
You won’t recognize Crypto in the next 12 months | its about to Blow Peter Schiff Bitcoin Prediction

Peter Schiff makes a bold Prediction Brace, a prediction that could reshape the landscape of Bitcoin in this video, You won’t recognize Crypto in the next 12 months | its about to Blow Peter Schiff Bitcoin prediction. we explore the insights and forecasts of the renowned financial commentator, Peter Schiff.

We dissect Peter Schiff’s prediction, where he anticipates Bitcoin prices soaring to $100,000 within the next 12 months.

Dive deep into the factors and market dynamics that Peter Schiff believes could contribute to this significant surge in the world’s leading cryptocurrency asset.

Gain valuable perspectives on the potential trajectory of Bitcoin as we analyze Peter Schiff’s Bitcoin prediction. Explore the implications of such a price movement on the broader crypto market

Join us as we navigate the crypto seas and discuss how Peter Schiff’s predictions may impact not only Bitcoin but also the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem. Explore the potential ripple effects on altcoins and the industry as a whole.

Stay ahead with in-depth coverage of crypto news, offering insights into market movements, regulatory updates, and emerging trends that could influence your crypto journey.

Wondering about the current Bitcoin price today and its potential path to $100,000? Tune in as we analyze the present market scenario and potential future trajectories, guided by Peter Schiff’s expert perspectives.

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The journey to a $100,000 Bitcoin price within the next 12 months may be upon us, and we’re here to guide you through every twist and turn. BitcoinPrediction #PeterSchiff #CryptoNews #BitcoinTo100k #BitcoinPrice #Cryptocurrency
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This is by no means financial advice, this is only for education purposes only. do your own research before investing.

We see Bitcoin going up Etc does that concern you or do you think that that makesense I mean I don’t own I don’t own these stocks um you know that’s a very narrow group The Magnificent 7 although some of those stocks you know seem to have broken down

A bit so maybe it’s only four or five of them that are still magnificent but um yeah people are going to get hurt you know in these names I mean certainly they’re they they’ll benefit from AI but um I think you know a lot of that has been more than priced

Into these stocks at least you know the short-term benefits and there’s a lot of lot of problems that are that are overhanging uh the economy and the markets uh so you know a lot of people rushed into these stocks if they want to get out you know you don’t have the

Buying there um you know Bitcoin I think is part of the uh you know the the the uh the move to specul and gamble which is obviously what’s going on but Bitcoin kind of had its own narrative with all those ETFs being launched you know now

There’s a dozen or so Bitcoin ETFs and so there was a lot of hype there that led to that rally uh predictably when the ETFs were launched it was a sell the news event and they all dropped about 20 some OD percent very quickly they’ve recovered and made new highs I think on

The back of you know uh some renewed speculation I think this uh ETF conference down in Miami that’s going on right now there’s probably a lot of hyping and from my experience observing Bitcoin over the last several years you know there are constant you know times where there’s hype where there’s an

Opportunity uh for people to Pump It Up want to capitalize on that they expect there to be some follow through um and so you know I think that this you know now that you know when this conference ends which is Valentine’s Day or you know maybe the hyp end before but I

Would expect uh the market to sell off you know Bitcoin got above 50,000 already I I wouldn’t expect you know much more upside I think it has a lot of lot of lot of resistance up in this area um why and on let’s abouts are there you

Know I just I I I I I I just don’t see what the next Catalyst for the rise I mean unless the ETFs ignite a whole new group of buyers I just don’t think they’re going to bite all right I’ll take the bait ready I’m going to tell

You what I think’s going to happen over the coming months you tell me what you agree with and what you disagree with uh Bitcoin which really the long-term trend is just the more they print money the more that uh hard assets or kind of finite Supply assets are going to

Benefit gold uh I think will continue to do decently well although the returns are small compared to bitcoin but Bitcoin and gold will both benefit from the undisciplined monetary policy uh but now that we have the ETFs there is $500 million a day of net inflows into these

Vehicles we’re a month out right so they got approved a month ago it’s not like it got approved yesterday we’re still getting $500 million a day there’s only 900 Bitcoin a day being produced by the network so 12.5x more demand than what the network is creating on a daily basis

And then we are heading into about 70 days away or so from the Bitcoin having so that 900 Bitcoin is going to get cut to 450 Bitcoin and so if you have only $20 million or $25 million of Bitcoin getting created every day but you have $500 million trying to find Bitcoin the

Price has got to go up to accommodate everyone right how many Bitcoin is already in circulation right now good question right now there there’s hold on a second right now there’s just over 90% of Bitcoin that’s in circulation but of all 21 million Bitcoin or I’m sorry of

All the uh Bitcoin that’s in circulation 80% it’s like 79.5% % of that has not moved in the last 6 months so that is an IL uh inelastic supply people are holding it they’re not willing to sell it and so really you only have 20% or so

That is tradable so at a trillion dollar asset you got about $200 billion but the way I think about it is the Bitcoin ETFs if they’ve sucked up $10 billion already in 30 days that’s 5% does that include whatever left grayscale that’s that’s all net inflows correct if you include grayscale gray scale’s

Got another 20 billion so now you got $30 billion in these ETFs including grayscale 10 billion without uh grayscale and there’s only 200 billion that is actually tradable like this thing is highly IL liquid and you have all of this inflow coming and the havs on the horizon I might convince you

Today to buy Bitcoin yeah I mean I can certainly see that there is potential if enough uh in people you know f bomo into this thing uh just out of greed I mean look people do a lot of dumb things you know Bitcoin rally to a 100 Grand you know or

More sure it can think that that’s going to happen do you think Bitcoin is going to go to 100K I I it probably won’t but I’m just I mean it could but I just don’t think there’s enough upside anymore in Bitcoin for it to be interesting to anybody I mean there

There are plenty of other things you can buy that have more upside than Bitcoin not gold but well I think gold does have more upside than Bitcoin long term but do I think look do I think gold is likely to double in the next year or two

Probably not I mean it could but gold stocks could they could triple they could quadruple they’re super cheap you know it it yeah there was a lot of potential you know and not that I took advantage of it but you know when Bitcoin was you know under uh a thousand

Or under a 100 wherever even you know when it wasn’t constantly talked about uh when you know people were you know most of the Wall Street Community was bashing Bitcoin back then I wasn’t you know alone everybody was bashing Bitcoin all the big names were saying it was

Ridiculous you know so nobody really was owning it you know there there was no uh El Salvador or micro strategy and other stuff was around they didn’t have all the nfts I mean so there you know there was upside in if you wanted to gamble on it you

Know yeah you know you you know it was like a lottery ticket and it paid off but at this point there’s just not enough upside I mean it’s been going sideways now for three years I mean that it hit the high almost hit 70,000 in

20121 right this is 2024 all the hype uh all the promotions um you know I I think the I think these ETFs this was the last chance to sucker in new buyers and we’ll see if if if it works but it may not I think that people who are buying Bitcoin

Are buying Bitcoin instead of you know some other tech stocks that they might have bought or maybe they’re using money that they would have uh spent on uh gambling on sports or lottery tickets or maybe they’re just um you know putting money in there that they would have

Spent they you know they they maybe they would have bought a nicer car or rented a nicer apartment but instead they’re you know they’re they’re putting some money in Bitcoin because they think they’re going to get rich I don’t think it’s taking that much of the demand away

From gold because I think most of the demand for gold outside of industry and jewelry is is coming from um central banks and you know more sophisticated larger investors um and I think that the older people I mean if you look at the customers of shift gold um you know our

Customers are older by and large and it’s the older people you know 40s 50s 6 60 70 year olds uh that have most of the money you know I mean you know now I’ve heard the argument that well when they the kids finally inherit this money they’re going to put it into

Bitcoin uh well you know by the time uh they they inherit it we’ll see because they they a they may grow out of their infatuation with Bitcoin or they may have lost so much money in Bitcoin that they that they no longer uh care about

It no nobody made it all the way to the end so you can tell me you think bitcoin’s going to no you think bitcoin’s going to 100K that’s what you think isn’t it you keep using that number that’s what you think is you think bitcoin’s really going that’s the

Laser that’s the laser beam number right that’s what everybody put the laser beams on their eyes you still have your laser beams but what do what do you think do you still have laser beams on your eyes no I don’t have them on no I

Don’t have them on do do you have that’s what everybody was that’s that’s what they were for it was for Bitcoin 100,000 so I think but you’re convinced too you you think it’s going to hit 100K I don’t think so I mean as I said oh that’s a

Telltale sign when you when you go like this when you when you put your hand on your face after you say something that means that that you’re lying you definitely think it’s going to 100K oh that’s my tell yeah you definitely think it’s going to 100K don’t you you really

Think that no I got my I don’t know why my eyes I got something big in my eyes and it’s like like dust or something I’m proud of you I’m glad that you finally are coming around you’re you’re seeing even if you’re not going to buy it you at least see that Bitcoin

Likely is going to do well in the in the future environment


  1. Peter Bitcoin is digital gold, and you of all people should realize that the ETFs are one source of source of demand. Think of all the nations like Argentina and SAUDI that can use bitcoin to escape the fiat tyranny and inflation larceny. Peter it's better to switch your book a bit. And talk your new beliefs.πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

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