
Unbelievable new XRP Bridge SOLUTION, What Blockchain Ripple Uses, Bitcoin Record Demands, HBAR fire

#XRP #Ripplenet #Ripple #Blockchain #web3

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Last year the biggest news was that Ripple one of the world’s leading technology companies became the technology partner for the National Bank of Georgia’s digital Larry pilot project uh the company is a leading crossborder payments Network that helps financial institutions integrate blockchain technology and Min digital assets Ripple

Cbdc platform stands out for its ability to provide central banks financial institutions and governments with Holistic endtoend Solutions the company is currently conducting five pilot programs with different countries governments and central banks hey hey everybody it’s Eddie from Tokyo this is your cryptocurrency update from Japan

And wow she talked fast that was an exclusive interview with ripples VP of Central Bank engagement uploaded three days ago fewer than 300 views so yeah we’re going to learn exactly what blockchain central banks are using with ripple and also it’s pretty important to understand that the details on this and

I’ll explain why we’ll also learn that in the second clip this hasn’t yet finished the planning stages the market is back moving into the green with filecoin and harar really pushing some impressive gains 15% up on the 24hour and 10% up on the 24-hour we have Bitcoin at

51,5 180 at the time of this recording xrp is still rather stuck in the low 50 Cent range in this video you’re going to learn about a new odl on demand liquidity Solution that’s being built from scratch no it’s not Ripple and they will use the digital asset xrp as a

Bridge I did a series of five videos on Quantum cryptography just about a month and a half ago and you can see that apple has announced that it will apply postquantum cryptography to the iMessage yeah everybody is preparing there was a scathing article written about Gary gendler by a former

Member of Congress he was in the transportation Treasury and independent agency subcommittee which is under the House Appropriations Committee and he says that President Biden and the Democrats in Congress should consider appointing a new chair to restore the SC sees Integrity with a balanced reliable chairman Santiago vales who announced

Yesterday with Flare networks that they are launching a Futures Contract decentralized platform it’s going to be the world’s first compliant Futures platform yeah pretty exciting stuff he was on real Vision hosting for Ral Paul and had the head of strategy at Kraken and you want to hear what he talks about

When he looks at the indicators that everyone really who knows what they’re doing is paying attention to with the Bitcoin ETFs have a listen one thing I’ll add here is that the number that people are going to care about when it comes to thinking about the impact of

Bitcoin price is often going to be that creation Redemption flow and so people have been for weeks now posting on a daily basis how many net inflows are coming into this um into these ETFs and they’re measuring that as the change in assets under management so in the last

Uh call it I guess month and week now we’ve had over5 billion net inflow into these ETFs and so that’s $5 billion dollar of net demand for Bitcoin um as a reference point I think GLD the the gold ETF the most popular one amassed something like a few billion dollar 12

Billion dollar I believe over a period of three years wow and so we think that bitcoin’s already tracking to break all kinds of Records when it comes to demand uh for the spa commodity itself so that’s really what a lot of people have been focusing on in short-term performance lately oh that’s that’s

Exciting I’m GNA have you listen to now a kind of an AMA where we just really had a c casual conversation to find out what is going on at solidify and wow I was so surprised so there is a brand new on demand liquidity solution being built

From scratch that’s going to use xrp the digital asset and a lot of other really surprising things this is a short condensed clip from about a 30 minute conversation that I had with the co-founder yeah it’s really good stuff enjoy so you are working on The xrp Ledger and it might then also

Incorporate the hooks from zahal and you talked early on in our conversation that you’re also integrating with f assets so that would be flare networks so that’s that’s a really an ecosystem of three that’s going to be able to facilitate a solution for you my name is fery I am from the

Netherlands and uh I have a background in architecture I studied architecture at the TU Del and I’ve been on the sidelines for I think about two years three years perhaps uh until the uh the flare airdrop occurred I thought you know this airdrop came to us and I

Thought okay I need to do something uh give something back as a as a token uh of gratitude you know just receiving all this money now let’s do something with it something something positive make a difference within the crypto Community uh I know a little bit of programming

And let’s get familiar with programming in uh in web 3 and so slowly a app started to emerge with was which was a crypto wallet uh for xrp and flare and song birds and I started playing around with this and this all actually came um because I I used so many different

Platforms different tools different websites different mobile apps and I thought how cool would it be to bring all of these things into one place and so the solidify wallet emerged more features got added XTC also got added when an nois started to announce their the new bridging feature to song Birth I

Thought okay let’s build in xdc as well I’ve been interested in the project for quite some time and that this is a great opportunity to add it to the platform as well we’re now in a development of nine different companies uh that have emerged

Out of the mobile app so it’s a it’s a great project uh we’re very passionate about it and what we’re trying to do is to build a financial ecosystem so as of today um this is something that I wanted to announce uh for quite some time but

Since you invited me for for this conversation uh finally today uh I can announce that solidify Labs is is live and we’re open for business it’s a software development company that is aligned with the fasset system so the have currently the flare Network supports about 18 different blockchains right now the solidify

Wallet supports four uh in total now we want to extend that uh to 18 different platforms but solidify Labs will actually be able to develop applications for all of these change that the FL Network also supports so as the FL Network grows um we’re also growing along with it so anyone who

Needs an application a mobile app an nft platform things like that uh we’ll be able to uh um uh to deliver that and so this is a whole new company registered in the Netherlands and we’re really excited about that we have got a great team of developers project managers to

To set this all up so this is live as of today and um uh yeah this is a very exciting First Step so we also had the idea to uh be involved in crossb payments of course we have been inspired by Ripple and what they’re doing with

Crossb payments and using xrp as a bridge assets and from our own network we have a few clients that actually are interested in as well so I’m also happy to announce that solidify effect is in the process of getting registered within the Dubai International Financial Center we had our pre-application approved by

The regulator the dfsa and we’re doing something very similar that Ripple is doing uh we’re building our own odl system from scratch so we’re using xrp as a bridge asset uh we’re partnering with different exchanges around the world uh to facilitate crossb payments our first step will actually to register the

Company in Dubai in DFC and start with uh businessto business crossborder payments utilizing xrp as a bridge assets it’s a big project uh you know it’s not easy to get a license here in Dubai The Regulators are are pretty strict before you’re even allowed to perform any Financial transactions you

Need to show that you know what you’re doing is not something dodgy you know it it needs to work properly and according to our expectations so we’ll be entering a sandbox uh environment for a period of 3 to six months where they’ll be looking at how we’re performing uh how we’re doing the

Compliance and all of these things so uh just like Ripple we have a compliance first approach and uh we’re making sure that all these things are in place before we actually launched the company um but solidify effects is coming and it will be within the next

Six to eight months birdie I want to say congratulations that’s just wonderful to hear how you’ve progressed in where you’re going thank you yes it’s it’s a really exciting Journey you know starting from being an observer of the crypto space to being Hands-On and it’s it’s been

Fantastic and you know to work with the community it’s it’s been a wonderful Journey so far you going to hear the two short clips about Ripple’s po this is the proof of concept well the early stages at least that they’re doing with the country of Georgia and it’s important to

Understand the technicals if you’re a ripple shareholder it’s fantastic news that they’re working with all these central banks if you’re an xrp holder well there’s really not anything that is engaging with the public Ledger they’re using a private Ledger and it is a hybrid based on the technology of The

Xrp Ledger so you’re going to hear that clarification and as a digital asset holder yeah that’s important to understand the difference but before we fully go into that clip we’re going to jump into a little bit of fluff which is connected to the wave of innovation this is the

Gold Coast event that’s going to happen in Australia in 2024 there’s a brand new sponsor it’s pretty exciting and if you’re going to the wave of innovation and you are the first person to guess who this important ecosystem contributor is that’s a Hint by the way I’m going to

Bring with me some KitKat some of the rare Japanese KitKat flavors for the first person who guesses the correct name in the comments on my exfeed all right everybody do take care sign for now bye-bye Georg is a is a beautiful country a lot of culture and I think the

Economy is is moving in the right direction so it’s to me it’s a very interesting place to visit for lots of different reasons so very happy to be here uh so basically the technology uh that we’re creating for the digital lar is a private blockchain but it’s based on the technology used in

The public blockchain so the public blockchain that we use is called The xrp Ledger um it’s a uh publicly available open- Source blockchain technology and what we do for each country we’re working with we take a uh we create a new private version so you can only use

The blockchain if you are permissioned to do so so we’ve got the reason the advantage of that is The xrp Ledger technology is proven it has been processing billions of transactions um but you know central banks like to have things a little bit more private so we have created a

Private version so it’s a little bit of a hybrid to answer your question but definitely it’s a absolutely independent platform which is specifically performed for each project where you evaluate yes yeah exactly right uh so this is really a planning phase that will take really from now until the middle of the year

And then from that point through probably for another maybe seven or eight months for then will be phase two which is when we actually start we actually do the pilot um and then at the end of that phase which would be sort of towards the middle of

2025 um I don’t I don’t I can’t predict the outcome but I’m always an optimist so if the things go well then I think the MBG will have to make some decisions on you know what they want to do next so they want to expand do different use

Cases or so forth so you know our role as a technology partner and and bringing our experiences you know we work in a in a sort of agile way with with the National Bank know you you discover things as you go on these Journeys but that’s broadly the the time frame so the

Next few months planning and then following sort of seven or eight months is the is the the real pilot


  1. Great insights into Ripple’s partnership with central banks and their development of a new on-demand liquidity solution using XRP as a bridge asset. Exciting times ahead for the crypto space.

  2. I have to hand it to David Schwartz..he's pretty cunning – when asked about XRP, he said "The price is baked in". Now, what that essentially means, is that with all the knowledge about partnerships, future potential, etc. the price is reflective of this. So even with positive news no matter what it is as Eri says, the price is stuck.

  3. Hi Eri, xrp will not benefit from payments within that country on the private ledger, what they not saying is that any cross border payments will be over the public ledger. They can't bypass the public ledger.

  4. """""What we do for each country we work with"" """we create a private hybrid version"" …. Directly from Ripples mouth. Ripple used the Xrpl and Xrp to raise capital…. that was the only intended purpose.

  5. After ten years of talking about bridging assets…
    XRP still bridges NOTHING.
    And it will not, because in the very near future everything will be interoperable.
    This talk about bridging is just more idle talk.

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