
Bitcoin Prices About to Go “Absolutely Insane” in 2024 – Lawrence Lepard & Eric Balchunas

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Lawrence Lepard | Bitcoin is the Superior Asset | Simply Bitcoin IRL

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You know the demand here is just G to be insane it’s going to be absolutely insane and so I you know I mean I I’ve I’ve never been as bullish as I am on on a financial asset as this financial asset the asymmetry is just crazy I mean

Wait till we take out 68 or 69 I mean the fomo is going to be silly I I was shocked by how quickly Silicon Valley Bank failed I mean you know they sold off some bonds very quickly a few people realized that you know their their their

Balance sheet was a mess they had negative equity couple of venture guys figured it out called a few other Venture guys they spread the word and suddenly you know within 3 days they were bankrupt you know can you imagine the same kind of thing going on when everyone comes to the same conclusion

About the US Treasury we are just a few weeks into the year but 2024 is already shaping up to be a great year for Bitcoin and the overall digital asset space it is the year of the much anticipated Bitcoin harving event a periodic event that has been known to

Cause massive increases in crypto asset prices but this Haring year is like no other a little over a month ago the US Securities and Exchange Commission approved 11 spot Bitcoin exchange traded funds with the widely anticipated approvals the regulator opened the door to thousands of institutional investors

Who had been waiting for an opportunity to invest in Bitcoin and other crypto assets for years the evidence of this pent up demand is the massive inflows the approved Bitcoin ETFs have had in a few short weeks as well as their General performance compared to other ETFs

According to a recent post from senior Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric balchunis 65 ETFs were approved in January all Bitcoin ETFs are in the top 20 Eric’s post reads here’s a look at the top 20 out of 65 total new launches in January by assets which gives you an idea of how

Outlier and freakish the Bitcoin ETFs launch was Bitcoin ETFs made up 14% of the January launches but 83% of assets under management even the lowest of the nine wisdom trees BTC W made the top 20 by assets in another post Eric revealed an even bigger Milestone this time for

Black Rock’s ibit according to the ETF analyst ibit alone has brought in 50% of black Rock’s total net ETF flows since its launch the post reads the 10 Bitcoin ETFs netted $2.3 billion last week for context that is more than any other ETF took in ibit alone was number two this

Brings its total net to over $5.2 billion Black Rock has taken in $10.4 billion this year so ibit alone makes up half of black Rock’s Hall out of 47 ETFs this venture has been a successful one for Black Rock and Bitcoin investors alike with the leading cryptocurrency currently exchanging hands at over

$51,000 per coin as crazy as it has been so far Lawrence leopard a renowned investment manager and sound money Advocate believes it’s about to get even crazier according to Larry there is absolutely nothing stopping Bitcoin from hitting new all-time highs and going as high as 200,000 or $400,000 per coin

This cycle during a recent interview with the simply Bitcoin Channel Larry also talks about the state of the US economy and how it’s proof of an impending crisis that could wipe out everything but Bitcoin as we bring you clips from the interview please take a little time to like this video subscribe

To the channel and turn on post notifications for more videos like this thanks and enjoy the video well and and here’s the other thing that’s very interesting to me I mean I saw this I saw a great um tweet the other day that said something along the lines of you

Know the the ETFs the nine ETFs now own 1% of um you know the total available Bitcoin outstanding and it was 210,000 right and um you know gosh I mean in in that buying of 1% what what do we go before the ETF was nowc where were we 38

40ish I mean you know they bought 1% they and they shoved it up you know 10 grand I mean that’s impressive right you know so what happens and and they’re just going to keep coming they’re just going to keep coming so you know and I mean The Sovereign wealth

Guys are going to buy it I went to uh uh I went to Dubai uh about a week or two ago for this thing called satoshi’s round table which is interesting although there were a lot of corins there but there also a lot of um wealthy

Arab you know um oil related guys there and you know wait until these guys really figure out that this is better than gold I mean some of them have but I mean there’s just so many big big pools of money um and once they you know

There’s just not enough of this stuff to go around and so I’m beginning to think Samson’s maybe he’s on to something here I mean maybe we do go to a million dollars on this run you know I I I certainly you know 100,000 feels like a

No-brainer you know and uh um I don’t know I mean is it two three four I mean who knows but I all I know is I’m I’m really glad I got the coins I’ve got and I’m you know I’m not selling any of them not not right here right right now and

I’m not sure I’ll ever sell any of them but um you know I need a significantly higher price I mean significantly higher to Proby a few out of my hands so it’s it’s pretty amazing to me what’s going on I’ll give you my view on this whole

You know paper Bitcoin argument okay and I see I see extremists on one side I see people who say look you know we can see it all onchain and there’s absolutely no way there can be pable Bitcoin those people are wrong there there are a lot

Of Futures there will be more Futures in you know and derivative contracts etc etc and you know any contract that impacts market price you know or that that relates to buying and selling can impact the market price you know so so it’s not as simple as um there won’t

Ever be paper manipulation but having said that it’s a lot harder to manipulate this stuff than it is gold and that’s because one the paper markets and gold are a lot bigger and a lot deeper to the GLD ETF when it came out they were allowed to do a lot of funny

Things like have counterparties and buy Futures and sell Futures and you know they could GLD for all you know has bought gold from the future Leman brothers that claims they have the gold but they don’t have it so there’s so GLD became a mechanism for creating paper

Gold in my opinion I if I read the prospectuses a couple of them not all nine on these particular ETFs um and what I think happened is that that they’re much tighter and they you know so so I think that Fidelity particularly who I trust you know they’re going to be

Audited and so they’re going to have to show the coins they’ve bought they’re going to have to show those addresses and so it’s going to be harder you know for people to play games here but but to think that they’re not going to play games I think that’s naive I think that

You know you look at a group like black rock you look at Wall Street and how they operate um there’s always the potential if there is a way to Having said that you know at The Sovereign level I think in the gold market one of the things that happened is that there was a lot of paper being created through the C and I think it was the bis and the central banks were actually doing it at critical points to

Try and hold the gold price down because they knew that the gold price was the canary for monetary debasement and so but but those sovereigns could take unlimited losses right so um you know those unlimited losses it didn’t matter they could print the difference um you

Know but but gold never went up 5x in 18 months the way Bitcoin had and so so this is this is going to be a much harder thing to mess with but I think to assume that they cannot or will not try to mess with it is naive I think

That Wall Street operates you know on a on a on a crime on a criminal basis and so there’s a there’s always the possibility that they will try to mess with it whether they’ll be successful or not is unclear during the interview Nico and Larry also talked about the

Importance of self- custody and how it differs from ETFs while while Larry acknowledges that self- custody is the best bet for all investors who are serious about keeping their coins away from the prying eyes of the government he explains that Bitcoin ETFs are better for people who aren’t worried about

Censorship and lack the technical knoow to safely store their coins themselves Larry believes someday the government may be forced to seize assets that are not held in self- custody if that happens Larry is worried that investors using these ETFs will quickly lose their assets as Wall Street players like Black

Rock can never be trusted regardless the popular investment manager is still betting massively on bitcoin and Bitcoin ETFs in 2024 and Beyond here are more clips from the interview as you and I both know I mean how many people have you orange pilled and they started off

With one or two and then the more they learned about it they just kept adding I mean you know the demand here is just going to be insane it’s going to be absolutely insane and so I you know I mean I I’ve I’ve never been as bullish

As I am on on a financial asset as this financial asset the asymmetry is just crazy I mean wait till we take out 68 or 69 I mean the fomo is going to be silly and the the thing I think people don’t understand you know it and I know it is

Just how little of this stuff is for sale everyone say oh it’s a trillion dollar market cap well no not all of it’s for sale you know I mean 70 I saw a stat the other day it was like 79% of it had moved within six months I think

That’s correct I mean good Lord so you’re so there’s really a much smaller available Supply um and um you know as as more and more people come to it I mean and and and the other thing that you see in asset management is that people people basically Chase

Performance and so this thing I mean it’s up 150% last year and uh once once you see things you know um outperforming everything else you increase your allocation sharp ratio is higher than nearly anything else I think it depends on what time frame you use but I think

In general has one of the highest sharp ratios out there and so you know it’s going to get to the point where it’s going to be irresponsible not to have some and and I think that’s the other thing that’s going to happen I mean you know you’re going to see people talking

About it people tell their friends how well they did in it and you’re going to get guys calling their financial advisor their ra and saying hey do we own any of this no well my friend owns it it’s doing really well why not and then the

Ra is gonna say oh okay well I got I gota I don’t want to say no anymore all right I’ll put 2% in there you know or I’ll put 5% in there and then when when the you know the two or the 5% doubles it becomes a bigger percentage

People are going to start how come we didn’t how come we were so light how come we didn’t have more I mean you know how this thing goes right I you know and eventually it’s gresham’s law right I mean as as we you and I as we know we’ve

Talked about it we we dream about the concept that eventually you know it’s it’s going to be you know this is the only thing to own at that point you’ve got hyperbitcoinization and that is coming um but the issue is you know just the time scale and that’s hard to figure

Out but but it’s coming I I kind of tend to think it’s coming before 2030 2035 I mean it could happen really quickly I mean one of the things I think is very interesting Nico we haven’t really talked about is how quickly things happen in this environment and how

Social media has changed the rules of the game let me just give you site an example that I think is particularly relevant you know Silicon Valley Bank was fine until it wasn’t I mean we had a we had we had a virtual internet based Bank Run they had $45 billion doll worth

Of deposits leave in one day in one day based on a panic started by some big Silicon Valley venture capitalists and so you know um I’m not suggesting anything like that is coming to bitcoin overnight but what I am suggesting is that you know in the world that we live

In with social media and how news changes quickly I mean you know if Bitcoin went through 100,000 on its way to you know to much higher numbers I mean you know it could happen faster than we think is I guess the point I’m trying to make I mean I I was shocked by

How quickly Silicon Valley Bank failed I mean you know they sold off some bonds very quickly a few people realized that you know their their balance sheet was a mess they had negative equity couple of venture guys figured it out called a few other Venture guys they spread the word

And suddenly you know within three days they were bankrupt you know all the deposits had fled it’s like holy so you know my point is you know can you imagine the same kind of thing going on when everyone comes to the same conclusion about the US Treasury you

Know which which ultimately as Jerome pal just told us they will come to that conclusion unless we solve the problem at some point like all other investors who have taken the time to really study Bitcoin Larry is ultra bullish on the leading crypto asset both in the short

And long term with the massive demand from the ETFs which will be further exacerbated after the Hing in April Larry is predicting significant increases in bitcoin’s price this cycle he is even more bullish in the longer term as he believes the eventual collapse of the current monetary system

Could push Bitcoin prices to millions of dollars per coin what are your thoughts on Larry’s interview and super bullish predictions for Bitcoin please drop your comments and observations in the comment section below also ensure you like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more videos

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  1. Great idea to get woke banks to crash.
    Short the bank the day before then…
    Get 100 people to depo 10K on a wire transfer, then get those 100 people to go in there on the same day to cashout.
    Be sure to have your phone with you to post to social media.

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