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How is it going everyone it’s Sam we just had some news that is blowing people’s minds and I want to cover that I want to talk about a top SEC lawyer that just quit to go to a pro crypto firm saying crypto is here to stay I

Want to show you what’s happening over at the ECB and what they’re saying there’s a lot going on if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the video so you can see future videos just like this I want to start with this too I saw

Something recently about um a YouTuber that and it was just over the last few hours it came out someone calling them a scammer that they’re pumping and dumping this is not uh this is not probably the person that you’re thinking about cuz again this is more recent than that than

Someone that got called out like a few days ago just be careful I think there are a lot of really good people in the space right now but there’s just like a lot of infighting which is just kind of nuts so just be careful like even if something comes out about someone

They’re not necessarily a bad person might be miscommunication or something so just be careful emotions run high at times like this but uh if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the video there’s also a link down there to Marx in case you want to trade cryptocurrency

There’s no kyc you don’t need a VPN to access this anyone is welcome and they do have a deposit bonus there’s also something called an MP Shield system that they have there where it helps you um from being unfairly a due to price manipulation I know a lot of people see

That part of that comes down to your trading and making sure that you trade in a way that’s actually uh safe but part of it is this kind of liquidation uh thing that happens over and over to people so they do try to prevent price manipulation if you want to check that

Out there is a link underneath the video also a link down there to blof fin uh to another crypto Exchange in case you want to trade on a different one besides Marx now Nvidia we have to start with Nvidia uh and I realize that this channel is

About crypto currency for the most part we’re going to get to crypto here in a second we’re going to get to bitcoin we’re going to get to ethereum some other stuff but everyone everyone and their brother and their sister and their cousin and their aunt and their uncle

And their old teacher from middle school was watching Nvidia yesterday nvidia’s up 15% here today this is after being up 4X over the last year just to give you some context uh in April 2023 so not even a full year ago they reported earnings of a19 and this blew out

Expectations now they’re reporting earnings 5x that amount like this is absolutely nuts how quickly they’ve grown they’re now a$ 1.93 billion company I think they’re third in the US behind Microsoft and Apple fourth in the world they are exploding now everyone was watching this because they are the

Darling of the stock market and even them uh even even after these really high expectations they still beat estimates by 11% on EPS 8% on Revenue uh they’re holding up the stock market and we’re seeing a really Green Day in the stock market today now crypto not so

Green you can see we’re just kind of fluctuating between 51,000 and 53,000 I show it this far out because when you look back like we’ve moved up a lot I actually just added to a long as well today I added to a long because we’ve been stuck in this range and we have

Pretty strong support it seems like around 50,000 uh and a little bit above 50,000 we also have the support that looks like right around 47,000 48,000 I added to a lower leverage long because with the place that we’re at in the market I think there’s more of a

Chance of upside and even if we move down right we could see a significant correction but I would not be surprised if we just saw something that we’ve seen in the past which is basically like what happened back here we we went up significantly went down and we just went

Down to the level of Prior resistance like right around 38,000 we kept on hitting resistance around 37 38,000 during this run up we went up then we tested back down here and then we moved back up to the upside so maybe we do something similar maybe we move up to or

Move down to 50,000 or 488,000 something like that and then continue right back up I would not be surprised if that’s what happens and there was a bit of a flip for Bitcoin yesterday you can see we went from inflows from January 26 all the way through yes uh two days ago we

Had inflows going into Bitcoin ETFs yesterday we saw a bit of an outflow now some people will take this as this is the end right this is just the initial pump now we’re fully or the the big institutions are fully allocated towards Bitcoin that’s not the case we’ve seen

It before where we had outflows and then it went into a massive Spike of inflows we went from 20,000 Bitcoin by the new ETFs to 100,000 this happened very quickly we can see that same thing happen again even if we see some days of outflows there could be various reasons

For that we know Genesis is selling a lot we know that there’s a time period before a lot of financial institutions can start buying Bitcoin ETFs uh there could be a variety of different reasons for this but when you look at Black Rock and Fidel Fidelity they’re barely

Allocated to bitcoin barely they barely started buying and this is not all the inflows so keep in mind when we see days like this where there are net in net outflows that’s actually typically a good time to dollar cost average because there’s only going to be so much time

Before the price spikes up again we may never ever hit this level again I thought about that uh recently and I talked about that where if we go up 3x from the prior alltime High We Go From 69,000 up to 210,000 if we see a 75% draw down we’re back at

50k uh maybe a little bit above or below 50k but we’ve seen some significant support in this region we’ve seen some significant resistance maybe next bare Market we just touch down to 50K and we kind of puddle around there that’s the price that we’re at right now so there

Could be a situation where the worst price you ever get to buy at again is the price you can buy at right now and then yeah you can take profits on in the market let’s say we go up to 100,000 200,000 you can take profits up there if

You don’t take profits but still like worst case scenario maybe we just stay around this level two years from now in the bare Market or 3 years from now in the bare Market which is a pretty bullish situation if you’re looking at allocating to something and the worst

Case scenario is it falls back down a couple years later to the same price you’re buying it at today we did get some news to and we’ll come back to bitcoin here in a second but we got some news top SEC lawyer leaves Pro for uh Pro crypto

Firm so it just came out a key member of the security and Exchange Commission legal team Landon Stewart stepped down from a role at the agency to join a pro crypto Law Firm so let’s just cover what she said she said in a statement to Bloomberg crypto is here to stay that’s

Becoming very clear uh with the launch of the new slew of Bitcoin ETFs given the complexity and the turbulent enforcement Arena legal questions surrounding crypto are going to be at the Forefront for some time so crypto’s here to stay she leaves the SEC and she was someone that was fighting against Ripple

Coinbase uh she’s worked for Microsoft golden tree asset management and ABV before and she’s actually going over to White and Castle which advised Fidelity as it created its Bitcoin spot ETF now this is I think bullish this is something where it we probably won’t ever talk about it again on the channel

But when we see people going from the SEC to other companies there could be all kinds of reasons for that maybe she just wanted to get out of this sector and she wanted to go into the private sector maybe she makes 10 times more I don’t know but she goes to a company

That has advised Celsius during their bankruptcy proceedings right so they tried to help their uh they’ advised Fidelity getting good people with significant experience in the legal sector over to Pro crypto firms is bullish it is bullish because it helps it helps mold what will happen from here on out

Now we’ll get into what happened at the ECB they’re trying to call out Bitcoin they have some egg on their face now but I just want to mention if you haven’t already looked at HG algo I would highly suggest it we have created something here that you can plug into your trading

View that gives you the times where it’s probably good to dollar cost average in and out of the market and you can set for different time frames depending on what you’re looking for but I just pulled up a chart of Myro a favorite meme coin uh of a lot of people out

There and it nailed the bottom here on the DCA function so it said DCA here at 045 or something like that then again here at 052 and it has like really good times to Dollar cross average out let’s say you bought here sold here you have

Made a nice 60% gain bought here sold here nice little 40% gain says dollar cross average out dollar cross average out and then yeah dollar cross average back in and yeah so it obviously depends on the time frame you’re looking at but it can be really helpful to take some of

The psychology out of dollar cost averaging and you can always go to a much larger time frame as well which can help with this this is more short-term trading but it can be really helpful on big dips and pumps so you can check this out underneath the video now ECB just

Talked about Bitcoin this tells you how scared they are that the ECB is going out of their way the European Central Bank is going out of their way to talk about Bitcoin imagine if the FED start talking about Bitcoin or something like that like and try to f it out there they

Say Bitcoin has failed to become a global decentralized digital currency instead falling victim to fraud and manipulation the recent approval at the ETFs doesn’t change the fact that Bitcoin is costly slow and inconvenient argues the ECB blog so they just had someone talk about Bitcoin and then they

Feel the need to publish it to everyone not taking like a very broad like hey there’s some benefits there are some uh there are some pros and there are some cons no they’re just fting it as you can see here they got community noted one Bitcoin is not preferable for criminals Fiat like

Euros and dollars is and then they go through the different the different websites that talk about that two Bitcoin is an open monetary protocol and a decentralized store value the euro is losing the purchasing power against Bitcoin consistently take a look at this just this isn’t even like handpicked for

The last 10 years this is just like the last five six years uh seven years you can see how much it’s gone down how much the Euro has gone down versus Bitcoin it’s just insane like Bitcoin has just appreciated very well Bitcoin is good for the environment they go through it

Here so a lot of the fud a lot of the common things that people talk about aren’t true and something I heard yesterday this is really interesting I had heard this for the first time you know people make this case that uh criminals use Bitcoin criminals uh trust

Bitcoin and they don’t trust dollars right that’s like a big thing that people are worried about oh no criminal like something oh wow we should not put our money there I saw or I heard someone talking about that like okay criminals don’t trust anything but they trust

Bitcoin and that got me thinking like a lot of the time we just hear something and automatically like based on how people are presenting it we think that something’s good or bad but that is an interesting thing to think about like criminals don’t trust anyone they’re very cautious uh at least good criminals

I guess but yet they trust Bitcoin even and that’s just assuming that people are actually right if the fud is right the criminals like Bitcoin which I don’t think they really do most people use cash and it’s it’s easier to track Bitcoin than is Cash the one thing that

Bitcoin has is it can be sent faster like that’s the one thing and you can send bigger amounts but let’s say that premise is even right that might even strengthen the case for Bitcoin right so it is kind of interesting to think about that I think this is an important chart

Too Bitcoin has passed alltime highs in different countries there’s going to be a time where every country has uh their own currency has gone down against Bitcoin where bitcoin’s at all new highs in 200 plus countries I’m waiting for that graphic that’s going to be awesome and I think

It’s going to happen faster than some people think some other news vitalic remains wary uh of overly complex layer twos basically talking about how there are some there’s some trade-offs in complexity between ethereum’s layer 1 and layer 2 architecture he said his views have have evolved over time warning against excessive complexity at

The layer 2 level this is heading into the dun upgrade this is something that I’ve thought about as well it’s hard to understand how all the layer 2os have pros and cons with Bitcoin like how that affects uh sorry ethereum’s price how does it affect ethereum’s

Price to have all these layer twos that are being used the person that posted this Joe Bernett says eth will Trend to 0.00 bitcoin even if still even if people are still using eth 10 years from now there’s no reason the token will be much more

Valuable that’s what he says now I do hold some ethereum but I do think bitcoin’s a much better U let me rephrase that Bitcoin is less risky than ethereum at this point ethereum might have more upside shortterm but Bitcoin and maybe even longterm but Bitcoin is safer significantly safer in my opinion now

Let me know your thoughts on this and again I’m not trying to tell you to sell your ethereum I’m not selling my ethereum right now but uh longterm I think Bitcoin is much safer ethereum does have the dun upgrade which can be super bullish they also have the

Possibility of an ethereum ETF so I’m not trying to FUD anything ethereum very well could run much harder than Bitcoin during the next Bull Run but I did I did have an interesting conversation with someone yesterday that said something very similar that if he had $500 he’d

Much rather put it into Bitcoin than ethereum if he wants to that conversation I’ll put it up on the end screen thank you so much I appreciate it check out the links to Marx and to HG algo underneath the video I’ll see you soon bye


  1. I really hope you read this. It’s not FUD I promise. It’s a legit question. Margex has futures. What’s to keep them from freezing all us residents accounts. I still have 158k frozen on OKX. Good my money wasn’t seized. I was promised it won’t go anywhere. He even worked with me to stop all active futures and just convert everything to USDT. This was six months ago. Was still shorting but knew it was drawing near to reverse. Anyway just figured play it safe.

    Now I’m waiting actually for my digital residency from PALAO. Okx will accept digital residency. If MARGEX is forced to freeze all accounts will digital residency be accepted?

  2. I respect your work mate. TA is good but I find it truly baffling that all major crypto youtubers just look at pure T.A and completely Ignore the bigger narrative of why BTC Is pumping and why the future outlook might not be as rosy as it seems. It's kinda irresponsible to ignore the fact that each ETF launch so far has caused a major pump at the peaks of BTC.. We were already on shaky footing with historically low volume and almost pure whale pumps, narrowly avoiding a long-term bear market. more emphasis should be put into day trading as It is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the Market.. I have made over 11btc from day trading with Glenn Evans, insights and signals in less than 3 weeks, this is one of the Best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish,

  3. Thank you for the content!! All we need is the right advice on how to invest in crypto and we will be set for life, I made over a million dollars from trading last year regardless of the market conditions😊

  4. Watching the crypto market's ups and downs shows how quickly things can change. The recent misinformation incident reminds us that external factors can shake things up. In crypto, strategic, informed trading isn't a choice; it's a must. Remember, caution is as crucial as ambition here. Stay alert, diversify, and let's ride this unpredictable market together. At the core is Craig Reeder, whose deep understanding of crypto and traditional trading is key. His all-encompassing investment approach and staying updated on trends make him a valuable ally in this crypto era…

  5. All the doom and gloom people are starting to piss me off. Its almost as if there is a crowd that WANTS everything to go to crap. Self fullfilling prophecies are dangerous and I refuse to "buy" the frear….

  6. You are saying becareful who to listen to well you had Rob on from Digital investor news
    I remember last bullrun he suckered alot of investors in buying into Voyager HUGE
    Well we all remember what happened now to Voyager 😊

  7. Ive said it before and ill say it again.. Niceone Sam! My alt picks this cycle – BCUT, MYRIA, SHIDO, SUI, GTAI, HIGH, XAI – ill come back in 18 months, im confident ill be celebrating 🍾

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