In this video, I break down the current AI sector in crypto and present both my short term and long term trading strategy for AI coins, including my top altcoin picks.

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    Disclaimer: The “Miles Deutscher” YouTube channel is a social podcast for entertainment purposes only. All opinions expressed by the host should not be construed as financial advice! Listeners are encouraged to do their own research.
    0:00 – Intro
    1:15 – AI Update
    5:20 – AI Crypto Update
    8:55 – Trading AI Altcoins
    16:16 – My Long Term AI Investment Strategy
    18:39 – My Top AI Altcoins
    25:18 – Outro

    You simply can’t ignore what is happening with AI right now and it looks set to be one of the biggest bubbles in Tech History and one that is certainly going to open up a lot of opportunities for investors so in today’s video I want to explain what is currently happening

    In the AI sector that is causing this rapid growth and try and translate that into crypto to spot opportunities in the market I’ve got an AI crypto watch list I want to share with you today that I think is presenting some great short-term trading opportunities and I

    Also want to break down my long-term trading strategy for positioning myself within the AI sector because there are a couple sub sectors of AI that I personally believe have the most potential so if you do like this type of content make sure to click that subscribe button down below and hit that

    Post notification Bell because I’m uploading on this channel every single day at the moment so bringing you that Daily Alpha whether that be airdrop opportunities Al coin opportunities trades Etc to help you make money in this market we have a massive opportunity this year in 2024 so let’s

    Seize it with both hands and we’re going to absolutely smash it together so looking forward to being here every single day to help you guys on this journey as well so without further Ado let’s get into what is happening in the AI Market I want to start a little bit

    Broader and contextualize the current state of AI so we just saw Sam ultman is now seeking trillions of dollars to reshape the business of chips and AI so he’s pursuing new active investment trillions of dollars potentially worth of investment so he can work on AI technology last year the AI sector

    Raised $50 billion with open AI anthropic inflection AI raking in billions of dollars in terms of new funding now I really don’t think you can underestimate the magnitude of the current funding that’s being poured into the AI sector you have Fortune 500 companies all essentially fooing into

    This narrative because none of them want to be last you have the top tech companies like apple like Facebook like Microsoft like Amazon they’re all fighting for a slice of what is probably going to be a very big pie with the world the way that it’s going so as a

    Result of this rampant competition to get to the number one spot in the AI race there were billions and billions of dollars of potentially as we just saw trillions of dollars worth of capital entering this space and that’s why I believe it could be one of the biggest

    Bubbles in history we haven’t seen this amount of Interest active development active investment into a sector in a long long time and because of that I think there are massive opportunities for investors that are early and one of the reasons why AI is one of my top

    Crypto sectors for this bull run is because it has that retail mind chare it has that really strong narrative which is driving hype and speculation in the sector and although the fundamentals are dubious for a lot of these AI coins and that’s something we’ll get into more

    Later in the video as I give you my top AI picks you can’t deny the strength of the narrative think back to the metaverse narrative back in 2021 a lot of the fundamentals were shaky but it had a really strong powering Trend behind it and AI in the traditional

    World is giving crypto that fuel at the moment for these AI coins to perform really really well uh but of course it’s not just crypto where this opportunity lies it’s also in other sectors personally though I just understand the web 3 Dynamics a little bit better uh than the traditional markets speaking of

    Traditional markets Nvidia keeps breaking new highs and they’ve actually got their earnings on Wednesday so I think good earnings could definitely send further shock waves through the AI sector and as a result a lot of these coins and and AI stocks could perform really really well so Wednesday is

    Obviously a key date in terms of trading but just generally seeing Nvidia power higher and higher is obviously a major Plus for the overall strength of the narrative and we also saw this week one of the other reasons why AI is back in the news the launch of Sora by open Ai

    And if you haven’t seen this already it’s absolutely amazing it essentially enables you just like you would on Mid journey to enter an input but instead of getting a photo on the other end you can create a hyper realistic or an animated AI video so this was completely based on

    A prompt as you can see in front of you beautiful snowy Tokyo city is bustling the camera moves through the bustling Street following several people enjoying the beautiful snowy weather and you can actually see this reflected in AI it’s absolutely mindblowing some of this stuff and it honestly also scares me

    It’s the exact same time because uh just the rapid pace of advancement in terms of AI technology is astounding and that is of course off the back of incredible funding crazy funding whenever you have a sector get this much concentrated funding at once you can basically bet on

    The fact you’re going to see results that are highly Advanced versus other sectors um because funding pretty much rules it means you can hire more developers it means you can have bigger and better brains behind a certain technology and of course that leads to Greater outcomes for the sector in

    General and with all the this money pouring in it does create this flywheel because new Innovative products launch they catch the Public’s attention the more the Public’s attention is captured the more people talk about AI the more people talk about AI the more people fomo into AI Investments and the more

    That sectors like crypto which have highly liquid versions of tradable AI products uh can perform so it does create this flywheel where whenever there’s AI news or an AI development it does have that positive effect for the crypto sector even though as I said the fundamentals may not necessarily align

    One to one and this is something that we have seen over the crypto AI sector over the last couple of weeks we can see bit tensor is really leading the run at a $14 billion valuation now which is absolutely crazy that’s what I’ve spoken about on previous shows and you can see

    Here on V it actually looks like it wants to break out and potentially go and make new highs in price discovery mode um so a lot of these AI coins are now teetering with their previous all-time highs and are looking to break past those levels we’re going to get into those short-term trading

    Opportunities in a sec and as you can see if you look at the top AI coins by market cap the market cap of AI coins is now over $15 billion according to coin Gecko and AI has really been a market leading sector over the past few weeks

    You can see Returns on adct of 80% a cash 30% fetch 38% render 34% pretty much every coin up double digits some even up triple digits like you can see Arkham’s up um AGI is up 146% so a lot of these coins are really outperforming and it’s for a few reasons one obviously

    There’s a lot of hype and as I said you’ve got this flywheel of news coming out getting hype for the AI sector which thus translates into price action as people try and speculate on the tokens but two it’s a very easy narrative to understand retail loves to gravitate towards Trends which are easily

    Comprehensible and I mean even as a viewer watching this video right now how easy is AI over the trend to comprehend it’s very simple it’s a buzzword it’s highly marketable it has a lot of investment we know AI is probably going into some sort of bubble territory in

    The near future so it just makes a lot of sense and that is why I tend to favor in my investments and my trading narratives especially in a bull run when retail becomes more active in the market that retail can easily understand and AI is one of them Gaming’s one of them

    These sectors that are super approachable for retail so what is my trading strategy with AI and what am I doing at the moment well it’s really broken down into two strategies the first one is a more shorter term trading strategy now this is something I’ve spoken about extensively in the past but

    Pretty much whenever there’s major news surrounding AI these tokens become great proxies to trade so especially at the moment with this major news on Wednesday there is a lot of great long opportunities on AI coins now I’m more so favoring the breakout Longs over the shorts just because I think that this

    Narrative is explosive and could potentially push higher so I’m definitely looking at short-term trading opportunities not only now but also around major events in the future they become pretty nice tokens to trade because they’ve been respecting technicals fairly well and when they pump they also pump the hardest out of

    Any coin I’ve seen in the market if you remember back to that AI run in 2023 it was insane and we’re seeing that repeating again right now but then the second strategy I have to approaching AI is more of a longer term strategy and we’re going to cover both in this video

    Where I like to position myself in the top sub sectors of AI for example infrastructure so pick and shovel plays deepin uh which is decentralized private infrastructure Networks that long-term I think are going to be major beneficiaries of the growth of AI so you kind of have these two strategies you

    Have using AI as proxies so they might not even really be AI coins but they’re called or listed as AI coins so they pump and they’re great to trade but then you also have long-term fundamental infrastructure plays which actually benefit from the growth of the sector as

    Crypto and AI start to intersect more because let’s be honest until now there aren’t that many intersections so let’s firstly start with what I’m seeing on the short-term trading side and let me then afterwards go into my longer term strategy for approaching the AI market

    So I’ve created my own AI watch list I’m actually going to put this in the description below it’s going to be on trading view uh to enable you to just like have an easy way to monitor all the AI coins but I also really like Corleone’s AI watch list he’s pretty

    Much categorized it into high market caps midm market caps and low market caps all of these in my opinion are trading opportunities as I said in the shorter term when you get these announcements when you get a lot of hype these can perform Super strongly so you don’t have to leverage trade necessarily

    You can also spot trade in fact for a lot of people that can be a great approach so you don’t get liquidated around these key events so I do really like this list but I’m going to point out a few specifics that I am currently looking at and lucky pointed out an

    Interesting point on Twitter he said CT really trying to get this AI narrative going seems decent risk reward you lose 10 to 20% or double triple your money probably a window of opportunity into Nvidia earn earnings on Wednesday then if they’re good could see continuation they’re my general feelings and I also

    Kind of agree when AI moves it moves very explosively and in my opinion the Longs are a decent risk reward especially if you kind of can play the rotation game a little bit although I’ll give you my thoughts on that in a second so let’s just go through some of the

    Coins that I’m looking at I’ve got my watch list here on the right I’m going to link this in the description for you and I’m I’m going to kind of explain what my strategy is is for trading as well firstly at the beginning of an AI run and I believe where probably either

    At the beginning heading into that middle stage the leaders tend to outperform so what are the leaders these are the biggest AI coins the coins most synonymous with AI so render Fett agx these these AI coins that have you know that really strong narrative behind them typically in crypto the leaders tend to

    Be the best risk reward play as they tend to lead rallies and they tend to finish rallies as well um so these are your best trading indicators following these larger AI coins but as we start to see a blowoff top in a run like AI the last coins that move are typically your

    Mid or low caps so these are your slightly riskier coins that don’t necessarily lead the run but start to catch up to the leaders slightly later so the way you play this really depends on where you think the AI trend is right now for me I still do enjoy longing the

    Leaders like render like uh worldcoin wld that’s been a super strong performer ax and fet but I also right now do like NMR as a play and I like P pal as a play as well this has been showing like insane strength um and if you look at

    The market caps of some of these coins like pal and I’m not chilling this cuz I actually don’t have an active position right now so I’m completely unbiased when it comes to this coin a market cap of 255 is not crazy considering the amount of volume that is pouring into

    The crypto AI space and even to has really defied the odds right if you told me like a few months ago um that bit tenter would be $14 billion fdv I would have laughed at you but that’s exactly what has happened so the market caps that are assigned to these AI projects

    Right now are super skewed and they can often go a lot higher higher than than you think they can um if if you’re approaching the market logically and I I made this point in yesterday’s video in a bull market or in a bull trend for any given narrative hype and speculation

    Tends to outweigh the impact that fundamentals have by far the number one biggest fundamental driver behind a token and a type is price and when price is doing well that’s pretty much the only thing you need to look at and that might sound super counterintuitive because fundamentals Drive crypto right

    Well kind of wrong in a bull market fundamentals often do take backseat to hype and speculation and that is certainly what we are seeing reflected across the AI market right now so those are a few of the coins that I’m looking at heading back to my watch list now I

    Also have ocean on my watch list I have Z on my watch list as well I have aoz on my watch list and these are all trading opportunities so I’m not as interested in these as like really long-term DCA right now I think the time for longterm

    DCA is over uh you can see the levels that I marked as my clear breakouts I’ve had these for months I’ve them on my banter shows so you should be significantly up if you were following my my calls on those shows you can see I have my levels marked out for fet as

    Well and the way to trade these coins is either trading the breakout or trading the retest of these key horizontal levels so F and this is what I was saying before they’re actually responding to uh ta quite well has basically respected these levels pretty clearly like you see this retest here it

    Breaks out it flips that resistance into support it deviates back down below test the lower range again broke out retested gave you another opportunity to get in broke out of this level another opportunity to get in again and then you can just move your stop loss up and up

    So the TA on these AI coins is actually been super clean and it’s been really a joy to trade uh for that reason so I would say the technical strategy right now is looking for breakouts um so when AI coins go into price Discovery and look at how these coins respond to the

    Retests of their major horizontal levels I’m not an expert technical analyst but I have had decent success using this strategy and implementing it in the world of AI coins so those are kind of my two approaches right now but keep in mind that shorter term trading isn’t for

    Everyone and it does come with additional risks so now what I want to do is go into more of my longer term approach so obviously you can have fun trading this AI Market in the short term but if you want exposure to the growth of the sector when the bubble really

    Starts to grow bigger and bigger and bigger obviously your best bet is is to take a long-term approach so let’s get into my long-term approach now um because I think I’m actually slightly contrarian to a lot of people that are scooping up these AI coins I have a bit

    Of a different uh approach to considering my long-term AI Investments oh and by the way if you do want to trade any AI coins you’ll need an exchange that actually has the listings for a lot of them bidget from my experience does have most of the

    Listings you can see fet adx uh NMR Z Etc so it does have most of the listings um some of the bigger exchanges like your binance is they don’t necessarily have all the listings but that’s what I really like about bitg they’ve got the listings really quickly when tokens

    Start to gain a decent amount of traction so if you do want to trade and get access to all of of these coins I’ll leave a link in the description to sign up for bitg if you use this link you’ll actually get access to a $1,000 welcome

    Pack so basically what this is is once you sign up head over to the rewards center and you can claim your $1,000 welcome pack for signing up doing identity verification depositing and trading for the first time the more tasks you complete the more you work your way up to that $1,000 Mark so

    There’s a link in the description below if you do want to trade on bitg if for example a coin that you really want to trade isn’t listed because there are occasionally some small caps especially um some of these ones here that are lower in market cap and you still want

    To trade these you’re probably going to need to use a DEX well you are going to need to use a DEX and your best bet is probably to go with an aggregator that basically gets the best price route for you across the amm that these are listed

    On because not every single deck is going to have the same coins sometimes they’re on Unis swap sometimes they’re on other chains so your Best Bets probably chose an aggregator like smartex you can essentially enter the contract address that you can get from from coin gecko or get from their

    Official website and you can swap across ethereum across arbitrum polygon BNB and base so smartx will actually aggregate for you to give you the best price for your swaps in crypto so you’re not losing money versus using another deck so those are the two options for you um

    If you do want to trade these coins now let’s get into my longer term strategy so how do I view AI longterm well obviously as the thumbnail of this video suggests and as we’ve talked about in the first half of this video I do believe that we are entering AI bubble

    Territory and I actually think this has a lot of room to get bigger and bigger and bigger as more and more investment gets poured in and more products begin to launch for that reason I think the AI sector has massive potential but to this date we haven’t really seen crypto SL AI

    Applications really come to fruition the current use cases amongst the current crop of AI tokens are limited at best and at most they’re using AI as a complete buzzword to act as an an AI proxy so a lot of the AI coins that you’ll trade and I’ll admit a lot of the

    AI coins in my watch list they aren’t even really AI okay maybe they use some sort of machine learning maybe they maybe they Outsource some sort of AI Tech I mean technically anything can Implement artificial intelligence what makes a true AI coin is a coin that leverages the capabilities of AI that

    Wouldn’t be possible to create their product without it and the infrastructure that benefits from the growth of the sector as it helps to power AI use cases and machine learning use cases so if we actually try and take a pragmatic approach to break down how to invest in the AI sector it really

    Only leaves you with a couple of options a you can invest in AI protocols themselves so these are individual daps or applications that are built upon AI technology cool we haven’t really seen many use cases for it yet or B you can invest in your pick and shovel plays which are decentralized infrastructure

    Bets that essentially power the growth of AI so as AI scales you’re going to need these forms of infrastructure in order to power AI technology and this is really option b my approach to approaching the AI Market specifically I’m looking at dpin as one of the strongest verticals that has Synergy

    With AI now there are many synergies for AI and crypto but the most logical one in my opinion is compute power and machine learning so what dpin does essentially is it decentralizes physical infrastructure to enable a decentralized Community to build and maintain physical Hardware so they essentially get

    Rewarded for providing GPU power to the network and the network pays them back in exchange for their services and if you think about the AI sector right it’s really intensive in terms of the compute power that it needs to scale so as the AI sector grows it’s hunger and its

    Demand for computing power where you’re going to need gpus just keeps increasing increasing increasing and solutions that have the hardware to power this AI technology I think these are really going to be the big winners from the long-term growth of AI now keep in mind this isn’t a short-term play these

    Projects okay they may run based on highle render and a cache but they probably won’t kick into their full flywheels in the next one to two years these are 5 to 10 year bets but if you are taking a long-term bet on the growth of AI and crypto at the same time I

    Really don’t see a better convergence than deepin um it can also help not just with compute power but also providing specialized hardware for AI to operate to enable collaboration on the network and to essentially lower the cost of not only compute power but data storage which AI especially machine learning

    Models um are quite demanding of so my strategy is looking more at the pics and shovels like deepin so in terms of my favorite deepin protocols let’s just run through a few of them uh some Protocols of Interest are a cache so this is a supercloud that provides permissionless

    Access to Cloud resources obviously this has been running recently but if you do look at the fdv 880 is not insane when you compare it to bit tensor which is a decentralized protocol of subnets at the $14 billion range so this is kind of set a precedent for this sector right so a

    Cash is one that I’m looking at you’ve also got render which is a very popular play in this sector it’s been performing really well lately once again a bang really nice structure on the higher time frames in terms of its price action so those are a couple plays that I think

    Longer term are probably good bets but there’s one that isn’t released yet that probably even more bullish on and this is aier it hasn’t launched yet but it’s essentially powering Cloud infrastructure for gaming and AI now a is very interesting because they actually have 20x more gpus than render

    Network 45x more T flops which is essentially compute power than a cash Network and 31x more infrastructure Capital committed than a cash Network and render Network combined and the interesting thing is they’re primarily focused on Enterprise so B2B Solutions so businesses to business Solutions rather than directly to the consumer

    Like a lot of these other protocols so I think it has a few distinct advantages that I’ll probably get into in future content but this hasn’t launched yet so there are a bunch of interesting deepin protocols which haven’t launched yet but have been building in the background for

    Years these are also interesting bets I think as the sector begins to expand so a is definitely on my radar there’s going to be big announcements coming over the next few weeks and months regarding that and obviously they’ve got their token on the way depending on the

    Valuation launches out that could be an amazing opportunity if you can get in early and I’ll let you know how to do so when the time is right a few others I’m interested in atour protocol this is essentially a scalable privacy middleware for deepin and other crypto projects they’re actually launching

    Their Hardware soon uh and their Hardware is very interesting because it basically enables you if you plug it in to privatize your entire household so your Wi-Fi any devices that are utilizing that Wi-Fi and basically Encompass a full privacy solution and and at the same time reward users for

    Using the hardware in the form of ecosystem rewards so kind of like the helium model um but with in my opinion more of a practical use case for the average user because I mean privacy’s a basic human right that can be facilitated via the network so Ator is

    Another interesting one that I’m looking at um they’re obviously powering anonymity and then there are also other players in the sector like you know your storage deep in plays like filecoin and AR which also interests me AR being rwe they’ve also been growing quite nicely I think filecoin probably has the better

    Tokenomics but AR has also shown uh some traction as well so it’s one that also interests me so deep in for me is probably one of the more sure bets long-term in the AI sector but I’m certainly not going to be fading individual AI protocols either like if a

    If a project manages to launch with what I think is a novel or unique implementation of AI I’m certainly interested uh but for me I’m more of an infrastructure guy the pcks and shovels um can be you know super effective Investments along term because they have real tokenomics which underpin the value

    Of the network dpin actually has a very interesting Network flywheel and this is why longterm I think it performs really really well and is probably one of crypto’s strongest sectors if not the biggest sector it’s because basically infrastructure growth attracts more demand from end users leading to increased network activity this leads to

    Higher rewards which incentivizes more supply side users and then this flywheel effect uh takes off where the token value contributes to the platform the daps of the platform and basically incentivizes more end users to actually contribute to the network and the flavor goes around and around and and this is

    What I think makes de deep in long-term super high upside but look in the short term a lot of these AI proxies are still amazing trades and that’s why I did earlier talk about some of the trading opportunities that are currently on the market now while we’re on the subject of

    AI I thought it would be a good time to mention workex who are an official partner of the show and they are essentially using AI to power decentralized job matching now they red finding what the model looks like for job searching online powering what they refer to as the internet of jobs so

    Essentially if you want a job right whether that be in crypto whether that be in in another industry you can go onto their platform you can search the job industry for example let’s say you want to um get a job in the web 3 and blockchain Industry and you can see a

    Bunch of jobs available so you can see jobs in the 5K 4K range 3K range so if you’re looking for a job this could actually be a decent website to check out and if you’re an entrepreneur you can also higher Talent on the website if you’re a business owner so that’s really

    Cool as well uh and and they’re using a really novel approach actually one of the more innovative solutions to solving this problem um of job matching online uh by incorporating decentralization with the work token powering the network alongside AI to empower job matching the work token is basically needed to create

    Job postings access AI services on the platform um development courses and much more and essentially there’s a token buyback in place to to enhance the tokenomics design or bu pressure um for the overall token so it’s basically you know your ecosystem governance token that that powers the ecosystem and uses

    As a method of payment so if you do want to check out workex if you’re interested in a job or if you just want to research it further you can check it out in the link in the description I want to thank them for being a sponsor of the show so

    That is pretty much my AI show for now I’m sure I’ll do many more shows on AI in the future it’s a vertical I’m super interested in it is in bubble territory but that doesn’t mean the bubble can’t keep growing and that’s I think what people you know were saying in 2021

    About the metaverse and the gaming run they’re saying oh it’s a bubble oh it’s a bubble oh it’s a bubble but it kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger and eventually it does burst but you do have to sometimes just submit to the narrative and accept when a narrative is

    Looking super strong and that’s what the technicals and the fundamentals based on news are suggesting to us about AI so if you did enjoy this video make sure to smash the like button subscribe for more content like this in the future I’m coming at you with daily uploads uh

    Which is a grind I’m actually feeling a bit unwell today you might be able to tell through my voice but we’re powering on I’m drinking red bulls uh I’m taking ibuprofen and I’m uh and I’m powering out this content uh I’ll see you tomorrow then I guess I’m doing this

    Thing every single day now to give you the best crypto Alpha thank you to everyone for supporting views have been exploding subscribers have been exploding everything’s been honestly just so insane since coming on this channel fulltime so I can’t thank you enough for supporting my journey and

    Hopefully I can support you in your endeavors in the market as well I’ll see you in the next one peace yes


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