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    ✔️Render Token/RNDR on ERC20


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    0:00 Intro
    0:28 Coinbase adding support to Render on the Solana Network
    2:35 How to upgrade RNDR on Ethereum to Render on Solana
    3:05 Polygon Render to Solana Render Explained
    5:15 How long will the Render upgrade portal be open
    6:30 Can Render on Ethereum go to zero?
    8:04 Get $30,000 in Free rewards for just depositing and buying crypto!
    8:41 How to arbitrage between RNDR on Ethereum and Render on Solana
    10:45 Why I am holding Render on Ethereum

    #crypto #bitcoin #rndr

    Render token, rndr token, rndr, render crypto, rndr crypto, rndr price prediction, render price prediction, rndr coin, render coin, rndr token price prediction, render network, rndr cryptocurrency, rndr render token, coin render, coin rndr, render rndr price prediction

    Is render on ethereum going to zero hello  everybody Welcome to the channel my name is   Doc and today’s video I’m going to explain to you  everything you need to know about the differences   between render on ethereum and render on salana  I’m also at the end of this video going to give  

    You a major tip how you can benefit between the  differences of both and I’m not going to talk too   much and get straight into the point of this  video so the reason I’m making this video is   because coinbase adding support for render on the  Solana Network and what they actually did was they  

    Didn’t migrate so what they said is that coinbase  will support trading of the render token on both   ethereum and the Solana Network so render on the  ethereum network will retain the ticker RNDR while   render on Solana will have the ticket render and  will be named render Solana so they had no plans  

    To migrate render tokens on the eum network to  Solana and of course what people didn’t know   was because coinbase listed another token render  on salana with very low liquidity this is what   happened so a lot of people were complaining about  the price differences like I told all my followers  

    That it’s spec one onone but of course because  coinbase had such low quity the price went up way   faster than the etherum can follow and I had so  many messages about the price not being the same   about they’re not the same they’re like everyone  was flashy at one point this even happened where  

    Render on AUM was $4.85 and render on salana was  $5.44 and a lot of people were asking me well dog   is render on ERC going to zero and I was like no  calm Downs this actually is a major opportunity  

    Which I will explain at the end of the video but  let’s just first get through all of your questions   because there were a lot of people scared for  actually no reason so if you didn’t know yet   the official render Network actually has a render  Network upgrade portal frequent as questions like  

    This is actually if you just read this right I  know this isn’t even explained the best so I’m   going to explain it from my point of view so a lot  of people actually understand it so basically the  

    First step that people ask me is how can I upgrade  well there actually an upgrade portal of the   official render Network which has this link it’s  the only valid one always be sure it’s this one  

    Where you can migrate render on ethereum to Solana  so it’s not the other way around so you can always   upgrade from ethereum to Solana but not back from  Solana to ethereum that’s a very important one you  

    Should acknowledge and I’m going to explain why  in a bit so another big big question is can I   upgrade from polygon render to Solana no you must  Bridge your tokens back to e mayet to transfer   your tokens and in my opinion if you’re currently  holding polygon render I would just migrate it  

    Immediately to etm render like not many exchanges  are supporting polygon anymore and they probably   want anymore in the future and you want liquidity  to sell in a bull run so I would just go straight   to ethereum if you were holding polygon so this  is one other important question can I transfer  

    Render on salana back to render onum no all token  upgrades are one way from ethereum mayet to Solana   mayet and this is the reason while I was saying  that the ethereum price is PED to the Solana so  

    What do you guys think when this happens like when  render on salana has such a big difference people   are going to go migrate from ethereum to salana  for the same amount of tokens so it evened out  

    Really fast in less than an hour it was even out  and a lot of people panicked for no reason and   the thing you cannot do listen really carefully is  sell your render on ethereum for render on salana  

    When this happens cuz you will lose to tokens it’s  only packed one way so if you sell eum for Solana   and the Solana price drops down you actually lost  token so never ever do this I told my followers  

    And a lot of followers listened to me and saved  render but also a lot of people lost render   tokens because of this this is in my opinion  also coinbase their fault because they made it   look like render on salana was so much better than  ethereum and ethereum was dropping and was going  

    To zero when this can never ever happen because  ethereum render is back to Solana so if Solana   goes up render on ethereum will follow that’s how  easy it is so another big question we’re hearing  

    Is this how long can I upgrade my tokens and this  was you can use the render Network upgrade portal   at any time so it’s open forever but in sensitives  will only be available for users who upgrade from  

    October 2023 till October 2024 so a lot of people  think because the insensitives are only available   until October 2024 that the portal isn’t in  available no that’s not the same thing basically   the insensitives are just rewards for early  migration like for people who used the portal  

    Early and currently it’s like 0.3% so if you’re  not stacking a big big fed of render it’s not even   worth it the ethereum gas fees for the migration  will be higher and I don’t even re recommend doing  

    The migration right now I’m even going to explain  to you later in this video why but yeah it will be   open forever so people who have ethereum render  chill out it’s not going away like they said is  

    It going away no but the token will no longer be  maintained by the render foundation and the token   will not be able to be used on the render Network  again A lot of people are scared because this Doc  

    It’s not going to be used on the render netw work  what if it goes to zero well let’s remember again   how the migration portal works it goes from  ethereum to Solana so it cannot happen that  

    Render on eum will be $1 and on Solana 100 what  do you think that will happen that will be the   easiest 100x of your life cuz you can migrate  it one onone so it’s speced from the etherum  

    To the Solana so it doesn’t even matter that the  network is not using render on etherum anymore or   on salana because the price is speed they’re only  using Solana right now because it’s cheaper faster   and everything so because it’s actually better in  many ways for the network that doesn’t mean it’s  

    Better in many ways for the price of the token  we’re in crypto here we’re for the technology but   at the end of the day what matters is the price  so please relax with your render on ethereum so  

    Basically the conclusion of the asked questions by  everyone no render on TM is not going to zero it’s   expect to render on Solana one by one in one way  no it doesn’t matter that the Solana network isn’t  

    Using render on TI anymore so you’re just safe the  only thing what I want to say is if you have it on   polygon just migrate it to ethereum don’t keep it  on pelagon liquidity is way too low you will be  

    Stuck in a bull run so that’s my major tips but  of course you guys want to know dog how can I   benefit from having two two different tokens well  I’m going to explain to you right now but before  

    I do this if you want to buy render Bitcoin and  over 1,000 different crypto coins while getting   up to $30,000 in bonuses in rewards for just  depositing and buying crypto as shown on screen   just head over to the top of the description and  click on the partner buybit link once you’re on  

    The pbit link be sure you’re on my page which says  doc crypto and use my referral code which is shown   below so you can get up to $330,000 in rewards  and buy over 1,000 tokens on an at exchange so  

    Now let’s get to the part where a lot of people  made a lot of money so like I said before this   happened where the price of render on salana was  way higher than the price of rending on E theum  

    So what did the smart money do the SMART money  who had already already had a stack of render on   salana swapped it on the Jupiter exchange to usdc  and then just deposited that usdc on an exchange  

    And bought render on ethereum way cheaper like I  said this is PED one way so basically this means   if the price of Solana render is higher it’s a  really good sell but if the price of Solana is  

    Lower it doesn’t mean that it’s a really good  buy the reason why is because when the price   of salana render is higher people will use the  migration portal to buy render and actually swap   it for salana render trying to make a profit but  the other way around like right now the Solana  

    Price is 5.04 while the ethereum price is 5.14  so with 10 cents different nobody right now is   going to sell the Solana one to buy the render  one because you were lose 10 cents on render but  

    Also why would I buy right now the Solana one  when it’s not backed one by one like the Solana   one you cannot transfer a migrate Solana one to  the ethereum one so actually you just have to  

    Wait but the big opportunity right here is what we  saw with coinbase this could happen with binance   buybit and other exchanges as well with major  exchanges low liquidity once you see that the   render price on salana is actually much higher you  sell your render and then you transfer the usdc to  

    An exchange buy back the render and you will have  more render tokens and this is also the reason why   I’m keeping render on r& drr on ethereum I even  said that in a tweet because the migration portal  

    Will be open forever this mean you can always  transfer esc20 render to salana render even if   the render price on salana higher because they’re  packed oneon-one but only from ERC 20 to Solana   Renner and not the other way around therefore  holding erc20 rener is your best bet even though  

    I told you guys that you need a little bit of  Solana when there’s an opportunity so there’s   not going to be an opportunity out of the blue but  big big events like maybe binance listing render  

    On salana buy bit you be sure to have an account  with my link or even like big Solana events like   Solana breakpoint could push this price higher  because of the low liquidity and on that point  

    You actually want to have some render on Solana to  actually sell off to buy more render on ethereum   once of course every big exchange is starting  to list render on Solana and we’re seeing that  

    The volume of render on Solana is way higher  than the volume on rner and TM at that point I   will myself do the migration or just sell and buy  why because at that point Solana render will be  

    The better choice in a bull run because Solana is  much more hyped but currently the majority of the   liquidity on exchanges is on render on ethereum  so I don’t see the point right now on swapping  

    Over so yeah I hope this answered every one of  your questions if you have more questions be sure   to comment them down below in the description  also follow me at the real dog to know when I  

    Talk about render crypto bullish things and more  like this video If you enjoyed also click on the   screen right now if you want to know when is  the best time to buy render to maximize your   profits subscribe to this channel for more  crypto content and YouTube until next time


    1. I don't like migrations in general. It seems shady. If there is one it should be like Ethereum did where it had no impact on holders at all. Things like this IMO hurt the industry. Crypto has to make things simpler with less technical barriers, everything should be straightforward/easy, and with more support for the user or there will never be mainstream adoption.

    2. Why keep on ERC when SOL has better hype for this BULl. Also are they the same or is it now two different RENDEr each with there own market cap and supply. At the end which one will live or die?

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