
Defi & Yield Farming as a Business | Crypto Passive Income

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Is crypto passive income really dead… or is it simply going through a SHIFT? What about ROI Dapps vs True Defi? Here’s how I’m approaching Defi and the Crypto Passive Income game… and here’s how we find new Defi passive income projects and opportunities.

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Welcome back to the cryp has passive income YouTube channel defi as a business how do I run this business where do these fees come from how does defi work how do I stay out of ponz nomics Roi daps all that Roi dap crap dgen gambl BS how do you move from

Gambler to investor that’s what this video is going to be all about now really really quick here on YouTube I did a quick poll on we’re designing a suite of free courses would love for you to come to vote uh obviously defi is a business seems to be winning by a long

Shot what breaks my heart is that this money mindset work through limiting beliefs is literally and I’ve been doing this for long time is the piece that’s foundational that keeps everything else not working even when you know how to do it so I hope we see

Some votes over here do check out the uh in the community do check out that and then with that said do let me know these free courses are actually going to be released in our platform which is going to be really cool they’re going to be awesomely done with a lot of resources

Uh we’re thinking of doing defi as a business uh a course on liquidity pools and yield farming a course on money mindset and manifestation and really overall passive income because it exceeds or goes beyond just crypto defi so do let me know if you want access to

The free courses as they come out do let me know in the comments and bonus points let me know which one you’d like to see or if you’d like to see anything else at it that said defi as a business where do these fees come from this is one of the pools I’m

In uh this is a pool I use as a example but I’m not saying get into this one you could have multiple pools I mean I’m still on stuff in Unis Swap and you could have stuff on RB usdc whatever it is you could have pools on pancake swap

There’s actually some really cool opportunities I still earn free cake over on pancake swap because I’m long-term bullish on Native deck tokens we talked about this a few weeks ago as the volume picks up and as the market cap and as things heat up in the crypto

Markets the native Dex tokens always do so well so I want to hold as much cake and uni and even turbos as I can so for this example we’re using Su usdc I’m sitting on as of right now $200 in trading fees and $300 in rewards you’ll

Find dexes that pay out rewards on top of the trading fees now where is this money actually coming from we’re going to jump into the uig and we have actually we have so much stuff coming out we’re like full-time Builders uh but a your first dollar in defi challenge

Launches this Wednesday uh I’m going to take you into some key lessons in here if you do want to access into the year first dollar in defi Challenge and if you are part of the uig let me know inside the platform we’ve created a list there’s al already over 100 people

Registered for this and if you’re not in part of the uig then make sure you join this is one of the first challenges we’ll be taking you through uh we also do have a defi certified nft that you do earn as you work through it that’s an

Actually an nft sent over the blockchain it’s your first step into building building your defi business after that all the other nfts become accessible uh and you earn them as you go through the six figure dii Challenge from $3 to $10 all the way to six figures uh $110,000 a month let’s talk

About uh step one so understanding this is a business if you know Robert kiyosaki’s cash flow quadrant do let me know in the comments if you do we’ve got to treat this like a business there is nothing wrong with being on the left side of the quadrant so e is for

Employee you have a job someone pays you nothing wrong with that self-employed is you kind of gave yourself employment but someone still pays you you’ve got clients or you run a small business you basically own the job instead of working in the job now these two are very

Similar in fact these people usually work more hours and get paid less totally fine because they love what they do and you know they’re a little bit more in control of what it is they’re doing but we want to move out of the left side into the right side as fast as

We can and why I love building a D5 business is you get the best of both worlds you get to be a business owner you own a system but instead of necessarily people working for you people always be your greatest solution but also your biggest problem you don’t

Have to deal with that you have your money working for you so you have these pools you have these Investments you’re lending you’re borrowing you’re doing all this cool stuff it’s paying you and then what’s cool is I feel you get the best of both worlds is you can take

Those profits move them into your Investments which could be long-term Holdings or you’re in like a for this example you know this business has paid me200 plus $300 $500 in the last couple days so that’s the business system paying me no employees super passive it’s it’s disconnected from my time

That’s key and then I can take this and guess what I’ll do with it I’m going to move this usdc into suie so I’m literally going to have $500 more of sooie that is an investment for the Bull Run I’m also hedging against impermanent loss so if things do go parabolic and I

Miss that first couple percent not a big deal because I’m already sitting on suie that’s made me money let me know if that makes sense we’re dealing with some cool Concepts here so I look at my entire life like this when I really started studying this whoops when I really

Started studying this it started changing the way I thought I want income from all quadrants is okay there’s nothing wrong with being e but if you’re an employee and you’re getting paid Maybe to invest some of that money into your business system which is your D5 portfolio and then that business system

Pays you cash so you’re making money here and here and you’re investing it then maybe eventually you’re just like you know what maybe you’ll want to do your own thing and now you have cash flow to do it or maybe you’ll do your own thing but it’s not even for profit

Because your bnii is literally covering your lifestyle which for most people isn’t even that much we’ve had so many members and clients hit their Financial Freedom number which is a monthly number they need from the BNI that covers their lifestyle and their expenses and all that fun stuff they are financially

Free so again I want to I want to just state I’m not the guy who’s like you should start a business because most people shouldn’t but or I should say self-employed most people shouldn’t go from employee to self-employed and actually a lot of people shouldn’t start a business because it’s so complex

Especially if you have 10 15 people working for you and you’ve got all this it’s it’s not for everyone but defi in my mind makes it accessible now how do we actually make money I did a video on this a few days ago but just as a quick refresher we’re

Liquidity providers this isn’t panomics or this isn’t Roi dap from the sky income Bots trading and you getting paid a steady 1% per day that’s not how it works we provide a service so every time we lend we stake we provide liquidity every time we’re providing a service and

We get paid for that service with these trading fees here so if a Trader or just a user user who’s buying selling doing something borrowing we get paid the fees from that and and it’s decentralized so it’s smart contract based meaning if this then that no employees no middleman

The middleman is cut out from it hence why we get all those fees and so if someone comes in and wants to swap usdc for suie as you can see here there’s 32 cents of the fee they would pay to swap we getting paid those fees and that’s happening

Thousands of times per hour in defi if you actually look at the volume here I’ll pull something up there we go if you go down here and you go into fees and revenue we’ll just go into the simple one as you can see this is a liquidity staking platform uh $2.6

Million this business has made in the last 24 hours we just want a piece of it $2.2 million in the last 24 hours $20 million in the last s days $624 million in the last year we get a little piece of that pancake swap we get

A little piece of that radium I get a small piece of that GMX I get a small piece of that Trader Joe I get a little piece of that I’m getting more more Joe tokens because like I said I’m long-term bullish on Dex tokens Bas I used to get a piece of that

Not so much anymore I mean I can keep going you get the point we could keep going radiant I still get a piece of that radiant was a beautiful beautiful pick about a year ago there is a video on this YouTube channel on it any who

Does that make sense do let me know in the comments and please do let me know if we did uh well we are creating some really awesome free courses here that’s going to start happening early March let me know if you want early access to it

Or which one you’d like access to I really want to educate on this I’m so passionate about defi because again it gives everyone the opportunity everyone the opportunity to become a b and an i e and s is not a as as secure and safe

As people think it is in fact it’s not safe or secure at all a lot of small business owners think they have freedom they don’t I’ve been there I get it but if I can move my money from the left side into the right side and become an

Investor you know $50,000 in just appreciation on my investments 51,000 over the last month that’s cool hey that’s more than I used to make all year in one month on appreciation and what’s feeding this well things like this there’s another $500 and guess what that’s going to feed my investment so they can

Appreciate and now I no longer have to work time for money and I can use my time to do stuff I love like these YouTube videos and run what we run and run a community like I love it I do it even if I didn’t get paid for it to me

That’s success and that’s the max definition of freedom that I can possibly think of to me it’s not sitting on a beach I tried that within a week I’m like dude I’m depressed I want to provide service I want to do stuff for people I want to like how long can you

Sit around and drive a sports car for it’s actually pretty lame we just want to be useful and we want to align with our god-given gifts and be on purpose be on Mission and we want the time to do that and we need the finances to do it

Hence why the BNI I I can keep going on this stuff forever but I’ll stop there let me know if that makes sense do let me know if you want access to the court and if you want to do me a solid come vote I hope I see some people in here

I’m going to do what people want I’m going to do what what what yalls want but I hope we see some in here because again this is what keeps most people stuck unfortunately yet it’s the last thing they think about hence that cycle continues for them is every opportunity

They tried doesn’t work because they’re still thinking in the old way and as long as we keep thinking in the old way we’re human beings not human doings being become it first then do it then you’ll have it a lot of people are going

To that I want to have this tell me what I need to do and I’m like yeah yeah first we need to change our identity and who we are I know a lot of people don’t like that because that’s the hard work after that it gets pretty easy so do

Vote I’m gonna do whatever gets the most votes just so you know and if something gets no votes I won’t do it because uh you know if no one uses it it’s a waste of my time as well with that said I’m going to put some videos here and here

Here and here and here uh check out some behind the scenes of our D5 portfolio check out some of our client and members winning we’ve got people doing $1,000 per day now they have been in the community for over a year they’ve been committed to it but they’re earning a

Grant that’s a pretty good Roi and we’ll share some other stuff on liquidity pools yield farming crypto defi in general so do check those out below appreciate your time like And subscribe as always and with that said we’ll see you in the next peace


  1. Sadly the only way to earn anything with your defi business is if you have 10k+ to invest with…..if you are attempting to make anything off of a pool with say $500 it will take you an eternity to get anywhere….

  2. Been in UIG for a month now compounding my fees back into my investment daily. I can’t even describe how happy I am I found this channel and The UIG. YOU HAVE CHANGED MY FAMLY’S LIFE!!!!!!!

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