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Crow the Kronos blockchain is building like crazy that’s right guys the new lay 2 is going to scale Crow up to the sky and there so many bullish things that’s going around the Kronos Crow coin I do believe it’s going to absolutely take off we even see a potential airdrop in

The upcoming future for the early adopters in the crow fam so we’re going to talk about that we’re going to talk about some more bullish things how Crow and is able to operate in all of these different jurisdictions that other crypto exchanges are not allowed

And a lot of more things man so today is going to be exciting video for the crow fam so make sure you hit that like button hit that subscribe button and turn on those notifications for all things Crow just because like I said with this new ler to we’re going to have

Cheaper gas fees we’re going to have a lot of more liquidity and also we get to participate in maybe possibly a early airdrop to the layer 2 solution so this is very very huge I know a lot of people you know love the airdrops I know a lot

Of the crow F been asking when air drop for the Kronos blockchain well now it’s possibly coming very very soon we’re starting to see them build out their lay 2 solution and I always been saying I’ve been preaching gas freeze on the Kronos blockchain are too high to really have

Major adoption especially when Crow appreciates and price right now you know it’s cents on a dollar but what if Crow and winning Crow hits a dollar you know having these gas fees at high prices like this really stops people from doing transactions on a blockchain so this

Layer to solution will help this problem and absolutely expand and grow the Kronos blockchain and the crow coin so we’re going to get deep into that and read what’s going on in the Kronos ecosystem but before we do I got to let you know I’m not a financial advisor

Whatsoever guys so please consult with the financial advisor before going too deep into the crypto space because it is a risky asset class this is still a new asset class and nobody truly knows where it’s going to go we do know blockchain technology is here to stay we do know

Bitcoin is here to stay but all these other projects you know we truly don’t know what’s going to be the end game we just praying and hoping and really trying to see figure it out because nobody is an expert in this space no matter how long you’ve been around it

Hasn’t even been around 20 years yet so how can you call yourself an expert enough of that you know like I said make sure you do your own research do your own or have your own conviction rather and then you know just invest in dollar cost average and never risk anything

That you aren’t able to lose so let’s get straight into it Crow where is price at today so currently I am on coin market cap and we are looking at the Kronos Crow coin market cap is at $2.2 billion and that’s rank 43 volume is

Been pumping in the past 24 hours man up 22% coming in at 13 million and that’s rank 3133 now price is at 9 cents down 1% on the day so it is a red day but you know me baby I say red days are what buying opportunity days and we can get

In and pack those bags even more and just go to the moon when the price sets and we rise up like crazy now we see the entire crypto market cap is at $1.93 trillion and that’s down 1% and the volume is at 72 billion and it’s down 7%

So volume even though it’s down on a today it has been pumping in the past 24 hours and the fear and greed index is 72 out of 100 just yesterday it was 75 so people are becoming less greedy and you know that’s also an indicator of a better buying opportunity when more

People are selling you want to be the one buying their bags at these low prices because the bull market has yet to came and we know I always talk about it man I always say Bitcoin ETF that’s recently be P pass and the havening that

Is set to come in April are two major Catalyst that will absolutely make the crypto space take off and we have yet to see those things really play out so super super bullish for the crypto space super bullish for Crow and the Kronos blockchain and we zoom out baby let’s

Always zoom out and pay attention to what’s going on because if you got in crow in 2019 you still will be in profit even if you roll the wave all the way down and a lot of people a lot of haters been in the comments man a lot of just

Hate hating activity just saying know Crow if you’ve been investing in Crow you’re going to wait it’s going to be when you’re old to see your money and I don’t really believe that because if you’ve been in a crypto space man you know a lot of these projects pump even

When nothing’s going on but crow in the Kronos blockchain is building like crazy so how could you not think we see some type of appreciation and a lot of people are spoiled in the crypto space a lot of people think everything should 100x but that’s not the case man even if you get

100% gain that’s a lot of gains if you’re comparing it to other markets so when people say hating things like that I just kind of shrug it off brush it out we got to you know hey the haters going to hate man the haters going to hate and

We going to keep on thriving cuz we know what we have in Crow we know Crow is building now I always say I I like to be you know kind of in a middle ground and give the goods and the bads and I’ve been saying bad things about Crow I’ve

Been saying good things about Crow I do believe the Kronos blockchain has to continue to build in order if they want to see Mass adoption I think that’s probably more the weak side of the project when it comes to Kronos and the um app um or not necessarily

The app but the just the whole project um I think the blockchain could do more as far as you know making gas fees cheaper um building out daps that people actually want to use and not just copycat daps but the app side of things the centralized side of things

Is going to be huge just because of all the marketing that they’re doing all of the incentives that they give on the actual app and that’s why I’m super bullish because we know the come in person isn’t really going to get on blockchain man that’s not the case right

Now now once they make you know and that’s in for the entire crypto space once they make you know get on the blockchain easier and seamless and you don’t even know you’re doing blockchain activities you just know you’re trying to get some type of yield or play some

Type of game or interact with some type of Doubt but you don’t necessarily have to sign for every transaction and things like that that’s when we’re going to see blockchain adoption but right now people just want to get on centralized exchanges and buy them and makes it easier and worth your while

With all of the things that they’re doing so that’s why I say the team is very smart just because we have people on the web three side of things of course who’s going to continue to put money onto the blockchain but you got to understand the everyday person isn’t

Going to want to you know be able to or have the thought of sending cryptocurrencies to a decentralized wallet um signing all these transactions doing all these difficult things right now for the everyday coming person who doesn’t do their own research they just want to hop onto the app and buy these

Cryptos and if you got incentives in the app where you can earn something or you know earn a apy that makes it easier and seamless then that’s when you’re going to get people interacting with your crypto project and that is what is doing so that’s really my

Thesis on it now some bullish news just saying Nigeria blocks access to the following crypto exchanges Kraken binance and coinbase but you know who we don’t see and I’m not saying that they won’t block it in the future because you know a lot of these countries are trying to stop crypto

Innovation so it don’t matter what you’re doing it don’t matter who you are they are going to shut down your exchange just because they want to stop and hinder crypto Innovation but you know we know crypto cannot be stopped because this is a worldwide thing one country isn’t powerful enough even the

United States isn’t powerful enough to stop crypto Innovation man but this is can be something huge especially if would be able to operate in Nigeria like I said I’m not sure if they are operating in Nigeria already or if it’s coming down a pipeline where they

Won’t be able to but right now they are not on this list so that’s something bullish we can look into now I talked about strike options on the app and the first strikes on us so we up to $200 or $220 by trying St strike options and

Like I said I’m not really familiar with the strike option portion it’s like trading the price or you no trading options in the crypto space you’re just betting on if the price is going to go up or down now is very Innovative when they came with out with

This strike option and they are actually giving away money for people who are participating in the strike options and that leads me to say is always giving back to the users a lot of people don’t realize how big this will be now right now we still in a bare

Market kind of sort of or just getting started in a bull market but once the bull market absolutely hits and everybody’s fomo in they’re going want to take advantage of all things that has to offer and this is just one of the small things that they are currently offering now also something

Big exchange is now in Polish and I know a lot of people said tro how is this big well it’s big because you are seeing worldwide adoption seeing people be able to translate and see what all of these different projects and entities have in store and is really accepting everything worldwide

Man you never know who wants to trade cryptocurrency and if you can make it easier for them to trade it then that’s going to make people stay on your platform because now they can actually read what they are reading or comprehend what they are reading and it’s a trans

It’s no translation barrier they understand okay this is in Polish so I need to use this product because I can really understand I don’t have to translate it into English and things like that making it harder for myself I can instantly get on here and read in my language and that’s something that’s

Going to be huge right now it’s small I know a lot of people saying tro this not big news man what are you talking about no this is big once we hit the bull market and once people worldwide want to trade crypto projects I’m telling you

The Small Things add up to the big things we know how that goes man it’s like building a solid foundation and that is you know when you build a skyscraper you start off at the bottom just building Brick by Brick by Brick and one brick is small but when All

These Bricks add up it equals to something huge a big building that can’t be stopped and that is what is doing by doing these small building blocks now something else man the major news of the day that’s right and the Kronos blockchain we are gearing up to lunch Kronos

Zkm as a zero knowledge layer to blockchain on top of ethereum main net so today we are pleased to release the version 1.0 of the light paper now I’m not going to read the entire light paper it’s a lot of words man we know I’m not

Trying to read all of that but we’re going to talk about some of the things that is doing with this zkm zero knowledge layer 2 blockchain on top of ethereum main that so scalability and data Avail availability so Shar liquidity among hyper chain so Shar liquidity is going to be absolutely huge

Because we know we need liquidity on blockchain and able to do all of these different transactions and be able to interact with all of these different blockchains so the more liquidity that we have the better it is and also yield bearing crypto assets backed by the proof of stake and lending protocol so

We always want to have backed crypto assets man and we love yield we love having yield on the blockchain in order to get into these things and make a percent and that’s not including appreciation of the said crypto project that we’re investing in now we got native account abstraction to pay fees

And multiple tokens and more so some of the biggest things that I picked up from this and I’m going to talk about this soon test net Quest and proof of participation for early cram adopters so does that mean we see a potential air drop coming for the crow F man I think

It’s possible I’m not saying absolute but by the wording of this it’s looking like we potentially can have a air drive for the crow fam and that’s going to be huge so look I’m telling you Crow is really building up right now and we see June 24 Main net lunch together with

Quest and snapshots and you know those snapshots means a potential airdrop is coming guys so a lot of things going on with Kronos they continue to give back to the community they continue to build out Brick by Brick the small things that actually matter translating into different languages and things like

That and not only that this layer 2 solution will absolutely change how we view Crow and the Kronos blockchain and potentially a airdrop is coming for the crow fam the early adopters the people who been believing in Crow for a long time like me myself and you and we know

We love airdrops in the crypto space so a lot of bullish narrative surrounding Crow not just Crow to crypto space in general but more specifically Crow and I’m super bullish on this upcoming bull market and what it has in store so crypto trol that’s my video make sure

You hit that like button hit that subscribe button and turn on those notifications man I’m going to continue to bring cram news every chance I get because now guys is one of the best times to really get into the cryp space and we just getting started don’t let

Nobody fool you I’m telling you the Bitcoin havening is coming up the ETFs has been passed it’s only a matter of time before the liquidity floods into all of these different altcoins and we’re going to see Crow absolutely explode so Cryptor that’s my video for today I’m out of here

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