
INTERSECTING Events as Bitcoin Price Chart Reaches 702 Retrace, Altcoin Market Setup, XRP, Ethereum

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Hi, I am the Blockchain Backer, bringing you the latest cryptocurrency news and analysis. The content of my channel primarily focuses on crypto news, motivation, and chart analysis on the XRP chart, Bitcoin chart, various Altcoin charts, and market cap charts.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. Investing and trading is risky, and you can lose your money. The information in this video should not be used to make any investment decisions. You should contact a licensed financial adviser prior to making any investment decisions. Any affiliate links in the description of these videos may provide a commission if you decide to purchase their products. I appreciate any and all support of my channel, and without you, I wouldn’t be here. Thank you.

Hey what’s going on everybody this is the blockchain backer bringing you the latest cryptocurrency news and Analysis today we’re going to be talking about the Bitcoin price chart as the price sits at 5237 $75 just a tick shy below the 702 Fibonacci retracement which sits just a little bit above

$53,000 at the same time we’re going to take a look over here at the altcoin market which just last week was able to finally escape from the range that it’s been stuck in for two months along with taking a look at everybody’s favorite the xrp price chart along with ethereum

Which was able to get through its 50% retracement level in the final hours of the trading week last last week of course we’ll tie in all of this stock market craziness with them sitting at their 4.236 extensions while reflecting on where we’ve come from in this market

And what a journey it’s been to get back to this level unquestionably a rough 2022 in 2023 with so many Market participants thinking that we could not retrace in here we’re finally there we’re literally living in the moment today as we sit right back here right near the 702 Fibonacci retracement as

Always always anticipated that once we got here that the excitement would return the doubt the wall of worry would get climbed until finally they all lay down the wall of worry once we get back to the retracement levels but now it’s about trying to kind of paint the whole

Picture on whichever direction this thing decides to go from here my thesis for all of 2022 and 2023 and my ability to remain strong on having that belief is that markets don’t tend to go in a straight line down forever they tend to go back into a retracement and then when

You get back to a retracement the question then remains of will we only retrace or will we go beyond the retracements I think a lot of people do find it difficult to believe or offensive for me to say I think there’s more trouble here at these retracement

Levels whether it’s the higher ones or the lower ones I think they find offense to that rather than fore Cycles this thing goes on for forever and it’s mainly because I’ve presented the case from the very beginning of this you YouTube channel that Bitcoin tends to follow the stock market and the cold

Hard reality is of just where the stock market is right now as both the NASDAQ and the Dow Jones both sit up there at those 4.236 extensions and as we all know this is how high The Roaring 20s went nearly a 100 years ago before it completely ran out of juice now the

Point of this video is not going to be oh gloom and doom for crypto I’m actually still very optimistic over here on this altcoin market and the market has continued to flash positive signs even xrp behaving exactly like had hoped to right through the last two months

I’ll show you that here in a second but with Bitcoin sitting here at the 702 retracement I also thought it was important to go back for those who maybe are thinking who is this guy he just wants to be the new villain he wants to

Be the new Bad Guy totally not the case tried to Rally sentiment for the last year and a half to get us back here it’s just that most people couldn’t come along until you get to the retracements and that’s just a normal psychological Behavior but to understand where we are

Right now I really wanted to go back in time and just kind of show you where we came from what the thoughts were looking ahead and this is a video titled first trading day of 2023 it was published here on January 3rd of 2023 it’s got

24,000 views one of a lower view counts for for my channel if you remember what was going on in January of 2023 we were just coming off of the FTX collapse sentiment was in the gutter Sanaa just hit like $8 this is at the point where crypto is a complete laughing stock

We’ve just come off of Luna us Celsius 3 Capital now we’ve got FTX we’re wrecked we’re destroyed there’s no hope bitcoin’s right there on January 3rd and while I think the whole video is worth watching we’ll take a look at a couple of Clips right in here just to kind of

Understand what we were heading into and what we were looking forward to in the market we’ll start right here talking about the United States stock market so in here we’re going to talk about the Dow Jones zooming out on the Dow Jones of course a move of 250 points to the

Upside and then a move of 300 points to the downside isn’t setting the tone or the trend for the entire year but I think the bigger question for like the stock market right and does that impact the cryptocurrency market but like looking at the Dow Jones and saying well

What is the story going to be for the Dow Jones this year and for the stock market and of course I’ve shown time and time again how you can go into retracement levels and that ends up being it that is the end of the story then the gig is up the issue is

Everybody wants to know about time how long is it going to take when’s it going to happen right and the and absolutely nothing about charts will ever predict time for you you could essentially head all the way back here and then head up and have a ceg and then eventually roll

Over and that can take you know a year two years or end of the world as we’ve been seeing happening over here for Tesla but of course I have no way to with 100% certainty predict what will actually happen with the Dow Jones Industrial Average except to say that

Every time this structure has happened that I have seen this has marked the actual top what are some of the conflictions with that is that if we look at how high the Dow Jones has actually gone it has come up Shy of a 4.236 extension is there ever an example

Of where we can go back into retracement levels like this Meander fall again then go on and hit it and then go into lights out sure that’s exactly how Bitcoin did it right bitcoin’s 2020 21 Bull Run came up Shy at the 4.236 extension fell retraced after going back into that

Retracement where did it get to just about the 702 Fibonacci retracement Market’s pulled back with an ABC in here to then go on and have its final extension to reach out and touch that 4.236 then the lights went out so if you look at historical context of what happens at these retracement levels

Which is what we talked about for all of 2022 was to finally get back in there once you get back in there that’s where everything gets really complicated on what’s going to come in next if I had to make my best guess of every scenario I

Can come up with it would still be that there’s still more down action to happen here in the Dow Jones for the stock market but then once we got down in there to see how the market reacts from here does it start setting itself up like we’ve seen where it goes to hit

That extension does it really just plow through these levels and head lower or do we start making a structure that starts to look like an ABC correction that still tops itself out in here to then roll over but right now it’s still just kind of like waiting for this thing

To whether it’s got to pop up and then come down or come down and then go up um I I every scenario I can come up with still says that we head down some more here in the Dow question is will crypto follow along ever since the FTX collapse

Happened in which crypto broke away from the stock market as this occurred in topping structures of markets like we especially like we’ve seen in the cryptocurrency market in the past these are the levels where lots of rotational plays can happen in markets so we’re talking about all this stuff happening

In the opening bell of the Dow Jones Industrial Average I’m just not super convinced that even if we went up three or 400 points 500 points or if we go down 300 400 points that it really makes a whole big difference on what the tone

Of the whole year will be I think the tone of the whole year actually gets set once we kind of pull back a little bit further in the Dow and then we get more of a clear picture on where to head to from there and so here we are now no

Longer watching the video from January 3rd but here we are in February of 20124 I’ve got this on replay now just to give an idea the discussion was that we would head back down into these levels before we could set the tone for the year for

The Dow and as we can see just as anticipated there’s an A B C correction that shows up in those price levels right as recalled and shown there for Bitcoin that’s exactly what we had in here you ended up having an a BC correction that reversed itself which is

What we saw happen over here in the Dow Jones we all know the rest of the year right ended up being a good year still like I said it could hang out here for a year or two sure enough it did it hung out there really most of the year until

Really right there at the end and then as said watching how it reacts at those levels to see Could It Go On and hit the 4.236 extension and how about that very close and as we’ve shown the NASDAQ has gotten there all the while Bitcoin goes

Back to its 702 retracement at the exact time that the NASDAQ gets there and the down nearly gets there so to be like hey you know that thing we talked about a long time ago with the stock market and all that research and all those videos we’ve done of the correlation between

The stock market and Bitcoin and how they totally correlated assets to each other well that asset that Bitcoin is correlated to um it’s at a very concerning price level and we’ve been talking about this for a long time and we’re also at that price level that we always talked about the 702 Fibonacci

Retracement you know the one in the intro of my YouTube channel yeah we’re there now I won’t go through this whole video I’m really not here to like gloat if you go through here you’ll see hey bought the bottom of Salena gave my case as to why I was buying it we’re talking

Between $7 and $13 that’s all in this video then we’re talking about the reversal coming out of Bitcoin and what it would actually look like in here so let’s play that really fast as for looking at Bitcoin and looking at ethereum the things we’ve been looking

At as we were wrapping up last year was getting off the top of that resistance level therefore ethereum the story was the exact same for Bitcoin pulling down we’re looking for volatility to dry up and for us to just go that way now we’re still continuing to do that and these

Things can go on for a little while which I’m glad to say at least it’s doing this still as I’ve shown in lots of the examples these things can go on for some time in here still just a waiting game over here on ethereum which

Has been one of the ones that has held up the strongest in all of this downturn has been ethereum in here as for Bitcoin it’s doing exactly the same thing and nothing has changed in regards to just traveling sideways as we’ve been anticipating if this is the phase that

I’m hoping that we’re in within this Market it will just kind of continue doing this and when these things end they end in dramatic fashion it does not usually end with hey we just kind of keep grinding our way up here really slowly it ends with something quick

Happening let’s go ahead and take a look at how things played out it did that continued sideways until finally whoop and as we all know that ended up being the bottom of Bitcoin which was all right back in here but again the point of this is to not be a

Bragard it’s to show that one I’ve been here throughout all of this and two for those who were just tuning in thinking that I want to be the next villain this has always been the area this is right on brand for me to do this at this area

And then you look for confluences throughout the market to say are other things happening while you’re at that exact same area and it’s like well sure enough you’re at a 4.236 extension and sure enough we talked about that type of scenario happening over over a year ago

And then you say well is it Bitcoin ETFs that are causing all of this to happen is this time different then you look at the NASDAQ and you say no it’s not different all these breakouts are happening all at the same time the correlation of the top the bottoms

Everything is still right on que and the price breakouts are all happening at the exact same time so no till this point it is still acting right in line with the movements happening over there in the stock market so no matter what I have to risk manage here I have Confluence of

The stock market and I have Confluence of my retracement level that I’ve talked about the entire time people were screaming for 12K but I’m certainly ridiculously long over there in the altcoin market if Bitcoin does break out through here it doesn’t matter to me as a matter of fact it would be great

Because it opens up the window for the altcoin market to not just have a nice little bll run but it opens the door for a potential of a ballistic Bull Run however it’s just not my base case my base case is that there’s actually going to be distribution that happens in here

And that we actually end up having all of our altcoin run really going on throughout this time in the event that Bitcoin goes through here we’ll then watch out cuz it might get nuts but it’s not my base case so really you know the the the thing about altcoin runs the

Thing about the market is that they tend to happen in two different places right they happen into retraces they happen into break out into new alltime highs for Bitcoin but really they they’re also like markers of the end and that’s what people don’t really think about and it’s

One of those things that I talk about like how can you be bullish on the altcoin market but you’re also talking about like hey like we’re coming up on this scenario that looks like it’s going to be really scary especially when we’re looking at things like this for the

NASDAQ and the and the Dow Jones and it’s just understanding when the altcoin coins actually go and when they’re all crazy and wild is that it always happens at the very end that is the marker of the end of times there becomes periods of irrational exuberance extreme risk-taking extreme confidence and like

You just reflect back on the year and the last year and a half and how we had to climb that wall of worry and how we had to finally get to a point to where people are absolutely bullish even the people who know that you’re here you

Know you waited a year and a half to get there they’ve said you know what I said for a year and a half that I was going to take action right there but I have decided that no we are actually Wicked bullish right because sentiment has flipped psychology flips and that’s all

A good thing that’s an excitement thing that means people want to you know people are willing to take more risk it’s not like when you’re at $166,000 for Bitcoin everybody’s waiting for that little dip down to 12 cuz they’ve got to get get just that tiny percentage now

It’s it doesn’t matter I can buy it it doesn’t matter if it pulls back it’s cool I’m willing to take that risk that if it has a negative 20% pull down it doesn’t matter to me right that little flip of psychology in care is just the kind of psychology of the market that

You know you want to have because while the market has been going up for about five months a lot of coins already got major jump starts that are already up hundreds of percentage points but some just hasn’t been as crazy right I mean we’ve got a 50% retracement over here

For ethereum you’re already up 232 off the lows just since October up almost 100 cardano is up 150 hadera hashgraph up20 and some stuff still just lagging behind but we’ve already seen a lot of stuff start to go but when that cataclysmic thing when everybody says oh it’s now officially alt season these

Things are already up hundreds of of points and then that’s where you see that the craziness the irrational Behavior and the extreme risk-taking and those things all happen when you’re reaching either breakout for Bitcoin or you’re reaching distribution top for Bitcoin just like we saw back over here

How the irrational wild time of the altcoin market comes in at the very end right Bitcoin has the first selloff after Tesla buys Bitcoin Elon Musk right first sell off goes back up to the highs still nothing yet from the altcoin market crazy and then we get a big

Pullback and it’s right there at that moment boom boom boom boom boom boom big move up there for the altcoin market and so if we are in that type of distribution which I shown last week if you had something of that where you’ve had kind of your a first initial take no

ABC correction happening in here just like you don’t have that on that first leg and then it shoots right back up still it has to correct down and then we just continue into distribution and have all the chaos of the market happening here right that’s really where my mind

Is at right now when it comes to the market on watching the scenario of us actually stopping out right here right if bitcoiners who’ve suddenly become bullish all in the retracement levels end up being right and this thing goes what do you think this thing is going to

Do do you think this thing’s going to say oh no we’re done no it’ll go nuts right at least in all historical context it has but in the event of topping out in here what would it look like for those things to continue moving and this would be a distribution schematic that

Would provide something like that to end up happening right that’s how it happens also back here in 2017 and 18 as well is that right there’s the first initial profit taking up there and then notice everything goes crazy into those last two but to always remember that this

Phase of a market where it’s ballistic where it’s crazy extremely wild comes at the very end but the narrative is never that the narrative is always this is just the beginning it’s not it’s not it’s at the very end the wild crazy action is the signature ending finale of

It all the problem is we just go through years of trash and think that well it’s finally happening so it must continue on for forever but as you can see in here once the altcoin market breaks out it was just a mere 93 days and that was the

End of the market right there’s this other little high that gets put in in here but go check all your favorite altcoins 90% of them all top right in here some of them topping before May right like your filecoin tops back here in March your xrp tops over here in

April but 90% of stuff all tops right in here upon that ending phase of the market and so I know we talk about this in the manner of the end of times are near and the end of times are near but what typically comes right before the

End of times all of that around rational exuberance all of that positive energy that came into the market if this thing just stalls out in there and rotational action starts happening in here that money is going to flood around people who fomed in here people who fomed in

Right in here did not fumo in because they have some firm belief in Bitcoin they are just super big believers they fed in because they thought they were going to get filthy rich off of it the people who are like hardcore dieh hard Believers in Bitcoin they just DC the

Whole thing these people did not these people were getting washed out here washed out here washed out here washed out washed out these people just want Moon And when they see Moon happening elsewhere they’ll go to it and if this thing does get through there which again

I find incredibly unlikely go check the historical behavior of the market this would be the absolute worst place to be in these guys are the ones to reap all the benefits and it again comes down to the discussion of percentages mean everything price does not we have

Reached a point where every $11,000 for Bitcoin is celebrated even though $1,000 only represents 2% if we hit $53,000 I promise you on Twitter all the news networks all the accounts who just say breaking news will say Bitcoin hits $53,000 but all this stuff it’s just like these percentages are nothing har

Bar is up 133% imagine one day of Bitcoin doing 133% it would be a massive monstrous move I and people just the the headlines become too much for people on this but okay we’re we’re done with that I think we’ve talked enough about Bitcoin you understand my thoughts right

We’re back at the 702 retracement I’m looking for a distribution style structure if I end up getting proven wrong with egg on my face and it goes up guess what I’m loaded up on altcoins I will do just fine but I’m primarily looking for distribution to occur here

For Bitcoin to not get tricked by it all because of what we have here and because the economic conditions of all of three Bitcoin bull runs from the past which is 2013 2017 2021 there are ones even further back but those three primarily are the ones that everybody talks about

Those three the economic conditions are not the same however we nailed it on the ride back up in here and things like we talked about reversed repo has been the juice of this Market the top of Bitcoin is marked when the revers repo opens Bitcoin reverses upon the reversal of

The reverse repo facility as the reverse repo facility drains Bitcoin Rises into it you started up here at 2.55 trillion the thing’s all the way down to only 500 billion there’s not much left in it all right moving on talking about the altcoin market ethereum and xrps we’re

Already at like 22 minutes into this thing others does escape from its range the thing that I’m mindful of with others I’ve gone ahead and done videos on this this is just like the sign of strength phase that happens in here on top of preliminary support we have been

Doing just that over here on top of preliminary support with our sign of strength phase but you just keep in mind there can still be some washing around happening in here before the excessive move ends up coming into the market that’s the way I’m viewing it right now

Part of that also stems from if this is going to end up doing a correction in here like this that we’d still have to wait for the excessive moves to start showing up in here similar to like that where the excessive moves do not start until that correction becomes completed

In that this is merely the escaping of the range back testing the range and then excessiveness into the final phases of distribution happening in here so while wonderful wonderful to see that range get left that’s what we definitely wanted to see what I would not have

Wanted to see would be yet again another retracement level that rolls over again it just means we stay in here longer and longer we’re doing the exact phases of an uptrend that we should be doing in here but keeping in mind for me there’s just going to be volatility likely in

Here and it’s not quite ready if my thoughts are correct and that we are Distributing in here there’s still more consolidation for Bitcoin before the boredom sets in before they say you know what this thing’s not doing anything I’m bored I see I see Doge going I’ll see

Ethereum going whatever it is for them to start moving I think we’re we’re still just going to stick around up in here I’m more than happy to take a surprise up in here but I am approaching it from the mindset of thinking it’s probably still just going to be stalled

Here for a little bit but these are all the things we’re looking for for it to eventually right eventually get those bigger moves to happen as for ethereum like mentioned at the beginning of the video in the final hours of the week it ends up Crossing through the 50% %

Retracement for ethereum absolutely fantastic to see again it’s my rules it’s the way I operate as we get into the third range boundaries I have to take a little bit of ethereum off the table it makes me sad you know I try not to get emotionally connected to any of

My assets but if there’s something I’m bullish on it’s just ethereum is clearly the heartbeat of the cryptocurrency market electric capitals developer report paints that picture very clearly nearly everything is interconnected to ethereum not everything is interconnected to each other but nearly everything interconnects itself back to

Ethereum in some way but as we get back into here I have to risk manage it a little bit even though I don’t want to and unlike Bitcoin which I have no interest at all of chasing in the event that it gets through the retracement levels ethereum should it clear through

The retracement levels I would probably have to re-enter those positions currently my plan is about onethird of my ethereum will need to be risk managed essentially from that point all these entries were made back in here in November and December of 2022 prior to the video that we were showing just

Earlier in this video right and so by getting back up in here getting at 200% by selling one3 here I essentially take back every dollar that was put into here and the remaining 2/3 that I have is completely free but in the event of clearing through all retracement levels

I’ probably changed my mind pretty fast on that just risk management typical trading stuff but Diamond handed all the way to here as for xrp behaving exactly as anticipated and hoped for we even got an extreme negative news event to come in a couple of weeks ago to Mark the

Lows if you recall the expectations were to back test the broken support one more final flush down to the downside that’s what we did end up getting and then of course we get just absolutely epically negative news you guys know it you get awesome news to Mark tops you get

Terrible news to Mark bottoms that did Mark our bottom looking to see us be able to go reclaim back over those levels and then treat this area as a support over the weekend it was able to do that it actually came down and precisely hit it however my expectations

Are still that it’s not quite ready to go I could see this thing dragging out longer and still coming back again another time due to what I’m talking about over here on Bitcoin in the event that Bitcoin goes flying off to the offside and I’m just wrong about it all

So be it let us elgo however for my thesis I still believe uh probably will come back again just like we have seen before try to really confirm that thing as a support maybe there’s some more negative news to try to startle the market before we then lift off and the

Thing to think about in events like this when they happen we’ll take more of a zoomed out look in here to understand when this occurs heard right this happens with Bitcoin right and so I’ve talked about these moments before that I was here in the market during this time

I was here through all of this I was here through all of that and the whole ride up it was a very negative time for xrp during that moment because what you can see right in here with xrp during this pull down right from here to here

Right think of that of xrp from here to here that moment Bitcoin goes from $10,000 all the way up to nearly $177,000 and xrp goes the opposite way do you know what the irrational exuberance of the market was like at that point from 10,000 to 177,000 10,000

I’ll never forget it that’s where CNBC turned on the marketing thrusters it’s clear as day to me I remember it it was a big psychological number for it to get broken through nobody ever thought Bitcoin could do it and not only that it happened really rapidly I mean we were

Just at $22,000 in the summer and that number was thought to be absolutely insane for Bitcoin and then we get to $10,000 by December the market was absolutely crazy and and CNBC was covering it and it was wild you had ethereum up you had Litecoin up everything going nuts this guy was doing

That it was it was brutal but notice we got into the distribution phase we got to the ending phases in here and that’s when everything ended up going in there right so remembering that hey this was also an ending phase right this was distribution phase this is the top of

Bitcoin right in here here the blast out happens one week before that moment right so tying in those all those same ideas of distribution happening for Bitcoin xrp being in a phase like that it all makes logical sense at the same time of where we’re at so the things

I’ll be looking for of course we’ll see that we do maintain this 54 Cent level as support we’re seeing other coins in the market be able to do that to make sure there’s not a fundamental issue with xrp that has gone wrong would not want to see us go below 51 cents again

It’s time to start building some supports we have followed structures along so far in the event that we go below 51 cents it’ll be very very difficult read otherwise as you guys have followed for xrp videos that we’ve been doing markets in the morning YouTube videos everything this all just

Acted exactly how we had hoped it would we got through first test of 54 cents was successful it’s really what we would look for to have happen in here but now it’s about you know consolidation for Bitcoin further one more attempt at a test and then off and away we go will we

Get that secondary test I don’t know but my expectations are that we will so I’m going to remain patient with it I know we like to get ahead of ourselves and think things are moing before they are but a really really fascinating thing to

See would be if we do come back to back test that 54 C Level we do maintain it as support and that support gets found after some sort of an ABC correction coming in here for Bitcoin in the event of that I will be making explosion all

On the way epic surge around the corner volcanic eruption of gains videos but we need the Confluence of those events to occur first so holding off on that just now uh but otherwise price has behaved well so far again don’t go below 51 let’s see some support building and we

Have the Confluence of events all occurring in here uh that we would be looking for so looking good for xrp nice to see it get back up and nice to see the first initial test on 54 cents was successful as you would hope to see otherwise it’s a holiday day today is a

Release this video at least it’s President’s Day which means the markets are closed banks are closed but it doesn’t change the 24-hour market of crypto but it’s an otherwise exciting time in the market don’t be fooled by my thoughts on bitcoin of saying the end of

Times are near today we’ve got all the elements that we’re looking for over there on the altcoin market just as you would look for and I look forward to the coming weeks and potentially months of what we have in store but I think all of

It points to how this is a very big complicated picture right now this is not like in 2022 and 2023 easy peasy man how many videos did we make to talk about why off accumulation to get through there now we’re in the sign of strength now we’re going into markup

Phase right and so markup phase now it becomes the point of being like all right now it’s time to start kind of thinking where could all these tops start coming in While most people get scared during the bottom looking for lower it’s the same concept at the top

You get to the top they’re looking for more at the same time we’re moving into a new phase of the market we’re moving into the markup and what we’ve known throughout history is that markups Mark the Final Phase the final excitement of the market whether that lasts months or

Whatnot that’s fine but it’s not being tricked by the idea that this is going to last four years because we would need to see some evidence that this isn’t going to be a problem here for the United States stock market and as I wrote about in the newsletter that I

Published last week the great Market conversion Bitcoin stocks and gold all of bitcoin’s bull runs have been marked with major breakouts happening for the United States stock market all of bitcoin’s all-time highs after multi-year bare markets come within 56 days of breaking through the all-time high there is one circumstance in here

Where it doesn’t happen and it’s on this one right here at the end of 2019 and early 2020 where Bitcoin does not follow along right now where we stand currently right now we are already at 67 days since the all-time high broke for the Dow Jones Industrial Average it has

Never taken more than 56 this is 12 this is 56 this is 33 we are already at like 67 and economically and everything going on with the FED is all discussed throughout here and with gold the conditions of this are the same as that not that that or that it’s that so if

You are subscribed to the newsletter and you haven’t read that yet go check it out there’s also an audio recording in there you could check that out over there on blockchain backer substack together just as we navigated through all the difficult times together showing up every day we’ll be here through all

Of this navigating it together but it’s fascinating to go back in time remember what it was like in the depths of Despair and to see the convergence and the Confluence of all those events come together at once but on that note we’ll go ahead and start wrapping this thing

Up as you guys may have noticed there’s no markets in the morning today it’s President’s Day I got kids home I got most of this recorded before any kids woke up but now I have to kind of like pause myself because they’re screaming in the background at all times now but I

Hope that you have a wonderful day we’ll be back on normal schedule again starting tomorrow with markets in the morning otherwise I wish you an absolutely wonderful day if you’re looking for more videos from me of course you can check out my website over here which is BCB there’s

Over 40 videos in here and 11 hours of content deep diving into the historical behavior of the cryptocurrency market and teaching you how to set up your own charts and your own indicators within trading View and coin Trader Pro even if you are absolutely brand new and you’ve

Never opened a chart before in your life or if you’re a seasoned Pro I’m certain there’s something in here that you will learn I also talk about things that are important outside of just charts such as like emotional management and when crowd Behavior sets in the importance of

Tokenomics and market cap and why percentages matter over price there’s downloadable PDFs in here to supplement some of the sections in here like Elliot wave theory the woff method charts patterns ranges and tools it’s 39 bucks one time no subscription fees right here on BCB if you didn’t catch it

Last week I announced that I will be speaking at the xrp Gold Coast 2024 event in Australia that event is from March 22nd to March 24th there’s a link there as well in the description of this video to xrp Gold Coast 2024 and of course as mentioned earlier

If you have not checked out my subscription-based newsletter is where I put a lot of research in and present my findings we’ve done stuff on the developer activity historical behavior and how that reflected returns in the market we’ve done user activity levels and how that has impacted the market and

How those coins did where you can find all of that data for yourself we’ve done percentage draw Downs we’ve done circulating Supply inflation and the most recent one is really talking about this big Dynamic going on in the market with this convergence or Confluence of the stock market Bitcoin and and Gold’s

Behavior and how these things I’m talking about are all backed by data right now so check that out over here on blockchain back. substack docomo and live streams to BCB to my substack at blockchain back. substack and I went ahead and threw in a link there for the xrp

Gold Coast conference right there so on that note we’ll go ahead and wrap things up I want to thank you so much for watching if you could please like this video and give it a thumbs up if you’re new to the Channel Please Subscribe and hit the notification Bell so you could

Be notified of when I create new content and when I go live as always this is not investment advice and I am not a financial adviser but if you ever need a pickme up or a little bit of reassurance just remember that the blockchain backers got your back have a good one w


  1. Hi BCB, thank you for all your hard work and for guiding us to stay aligned with the market. I truly appreciate your contributions to my trading journey and learning process.
    I have a question regarding the strategy of taking 65% profits at the 0.618 retracement level, a point we’ve all been monitoring based on chart analysis. You’ve mentioned before that, for instance, ETH reached a 4.236 extension in a previous cycle, as analyzed through market cap. This has led me to wonder: does it make sense to consider retracements in terms of market caps instead of just price points? For example, HBAR is currently only 40% away from its 0.618 market cap retracement level, and I’m considering taking 65% profits there.

  2. Blockchain Backer's Technical Analysis Toolkit for Crypto –

    Blockchain Backer Newsletter –

    XRP Gold Coast 2024 Conference –

    Blockchain Backer 702 Digital Art NFT Collection on XRP –

    Hi, I am the Blockchain Backer, bringing you the latest cryptocurrency news and analysis. The content of my channel primarily focuses on crypto news, motivation, and chart analysis on the XRP chart, Bitcoin chart, various Altcoin charts, and market cap charts.

    DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. Investing and trading is risky, and you can lose your money. The information in this video should not be used to make any investment decisions. You should contact a licensed financial adviser prior to making any investment decisions. Any affiliate links in the description of these videos may provide a commission if you decide to purchase their products. I appreciate any and all support of my channel, and without you, I wouldn't be here. Thank you.


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