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#babydoge #Cryptocurrency #Crypto

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Marsellis does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the links and products that appear are from companies that Marsellis may earn a small affiliate commission from.

What’s going on everybody we got a very important topic to talk about today and today is going to be a little bit of a different style of video let me know if you guys like this style we’re not going to really go over any charts or anything

We’re just going to have a real talk real conversation real discussion about baby Doge but we’re not going to uh you know go over any charts or anything so let me know if you like this style of video maybe we can change the scenery and we can talk outside sometimes go to

The beach talk and do stuff like that but yeah let me know if you guys like this style but anyways we’re going to talk about this because this is very very important a lot of people inside of baby Doge are falling victim to this so

I really feel like it’s good for us to talk about this and remember I’m not a financial advisor none of this is financial advice and I definitely got to say that for this video because this video is going to be a lot different but anyways let’s just jump right into it so

The first thing that I would like to say is a lot of times with crypto and crypto in general things are very like one-sided very selfish inside the crypto market and you’re probably wondering like what what am I talking about when I say things are selfish well investing in

General and this why I said none of this is financial advice I’m not a financial adviser that’s why it’s important for me to State this but in general when you’re in investing let’s just say that because really when we’re trading MIM coins it’s kind of gambling but when you’re

Investing you’re really doing it from a selfish point of view because you want to make money for yourself but a problem with a lot of these different crypto communities and specifically mem coin communities is the buy and hold forever mentality right it’s it’s the buy and hold forever mentality it’s the diamond

Hand era right everybody’s talking about Diamond hands everybody’s talking about to the Moon we’re holding to the Moon we’re holding till 2030 we’re Diamond hands in it all the way up and this is just unrealistic when we’re talking about investing because in investing you’re doing what’s right for you not

What’s right for a community it’s cool to have like a baby Doge Army Community everybody you know posting Twitter memes and all this everybody discussing baby Doge on Twitter coming to to this channel talking inside the comment section you know all that type of stuff is good to build strong Community which

Is good to have a strong community in crypto but you don’t want to fall so deeply into the community where you’re looking at it from like a one-sided point of view like I was saying before because you’re looking at it as this is the community we’re holding to the top

We’re dime enhancing this to 2030 but then the big whales they’re looking at this as if they’re going to hold till 2030 and they’re going to keep putting money in it their money is going to stay there and it’s going to allow me to sell slowly but surely on the people that are

Holding forever so that is how a lot of these whales are getting rich they see these communities as opportunities and unfortunately the people falling victim to them are the biggest supporters of the community so a lot of times when you’re talking about I’m going to hold this coin until 2030 we’re going to

Diamond hands this we’re going to hold it till the moon well a lot of times it never ends up getting there because of what the whales are doing because they see how you’re moving they see all the comments that people leave on Twitter they see all the comments people leave

On YouTube on Reddit they see what people are talking about inside the telegram Community people are talking about how they want to Diamond hands this they want to hold it to the moon they want to hold it till 2030 but the reality of the matter is investing is

Very selfish you have to be very selfish when you’re investing remember like I said I’m not a financial adviser not in this financial advice let me know how many times I said that in this video but hey when you’re investing you do not want to follow the crowd like when

You’re investing you want to do the opposite of what everybody else is doing what is everybody in baby Do’s doing they’re talking about how they want to hold till the moon they want to Diamond hands this they want to hold till 2030 baby do they want to see it at 6 Z1

Which it could take some time to get there and I do believe it could get there but they want to see see it hitting these specific targets and what happens is you know more selfish investors I’m going to be honest I’m a selfish investor I’m not the type of

Person to be like hey I’m GNA Diamond hands this to the Moon I’m gonna hold it with the community we’re going to the Top If you watch my channel you notice there’s times where I’m like all right I sold all my baby do and then I make

Another video all right I bought it all back and all right I sold it right now I don’t have any which is uh definitely a mistake right now because we’re really really cheap at with baby Doge right now we’re at 8 z12 which is a very good

Opportunity to get in because it’s very cheap but you see how when it goes all the way up I’m selling towards the top because I’m very selfish with my investing because when you’re investing you’re investing for yourself for your future you’re not investing for a community’s future so it’s cool to be

Like baby Do’s Army it’s cool to be strong in the community but what it’s not cool to be is the person who always gets the short end of the stick and the one who always gets the short end of the stick is the person who’s trying to hold

Hold it all the way till this certain time period because that’s what they said in the community and they want to stick to their word it’s the person who wants to hold till 2030 so that’s a huge problem that goes on with a lot of the stuff inside of the crypto community and

Just you know what we have to start doing is being more selfish with how we invest and to be more selfish with your Investments you know it’s kind of simple like all you really want to do is you don’t want to hold until the moon or until everybody

Else is going to hold till you know everybody wants to wait till 2030 everybody wants to wait till you know far beyond but you want to be the person who makes your own decision and sells when you want to sell so you know just don’t fall victim to the um to the thing

Where like we’re going to Diamond hands this we’re going to hold hands together we’re going to all get up there to the top like no you’re going to sell when you feel it’s right for you to sell and maybe for you it’s like a 5 6X and maybe

For some people it’s a 10x and maybe for some people it is 100x like some people have that long-term mentality I have a long-term mentality but I’m also a Trader so at the end of the day I don’t hold till 100x I hold till 10x I sell at

10x I watch it go down about five to six X’s down and then I buy again and then I hold again for another 10x so by the time it gets to 100x for me it’s really like 200x but for the people that are holding for the long long term and

They’re not you know taking any profits at any time and getting back in those are usually people that see only 100 or X or lower and another thing about that if you think about the um the crypto tax laws uh the capital gains tax laws if

You don’t hold it for a year you get taxed 37% um but if you hold it for a year or longer I believe is like 22% or 15% or something like that so there is a benefit in holding for more long term so I’m not saying there’s no benefit there

But if you’re the type of person who you know is only doing this for the community you really want to rethink your strategy like your strategy has to be for you it has to be selfishly for you you can’t hold till 100x till 2030 just because of the Moon boys or because

Of the baby Doge Army and because you want to hold strong with diamond hands if you want to do hold till 2030 you’re holding it there because of you because you say you don’t even want to look at it you just want to wait till 2030

That’s cool that’s cool but do not hold longterm just because of the commity commun like you got to get rid of this community mentality inside of the crypto community and it’s kind of controversial right because it’s the crypto community so how do you get rid of that Community

Mentality when it’s all about community and that’s the thing it’s not about Community it’s about investing for your future and that is very selfish and that’s how you have to be when you’re investing um you should read the book The intelligent investor that book is very good uh Warren Buffett recommended

That book to everybody when he was talking about his investing Journey and yeah part about being an intelligent investor is not really following the crowd you know and a lot of times they’re talking about how you’re you should hold it for a long time inside that book which is um a very good

Analysis but you don’t want to hold for a long time because of a a community you don’t want to hold for a long time because of some you know Community goal it’s got to be your goal and it has to be something that you set in stone

Selfishly for you for your own selfish reasons so the final message inside this video is be selfish when you’re investing don’t invest for Community invest for yourself and for your own future but like I said none of this is financial advice I’m not a financial

Adviser at all this is just kind of me um you know talking some game to the crypto Community to the baby doll’s Army but yeah let me know what you guys think about this style of video do you like where I’m just making these videos just

Talking directly to you guys or do you like more of the um you know charting videos or we can do both you know because I want to start doing different type of content on the channel maybe we can do some of these videos but film it

On a camera outside you know have these crypto discussions that’s also something I want to do for the future so let me know if you guys like this style of video let me know what you think about the topic do you think it’s right or do

You think it’s wrong and you know that’s kind of what those videos that I was making prior uh like a couple like last month actually or two months ago whever it was but the videos that I was making where I said I’m done with baby Doge and

Blah blah blah blah blah it wasn’t necessarily that I was done with baby Doge but it’s like I’m done with like the whole Titanic Community environment because when you do that a lot of people fall victim into just holding forever and never selling it never selling once

It hits like like when baby do hit 8 Z6 like or I think it was 8 z48 it was somewhere up there but it went all the way up there to like 8z 48 or something like I sold close to the top and then I bought again when it was back down at

Like 8 Z2 it went back up to 8 Z4 and I sold again and um yeah like I I trade baby do like left and right I’m trading it like I’m not I’m not here trying to hold till 2030 I’m trying to get in get out get in get out

Because let’s be honest that’s what the whales are doing and the whales are doing it because of what I’m talking about now because people are really really tighten it on the community and they’re investing almost for the community and when whales see that they take advantage of it and personally when

I see it I got to do it too like everybody’s doing it like when you see people are buying and holding for a long time it’s probably something that you’re going to want to trade because you’re just going to be able to get a lot of

Profits from it like I said none of this is financial advice I’m not a financial adviser I like to be one of the YouTubers that’s very very honest with my crypto videos I’m not going to sit here and be like Oh I’m never gonna sell I’m never gonna sell or I’m gonna buy

Baby do I’m G hold it forever no I’m telling you’all when I buy I’m telling youall when I sell and right now I don’t have that much crypto I got optimism which is op I got Kronos I got some pulse chain I got some ethereum and that’s about it right now

And then I’m going to be buying some baby Doge I just gota wait till I get some more money in which will be coming very soon and I’m gonna be buying baby Doge and I’m G to let you guys know when I want to buy it but like I really want

To buy it now I wanted to buy it at 8 Z10 but I couldn’t do that and that was like last month or two months ago and I actually had the charts out but I’m not going to bring out the charts for this video but yeah that was around like

January 25th we were at 8z 107 for like I wanted to buy then and then if I would have bought then I would have doubled my money like pretty much or almost doubled my money but yeah this is uh pretty much all I got to talk about for this video

We’re going to do a lot of these videos let me know what you guys think hit the like button and subscribe all that good stuff and as always I’ll be back with another video



  2. i liked this conversation style video. But again, I was resting my eyes and had it in the background for a few minutes. Outside videos would be nice if you have a mic setup that can minimize background noise.

    When you trade BDC, do you do it manually in like pancakge or bdcswap? Is there an exchange that allows you to do limit orders? I do mine manually and I've "lost" a couple hundreds due to price fluctuation. I've got to do more research on how to trade on my desktop vs phone.

  3. I feel like the devs are keeping the taxes for their own personal gain while trying to seems that they all care about is helping dogs. I already sold mine, not planning to ever invest again. Just beware of the crooked devs.

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