism it’s cartellis and so with

Someone like Malay being like yeah I’m going to hand stuff off to the private sector it’s not like it’s going to the Argentine private sector it’s going to foreign uh members of a global banking cartel that includes some of the biggest in institutions on Wall Street that have

A verifiable documented history of of corrupt Whitney believes we are seeing the rebranding of not just and black rock but the entire WF Global Elite Class it’s definitely not a coincidence that the theme for the organization’s 54th annual Davos meeting was rebuilding trust the good news is that they know

The people are on to them and that we have the power to stop their plans the bad news is that this rebranding will make it easier for us to lower our guards until it is too late this is probably why Whitney and Mark concluded their piece with a dire warning for all

It reads you will allow Black Rock to build the panopticon of tokenized Earth TM with Americans retirement money under the dialectic pretext of owning the Liberals unknowingly connecting all aspects of ownership to centralized databases walled identity Gardens and fractionalized Reserve assets transmitted and issued on the private

Blockchains of Wall Street Banks the new face of economic freedom is your face alongside select credentials sent to a privately owned database one ledger to rule them all your existence reduced to a jsonstring and your worldly possessions regulated and demarcated by a qip what are your thoughts on Whitney’s interview please

Share your comments and observations in the comment section below also ensure you like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more videos like this thanks for watching that


  1. It was clear Javier Milei was controlled opposition when he went to the wailing wall and cried his eyes out. Also went to Brooklyn to get blessings from his rabbi before running for office.

  2. I'm trying to get rich enough on this bull run that lack rock won't factor in when I'm living in the beach in El Salvador……one can dream. I'm ready to bounce this clown house. Sovernity sounds blissful! I'm going to burn my SS card one day!! I'm not finding the murder machine anymore!!

  3. There will be deffenitly a big crash with lots of casualties from all sides, but who will win? The people or the elites? Not yet decided, if the people are awakened to their true power and not allow them to believe otherwise they will win, if not, it will be end of civilization, koz too much control leads to death, it s useless, either way the elites will pay the price because they already sold their soul, the people should beleive in their power, because they have it, they shouldn't give in to fear and control, never , otherwise we all die.

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