

BITCOIN so far has had 3 halving events – 2012, 2016 & 2020. We have another one coming up in 2024 and the DROP OFF between ATH’s and HALVINGS has NEVER BEEN THIS LOW. I think we are in for something BIG. Also, OTC desks are drying up and AVALANCHE teams up with it’s SECOND BANK after JP MORGAN to tokenize RWA’s (Real World Assets).



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Hello everybody Welcome to the Sunday live stream so just the thumbnail the title suggest uh we are way way way way ahead of schedule and I want to take a look at uh some different parameters about what it was from the previous all-time high to having and also from

The previous all-time high to two months before the having which is essentially where I we’re at so let’s just jump right in first of all I’ve been talking about this for for quite a bit because this cycle feels a little a little bit different and when I say that I mean

Just how far ahead we are and just how we actually flushed out the cancerous cells that were the blocki the Celsius and the ftxs and I think we’re in the right uh right position here right place right time like I say and we talked about this just about a week ago I said

Hey Bitcoin breaks 50k we’re way ahead of schedule let’s take a look at alts and I was referencing what Dan gambero says and uh just taking a look at the charts because people loved to take a look at those and I can tell you that from back then looked pretty good then

Two weeks ago I said the same thing I was like look we’re way out of schedule something going on I think this might be a good time to actually lump some in that was when we were pre- 50k I want to say 45 this is two weeks ago now of

Course when I’m talking about this I’m talking about what I should do not what you should do you of course are smarter than me you know your finances better I can’t give a financial advice not your financial adviser or your dad so of course you do whatever you want to do

Having said that something’s going on because when I when I take a look at things it’s just I think just we’re just way ahead so of course I’m a big believer in the four-year Cycles I know some people say it has nothing to do with what Bitcoin does and it doesn’t

Really matter and uh yeah I’m don’t buy it because it’s all about a narrative and and the narratives push it and if people will tell you like oh well you know real world utility pushes the crypto Market no it doesn’t if it’s hype in speculation that’s really what it

Comes down to and as we get into the the having you’re going to hear about this on MSNBC you’re going to hear about this on CNBC you’re gonna hear this on yaho new you’re gonna hear on every publication you can possibly get your hands on and they’re going to talk about

The having the having the having and it’s the same thing it happens over and over again this will be our fourth having going into it so again as a little refresher I did a updated chart this morning and you can see that in 2012 we had a having then immediately

After having we get an all-time high next year if that is a dip and a reset then we go to 2016 having 2017 alltime High dip and a reset 2020 having alltime high dip reset 2024 having and you to see as the chologist like to say we’re setting putting in higher highs or

Whatever they say and I just look at this and I go price goes up looks good I’m happy so when I take a look at this what I wanted to do because we’ve taken a look that we you know how far ahead we are but I want to take a look at

Specifically was I wanted to say okay what was the previous all-time high to the having and I wanted to take a look back at the other couple of different havocs and uh or excuse me from the alltime highs to the next Havoc now I can’t do 2012 because you know that was

That was the first that was the Genesis four years there I know that doesn’t exist but I just said it what I’m taking a look here is the H the alltime high from 2013 to the half of the next cycle because remember 2013 high so having 2012 alltime High dip reset another

Having in 2016 between those two spaces and you can see it’s it’s quite brutal if you wanted to hold on but she would have been rewarded handsomely going up into 2017 but you were 42% down on 2013 November 29th was the all-time high that was a $1,132 for

Bitcoin to the next having and of course yes there was a quite a low from 2013 to 2015 the low it went from $11,100 whatever it was to 172 that’s an 85% drop yes we know that we got it what I’m taking a look at is all-time high to the

Next having what was the price action 42% drop not too bad but I mean not as bad as like 85% drop so it did recover but just remember this number 42% all right let’s fast forward now we go into 2017 alltime high was almost 20 grand and to

The next having in 2020 remember those times great times oh it was fun times everybody’s having a gra ball we were uh just getting out of uh the the surveys of sickness the quantitative easing was going off without a hitch Drome Powell and the feder reserve were printing

Money like crazy and everybody was getting rich Good Times had by all however between that point and 2020 it was a 56% drop that’s a lie and then also as a reminder we drop 84% so things start to you know you start to see like a trend here 85% 84% it was 42

Now this one was 56 a little bit more accelerated a little bit harsher of a drop from the high to the low or not the low low but the time at the having 56% interesting right now check this out why I say we’re way ahead because bitcoin’s never done this

Bitcoin’s never been this low between the point of the all-time high which was 67,800 of the last cycle in 2021 to the time frame today which is 52,000 but Rob how can you say that because we aren’t even at of having maybe that’s just skewed numbers

Oh no no wait wait wait it gets more entertaining so you’re think yourself 2% that’s too bad check this out if you take two months prior to the having because roughly about two months away right roughly March April April 19th April 20 somewhere around there right if

You take it from 2013 to two months prior to the having you’re actually 60% down 60% because it was 1,132 to $460 it didn’t get a 650 it didn’t rally to 650 bucks and tell people like heav that sounds good I should get in that and then this was this is what’s gets

Crazier look at this 60% again two months prior to the having from 2017 almost 20 grand to March 11th of 2020 which was 7,932 now I could have went I could have skewed the results and used March 15 because Bitcoin went down to below $5,000 or no maybe it was around 5,000

But I was like nah that’s that’s not I shouldn’t do that because because that’s that’s uh really messing with with the numbers because then it’ll be like 67 70% something like that I didn’t want to freak anybody out or get too super bullish so let’s just say 60 60

60 and what are we at we’re two months prior to the having and we’re at 23% what do you think’s going to happen as we get into the having and everybody’s talking about it we’ve got Fidelity and black rock and all the different people vying for these ETFs

And oh yeah one more thing about that this was from this is a pretty funny account Bitcoin Monger uh OTC desks are getting drained of their coins now honestly I thought the ETF would be big I didn’t know it was G to be this big and we see that there’s demand

Between 6X and and 14x of the 900 Bitcoin that are being produced and mined every single day we’ve got thousands of Bitcoin being asked for and used used and snatched up by these ETFs and it’s looks like it’s not slowing down the voracious demand from ETFs is

Going to lead to an explosion price pretty soon there’s blah blah blah but you’re gonna see here the OTC desks which is where essentially a lot of these ETFs are are you know bringing in their their Bitcoin potentially uh you can see that it’s been a nice slow study

Drop since December as it goes down now will this completely dry up it’s anybody’s guess but it looks like there’s a lot going on and a lot lot of people actually buying I don’t want to make anybody too bullish so let’s just ran it in and say hey these are good

Times I think you’re in the right place at the right time could we have World War III tomorrow sure could we have a this this recession a hard Landing come in in the next uh you know in Q2 sure we definitely could but this is just the

Data that we have today I’m sure there will be something negative Andor positive tomorrow but take the win for what it is so let me think about that in the comment section and there is one more thing just about how this goes is you know we we

Took a look at all this stuff but it’s just amazing just one more data point which is this we took a look at the cycle one as I call it the all-time high to the to the low in 2013 2015 it was 85% from 2017 to 2018 it was 84% it went

From 19 ,700 to $33,000 84% drop I personally thought that we would see around 85% drop and if we did that would have been a bitcoin price of around $10,000 did not see that we only dropped to 77% so if we’re looking at how far we

Are ahead and how brutal it’s been quite honestly it hasn’t dropped like it used to 77% to 85% still a long way to go anyhow let me you think about that in the comment section I’m feeling pretty good let me get off of all this bullishness it doesn’t feel right not on this

Channel but there’s a bullish Story City Bank ah I’m not a big fan of City Bank or mostly any banks except USAA I’ve had that since I was in the military I love that place but the city Banks and the JP Morgans of the world I could do without

Anyhow but one thing they can’t do without is US city collaborates with Wellington Management and Wisdom Tree to explore tokenization private markets now Larry fank from Black Rock is who is the uh CEO head of Black Rock and their nine or 10 trillion assets under management as said the next Evolution for finances

Of course rwas are real world assets tokenization of those assets and moving things along City Bank heard him and said hey you know what we’re GNA do we’re gonna use Avalanche this is what we got so the proof of concept which was conducted on the Avalanche Spruce institutional test subnet on Avalanche

Found that smart contract capabilities could deliver new functionality and operational efficiencies and I was like well that’s great but uh why so apparently private markets a 10 trillion asset class let me say that again private markets 10 trillion asset class are characterized by an infrastructure that is complex and

Manual with a lack of standardization and transparency leading to inefficient distribution operations you know the banks have had decades to fix this I don’t know what they’re doing but apparently they want distributed Ledger technology apparently with Avalanche to bring them into the 21st century and oh yeah this is the second

One this was on Valentine’s Day February 14th and as a reminder avalanch actually did the same thing with JP Morgan not a fan of them and Jamie Diamond but it doesn’t matter they don’t have to be a fan of us for them to use what they know is

Going to be good and this was actually uh last year November 15 15 JP Morgan’s Onyx which is a centralized private permissioned DLT but they still have to use Avalanche for tokenized funds and Avalanche jumped 14% at that point which is why I believe in avalanche and the

Team behind it we just had uh uh the head of gaming a couple of weeks ago and uh it just makes sense I mean if if a if Avalanche wins great I got a little bit of that if ethereum is the next big layer one sure salana or ano Oru I don’t

Really care I got all that stuff or maybe just Bitcoin who knows but uh whichever wins I’ll be pretty happy as long as it’s in my bags and that’s it for today so look if you like today’s video give it a thumbs up consider subscribeing everything we talk

About is time sensitive and it’s only going to accelerate as we get into uh the having which is should be around April 19th or 20th correct me in the comment section that’s it for today


  1. I think that since so much of the market is aware of the cycles that much of the gains are just being priced in early. That plus ETFs have us pumping earlier than usual. 🤷‍♂️

  2. Thanks for your opinion! Mb BTC could hit $150K in months, I think bitcoin is very bullish right now, but I actually lean towards classic technical analysis, drawing major levels and trading channels on Fybit while applying stop loss orders. I remain indifferent to market direction as I actively participate in both upward and downward price movements.

  3. I am concerned about market manipulation now that the big boys are in the pool. For example, J.P. Morgan is a known market manipulator in the gold market and has been for decades. It is reasonable to consider that all these ETF's can easily be manipulated by these players since the amount of money they control is massively more than the entire crypto market. This is chump change to them. These players wanted into the crypto market because 1. their customers want in to play on the volatility and more importantly 2. the managers of the ETFs can make a lot of money from their customers by charging them fees, and playing the insider game of driving the value of the cryptocurrencies up and down and front running the volatility. Just a thought. Of course, the hodlers are a different breed of competition than common stock holders. It will be interesting to see if the hodlers can resist the onslaught that is happening now and into the future.

  4. 0:02: 🚀 Unprecedented progress in Bitcoin cycle, indicating bullish market conditions.
    2:19: 📈 Bitcoin's price pattern after halvings shows a consistent trend of reaching all-time highs post-halving, followed by dips and resets.
    5:31: 📈 Unprecedented behavior in Bitcoin pre-halving, indicating bullish trend ahead.
    08:06: 📈 Unprecedented Bitcoin behavior post-halving sparks bullish sentiment amidst increasing demand from ETFs.
    10:47: ⚡ Innovative use of Avalanche blockchain technology by City Bank for improving operational efficiencies in private markets.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  5. Thanks for continuing informations I'd rather trade the crypto market as it's more profitable than holding. I made $360k from trading last year even though I barely traded myself.

  6. Thanks for continuing informations I'd rather trade the crypto market as it's more profitable than holding. I made $360k from trading last year even though I barely traded myself.

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