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Lynette Zhang Changed My ENTIRE Prediction On Silver And Gold Price Here’s Why! Last Warning

Lynette Zhang Changed My ENTIRE Prediction On Silver And Gold Price Here’s Why! Last Warning

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After the authorities took multiple steps Why didn’t it work to support it including mandating corporates to pay taxes strictly in the local currency introducing a goldback digital money and liberalizing the exchange rate so they’re doing everything that they can think of to stabilize it but what

They’re not able to do is get the people to trust it again even with that gold back digital currency why why didn’t that work welcome fellow explorers to a Voyage Through the tangled web of Zimbabwe’s economic Odyssey in our quest for understanding we find ourselves at the crossroads of innovation and

Adversity where the promise of goldback Central Bank digital currencies cbdcs meets the harsh realities of financial turbulence guiding us through this Labyrinth of complexities is none other than the esteemed Financial Sage Lynette Zang with her Keen insight and unwavering scrutiny we embark on a journey beyond the surface peeling back the layers of

Illusion to uncover the heart of Zimbabwe’s plight but beware dear voyagers for this is no ordinary tale here amidst the shifting Sands of economic Destiny lies a narrative fraught with Intrigue and deception as we Traverse the Landscapes of monetary policy and National resilience we confront the enigmatic Paradox of Zimbabwe’s

Struggle what compels a nation to stake its hopes on the gleaming Allure of gold-backed cbdcs only to find itself mired in the Quagmire of economic uncertainty so keep watching this video till the end but today we’re going to talk about what’s going on in Zimbabwe and how they’re attempting to get public

Confidence back again cuz so far everything they’ve done frankly has not worked this is critically important for you to understand because it’s shown showing you the most likely outcome for you wherever you are in the world and if you have some forau thought well guess what you can get into the position to

Benefit or at least sustain a reasonable standard of living so let’s just begin Zimbabwe president hints at local dollar revamp after currency route fiscal monetary heads working on new measures because the old ones work so well the Zimbabwean dollar has lost more than 40% actually it’s lost 87% of its value

Against the US dollar it’s this year its weakest level since being reintroduced in 2019 I mean that’s the way they do it they change the rules a little bit but they don’t change behavior and once that public confidence is lost which is the last vestage of confidence confidence

Left in these markets and I want to be so clear on that well what did they do they start to bring back gold to regain gold to regain that confidence oky do Zimbabwe has been struggling to stabilize its foreign exchange rate even after the authorities took multiple

Steps Why didn’t it work to support it including mandating corporates to pay taxes strictly in the local currency introducing a goldback digital money and liberalizing the exchange rate so they’re doing everything that they can think of to stabilize it but what they’re not able to do is get the people

To trust it again even with that gold back digital currency why why didn’t that work because if you can’t convert it into the physical medal itself who’s to say that it’s not just another lie I mean how many times can you be lied to when you do not know the

Truth so gold back digital currency is Zimbabwe’s way to sway love for the dollars this was back in October it hasn’t worked cuz you can’t convert it and in reality the Zimbabwean dollar has lost more than 87% of itsue value this year as it has struggled to gain wide widespread acceptance from

Citizens I mean come on that’s going to happen all over the world once confidence is lost it’s almost impossible to get back again but they always do it with gold that’s what history shows us because gold has the broadest base of buyer since it’s used in every single sector of the global

Economy it really is just that simple always has demand now what you’re looking at here is spot gold versus the Zimbabwe and dollar and you can certainly see the overnight reset here because what they do is they have they take something that has no intrinsic

Value it’s used one place only as a tool of barter only as long as people trust it and they revalue it against something that has all confidence good money gold so what you’re looking at here and here and here is that confidence in gold and frankly silver we trust it is that simple

Because the reality is is if you don’t hold it you don’t own it and your perception means nothing in a court of law all this stuff it’s a promise it’s counterparty risk so let’s take a look this is colossal Central Bank buying continued in 2023 this isn’t just Zimbabwe these

Are the global central banks G whiz what do you think they know that you don’t know who knows more about what they’re doing to the currency than central banks that are doing it why do you think they’re buying gold because they are attempting to manage the reset they are not sure that

They’re going to be able to do it so they want to remain in control same exact reason why you too should be loading up on this as your wealth foundation so until next we meet make sure that you like this video give us a thumbs up please make a comment and

Please share share share we need to build this channel as quickly as possible to help the most people as possible because quite honestly together we can make a positive difference so in until next we meet please stay safe out there as we conclude our exploration of Zimbabwe’s economic Journey with Lynette Zang we

Extend our deepest gratitude to both new and loyal subscribers your support fuels our quest for knowledge and understanding if you found this journey enlightening we invite you to like share and subscribe to our channel for more insightful content together let’s continue unraveling the mysteries of the

World around us thank you for joining us and until next time may your path be illuminated with wisdom and Discovery


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